What do you think??? liver mets question
Hi all. I hope you are all doing well .I'm confused and probably venting a bit. synopsis. Hubby stage IV , liver mets. First we were told three of them, largest around 2 cm, then another surgeon said 6 or 7, recently , we were told 5 by the oncologist, largest 1.3cm approx and 4 smaller ones, and NOW, after having ANOTHER…
update on oncoligist appt.
I am still going thru these radiation treatments. The mask is not that bad and the staff at Stony Brook University Hospital are very nice. I had an appt. w/ my oncoligist yesterday. He said in all his years of practice and careful monitoring with tests and blood work he never saw the cancer go to the skull. I told him the…
To Limey
Mark, Yeesh! What an active board! It's wonderful, but sometimes I just can't respond in time. I'm so glad you're painfree and I do agree that it seems likely since the injection worked it's related to that "old age, overuse" thing. Good luck with the continued chemo. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Mary
Discuss the latest cancer research with the scientists
Hello everybody, I just joined this wonderful network. I have gone through the profile of many of the survivors here. All of them touch me and inspire me. I am still exploring around the website to learn more about the experiences of the survivors here. I also wanted to share this online resource with you: A group of…
Foundations of Healing
I belong to an intergrated healing community in Vancouver called "InspireHealth". I've posted a short summary of their "Foundations of Healing", along with some words of wisdom from Michael Lerner on what he would do if facing a cancer diagnosis. Check it out at "A Cancer Journal" www.rob-pollock.blogspot.com TTFN... Rob;…
"Cancer Treatment Centers of America?
Hi. Has anyone had any experience with Cancer Treatment Centers of America? They seem to offer "alternative" treatments. Just wondering if this would be a better option for my father, who was just diagnosed with rectal cancer in June. A friend told him about "radiation seeding" and they offer it there. Does anyone know…
Finished first round of Chemo
Hi all, I just finished my first round of the chemo round that will do it. Xeloda and Avastin and so far way tired and skin is pretty much acting like it will be a temporary attachment to my anatomy but overall not too bad.. Dr's thought that **** (sorry) cancer had spread to my back. I saw a specialist a few weeks ago and…
Now the Dr. mentioned possible "cured"
for the first time......First was my surgeon and today my oncologist said " if you get cured "...For those who have Dr's that don't give hope....look for a 2nd opinion...I know there's no guarantees, but it helps to hear from your Dr. that there is a chance...years ago there was none...( or very little)...just the words,…
Ahhh, Surgery Over
Hi all, Just wanted to let you know that my husbands surgery went well. The doc took the two spots out and he said that they looked benign but we would know for sure in a few days. He had his liver ultra sounded and that was all clear too. He did say that his liver looked a little inflamed so he took a biopsy to see if its…
My wife started taking erbitux in the beginning of July. Has anybody been on it long enough to know that it has work for them? We are told this the last treatment. She small tumors in the lungs only. She was on avastin for about 2and half years. Ceas started rising in the last couple of months.
Tick Tock Palooza
Hey all... As you know the Palooza is fast-approaching. If anyone is on the fence about coming, check out www.colonpalooza.com and see if a palooza is for you! That web site shows pictures of past paloozas as well as hotel room reservation info. ROOMS CANNOT BE RESERVED AFTER MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 2007. Hugs, Stacy
New York Times Articles
Hi all, this Sunday's New York Times has a front page story about a YOUNG colon cancer survivor and the complicated choices facing all of us with this disease. The feature article "Cancer Patients, Lost in Maze of Uneven Care" and the accompanying articles "Push Hard for the Answers You Require" and "Doing Battle with…
Major Milestone
At least to me it ranks right up there. Back in early 2004 when I was dxed with my stage IV rectal cancer (mets to liver and lung and surgery was no option) I was given a pretty dismal prognosis. I bit my lip and went on folfox6 w/ Avastin and then did months of alternative/adjunct "stuff". You can read my web page here if…
Hi All-
Well, we are back from Boulder, and my mom finished 8 of 10 radiation treatments. By the 8th one, my mom was having pain higher up by her kidney. We know that she has a tumor there, but they can not treat it with radiation. It would be best they say to start the chemo-CPT 11 and erbitux. My mom is still not willing to do…
results of 1st post-chemo ct scan
