I dum dum
how do you do a pvt message on this website thanks michelle
port problems
need suggestions I am having pain in my arm where my port is. My arm aches all the time and I can't lay on that side. I also can't lift anything heavy because it will cause pain..My arm tingles alot and falls to sleep often. Anybody have the same problem and can give me some relief???
Running out of drugs - anyone heard of using Trexall
My dad is stage IV since 2002 - we are running out of drugs. His best drug was erbitrux and vextibux. Finished erbitrux this past summer and now on avastin/oxiplatin/xeolda combination. Only taking avastin and xeolda right now due to allergic reaction to oxiplatin. Meeting with doctor on Friday to discuss treatment. Do not…
Cachexia - Anyone heard of this??
Hello: Long story short, my dad has stage IV cancer since May 2002. Multiple reucurrences. Just got over pnemonia in August/September. Back on treatment. Did not eat much in August/September. According to scale, he weighs 185 which is fine. He has a bloated stomach which we cannot seem to get rid of. He is on new…
Life lessons
This doesn't really relate to our cancer topic, but I wanted to share with my semi-colon family. Today I had severe chest pains and was taken to the hospital for several hours. My blood pressure shot up really high, but heart tests were inconclusive. They wanted to keep me, but I opted to come home and rest here. It was…
Well I have made it to #7 of my Folfox treatments; this one was a little harder with more fatigue and some mouth sores which I am viciously treating. I have a CT scan tomorrow and a PET scan next week; keep me in your thoughts and prayers that they will have good outcomes. I am hoping my onc. is willing to let me just have…
today is the day....
For second opinions. I'm taking my mom to a major cancer center today at 2. I'm both nervous and hopeful. Please pray for her today.
Questions on Avastin & Insurance Coverage Problems
Hello! I've been a regular lurker on this board since my mother's diagnosis with Stage IV colon cancer about 15 months ago. It's been a wonderful source of information and hope for me. My mother is currently on her second round of chemo treatments. First round of 5FU, Oxilaplatin, and Avastin resulted in clean scans for…
pet scan results
My husband got the results from pet scan no new uptake everything is the same . no new spreading but he got enough cancer in him right now. stomach kidney liver and new tumor in the sigmoid area. My husband asked the doc about long chemo this past week he did not want to be sick for the turkey day so the doc said he could…
Picture post.
Just seeing if this works on the Discussion Board. [IMG]http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq107/Jimbob-/tday_jimbob_sm1.jpg[/IMG]
Question from a patient partner...on reoccurance....
One of my favorite PP's asked me about scans and reoccurance. Her initial was in the rectum. Her reoccurance was in the lung. She is in treatment now, but her onc says he wants a PET scan every 6 weeks to watch her progress, she's a bit nervous about all the radiation, both past and future....Any thoughts? Is this…
Season of Thanks (renamed, so maybe somebody will read it!)
People probably thought I was a little bit touched in the head earlier today. I had to run to the store for a few things, so I could make fudge for my favorite doctor (he had surgery this week). When I walked in the store and saw and smelled the sights of the season, it overwhelmed me. I remembered lying in the hospital…
A comedian describes prepping for a colonoscopy
Billy Connolly is a Scot comedian and my son, who is going in for his first screening was Googling for more information came across this on YouTube. None of us could stop laughing, almost made my incision hurt, I was laughing so hard. I don't know if it is his accent or just having been there and done that. One thing is…
The OTHER "C"-word....
Just got back my results on my CT's and chest X-ray.... Nothing notable except my 3 'friends' on my liver... I asked if we need to do anything with them..."Cysts are cysts...nothing needs to be done"!!! I told my G.P. that my oncologist was dumping me back on him...he laughed, and said "Well, I guess she feels that you are…
Webinar with Dr. Bernie Siegel
An Evening With Bernie: Be Empowered Through The Holidays Presented by Dr. Bernie Siegel YES is offering an evening of encouragement and hope through a lively and heartwarming discussion with Dr. Bernie Siegel. "An Evening With Bernie: Be Empowered Through The Holidays" will motivate survivors and their families. It will…
Change in chemo
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, just trying to get through this chemo, I finished my 6th folfox treatment last friday and today I met with my oncologist. Since my neuropathy is getting worse and worse, he has changed my treatment and taken me off the oxi, I'll only get the leucovorin and 5-fu. I was hoping to…
Metallic Taste Lingering...
