Hi everyone....it's me again w/ more questions... Tomorrow (Mon. Dec. 22) is the day we have consult w/ the surgeon for Hop's colon cancer surgery..... Here goes w/ the questions.............. Are doctors now days using more laproscopy than the invasive surgery?? Before they can schedule surgery, what kinds of tests to…
Happy Holidays To All!!!!
I havent been on the discussion board in awhile, since October. I hope all of you are doing well. My dad has rectum cancer. Has completed 5 weeks of radiation and chemo. He did very well. Hes 83, had very little side effects. Treatment ended November 5th. He went back to the doctors after rested for a few weeks, he has…
CAN SOMEONE TELL ME, when we had an annual checkup in July and bloodwork done (Hop is also a diabetic and has heart disease), would the bloodwork have shown any cancer cells at that time? Marygale
real-world better than clinical trials
I just watched a video interview clip from Medscape.com (free but I think you're supposed to be a medical doctor to sign up -- I lied). It was mainly about Avastin and colorectal cancer. But one of the main points made by the doctor interviewed was: the results which doctors are seeing for advanced colorectal cancer in the…
Can someone tell me how to get our photo on here? Marygale
kimby is the winner of the RIDDLE. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: At night they come without being fetched, And by day they are lost without being stolen. ANSWER: Stars
Calling all Arizona Semicolons!!
Several of us have been having messages about getting together some evening after New Year's for a fellowshipping/support/social gathering. If you're interested, please drop me a message with your name and where you live, so we can figure out the best place to get together. Probably a dutch treat evening meal. Everyone is…
The Gift of Friendship
Some of you will remember that back in October (Oct 19), I had the most wonderful Celebration of Life and Friendship party given to me. To say that spending the evening with sooo many friends from the past to the present time, was overwhelming (in a good way) to say the least. Then, because I am involved with the theatre…
xeolda and abdominal pain
Hello: My dad is stage IV since May 2002. He currently has cancer in his liver and lungs. I do not know how much. He is on exolda and avastin right now and will start oxiplatin with it next week. Since he has been on xeolda he has had abdominal pain - not constant but here and there. His doctor prescribed him pain pills…
Has anyone esle dealt with this? My dad has had this problem since September. Doctor finally gave him fluid pills in November (week of Thanksgiving). He lost 15 pounds of fluid in 10 days. Doctor says this was a good sign. He is also on chemo. He was supposed to go down to one pill a day but my dad is stubborn and thinks…
Area of concern near esophagus
Hello: Has anyone ever had an area show some activity near their esophagus. This happened on my dad's summer CT scan. I was so depressed because we finally had a chance to get a procedure done on his lungs and liver at Georgetown but the doctor would not do it because of this activity. Is it possible for chemo to take care…
Juicing during chemo?
I received a message from someone that juicing should not be done during chemotherapy. Anyone have any comments about this? Thanks!! Amy
Has anyone been affected by the leucovorin shortage?
I am a little worried about this whole shortage thing and think it is irresponsible of the companies that make it that it has come to this. leukovorin helps the 5Fu stay in the cell to work longer and although is not a VITAL part of the treatment, i sure don't want to be without it if it is going to help me beat this…
appetite and gaining weight
I've heard so much about patients that lose their appetites, don't want to eat, and are losing weight. I really probably should be glad that I'm not in that category, but I wonder if I'm the only one who seems to want to eat more than I ate before, and I've gained some weight while on chemo. I'm not obese, but since…
New to this.
I have been dx on Dec. 1 2008 with colon cancer. I am a male 58 years of age and had a colonoscopy which lead to dx. My doctor said I will need surgery but first wants a cat scan to see if it has spread any further. My cat scan is set for Jan.9th with followup on Jan. 16th. This seems long to wait for this news although I…
lyrica (pregabalin) for oxi neuropathy
Hi. I'm just about to start taking Lyrica (= pregablin) for the finger and toe neuropathy due to oxaliplatin. Interested to hear from anyone else who has tried this.
OK, you have 24 hours to laugh.....
