A question for cold and flu season...
I am 16 months out of treatment for Stage IIIA colon cancer, surgery, folfox, radition with 5FU. I was very careful during treatment about being around large groups of people, washing my hands, etc. I am currently (with a few blips) ned. I managed to not get a cold the flu or whatever until about 6 weeks ago. I caught the…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Have been out of work since 1 Oct 08 and still looking for full-time work. I am waiting tables until I can find something full-time. I never knew all the work associated with waiting tables and the hourly rate if $2.13 per hour. I call it cheap labor. Anyways, just wanted to ask my family here to say a prayer for my son.…
Resource for Financial Issues
I am a volunteer for the local ACS and just received this newsletter information; some may already know about this but for those who dont: The Social Security Administration recently launched the Compassionate Allowances Intiative, a pilot program that wiill enable people with certain cancers and rare diseases to obtain…
Xelodamm Dose
Hi, I was wondering how much Xeloda others are taking. MD statred me on 1500mg twice a day,every other week to start. Anyone know their dose and how often do you take it...just wondering. Also how long before the side effects occurred? Thanks in advance!
Say a little prayer
I don't post often, but I'm here every day. This group has been a great source since I was dx'd in Oct. 2007. Recap: dx'd Stage iv cc Oct 2007. 2 surgeries and 6 mos of FOLFOX which ended in June 2008. I have been NED since Feb. 2008. Huge blessing! For the background, I was in school finishing my master's to be a CPA when…
Questions concerning scheduling after completion of treatment
Hello everyone. Haven't been here for awhile. Stage 3 colon cancer, 1 positive node aout of 18. Just completed my 12 rounds of Oxal. 5fu and Leucovorin. Will have a CT scan with bloodwork on Jan. 8th and also see my onc for first follow-up. He then said that I will continue that same routine every six months thereafter for…
Friday I Meet With The RFA Doc!
Well, things are now starting to happen. Not that I was concerned or anything... I feel just fine and I knew that when they could get the CAT scan available on the same day that my interventional radiologist (Dr. Halkier) was going to be at the hospital, that I would be called in :) Sooooo, I head out to the hospital which…
healing bag
how can my husband obtain one thanks michelle
Oxaliplatin and Neuropathy + New Treatment for Bone Mets
Hi guys: Reminder - dx'd Jan. 06 - Xelox for 9 months, then Folfiri for 8 months, then liver resection, then Irinotecan/Erbitux for one year, the surgery to remove lung mets. Currently have one bone met on my left iliac bone, lungs are clear, but a recurrence in the liver. Soooo, this is what I am currently doing: 1.…
RIDDLE: He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
Neuropathy tip
I went to the spa yesterday and had a facial and a hot stone pedicure. It was my totally decadent day, and I LOVED it. I have gold toenails! Anyway, the point of the post is that the girl doing the pedicure was chatting about those pedicure flipflops that have divisions between each toe. She says they're super comfortable…
Saw my doctor
Just wanted to let y'all know that I saw my family doctor today. He feels comfortable about my chest pains I had on Monday not being related to a heart attack. Since I've had continuing pain since my colon resection, he believes it is spasms in the lower intestine. That in turn can cause esophogeal spasms that mimic heart…
Unemployment means loss of insurance
HELP!!! Anyone in the same boat? My husband just got word he will be losing his job on Dec. 16th. He is a vary skilled designer with a major company, but they had a pool of 30 or so on staff he is in the second layoff of 12. Needless I'm not optomistic about the local community absorbing 24 plus draftsmen/designers in this…
What should i do?
Hi everyone, I have a BIG dilema. I am scheduled for surgery for my rectal tumor on 12/30/08. During recovery, my full time job will have me on short term disabilty for up to six months. This is good news you would think. But on the flip side I have a part time job that I earn about $1,000 a month. While I am on short term…
if not one thing it's another
Sitting at chemo center with my mom. She now needs neulasta and her insurance company won't cover it if we don't come back to cancer center to get it, which is over an hour drive one way. If she took it at home it would be $4,500. We are considering going back to her old oncologist just because the drive is so long. She is…
Best news EVER!!!!!