I'm asking on behalf of my Mother for some suggestions. She completed second treatment of chemo Mon/Tues/Wed of last week (Jan. 21, 22, 23). Begins third one on Monday. Unfortunately, everything going in her mouth tastes like metal. She didn't expect it to last into the second week like this, but realizes it is what it is.…
Introducing Mike
New to the group, here is my story; My cancer was discovered by colonoscopy this past September (08), I just turned 49. I had been sluggish and had recently developed some anemia and vague abdominal discomfort. I had a right hemi-colectomy on October 15, 2008. I am still recovering from the surgery since I had a wound…
My 79yr old cousin has just been diagnosed with rectal cancer. He is being immensely brave and has somehow managed to keep his sense of humour. He just sent me this poem which I thought I would share with you ... (I am afraid the references to the NHS - the British National Health Service - might be lost on an American…
Hi all looking for a prune juice diet
hi all I havent been here in a while.. was diagnosed in 04 with stage 3 colonrectal cancer..had surgery had the biggest tumor in my rectum but was able to save rectum . had chemo and radiation as well. My question is .. a longgg time ago someone posted a diet that helped clean colon and keep bowel empty..something about…
Posts by a commercial vendor
I am still a bit new here...since Oct 2008... so forgive my ignorance, but I have to wonder, is it common for commercial ads to appear here as answers to posts? There are several today, bringing up very old discussion topics. I am not passing judgment, just wondering. Vicki
Breakfast cereal?
OK, odd request. I've enjoyed Special K with berries for a long time, but after the colon cancer episode, I'm looking for a replacement that has good fiber, but all seem to have an abundance of high fructose syrup, molasses, and or sugar in them. Anyone have a suggestion? Even Cheerios has sugar added to it. I'm also a…
Unsuccessful Colon Surgery
Good Afternoon I have been absent for a while and unfortunately I am back with more questions(and am looking for more support) My Aunt who is in her mid 70s had surgery yesterday to remove a large tumour from her colon and unfortunately it was not successful. They told her the tumour could not be removed as it was somehow…
scar tissuesscccvbhhhsssczxfghhb
hi everybody. Again asking for help. My husband was dx crc in2006.After radiation ,surgery chemo/8/ he was clean till may 2008. His cancer spread to adrenal glands and some lining behind them -he started chemo again but after 3rd /altogether 12 of them/ he got infection in pelvic area-treated with antibiotics and drainage.…
My granny found out she had colon cancer about 6 months ago. She is 92 and have ?s
She was in great health at 92 living on her own in a retirement home. Had surgery and then told to take 27 treatments of radiation and 1/2 thru suggested oral chemo. Did great until the last two treatments. Now real fragile. Saw her today and was shivering and had her place to hot I about suffocated but there she was with…
Where are you from?
Just wondering! I am from the Hickory, NC area. Mary
Thanksgiving, 2005
I posted this back in 2005. As I scrolled back to the old messages to find it, I ran across many names who brought tears to my eyes since they are no longer here. I will miss them. Always. OK, enough of that....here's the post: Majority of you know that today is Thanksgiving here in the US of A. Regardless of your…
Nausea already??
Day two of the chemo pump (5FU) and I am puking already? Is this normal? The docs and nurses told me I probably wouldn't see any adverse symptoms for a couple of weeks. And I am one who rarely gets nausea for any reason, so this sucks. I have Compazine, and it helped some last night. I don't want to be a whiner, just…
xeloda vs pump & FATIGUE...NO ENERGY
joey has sigmoid tumor stage 4, has spread to liver and lungs. he is taking Xeloda and iv chemo (every three weeks). today on his tenth day of Xeloda he has incredible fatique, no energy. any suggestions on fighting fatique and has anyone gone to pump instead of oral Xeloda and did it make much difference...MARY (wife)
No Diag. As of yet
Hi all, I am very new to the site. I have not gotton results back from my biopsy as of yet. Have been fighting extreme stomach pain with anemia for over a month. Having a colonoscopy set up in the coming months. And surgery to remove female organs. My Father passed away from colon cancer as well as 2 of his sisters and now…