Read my scan results..... What is uptake? I don't understand some of this

idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I picked up a copy of my scan today. Viewed the disk... yep... I was lost. Read the, I was still a little confused. Can you tell me your take on these results?

FINDINGS: All the previously described pulmonary lesions have decreased in size from the prior study. The degree of uptake (???)within these lesions is also decreased, with the smallest lesion demonstrating no discernable uptake (???) on the current scan. The previously described solitary focus of uptake within the liver has also resolved. Uptake within the slightly enlarged liver is now within normal limits.

Uptake within the remainder of the abdomin and pelvis is also within normal limits. No abnormal uptake is seen within the neck. No abnormal skeletal uptake is seen.

IMPRESSION: Favorable therapeutic response is demonstrated by decreasing size and hypermetabolism of bilateral pulmonary nodules (???) and by resolution of the previously described solitary hepatic metastasis. No new metastatic disease is demonstrated.

Can anyone break it down for me?



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Breaking' It Down :)

    Uptake value indicates if the glucose tracer is going to spots with cancer activity and therefore "light up" on the PET scans.

    Your reports sound great! I was just shocked.

    Reader's Digest version: You are not showing any uptake value to your previous mets. All looks to be within normal limits.

    Wow! I'd just have to feel very good about this report - thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for your post last night - you really touched me!

  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    Sounds great!
    Sounds great to me! Congratulations on a good report.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Sounds like great news to me!

  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519
    sounds good jeannie..
    sounds good jeannie.. Congrats on some good news..
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601

    sounds good jeannie..
    sounds good jeannie.. Congrats on some good news..

    Show off
    It says you're doing much better. Congrats!
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Breaking' It Down :)

    Uptake value indicates if the glucose tracer is going to spots with cancer activity and therefore "light up" on the PET scans.

    Your reports sound great! I was just shocked.

    Reader's Digest version: You are not showing any uptake value to your previous mets. All looks to be within normal limits.

    Wow! I'd just have to feel very good about this report - thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for your post last night - you really touched me!


    Hey Craig
    Thank you for breaking it down. My onc said I still have nodules in my lungs but they are "very little". I don't know how many or how tiny but he seemed very happy. So are you saying where it says on that report there is no uptake that it did not "light up" there hence no activity. Sorry if I sound dumb about this. Confused..... Take care... ur n my prayers

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Hey Craig
    Thank you for breaking it down. My onc said I still have nodules in my lungs but they are "very little". I don't know how many or how tiny but he seemed very happy. So are you saying where it says on that report there is no uptake that it did not "light up" there hence no activity. Sorry if I sound dumb about this. Confused..... Take care... ur n my prayers


    Sounds that way to me - no
    Sounds that way to me - no activity that is jumping out to the doctors anyway. They will be watching it - but really it sounds so good.

    Relax some, but stay diligent, don't let up on it. You've got Cancer "on the run." :)

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Sounds Great
    But I always leave it to the ones who know how to read it to read it and let me know what it means in English.
    It does have a lot of positive sentences in there though.
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583
    PhillieG said:

    Sounds Great
    But I always leave it to the ones who know how to read it to read it and let me know what it means in English.
    It does have a lot of positive sentences in there though.

    John`s right. You are a show off. It means you have come a long way in a short period of time and will probably go alot farther wih more chemo. I see ned in your near future. I don`t think you are going anywhere anytime soon. There will be many more fireworks displays for you and your husband to share.

  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    I don't undrestand
    I don't understand it either Jen but everyone who has been around says it is good news. So this is great. It does sound to me like you are moving in the right direction. I am so happy to hear something good.I've been thinking about you and hope everything continues to move in the positive direction.
    Have a good visit with Kimby. Keep up the good luck, Paula
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    Good News
    Sounds great to me; uptake means how much of the radioactive tracer is
    being taken up by certain organs, etc.....if it is not taken up it means
    there is no activity.....but leave it to the professionals to really
    explain it to you, we are amateurs. My last scans showed one nodule
    on a lung, a "lesion" on a kidney and an enlarged ovary....but oncologist
    says unless they are growing there is no concern...unless the tracer
    is taken up and the area lights up they are not worried about it....
    we all have strange spots in us that mean nothing until they light up
    on scan....I had a pelvic ultrasound and it turned out that the ovary
    was not the issue it was the endometral lining and that size was
    in the upper normal limits but still considered normal....glad they
    watch us carefully, it means we can get a head start on any problems.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    dixchi said:

    Good News
    Sounds great to me; uptake means how much of the radioactive tracer is
    being taken up by certain organs, etc.....if it is not taken up it means
    there is no activity.....but leave it to the professionals to really
    explain it to you, we are amateurs. My last scans showed one nodule
    on a lung, a "lesion" on a kidney and an enlarged ovary....but oncologist
    says unless they are growing there is no concern...unless the tracer
    is taken up and the area lights up they are not worried about it....
    we all have strange spots in us that mean nothing until they light up
    on scan....I had a pelvic ultrasound and it turned out that the ovary
    was not the issue it was the endometral lining and that size was
    in the upper normal limits but still considered normal....glad they
    watch us carefully, it means we can get a head start on any problems.