Many of you have had to endure my whining here regarding my health insurance saga. I am currently being covered by CHCBP and my 36 months of coverage is up on January 29, 2009. I have been SOOOOO worried about what I was going to do when that day came. Well, today I received the dreaded letter in the mail, informing me of…
Financial problems
Hello All, Just wanted to get some feedback on the subject of Financial problems. I am running out of money fast, hell think I am out already..LOL...I am on a voluntary leave program sponsored by my work. Its a great thing, but its an uncertain thing. If enough people donate then its great, if not then you go without a…
5 year mark for surgery
Hi all, Today is the 5th anniversary of my hemicolectomy; stage 3, 1 node, age 53, followed by 6 months of chemo with 5FU and leuco. I have been No Evidence of Disease since completion of treatment. (This week I will drop off a big Thank You card at my surgeon's office, as Trainer suggested!) Looking back, the time has…
bad news
Just when things are going well, you get punched in the stomach. After a year of treatment, highs and lows, changing to a major cancer center, starting treatment again...now this. After my mom's most recent pet scan in September something on her thyroid showed increased uptake. We went to an ENT specialist, the same on who…
oxiplatin again - has anyone had a 2nd go around with this drug
My dad had oxiplatin back in 2004/2005. It worked for a while - probably a little less than a year. He recently finished eribitrux with a pump of something (do not remember name). Now, he is on oxiplatin, avastin, and xeolda. Well, he is supposed to be on that combo. He had an allergic reaction in October to the Oxiplatin…
How long until appetite returns post-surgery?
My resection was done Oct. 20, and my appetite still hasn't returned to what I would describe as normal. Has anyone experienced this?
Good news and a silly diversion for you
Just a bit of good news to share and one very silly, funny diversion for when you need a lift (and who doesn't?) The good news is my 38-yr. old son decided to get an early colonoscopy screening based on my situation and there was NADA, nothing in there. So he's NED and NADA! My daughter is getting her first screening in…
Oops! next topic "Xeloda and Dose":)
I goofed heading on previous message...please read the other "Xelodamm" message...LOL
Bah! Humbug!....Just a little whinning...ok?
The text that was here was removed by me, myself, and I.... WHAT an IDIOT!!!! I love you guys, was feeling very sorry for me...better now.... BIG hugs, Kathi
Done with chemo
The day after Thanksgiving, I went to the clinic to disconnect the 5FU pump. Finally finished all 12 Folfox+Avastin treatments. I am thankful that I don't have any side effect other than minor constipation. And I still have all my hair. Now that the first phase of treatment is done. I will have CT scan on 12/08 and meet…
'tis the season
Three bar buddies, Jim, Joe and James die and go to heaven. All three meet St. Peter at the pearly gates and he says to them, "Well, being that this is the holiday season, before I let you in, you must show me something that reminds you of the holiday spirit." Jim pulls out his lighter from his pocket and says, "St. Peter,…
CEA--Help me understand
I just got a telephone call an hour ago from my husband's oncologist that his CEA is elevated (previously about 3--now high 4). We go in tomorrow morning for a CEA retest. I'm in panic mode. Can anyone tell me what this means and whether this is a terrible development? My husband was diagnosed in May 2006 with stage 3…
My father in-law
Just wanted to update on my earlier post. My husband called tonight and told me that his dad passed away about 9:45 pm. So I feel very good about "being brave" and encouraging Bill to go to Virginia today. Gail
Jana Millers Obituary
I have been emailing Jana for several months now, ever since her surgery around summer time. I spoke to her husband after she had her surgery, but that was the last time. I've been very worried about her since I hadn't heard from her. Today, I decided to look on this web site to see if she had posted anything about…
I think that my dad has ascites - abdominal swelling and swelling in arms/legs (gone now) but still has minor abdominal swelling (went down a lost this past week due to a fluid pill). He is on treatment. I wanted to know if anyone out there had success of getting rid of this. My goal is to get him to the point where he can…