Financial problems
Just wanted to get some feedback on the subject of Financial problems. I am running out of money fast, hell think I am out already..LOL...I am on a voluntary leave program sponsored by my work. Its a great thing, but its an uncertain thing. If enough people donate then its great, if not then you go without a paycheck. No paycheck means no house payment, car payment, utility payment or insurances get paid. What does one do? Unfortunately I am a very proud person, and this is just killing me, with the feeling of not being able to provide for my family just overwhelms me to the point I cant think at all.
Was just wondering if anyone else is in my shoes. I am looking at possible having to forclose on my house. Not even sure how that goes, just know that I dont or wont have the money to continue making my monthly payments. The stress of all of this is weighing so heavy on me and my partner. What does one do, do I just walk away and go rent an apartment? I know eveyone says that will kill my credit but if I am not around due to the friggin stress of all of this then what good will my credit score do me anyway. I am a vet, so I am going to call the VA and find out what if there is anything they can do to help me. I am trying to get on SSD, but that is not going as well or as fast as I had hoped.
What does one do? What has one done? Any info or advice will be greatly appreciated. I hate to vent, its just I am so stressed about this and I really dont know what would be the best decision in all of this. Can anyone relate?
Thanks so much in advance!
God Bless
I can relate
My husband went through CC (dxed in April 2007)and 12 rounds of chemo which left him with severe neuropathy to this day. He was on disability for 6 months with his previous job, and when that ran out and he was unable to work, he applied for SSDI, (long term), it took 5 months and lots of documentation and doctor's substantiated visits, but he got it,and it's saved us just in the nick of time. I am working but my income won't even make our mortgage payment much less all of our bills, plus the medical bills that are ungoing. It's a nightmare to have health problems and then money problems on top of it all.
Please look into disability, you are qualified and don't be too proud! You need to take care of yourself! You can apply on line to iniate the process; it's long and tedious and you have to dot every I and cross every T but in the end it's worth it if it saves your house and wellbeing.
I wish you the very best !
Faith880 -
I firmly agree...Faith88 said:I can relate
My husband went through CC (dxed in April 2007)and 12 rounds of chemo which left him with severe neuropathy to this day. He was on disability for 6 months with his previous job, and when that ran out and he was unable to work, he applied for SSDI, (long term), it took 5 months and lots of documentation and doctor's substantiated visits, but he got it,and it's saved us just in the nick of time. I am working but my income won't even make our mortgage payment much less all of our bills, plus the medical bills that are ungoing. It's a nightmare to have health problems and then money problems on top of it all.
Please look into disability, you are qualified and don't be too proud! You need to take care of yourself! You can apply on line to iniate the process; it's long and tedious and you have to dot every I and cross every T but in the end it's worth it if it saves your house and wellbeing.
I wish you the very best !
Faith is right, you are MORE than qualified for disability!!!! I was perched on the edge of this, myself. I had run up all of my credit cards, etc...I am self-employed, so had no company disability to fall back on...but national disability was still available if I needed it. Apply NOW, tho, it can take awhile, as she said...I think they have 60 days to make a determination, and that's a loooooong time!
Also, consider bankrupcy. I know, another one of those pride busters...
Also, have you contacted your mortgage company? And explained? Some have programs for just this.
Big hugs to you, dearheart...
Kathi0 -
In my first visit with the oncology group, one of the specialists they had me meet with was the financial person. She told me the wonderful news that my current insurance through my husband's work is covering everything, 100% (except for $10 copay office visits.) I am blessed. BUT my husband's insurance is changing in February, and we don't have a clue what we are facing. She also told me to let her know right away if it looks like it will be a hardship for us as there are certain grants available to help. I don't know if this is only through this office, or if it is also an option where you are, but ASK.
Vicki0 -
Second Round with SSDFaith88 said:I can relate
My husband went through CC (dxed in April 2007)and 12 rounds of chemo which left him with severe neuropathy to this day. He was on disability for 6 months with his previous job, and when that ran out and he was unable to work, he applied for SSDI, (long term), it took 5 months and lots of documentation and doctor's substantiated visits, but he got it,and it's saved us just in the nick of time. I am working but my income won't even make our mortgage payment much less all of our bills, plus the medical bills that are ungoing. It's a nightmare to have health problems and then money problems on top of it all.
