Hair coloring
Dear friends, it might sounds trivial for some of you to talk about hair coloring, but I'm having issues with my grey hair. Before chemo I would color my hair every 6 weeks, but I have not done it since June, so my grey hair is now showing. My hair has been thinning and I'm worried that if I buy hair coloring from the…
When to remove the port?
I seem to recall seeing some discussion about this before but of course cannot remember the details. I'm curious as to how long people kept in their port after treatment was finished. My onc is talking about removing mine before Christmas (as a Christmas present!). I had surgery just before last Christmas, and 6 months of…
Vit C IV/ Doctor can't do it
Hi ! I asked my Dr. if I could have the Vitamin C in IV and he said no...they cannot do something that is not in their "format" "structure" or whatever word he used. Where can I go to have this done ? Thanks !
Interesting article...
Hi everyone I just read this article and thought you might find it interesting: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1662484,00.html God bless, -Lee-
I have a new grandson!
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share some happy news. I have a new grandson, Nolan, born Sept. 8. He joins his 2 big brothers who are 4 and 6. I love babies! Take care, Jamie
Finished Chemo
Folks, I finished my 7th and final adjuvant chemo session yesterday (Xeloda). What a great feeling to be at the goal line. I wasn't sure what to do today without pills to take...? But than I figured it out...and that was to go LIVE my LIFE! It will be a couple of weeks before I can have a reversal surgery...but I feel like…
Not Good News
Oh my-here we go again..after progression with 1)folfiri/avastin 2)xeloda and oxaliplatin 2)erbitux/irinotecan we are now progressing again (silly word..progress used to mean a good thing)...anyway..more and new lung mets in addition to constant liver mets...oh- it gets better(sarcasm!!)...Peter now has to deal with a huge…
Liver Resection question
Hi all. I know that there are some of you who have had liver resections due to liver mets and now that my husband has been given that option for surgery next month, and after meeting with oncologist, I'm just wondering how many of you that did have resection, had any follow up chemo afterward when you were considered NED?…
Colon Palooza Update
Well folks, I just got back home. This Palooza had the most attendees than any other in the past. Hopefully, next year will generate even more interest. I cannot even begin to express how great it was to meet Debbie and John Sladich (sladich), JoAnn and Don Smith (Jams 67), Sue K. (jerseysue), Jana (jana11), Suzanne…
Hi all, I received my scan results Friday afternoon and I am officially NED!!!! I never dreamed how great it would feel to hear those words. It's been almost exactly one year since stage 3 rectal diagnosis and I can't believe everything I went through to get to this point. I am so happy and I just might do the naked…
pathology report
just got report back, can any help read this: it consists of 6 tax pink tissue fragments ranging in dimension from .2cm to .5 cm. All in submitted in A1. Thanks
just when I thought...
just when i thought it couldn't get much worse. I had a head ct yesterday at my insistence. I had completed radiation therapy to the brain for brain mets from rectal ca (highly unusual, i'm told) at the end of july. My equilibrium was getting worse. My onc thought we were doing the head ct too soon. That we should wait one…
Bloody Mucus discharge and Folfox
I started my Folfox treatment 9/14/07 and this morning (9/15/07) I have had some mucus discharge from the anal area that is mucus mixed with bright red blood. I had a temporary Ileostomy after my surgery for rectal cancer, and so I'm wondering if the discharge is related to the chemotherapy of not. I would love to hear…
Colonoscopy on Tuesday
Hi All, I haven't been around much for 2 reasons: 1. I am looking for a job and feeling too sorry for myself (it's embarrassing-the self-pity, not the unemployment) 2. The site is very slow for me and sometimes I have to leave before I can see that a reply is posted. I think I will contact the webmaster. Anyway, I have a…
The subject line of the last posting got cut off in a most unfortunate location... I don't wish you were "her" - I wish you were HERE! (got all the "her" I can handle...er... need)
Greetings from Nashville! I wanted to send out a quick "virtual Palooza post card"' We're having a great time here in the Music City. Stacy picked a great venue less than a block off of the Music Strip, across the street from the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Grand Ol' Opree. Last night's Palooza Party included a…
RFA surgery = sucess!!