I found the picture of my beau and I in the hot pools in Turkey, covered in mud. You all have 24 hours to laugh, the squemish, turn away!!! LOL, ROFL... Hugs, Kathi (Sort of brings to mind those monkeys in Japan that sit in hot pools with snow around, huh?)
oxaliplatin plus xeloda
Hi everyone...I am just recovering from my second resection for liver mets...started with colon in 2005. I did 5FU and had a really hard time with that one. After the cancer moved to the liver I did Xeloda and didn't find it all that bad. Just saw my oncologist yesterday and now she is going to try oxaliplatin infusion and…
New Year's Gift
Well gang, the timing is just right! I have my Lung Ablation (RFA) procedure booked for December 30th! The radiologist is going to try and do two lesions/tumours in the one session... using the CAT scanner and a special needle/probe, he will go in and blast the two tumours, individually. Normally, he would only do one at a…
7 years ago on December 12, 2001
Hello Semi-colons! That was the fateful day when I found these boards and put up my first post. There wasn't much action back then and surely wasn't the community it is today. The only person still here who posted is ron50 and then came SpongeBob and Lisa Rose and Stacy. How we have grown. Faces come and go and friends…
Been a little while
Hi all. Been a few weeks. Bob is doing well and back to work . He goes next week for ct and visit with the radiologist that did the RFA. We are praying for some good news before Christmas. Please keep us in your prayers. Unfortunately, I've now joined the ranks of the unemployed . My position along with 10 others was…
How to make sense of the test?
Hey everyone, I just had 2 test done on friday. A complete songrahm of all my organs and a barium swallow afterwards. I did not fet to see the screen for the sono and had 2 techs. When they were near my liver and Kidney the tech pointed out things to the training tech-Like doyou see that but did not say a word. My sono…
A special Christmas party....
at my treatment center. I went, and was reminded as I walked thru the doors the first time I walked thru these doors, 4 years ago. I was hurting, and scared, and my head was spinning! THIS time, I found so many familiar faces, all covered with joy at seeing me 'looking so healthy'. I managed to find all of my special…
Just for some FUN
Hey ALL, I thought it might be interesting to find out what everyone does for a living. Kind of like what we did when we asked everyone where they are from. So I will go first. I am currently employed by the Department of Homeland Security, I work for Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) formerly known as INS. I am a…
Whew! This day is OVER!!!!!
So, today was my daughter's birthday. Hard to believe it's been 2 years that she has been gone. What did I do? I went to DISNEYLAND (yesterday)!!!!!! My other daughter Kristy and I went and enjoyed the Christmas spirit. And the fireworks. And the snow. (Hey, for we in Southern California, even FAKE snow is a big deal!!!!).…
Received my CT results today
I wanted to share my CT results with all. Every drop of encouragment is so important to all of us. I had my 2 yr post treatment CT and got the wonderful news that it was "normal". I'm so very thankful and pray that good news follows each & everyone on this board. Each day is so precious to me.
Craving chili and comfort foods
I was wondering if anybody else has cravings after chemo. After I had chemo last week, I had the expected nausea, but I also would crave food like chili or french fries and chili. I don't usually even eat it very often, but I ate it like crazy. I was told to eat small meals, bland stuff like oatmeal and dry toast, but I…
Funny Christmas time story
This is from a columnist at one of our local papers http://newstopic.southernheadlines.com/index.cfm?section=90&story=7961 Mary
A Real Christmas Story
Hello All, I wanted to share a Christmas story with everyone. Its a true story and I wanted to share it because I believe it expresses the true meaning of the Christmas spirit. I am not telling it to get kudos or anything like that, just to remind us all that God is with us all the time. Here goes, well most of you know…
Kinda eerie
I was dx'd in May 2008 with Stage IIIa rectal cancer - had LAR, radiation and just finished with 6 months of Folfox last week (yea!!). Weird thing is now I feel kind of lost, like I am supposed to be doing something but there's nothing to do. I almost feel as if I am depressed (the gloomy weather does not help), but can…