Thanks for all your thoughts about what I might want to do about working. The bottom line is my husband and I should be able to manage this alright. My income was for more of the fun stuff. We'll just have to tighten our belts. I'll apply for short term disability and see where that gets me. Then I can make another…
How many times can they drain fluid with this method? They've done it twice to my mom in the past 5 days. She has colon cancer, but is in the ICU due to a myriad of conditions. I will post this question on the lung board too, but am interested in knowing how much of this they can do.
Any idea on the stage of cancer?
Hi All, I know I shouldn't guess but wait for the MRI results, but does anyone could give me an idea so I know what to expect for... My dad has sigmoid cancer and had surgery done in May. He had an infection after the surgery so it slowed down the procedure. However, he is finally starting chemo Folfox 6 tomorrow for 12…
So Glad to Hear From So Many of YOU
Gracious, I'm overwhelmed. So happy that many of you do remember me, but then again, I can be very unforgetable :o ) :o ) :o ) No Spongers, Bert remains a "no type" but he sure has learned how to move that mouse about. Also, unbelievably happy that so many of you are and continue to do well. Three cheers for us…
Do not respond, lol
Ok folks, here's the deal.... Many of you have made reservations for Colon Palooza 5. For what I have planned, I need a very accurate head count. Please send me an e-mail, DO NOT POST IT HERE, with the following information: Your name (real name, not user name on this site), the age you were diagnosed, and the days you are…
do u have stage 2?
Hiya guys n gals. My input here has been a little slack lately but not intentional by any means. One of the reasons is I have my life back! I really want to share this with you but more importantly share with those dx'd stage 2. I remember my reaction in august 03 when told I had cancer...."devestated"....now that word was…
Stage IV with bone mets?
I am curious if there are any Stage iv with bone mets and if so what treatments have you been on, how long and CEA numbers. Thanks ~lv2scrap
Meeting with Sloan
We have returned from our trip to Sloan. Our news is not good. We met with the doctors and went through my entire history of previous treatments, etc. It came time for questions. First question; prognosis. She looked me in the eyes and told me I have incurable cancer. That led to my next question of how long? She explained…
1st chemo treatment
Well had my first chemo treatment on Thursday, it went pretty well. I had two IV bags of drugs, and then they hooked me up to a pump that continued giving me chemo drugs for the next 22 hours. I didnt really feel bad at all on Thursday. Got up about 4am on Friday feeling a bit sick, took the meds they gave me for that.…
Mary from WI's mom...
Hello Online Family, I hope each and every one of you are safe, happy, and well today and always! ; ) Also, I'm SO sorry I don't post as often as the rest of you do; I feel a bit guilty for that, too! I don't want it to seem like every time I have a particular situation that I just cannot deal with alone I come to all of…
Pain after illiostemy reversal
I have posted on this board before. My husband had radiation, chemo. and surgery Dec. 06 He then had operation on May 30 07 to reverse illiostemy. Since reversal it has been so painful; chemo, radiation, surgery has been a breeze compared to this. He is okay all day, come evening time he is constantly running to the…
My Dad Passed Away
It is with much sadness that I am writing these words. My Dad passed away early Saturday morning. He had been on Hospice care at home for about a month and we saw the decline during that time. Friday morning we saw very definite signs of decline. My mother, sister and I spent every minute with him, in 20 minute shifts,…
Interesting Article
Title: High-Risk Features Identify Patients With Stage 2 Colon Cancer Who May Benefit from Adjuvant Therapy http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/558804?src=mp Howard
rectal spasms ugh??
Has anyone experienced rectal spasms with pelvic radiation treatments? I have been in so much pain over the weekend that I called and cancelled treatment for today (Monday), nurse called in some antispasmodic meds. Thanks for any comments.