Please look into disability, you are qualified and don't be too proud! You need to take care of yourself! You can apply on line to iniate the process; it's long and tedious and you have to dot every I and cross every T but in the end it's worth it if it saves your house and wellbeing.
I wish you the very best !
I applied the first go around with cancer and they denied me because I got better go figure. I am now in the process of appealing it. I have all the paperwork and will be taking it to the SSD office on Monday. SO please keep your fingers crossed for me. And thanks for responding.
God Bless
Beth0 -
Lets hope the SSDKathiM said:I firmly agree...
Faith is right, you are MORE than qualified for disability!!!! I was perched on the edge of this, myself. I had run up all of my credit cards, etc...I am self-employed, so had no company disability to fall back on...but national disability was still available if I needed it. Apply NOW, tho, it can take awhile, as she said...I think they have 60 days to make a determination, and that's a loooooong time!
Also, consider bankrupcy. I know, another one of those pride busters...
Also, have you contacted your mortgage company? And explained? Some have programs for just this.
Big hugs to you, dearheart...
Lets hope the SSD agrees with you and Faith about me being qualified. I called the VA today to see if they could help. They told me to call my mortage company and let them kmow what was going on. But since I am not behind, that there probably wasnt anything they could do for me, crazy huh? I have to be in default before I can get help, now if that isnt the dumbest thing you have ever heard I dont know what is. Here I am asking for help, telling them that I cant make my payments and they say well once you get 2 months behind then maybe we can see if there are any programs to help you. Just chaps my @ss!
So my partner and I decided to not pay this months payment and I am going to call them and tell them what is going on. That way they cant say I didnt inform them, that I didnt ask for help and that they didnt know.
I will talk to the financial person at my ONC office maybe she can help. I am also going to contact my insurance liason and see what she might be able to help with.
Thanks so much for the responses. My health is going to be FIRST, all others will just have to get in line. If I have to file bankruptcy, well then I will have to swallow my pride and do what is best for me and my family. Its just I have worked my whole life to get where I am and to have to throw it all away like this just pisses me off, but I am sure I am not alone.
Again thanks to all
God Bless
Beth0 -
Financial Problems
Hi Beth! I haven't been around here much lately because of those very problems. I have been fighting with SSI since the very beginning of all this, and now have had to resort to hiring an attorney. They use any excuse they can to deny benefits, and now i've lost my medi-cal because of it and am not able to get any more treatment. That spot on my lung has gone unchecked because of this, and now i can't get my meds. This has taken such a toll on us, we had to move in with family, and put all of our stuff in storage. Our bills have us so drained, we can't even buy groceries. I figure it's a great time to start that diet! But in all seriousness, we're in a lot of trouble. My boyfriend is working two jobs now, and i'm selling my belongings online. Believe me, i can relate. It's so hard to concentrate on trying to survive when it feels like there isn't going to be anything left to live for after all the fighting. The only thing that keeps me going (besides my animals) is the teachings of Chopra. "Behind every problem is an opportunity." Though i can't see the opportunities now, i believe they're lurking around the next corner.
Hang in there. We're all in this together.
Many hugs,
Krista0 -
I am with youkristasplace said:Financial Problems
Hi Beth! I haven't been around here much lately because of those very problems. I have been fighting with SSI since the very beginning of all this, and now have had to resort to hiring an attorney. They use any excuse they can to deny benefits, and now i've lost my medi-cal because of it and am not able to get any more treatment. That spot on my lung has gone unchecked because of this, and now i can't get my meds. This has taken such a toll on us, we had to move in with family, and put all of our stuff in storage. Our bills have us so drained, we can't even buy groceries. I figure it's a great time to start that diet! But in all seriousness, we're in a lot of trouble. My boyfriend is working two jobs now, and i'm selling my belongings online. Believe me, i can relate. It's so hard to concentrate on trying to survive when it feels like there isn't going to be anything left to live for after all the fighting. The only thing that keeps me going (besides my animals) is the teachings of Chopra. "Behind every problem is an opportunity." Though i can't see the opportunities now, i believe they're lurking around the next corner.
Hang in there. We're all in this together.
Many hugs,
I am about to start my fight with SSD. My partner said she read somewhere that because the cancer has come back that it automatically qualifies us for benefits. I am hoping she is right. So many things out there on the net are outdated or just not correct. I will keep you posted on my fight.
