Newbie with CC
Been lurking here for sometime, reading and being encouraged by all the great posts of survival. I am 36 years old and I was diagnosed with colon cancer on August 14th, one day after our 13th wedding anniversary. Symptoms leading up to my colonoscopy were, change in bowel movements, anemia, weight loss and lack of energy.…
Thanks for the support!
Thank you, all, for your kind words for Monday...I will keep you all posted....I was stumbling when I wrote that post...having a real pity party.... And then I read all of your posts, and this is what is so fantastic about my family here...I can't imagine that my cancer battle outcome would have been the same without you…
rectal cancer with mets lungs x 3 years or so. This summer they found brain mets. Treated with radiation for 17 days. Was assurred this would work. Finished end of july. They didn't want to repeat head ct for 2 months to give the radiation more time to work. My equilibrium issues kept gettiing worse and worse. Talked them…
Waiting for Scan Results
Geetings Semicolons! I've been off Chemo for three weeks now and am enjoying being back to work. I love my "work" and have really found renewed passion and vigour. Unfortunately that leaves me less time for connecting and blogging! Quick update for newbies... Stage 4 CC; Dx Aug '04; colon resect/liver resect/chemo '04-05;…
My Mom
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you on August 27th at 1:30 a.m., my mom passed away. She was at home and my dad, myself, and my two sisters were with her. My family is literally reeling from the loss of my mom. Our faith is strong and I know we will get through this, but it is still very difficult. I know that she is…
If you can spare a prayer....
Hans, my truelove of 16 years, has heart surgery on Monday. I know it's not cancer...but I would sure appreciate it if you could send up a prayer or two for the success of the procedure. Thank goodness we wait and have life-threatening troubles only when the other is well! (lol) Hugs, Kathi
thank you!
just wanted to say thanks for the support. Still have a few obstacles to go through, before the surgery. EKG showed changes (think chemo might have caused this?) So now i have a cardiolyte stress test and an appt with cardiologist to get through too. At least it will keep me busy and perhaps keep my mind off of more morbid…
rectal cancer recovery
my sister is 1 wk post op for rectal cancer...1 and 1/2 ft taken out ....no stoma...but she is having major problems ...she feels no warning at all and is having diarrhea 30 times a day....this is worse than a stoma ....in her eyes as she cannot go anywhere or even talk on the phone ..no warning ....anyone have this after…
Hormone Replacement, that is the ????
To all you ladies out there, Have any of you gone on hormone replacement??? I had a hysterectomy at the time of my bowel resection. I am in full blown menopause at the ripe age of 33. Night sweat, hot flashes, extreme mood changes... I saw my oncologist Monday who put me on Premarin 0.625mg. I asked if that was a good idea…
Huh. What now?
Stage III colorectal. Had a colon resection in June, they removed all surrounding lymph nodes, and one of 24 was positive for cancer cells. The area was so necrotic from radiation they could not really tell for sure if those cells were viable. I'm doing folfox and 5-fu for six months every other week. Before surgery, I…
Help for Coping with Post-Treatment Depression?
Hi, All KathiM's sister here again. Thanks so much for the wonderful warm welcome you all gave me in response to my first post. It was great! Now I have another question I need help and support for. After finishing 7 weeks of treatment, somehow I thought I would take a few weeks to heal, then I would be myself again. But…
Dancing Naked -- NED!!!
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let y'all know that I got the results of my CT scan and am now officially NED for both the colon and endometrial cancers! It has been a real roller coaster, but all of you have kept me tethered to my seat with your information, encouragement and prayers. I just wanted to let you know how…
CPT-11 & hair loss
Hi Everyone, I know this subject has been discussed before, but I can't remember the results. After a reaction to oxiliplatin(sp) I am now on xeloda, CPT-11 and avastin. Has anyone lost enough hair to need a wig while on CPT-11? I like to be prepared in advance for all possibilities. Please excuse all spelling errors.…
Taxol & Carboplatin Treatment?
Hey Gang....You are all so helpful and in the know. I am starting to get apprehensive about my new treatment that begins Monday. I was recently taken off of my Folfox6/Erbitux regime and will begin treatment with Taxol & Carboplatin. Very curious to learn if others have had experience with this specific treatment regime. I…
Good vibes, Goldfinch!
I wanted to send my good vibes along to you. I had missed your update post somehow, but I wanted to make sure you knew that I am sending up prayers for you. You are a great lady, dearheart, and I agree with you that even your oncologist (they are usually pretty hesitant with this 'hope' stuff) is hopeful, this is a GREAT…
Tips for being sad? Anyone?
I was wondering if anyone had some sure-fire tips on how to get past the feelings of sadness, and the sense of frustration from having your life sidetracked? Sure would be much appreciated...only one I came up with is dancing...lol Hugs, Kathi
fatigue or what??
Dear Friends, Hi, I am receiving oxaliplatin and xeloda. I am experiencing pain in my muscles and was wondering is this fatigue cause it feels like I have been lifting weights and my muscles burn?? Thanks for replies. God Bless, Robin
Outstanding results :)
My PET scan results from yesterday came back unbelievable! (Stage IV liver mets too many to count...dx 6/06) After my 16 rounds of chemo, I guess the beast got discouraged as only one small lesion "lit up" in my liver and everything else is dead, dead, dead! No spread, etc. I was so determined to do chemo until I…
Mary from WI - it's been awhile!
Hello Online Family, I hope each and every one of you are safe, happy, and doing well today and always! ; ) Also, and I don't know if any of you even remember me but... I just wanted to let everyone know that after my mom's battle with Stage IV Colon Cancer - she passed away, at home, and in her sleep during the night of…
Happy Birthday Lisa Rose!!!
The one that keeps up with so many other's significant dates has one of her own tomorrow!!!!!! I have no idea how old she will be but am guessing it to be around 35...... Happy Birthday my dear friend and I intend to spend many more Paloozas and birthdays with you honey. I look forward to every single one. My love to you…
stage 1V colon cancer with mets to the liver
anyone out there doing well with colon cancer with mets to the liver and done with chemo? If so can you tell me how your life is going without having to go to the Dr. and just waiting for your next ct scan.
clean CT scan
I just had my first CT scan and everything came good. I'm free for 3 months if you don't count my appt with my GP Dr and a Mammo. I can't believe how many Drs I've seen in the last year. Well I'm going to enjoy my news and live. Thank-you all who have helped me through the last 6 months. I couldn't live without all the…
When to remove the port?
I seem to recall seeing some discussion about this before but of course cannot remember the details. I'm curious as to how long people kept in their port after treatment was finished. My onc is talking about removing mine before Christmas (as a Christmas present!). I had surgery just before last Christmas, and 6 months of…
Kathy-feeling better ?
hey girl..just checking on you... did any of those advices worked ? If not...go buy undies ! yeah I know..kimnd of weird..but as many of you know..that;s what I did when I decided that I AM going to be ok.( really needed some after 1 year without buying any ) God blees Believe
mucinous adenocarcinoma of the rectum??
Anyone dx with this?? How are you dealing with this?? Dad just dx with it?
internal pain pump?
Hi Everyone, I hope you're enjoying a great 4th of July! My surgeon mentioned an internal pain pump that could be placed during surgery that would disperse pain medication evenly 24 hours per day. Has anyone heard of this or ever had one? Thanks, Jamie
Return from my journey to Zion
As much as I enjoyed Zion, I have found Mayo to be that much more. Mayo is an impressive facility. State of the art, comforting and most of all....human. At the end of the day, when you list all of the pros and cons, Cancer Treatment Centers of America did not offer more than Mayo has to offer. I was expecting a more…
Post colon surgery problems and chemo options
Would like some advice. Hubby 66 great health diagnosed stage III colon cancer 2 of 27 lymph nodes with cancer, 5th day post surgery not passing gas. Any advice, also any advice on opting out of chemo would be helpful. Thanks.
. A ways to go to get to NED
Had my CT/Pet today and not the news I wanted but then again, I am still breathing and still smiling. Tumor load was maintained but no reduction with this round of chemo so far. With more time on the Xeloda, I may see some tumor reduction. They found a bunch of activity by my rectum that they were not overly concerned with…
Can I have some Whine with my cheese
This is my first week of chemo, it sucks. Does it get any better?? I went through 6 weeks of rads/xeloda, it wasnt a walk in the park but it was over quickly. Now I face 12 weeks or more. I just feel like I should be able to will myself to feel better?? Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Feeling Blue, Robin