    Great news
    Sounds like everything has worked to make them smaller and even go away. Happy news i think..good luck to you,

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Hi Jennie,it's so nice to
    Hi Jennie,it's so nice to know everything is under control.You really responsed to the chemo very well.Take one step at a time,you will be NED in the near future.Best luck and best wishes to you with everything.Take care.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sounds like a great report. So glad that it shows the chemo is working and getting rid of the cancer - that is the main objective and it is doing it's job.

  • donnare
    donnare Member Posts: 266
    Sounds good to me
    Hi Jennie,

    I'm new at this but it sounds good and all the survivors seem to think so.
    So enjoy the good news!!
    Happy for you.

    Be well,
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    donnare said:

    Sounds good to me
    Hi Jennie,

    I'm new at this but it sounds good and all the survivors seem to think so.
    So enjoy the good news!!
    Happy for you.

    Be well,

    Thanks to all of you........ There is just no way I could get through this without all of you. I had somesone ask me the other day why I didn't get a "real" support group. I told him "Dude.... this is as real as it gets!" I love you guys!!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    Thanks to all of you........ There is just no way I could get through this without all of you. I had somesone ask me the other day why I didn't get a "real" support group. I told him "Dude.... this is as real as it gets!" I love you guys!!


    Funny Jennie
    I like to consider some of you my "Imaginary Friends". You're real people, I just imagine that some of you are my friends.

    I tried a "real" support group once at a Gilda's Club. Bruce (Fedester) was there so that was great, but many others were there and they had a variety of cancers. That's fine but it helps more at times when we are all in the same book, maybe we are on different pages in different chapters, but we are all in the same book cancer wise. Then there would be people who would hog the entire session at times too. Not good..."imaginary friends" are better.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    wonderful news!
    Hi Jennie,

    I'm so pleased to hear your report- it really is wonderful news that the chemo is working!!
    "Uptake" refers to the number assigned to the amount of metabolic activity recorded in your scan. Metabolic activity is usually seen on rapidly dividing cells- sometimes in other areas as well as you probably know- brain, bladder, heart, etc. I've been told normal uptake values are usually at 2.5 or less. Most of my scan reports never mentioned what the uptake values actually are- only my last one did. I think it depends upon the particular radiologist reading the scans and writing the reports on how much info they include. So, when they refer to your uptake values being within normal limits, it should probably mean they read at 2.5 or less. "The previously described solitary focus of uptake within the liver has resolved.- this would refer to a solitary (one) area in the liver that had lit up in the past and it is no longer lighting up ("it has been resolved"). "Decreasing size and hypermetabolism of bilateral pulmonary nodules"- I believe that means your lung (pulmonary) nodules have gotten smaller and the amount of uptake (hypermetabolism), or amount of intensity it lights up with, has become less. "Bilateral pulmonary nodules" refers to lung nodules on both sides of your lungs. I feel like I'm getting my M.D. through the process of researching how to read my scan reports!!

    Anyhow, it is very good news and I'm very, very happy for you! Keep it up and maybe they'll be all gone soon and you'll be saying you're NED!!!

    Take care and God bless,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Funny Jennie
    I like to consider some of you my "Imaginary Friends". You're real people, I just imagine that some of you are my friends.

    I tried a "real" support group once at a Gilda's Club. Bruce (Fedester) was there so that was great, but many others were there and they had a variety of cancers. That's fine but it helps more at times when we are all in the same book, maybe we are on different pages in different chapters, but we are all in the same book cancer wise. Then there would be people who would hog the entire session at times too. Not good..."imaginary friends" are better.

    "I'm IN a support group, thank you"

    I feel the same way. Just a couple of days ago, I got a call from a local hospital noting my records of having cancer and wondering if I'm interested in joining a cancer support group.
    I told them, "Thank you very much, but I really already have a good support system of family and friends around me, and I'm actually already in a great support group." I'm NOT actually in any other "real" support group- I was referring to THIS board- I think you're all great and the best kind of support group I could be in and you are definitely all REAL!!
    Thanks everyone!!