I agree its so hard to fight for survival when you face losing everything else too. But when it comes down to it, nothing else really matter but survival. Everything I have accomplished or have, can be replaced. I dont mind starting over, hell I am tired of trying to keep up with the jones anyway. I just want to live, I want to see my grandkids grow up, hell I still want to see my daughter continue to grow into a healthy and happy adult.
I am sorry for all the troubles you are going through, sure wish I could help, all I can offer is my prayers and well wishes!
I have heard of Chopra, but that is all I know about it. I struggle everyday with trying to find something that can help me understand all of this, something to help me get through this. I believe in God and rely on him, but honestly I have some anger towards him, you know all the "why me" questions. I still get angry, not sure if others still do or not, but those are some of my feelings. I dont like being angry, sometimes I just cant seem to get past those feelings. I know anger is not a good thing for me, I need to find a way to let it go.
Well I am venting here, I apologize for that.
Anyway, take care and please keep me posted on how you are doing!
God Bless
Beth0 -
it's normaldorookie said:I am with you
I am about to start my fight with SSD. My partner said she read somewhere that because the cancer has come back that it automatically qualifies us for benefits. I am hoping she is right. So many things out there on the net are outdated or just not correct. I will keep you posted on my fight.
I agree its so hard to fight for survival when you face losing everything else too. But when it comes down to it, nothing else really matter but survival. Everything I have accomplished or have, can be replaced. I dont mind starting over, hell I am tired of trying to keep up with the jones anyway. I just want to live, I want to see my grandkids grow up, hell I still want to see my daughter continue to grow into a healthy and happy adult.
I am sorry for all the troubles you are going through, sure wish I could help, all I can offer is my prayers and well wishes!
I have heard of Chopra, but that is all I know about it. I struggle everyday with trying to find something that can help me understand all of this, something to help me get through this. I believe in God and rely on him, but honestly I have some anger towards him, you know all the "why me" questions. I still get angry, not sure if others still do or not, but those are some of my feelings. I dont like being angry, sometimes I just cant seem to get past those feelings. I know anger is not a good thing for me, I need to find a way to let it go.
Well I am venting here, I apologize for that.
Anyway, take care and please keep me posted on how you are doing!
God Bless
Hi Beth,
I just wanted to lend you my support and comment that I think it's quite normal to feel anger over being in the situation you are- having cancer and having financial troubles.
I believe that the God who created us knows our emotions and understands this emotion of anger of yours quite well. Even Jesus got angry every now and then- it's a normal emotion and nothing to feel guilty about. You just don't want it to consume you, though!
I would like to suggest to you though something about anger- so many people understandably get angry at God with the "why me" questions and "if God cares about me, why doesn't he fix my problems?" I won't pretend to understand why some people who pray are healed and others who seem to have the whole world praying for them don't get healed. Myself, I believe I did have a miracle early on with a tumor of mine completely vanishing and being able to avoid surgery. However, I've had a recurrence, so I struggled with the "what happened God?" question and emotions for a while. I've come to the realization that I know God can heal me (I really do believe that), but I don't know if that is what is going to happen. As hard as it feels, I feel like I can accept whatever His will in my situation is. I have experienced the wonderful gift God has for us- his love and a peace and joy that surpasses understanding or explanations. It's so hard to explain to others who don't understand. It's really kind of one of those things that you can't really understand unless/until you experience it for yourself. But- if you ask God in all sincerity, I believe He will bless you and give you this peace. I certainly am not always a bubbling spring of joy, but it's an inner joy and peace and an assurance that my life is in His hands. God sent his son Jesus so that we might live- live with a peace and joy while here on earth and live eternally with God after life here on earth is over for us. I hope I don't sound kooky to you, it's just that I really believe this and wish that everyone could experience the same joy that I've experienced.
It won't mean that you'll instantly understand everything about God and how he operates regarding sickness, sadness, etc., but you'll be able to get through it in a way you would never have imagined! Jesus would love to become part of your life- this is a step beyond just "believing in God"- it is a step of faith in asking the God of the universe to become part of your life in a very personal way. If you ask in all sincerity, He will give you that feeling of reassurance that helps you to know that He is real- and really loves you!