(As we say down here in Texas, Yeeeeeeee-haw!!!!!) On a more dignified note, I have received the results of my CT scan from my physician, and I have been pronounced free from any trace of cancer. I am quite happy. (Yeah, right! I'm goldarned elated!!!) God is good. Kathleen
Had my last (I hope) radiation treatment to the brain today. Will do a head CT in a month. Radiation onc says the radiation will keep working for a month or 2, so doesn't make sense to get one now. Saw Onc yesterday. Will be doing camptosar and vectibix. Have done camptosar and erbitux without much success, but he thinks…
has cancer really changed
Hi all, I was thinking about a comment that Kat made in a post about how cancer has changed. I wonder if more of us are surviving now or is it because of the net that we hear more about it. I had a form of chemo that was developed when chemo was first used,as did some others like Virginia(Foxy). Perhaps it is not modern…
Feel like giving up
Hi everyone. I started radiation to the skull. I ahd 5 treatments and 10 more to go. I meet with my oncoligist tomorrow to get blood work and talk about treatment. I am so tired between my chronic back pain and the tumor in the skull which throbs 24/7 I don't think I will be taking this chemo once radiation is completed.…
Surgery tommorrow
Hi all, My husband's surgery is tomorrow at 4:15, we are both antsy. The doc said he would do it laposcopic and hopes for the best that he can find it without opening him up. He is looking for a spot in the mesentary that lit up on the PET scan.Please keep us in your prayers that all goes well. Still worried about the lung…
Something I found
I was cleaning out my den and came across a card my fantastic sister sent to me during my treatments. I thought it quite appropriate for many of us. Here it is: "I'll bet you've had about enough of people telling you how strong you are and how great you're doing during this awful, difficult period in your life. Maybe you'd…
squamous cell rectal cancer??
I've just joined this group and am wondering if there is anyone out there who has also been diagnosed with squamous cell rectal cancer? I'm in treatment now but this type of cancer is rare enough that there are no exact protocols to go by and I am, as I am sure many of you are, wondering how to make sure I get the best…
How many of us are over 60 and using the internet. I think there are a lot of retired people who have a lot of computer skills and who just happen to also have colon cancer. Age 62 Jo Ann
Depression setting in
I'm feeling a little down and I can't figure out why. I only have 2 treatments left and I'm feeling so depress. I start out so gun ho and ready to beat this thing now I'm sleeping a ton and wonder how much time do I have left in this world. I cry all the time. Wondering how much of my children lives will I see. This chemo…
Welcome KPSeattle
Hi all CSN "semi-colons", I'd like to welcome KP to our club; earlier I posted about the NYTimes article and the woman featured in the "young mother diagnosed with colon cancer story" has responded to that thread...just drop down a few topics find it. Glad you found us, KP, your story was inspirational and brought tears to…
Steriods & weight gain
Does anyone else here have the weight gain from the steriods, mainly Decadron given at infusion time? I've put on a lot of weight since I started chemo. I have lots of bloating in my upper abdomen, does anyone know if this is typical of steriod usage? I'm so disgusted, I look fat, feel fat and it depresses me. I've never…
abdominal pain
I have had 20 treatments of radiation and xeloda, I have experienced the worst abdominal pain in my life. I was hospitalized due to dehydration and pain. I dont know if I am going to be able to finish the last 8 treatments. It really bums me up because I feel like a wimp. My onc said all my stomach lining was gone and…
Thanks to all that are here!
HI I am Beth, Stage 3 colorectal cancer, dx may07, had surgery to remove the tumor, now just finished my second round of chemo. I have posted a few times and I read alot of those who post here. I did do a web page that was fun. I just really want to say thank you to all those out there that post such wonderful support,…
Home again, home again....
Hi All, Just popped in to say HI after the latest surgery. The hysterectomy went well, and it IS Stage I. Had a few complications so I'm just getting home, and how wonderful that is! Thanks to all of you for helping me get past all my irrational fears and giving me courage. I thought about all of you while hitting the…
Never, Never Give Up...
Many of you will be familiar with the story of Terry Fox, the one-legged young man who set out to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research in 1980. He suffered a recurrence half way through his run and died about a year later. But his dream and legacy live on. To date over $400 million have been raised for…
Healing Meditation CD's or MP3's
Does anyone have one that they would recommend? I am looking for something to listen to that will help my body repair itself. Thanks Marianthy