Dear friends, I just wanted to give you an update about my surgery last thursday. Everything went well. My surgeon said he "cooked it well" (referring to the tumor)!! They sent me home on Saturday. It was an open surgery bcse of the location of the tumor and they sent me home with a drain that I have until Friday. It was a…
Xeloda Newbie
I am 43 and was diagnosed with a stage 3b rectal tumor on August 2 and began my xeloda and radiation today. Will be on this until October 17th. Then if the tumor has shrunk enough will have surgery to remove what is left roughly 6 weeks after that. This has been a whirlwind month with tests and biopsies (I had 4 before…
Anyone else have similiar experience??
May 16th of this year my dad was DX with rectum /colon cancer, he had a huge mass in his rectum. He is 52 years old & has made it through his chemo & radiation treatment that he had before his surgery. Last Friday he had his surgery and at that time the Dr had about an ich left in his anal area left so they did not or so…
Great News-!!
The surgeon called my hubby today at work to tell him that the MRI/CT he had on Friday confirms that the liver mets have shrunk considerably and are very small and confined to one section, so he believes surgery is a go! I can't believe it, after being told for six months it was not possible. We have an appointment on the…
just to chat
hello everyone -- its been awhile since i have posted. FYI stage 4 colon with liver and lung tumors dx jun 07/ surgery removed all of he mass in the colon/aug07 started chemo. well things have been up and down. i got a blood clot by my port 2 weeks ago. the doc took me off the avastin because of it. other than 2 days in…
Off We Go - 20 Sept
Okay guys, we will be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary in Louisville, KY (horse country). We are staying at a wonderful hotel that was built in 1905 and from the pictures is magnificient. Saturday morning (22 Sept) we will be eating breakfast and watching the magnificient thoroughbreds workout at the break of dawn.…
older patient -lot of nausea
My mom is 82 yrs old and stage 4. Her onc is recommending Camptosar, but she is worried the side effects may be too much for her. The Xeloda and Oxaliplatin regime was very rough and had to be discontinued, tho it was keeping her CEA down. Tried Vectibix after that and it didn't work. She has been off all chemo for about a…
Botox to treat anal fissure
Does anybody have experience with having an anal fissure treated with botox? I develped a fissure soon after having my ilesotomy reversed in April. I just can't get it to heal. My surgeon says the next step in treatment is a botox injection to temporarily paralyze the internal sphincter muscle. I am a fraid to try the…
Colon Palooza 5
Hey everyone! I just want to say thank you to all who are attending Colon Palooza 5 this year. I look forward to seeing those of you I already know, and those of you who I will be meeting for the first time. We will really miss those of you who cannot make it. I'm sure we'll have a video of the event available on…
more than one diagnosis
I am a stage 4 colon cancer survivor and have also had to malignant melanomas removed. My onc says the two cancers are unrelated. Has anyone else been diagnosed with more than one type of cancer? Is this common?
I am starting chemo on Monday morning (Folfiri plus Avastin) I am nervous, but think I am ready for it. My onc. gave me prescriptions for anti nausea meds, and I have those, but nothing for diarrhea, if that should happen. I know that this cocktail can cause that. I am going to buy a few boxes of Immodium to have just in…
Any liver & lung mets now NED?
There are a couple of folks in the small town where I live that have dealt with metastatic colon cancer to their liver and lungs for 7 years now. I have had liver and lung mets for almost 5 years now and I still have a pretty good quality of life on most days. I have another friend that is still NED (no evidence of…
start chemo 9/11
I too am nervous about chemo on Tuesday. I have tried to talk myself down but the nerves creep in. I had a hard time with radiation/chemo the first time. I am going to be on xeloda pills and oxyplatinum infusions. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. God Bless All, Robin
Sunday funny
As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria…