Never Knew I Could Do It....
On 1 September 07 it will be ONE YEAR ago that I quit smoking. I thought this was on habit I would never break because I had started at the age of 13 and now I am 43. I had always tried but failed. I guess this is one of those good things that came from cancer/chemo.
Let's get a tan ! ( New study )
Adequate intake of vitamin D may help prevent cancer, according to a new study. A number of 600,000 cases a year of breast and colorectal cancer could be prevented each year if vitamin D3 levels met the target proposed by researchers, said the study by researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of…
We are SO NAKED!!!! Hallelujah!
We received Carl's CT results this morning. NO EVIDENCE OF METASTATIC DISEASE! (Sorry to yell but we are FREAKING HAPPY!) Everything looked unremarkable- Carl is so excited to be unremarkable for once in his life. When he was diagnosed with stage IV w/mets to his liver and a ton of lymph node involvement, we never thought…
God Has Another Angel
Came into work this morning and was told my friend and co-worker Don Zukas passed away last night around 4:20pm. It brought tears to my eyes, but I know that God now has another Angel walking with him in heaven. Please say a prayer to help the family during this time of grief.
CT Scan showed lesions, now MRI
Hi Everybody, Haven't posted in a while, but suddenly I'm freaking out again for my dad because months ago, they detected about 4 lesions of about 1-3mm big in his liver by CT scan but during colon resection, surgeon didn't find anything. Now they suggested to do a MRI for his liver to check it again. Has anyone…
I am so happy
Hey family!I have great news to share,I was wating to have the results of both things colonoscopy and pet/ct.Colonoscopy all clear results 10 days ago,I don't know why but was more nervous with the pet/ct,it was done yesterday,and they left me a message today that everything was normal no sign of cancer was found, I was at…
Irrigation of your bowels after ileostomy reversal
Hi All, My doctor mentioned that in case I was concerned about running to the bathroom all the time after my Ileotomy reversal, I could do an irrigation of the colon every morning. Has anyone tried it and if so how is it done and how effective is it? Thanks
For Limey (Mark)
Hi Mark, I will try to explain the Sugar Baker Protocl as best I can. There are only 4 doctors in all of Canada who do this procedure, so we were lucky to be recommended to one who is only 2 hours away from where we live. First you have to be in good physical shape as this surgery can take up to nine hours (hubby was in…
after cancer book
Many of you may have read this book, but it was new to me so I'll pass it on. After Cancer Treatment: Heal Faster, Better, Stronger (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) by Julie K. Silver M.D. Dr. Silver is a cancer survivor and offers suggestions on how to get your life back to as normal as possible. $ll.53 on Amazon
Stage IV - FolFri Chemo Treatment
Hi, I posted about a month ago regarding my Dad who recently within 2 months has been diagnosed and had resection surgery on his colon. Hear is the situation I would like to thank everyone for all there advice and attempt to answer a few questions; 1. We are Canadian and Live in Winnipeg Manitoba. Dad flew to Calgary…
Kathi M-scallopped potatoes
Kathi,you've mentioned how nicely your scallopped potatoes went down while you were on chemo. I've never made them. Will you post the recipe? Sorry if you've done this already, but I could really use it right now. Mary
Hi All
Hope all is well with everyone of you. Saw Spongebobs post and thought I had better chime in. I visit this site everyday to check in and see how everyone is doing and I truly hope I did not suck out too much from all of you while my husband went thru this journey the last year. Update here... Hubbys surgery went great.…
RFA Surgery date!
Dear friends, my surgery (RFA on 1 tumor on liver) has been set for Sept 6. I told my surgeon it was too soon (I saw him yesterday), but he said "I know you're enjoying your break, but let's take care of it". So fine, let's do it. It might sound weird, but I'm exited about having surgery...... Anyhow, for those of you that…
Hi Everyone!!!!! I got the "Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips" book and started reading today and it is absolutely the BEST cancer book I have ever read and I'm not even to page 100 yet. Kris Carr was dxed in 2003 at 31 with an extremely rare vascular cancer that had tumors all in her liver and lungs. It is so rare there were NO…
I climbed a mountain
On Sunday I climbed Mount Monadnock in NH. I know for some this would not be such a feat, but for me it was huge. I had no idea how hard it was going to be. But I did it with one of my brothers and my 2 sons, It was amazing. When I was a kid gym was not my favorite subject. It took over 5 hours and it was very hot and…
Siskel & Ebert
Hi everyone, Just a reminder: The Learning Channel is broadcasting the premiere of Kris Carr's unforgettable documentary, Crazy Sexy Cancer on August 29, 2007 @ 9:00-11:00pm (ET/PT). So let's all come back tomorrow and share our thoughts on this inspirational documentary. Check out the URL below:…
"Go away" my onc said!.....
I went for my 3-month check, and my oncologist said "I don't want to see you for 6 months"!!!!! Music to MY ears!!! CEA was 1.1, CA27.29 (Breast cancer marker) was 18....both WELL within normal range (probably the only thing on my body that IS normal..lol!). As an added bonus, my cholesterol is, for the first time in my…
MARCH in Halifax NS Canada 2007
A few of us Colon Cancer family members and Patients are forming a march here IN Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada, some time this coming month Sept, Oct, for anyone in this area or surrounding area (or any wheres for that matter)that are interested in Joining us I will let everyone know when, This March is for the Nova…
Hi all, I'm new to this discussion board. I was diagnosed with Rectal cancer in April have gone thru chemo/Radiation, Surgery and now have an temporary Ileostomy. I have 2/3rds of my sphincter muscles left as the cancer was very low. I have been reading about fecal incontinence after the reversal of the Ileostomy and…
Great news
Hi all, I don't post very often, I am another of those lurkers here. My hubby was dx'ed in Jan 06 at age 48 with stage 5 colon cancer which had metastasised to his peritoneal wall, with 3 nodes involved. He had 2 surgeries (the last one being "The Sugar Baker Protocol" on Apr 13/06 (atleast that is what they call it here…
out of town
We were out of town for the weekend, and there were so many more posts than there usually are on the weekend that it took forever to get through them. Lots of good news and interesting comments. Everyone must be home from their vacations and back to school or work. Glad to hear from all of you. Jo Ann
CT Scan next week
Well, another 3 months have come and gone. It is time for my husband to get his check up next week.(Dx stage 3 rectal in Sept 06, chemo and radiation, surgery, Folfox, and reversal in late May) We have so many questions this time. After his reversal, he has still been in so much pain on and off. I am sure he will never be…
OK... I've been away for a pretty long time. I came back to find way too much gloom and doom posing and decided to lighte n things up a bit! http://beboframe.com/FlashFrame.jsp?Size=S&FlashBoxId=3309347442 Yes, we are all here to seek and or give advice and cheer each other up, but PLEASE - let's not limit ourselves to…
what does this mean
I went to see my Doctor to-day for a general check-up, Pap test etc. I had blood work done one week ago and she is "concerned" about my creatinine levels. I've heard that it is not uncommon to have elevated levels during chemo because the kidneys are working overtime to get rid of the toxins. I'm 10 months out of Folfox.…
i am wondering
hello i have colon stage iv with multiple tumors in the liver and both lungs. i am 3 weeks into an oxaliplatin/5-fu/leucovorin W/bevacizun and erbitux trial. is anyone eles on this -- if so how r u doing? i am having a chest x-ray in two weeks to see how things are progressing and am nervous. thanks
Back after break - and happy
Dear Ones, A brief bio for those not overly familiar with me: diagnosed 2003 with Stage 3 rectal cancer. Recurrence (lung met) in 2005 and in 2007. In June, I finished 6 months of chemo (FOLFOX plus Avastin). A thousand thanks, from the bottom of my heart (I'm teary as I write this!) to all of you who helped me get through…
Spongebob and everyoneles
i just read your note on being upbeat and less glummy. ok alittle about me . i am 38. i went into the doctors appt with chest pains and 48 hours later was being told that i have stage 4 colon cancer w/ tumors in my liver and both lungs. (is there a difference between liver mets ans tumors?). before that day (i almost blew…
Colon Cancer? Please help me - this is new
I had a colonoscopy last week and the results came in this week. A semisessile poly 14mm with severe displasmia (sp?). I am scheduled for surgery Tues. My dr. told me he thought I would be clear - that chances are they already got it all in the colonoscopy. But then I read all the "stuff" on the internet and I'm SCARED TO…
And the world is good....
I MUST share my good news. I was going to anyway, but now that I just read my dad's post...well, I felt the urge (no, not to use the pot...although...I digress...). As you all know, my last 3 years have been, to put it mildly, a bit of a challenge to my sanity. I actually left for Europe this summer worried that, like…
I have been part of this board for 12 months and do understand where you are coming from and your point of view. It it hard and can be hard to provide guidance, help, support, advice, etc to anyone who is only interested in the "gloom" portion of the story or event. Many posts do consists of gloom and doom but that is also…