Best wishes and God bless,
Lisa0 -
Chopradorookie said:I am with you
I am about to start my fight with SSD. My partner said she read somewhere that because the cancer has come back that it automatically qualifies us for benefits. I am hoping she is right. So many things out there on the net are outdated or just not correct. I will keep you posted on my fight.
I agree its so hard to fight for survival when you face losing everything else too. But when it comes down to it, nothing else really matter but survival. Everything I have accomplished or have, can be replaced. I dont mind starting over, hell I am tired of trying to keep up with the jones anyway. I just want to live, I want to see my grandkids grow up, hell I still want to see my daughter continue to grow into a healthy and happy adult.
I am sorry for all the troubles you are going through, sure wish I could help, all I can offer is my prayers and well wishes!
I have heard of Chopra, but that is all I know about it. I struggle everyday with trying to find something that can help me understand all of this, something to help me get through this. I believe in God and rely on him, but honestly I have some anger towards him, you know all the "why me" questions. I still get angry, not sure if others still do or not, but those are some of my feelings. I dont like being angry, sometimes I just cant seem to get past those feelings. I know anger is not a good thing for me, I need to find a way to let it go.
Well I am venting here, I apologize for that.
Anyway, take care and please keep me posted on how you are doing!
God Bless
Hi again, Beth! I think listening to Deepak Chopra would help. Not only are his philosophies understandable, but his soft Indian accent is soothing. One of his most popular books is "Seven Laws to Spiritual Success". They have it on audio book too which I think is best. Dr. Wayne Dyer is another one who can lift your spirits with his upbeat look at things. The real trick to all of this hell is to know that it is ladened with silver linings. They can help you see that.
Something my psychologist recommended that i haven't yet done, is go to the UCSD website to the Wellness Center and download their relaxation audios. She keeps telling me they will help, and i plan on visiting there today. I think the website is If that isn't right, do a google on UCSD and cancer research, and the Moores Center will come up.
As far as SSI, or SSD? I heard that if they think you're terminal, you'll get it right away. Expect them to ask questions about whether or not you've been told you're going to die. They're so horrible.
Let us know how it goes, and i will also keep you informed about my lawsuit with them.
Many hugs,
Krista0 -
Dear Beth,
Oh how I hear you! We were also going under fast. Mu husband lost his job- then got colon cancer. He applied for and got SSDI- it has to be 6 months since the diagnosis. We existed on family help. My poor little 86 year old mother took a reverse mortgage out on her house to help us. Smaller amounts from brothers, sisters, in-laws. We made it by the skin of our teeth. My son had to come home from college to help his Dad in his house painting business. My husband was too weak to work more than a few hours per day. My son did all the heavy stuff- and took no pay. Does your partner work? I did and carried the benefits, thank God but I did not make anywhere near the salary needed to pay our bills. It worked out with SSDI and we have been able to keep the house. Honestly, with this economy we couldn't afford not to keep it- where would we go? There are organizations that can give you some limited, and I mean limited financial help- google "financial support for cancer patients" or something like that. Better yet, call the American Cancer Society. Here's another thing I learned. Call your mortgage company or bank. Some people have had things worked out for them... they do not want your house- just your payments- you may be able to change the payment amount etc. It has been 3 years, 4 months and we still have our house. I never thought that we could hang on this long. Take care.
Carol0 -
so sorry
we are in the same boat we had to sell our truck and camper i had to take a loan on my 401k, we are trying to sell our boat so hang in there i hope you get good news on ssd since my husban is terminal we got it in 3 months but if he passes no more ssdi for us. I will keep positive thoughts for the ssi
michelle0 -
Call your State Representativesangelsbaby said:so sorry
we are in the same boat we had to sell our truck and camper i had to take a loan on my 401k, we are trying to sell our boat so hang in there i hope you get good news on ssd since my husban is terminal we got it in 3 months but if he passes no more ssdi for us. I will keep positive thoughts for the ssi
If you will call your State Representatives and talk with them or send them an email or hand written letter and tell them of your plight you may be surprised how fast your SSDI is pushed along....they can and will do it if they feel the need is great enough or sad to say that it might earn them a vote.
Also , in the case of home mortgage, they are in the business of making money, ask them about just making the interest payment while you are having a tough time, it may be that if you are a new owner that your interest rate is about all of your house payment so it may not help but can be an option for you.