Living With Cancer: A Series
For any who are interested in the "soulful" side of this cancer journey... Back in April 2003 I attended a weekend workshop with a Sufi teacher, Kabir Helminski. In one session Kabir shared a short outline of "5 Spiritual Principles to Live By." 1. Commit to Your Highest Possibility 2. Awaken Attentiveness and Appreciation…
just looking for some input
So...I work 3 days per week. I've been thinking the last few days whether I should continue this. It has always been important to me to keep working. I've taken a few leaves of absences...surgery, chemo, radiation side effects, etc, in the 4 years I've been fighting this. And it's always helped to know that I'm…
HI everyone. Sorry I have not posted. I had my MRI'S done and received bad news. The bump on my head is in deed a mass. The mass is in the skull grew out of the top bone of skull and also the bottom part of the skull towards the brain. They also found 2 more lesions in the skull. My spine L2-L4 they also state there are…
Kandy's update
Hi to all you semicolons, I went to Moffitt on Monday afternoon and had a VATS wedge resection on my right lung. All went very well. They removed the drain tube Tuesday morning and I was ready to go home. Boy if you need lung surgery, that's the way to have it. They released me Tues. afternoon and I'm feeling surprizingly…
I found out yesterday that the furthur x-rays of the ribs and left arm after that bone scan was negative for cancer. The bone scan lit up several times on both sides of the ribs, however furthur x-rays were ordered and compared to the bone scan. There was nothing in the left arm bone and the ribs had osteoporosis. Thank…
home from surgery
Hi Everyone, I'm home! Thanks so much for all your posts wishing me well! Surgery went very well. Two mets were removed from my left lung. I had a lot less pain with this surgery and am now looking forward to making a quick recovery. I see my oncologist in a week and a half to find out what my next step is. I never…
My moms in so much pain
I was over with my mom today and she seemed fine, BUT when she thought I left...I heard her cry out and say "oh God take this pain away help me" well i hid in the kitchen and cried.... what is this pain like that she gets? she tries to make it look like she is ok when I am there, they did not do colon surgery on her and…
ct results - a little confused?-anyone?
So we got the results of hubby's ct last week. Everything is "stable" , no more shrinkage , but no progression either, which is I guess "good news" at least that's what I prefer to think. Onc says maybe time to check with someone about liver mets options, since chemo is keeping it in a "holding pattern" right now, which we…
Newspaper article friday 13th is bad luck Canada N.S denied AVASTIN
Nova Scotia won't fund life-prolonging cancer treatment Avastin ruled out, two cheaper therapies approved By JOHN GILLIS Health Reporter | 12:33 PM ADVERTISEMENT The province will not pay for Avastin, an expensive drug that can extend the lives of some people with advanced colorectal cancer. A provincial committee set up…
Hi everyone: Yesterday I went to have the simulation done to prepare for the radiation to the skull. It just aggravates me that it takes so long to get things started. By that time the cancer can spread even more. I felt the bump on April13th as it was Friday the 13th back then. And ironically I had the set up done for the…
New to board
Hi I have been eyeing the boards for about a year and finally decided to jump in. My father is 66, stage iv colon cancer. He has it in his bones and lung. Dx 12/05. I have so many questions and am so confused. He has responded to all chemos until the last. He has had Folfox 4 + Avastin 4 months with very good response. It…
It's Been A Long Long Time
Hello everyone. My computer's hard drive recently crashed, big time, and I've been rebuilding everything and was overtaken with this tremendous urge to post on this board that was so very surportive of me when I was care giver to both my husband and mother, each diagnosed with cancer a year apart from each other. Old…
Naked Happy Dancers
OKAY... I know there are lots of folks here who aren't doing the Naked Happy Dance this week, but for those who are, or for those who want to join them for a round, check out Hippo and Dog doing the Naked Happy Dance to "In the Jungle"... Very Cute! This ones definitely for you Kathi! "In the Jungle"…
One Year NED..THanks All
Wow, does time go by fast. Tommrow 7/13/07 will be 1 year since Dennis's surgery and the date we both call his NED anniversary. I want to thank everyone for all the support that you have given to me and Dennis. Dennis was diagnosed 1/5/06 with Stage IV Colorectal Cancer and without the thoughts and prayers of this room and…
Almost 9 year stage 3 rectal cancer survivor, diagnosed at age 36. Endured a full year of preoperative treatment, surgery and follow-up chemotherapy. IT SUCKED!! I somehow kept my sanity and even a little of my sense of humor, regained my balance in life and moved back to my home town, a long time dream of mine. On the…
Voice issues
I was diagnosed with stage 4/mets to liver in Dec./05. I finished chemo (Folfox) August 4, 2006 and have been good ever since....very low CEA...as far as I know NED. HOWEVER....Too many people ask me "what is wrong with your voice"? Sometimes I have no voice at all...sometimes very raspy(sp?)...sometimes normal but very…