It is a sad situation to be in and I understand completely for I have been there almost at wits end but managed to get through it...
Try the State Rep...he may be your Godsend to this problem.........God Bless0 -
Thank you Lisalisa42 said:it's normal
Hi Beth,
I just wanted to lend you my support and comment that I think it's quite normal to feel anger over being in the situation you are- having cancer and having financial troubles.
I believe that the God who created us knows our emotions and understands this emotion of anger of yours quite well. Even Jesus got angry every now and then- it's a normal emotion and nothing to feel guilty about. You just don't want it to consume you, though!
I would like to suggest to you though something about anger- so many people understandably get angry at God with the "why me" questions and "if God cares about me, why doesn't he fix my problems?" I won't pretend to understand why some people who pray are healed and others who seem to have the whole world praying for them don't get healed. Myself, I believe I did have a miracle early on with a tumor of mine completely vanishing and being able to avoid surgery. However, I've had a recurrence, so I struggled with the "what happened God?" question and emotions for a while. I've come to the realization that I know God can heal me (I really do believe that), but I don't know if that is what is going to happen. As hard as it feels, I feel like I can accept whatever His will in my situation is. I have experienced the wonderful gift God has for us- his love and a peace and joy that surpasses understanding or explanations. It's so hard to explain to others who don't understand. It's really kind of one of those things that you can't really understand unless/until you experience it for yourself. But- if you ask God in all sincerity, I believe He will bless you and give you this peace. I certainly am not always a bubbling spring of joy, but it's an inner joy and peace and an assurance that my life is in His hands. God sent his son Jesus so that we might live- live with a peace and joy while here on earth and live eternally with God after life here on earth is over for us. I hope I don't sound kooky to you, it's just that I really believe this and wish that everyone could experience the same joy that I've experienced.
It won't mean that you'll instantly understand everything about God and how he operates regarding sickness, sadness, etc., but you'll be able to get through it in a way you would never have imagined! Jesus would love to become part of your life- this is a step beyond just "believing in God"- it is a step of faith in asking the God of the universe to become part of your life in a very personal way. If you ask in all sincerity, He will give you that feeling of reassurance that helps you to know that He is real- and really loves you!
Best wishes and God bless,
I appreciate your response and I know what you are saying. I have struggled with this area for a while now. I know I will get through this with the help of God, well actually I believe I need him for every aspect of my life not just this situation. Thanks so much again for your comments.
God Bless
Beth0 -
Great IdeaBuzzard said:Call your State Representatives
If you will call your State Representatives and talk with them or send them an email or hand written letter and tell them of your plight you may be surprised how fast your SSDI is pushed along....they can and will do it if they feel the need is great enough or sad to say that it might earn them a vote.
Also , in the case of home mortgage, they are in the business of making money, ask them about just making the interest payment while you are having a tough time, it may be that if you are a new owner that your interest rate is about all of your house payment so it may not help but can be an option for you.
It is a sad situation to be in and I understand completely for I have been there almost at wits end but managed to get through it...
Try the State Rep...he may be your Godsend to this problem.........God Bless
I just went to the SSA Office to turn in all the paperwork they requested I fill out. We had asked for it to be expedited because of the cancer being back I qualified for it to be done within 10 days (expedited). Well the lady said wait here I need to check with my supervisor. So when she returned she asked if my ONC had actually said if I was going to die, or if he had given me a time frame of when I might die, I said no, that he did say that stage 4 decreases my survial rate if thats what your asking of me? She said yes, but was pinging on the fact that if the doctor had said I was going to die or there was a timeframe then they would expedite the paperwork. So kind of gives ya a feeling of how this will go. I will give them a few weeks and if I dont hear from SSA, I will contact my state rep for assistance. I am also a Vet (8 yrs Navy) and I know they dont like to get angry letters from Vets.
I am just trying to get things in order and make decisions before I start the chemo, I like to have things planned out as much as I can.
I really appreciate all the responses, Glad to know I am not alone, but also sad to know others are going through this problem too, I know how stressful it is. I feel better today, sat down and looked at different senerios and made some decisions for different situations that could occur. So I feel a bit more stable, if that makes any sense at all.
Well tomorrow will be 2 weeks out from surgery, still in a lot of pain, but able to get around a lot better. I see the surgeon and my ONC next week. So for now its just take it easy and heal.
God Bless All
Beth0 -
Taking Chargedorookie said:Great Idea
I just went to the SSA Office to turn in all the paperwork they requested I fill out. We had asked for it to be expedited because of the cancer being back I qualified for it to be done within 10 days (expedited). Well the lady said wait here I need to check with my supervisor. So when she returned she asked if my ONC had actually said if I was going to die, or if he had given me a time frame of when I might die, I said no, that he did say that stage 4 decreases my survial rate if thats what your asking of me? She said yes, but was pinging on the fact that if the doctor had said I was going to die or there was a timeframe then they would expedite the paperwork. So kind of gives ya a feeling of how this will go. I will give them a few weeks and if I dont hear from SSA, I will contact my state rep for assistance. I am also a Vet (8 yrs Navy) and I know they dont like to get angry letters from Vets.
I am just trying to get things in order and make decisions before I start the chemo, I like to have things planned out as much as I can.
I really appreciate all the responses, Glad to know I am not alone, but also sad to know others are going through this problem too, I know how stressful it is. I feel better today, sat down and looked at different senerios and made some decisions for different situations that could occur. So I feel a bit more stable, if that makes any sense at all.
Well tomorrow will be 2 weeks out from surgery, still in a lot of pain, but able to get around a lot better. I see the surgeon and my ONC next week. So for now its just take it easy and heal.
God Bless All
You have to know that they are just doing a job. I would not wait a couple of weeks, I would give them until the end of the week and then call my State Rep and explain to him that you are a Vet and a cancer patient...You will get immediate satisfaction, guarantee you and if you don't get through to the Rep whomever you talk to leave your name and Phone # with them and let them know you are a vet and your situation. It will get expedited.......Good Luck0 -
Thats the PLanBuzzard said:Taking Charge
You have to know that they are just doing a job. I would not wait a couple of weeks, I would give them until the end of the week and then call my State Rep and explain to him that you are a Vet and a cancer patient...You will get immediate satisfaction, guarantee you and if you don't get through to the Rep whomever you talk to leave your name and Phone # with them and let them know you are a vet and your situation. It will get expedited.......Good Luck
You sound like my partner, she is always telling me to TAKE CHARGE. SO now that is what I am having to do. Funny at work (I am a federal Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)) I am the take charge type but at home I am just Beth, and very laid back. Thank you for the info and I will be making the phone calls by the end of the week, no later then Monday that is for sure!
God Bless
Beth0 -
You're welcomedorookie said:Thank you Lisa
I appreciate your response and I know what you are saying. I have struggled with this area for a while now. I know I will get through this with the help of God, well actually I believe I need him for every aspect of my life not just this situation. Thanks so much again for your comments.
God Bless
Hi again Beth,
You're welcome. You take care!!!
Lisa0 -
SSDdorookie said:Second Round with SSD
I applied the first go around with cancer and they denied me because I got better go figure. I am now in the process of appealing it. I have all the paperwork and will be taking it to the SSD office on Monday. SO please keep your fingers crossed for me. And thanks for responding.
God Bless
My husband has had 5 heart attacks, stage 4 prostate cancer, diabetes, severe chronic Psoriasis,herniated disk, being treated for depression (no wonder) and now we are fairly sure the cancer has spread to his colon. He applied for Social Security Disability when his boss let him go for being sick, in July 2007. We have been turned down twice and are awaiting a hearing with a judge which could take up to 2 years. The excuse from Social Security is that although he is unable to do his past job in construction, he can find a job some place.
It looks like Social Security is waiting for him to die, so they won't have to pay.0 -
Try Binder and Binder....sueatlanta said:SSD
My husband has had 5 heart attacks, stage 4 prostate cancer, diabetes, severe chronic Psoriasis,herniated disk, being treated for depression (no wonder) and now we are fairly sure the cancer has spread to his colon. He applied for Social Security Disability when his boss let him go for being sick, in July 2007. We have been turned down twice and are awaiting a hearing with a judge which could take up to 2 years. The excuse from Social Security is that although he is unable to do his past job in construction, he can find a job some place.
It looks like Social Security is waiting for him to die, so they won't have to pay.
a popular law firm in California....Cheech!!!!! I HATE SSD!!!! I'm battling them for my daughter right now, too...
Hugs, Kathi0
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