First round of chemo - update
I've been having a much harder time than I ever anticipated. But at least I've discovered a little more of why I am having such a tough time. Chemo + Severe thrush = HELL! If you want to read more, here is the link, but it is very long. Otherwise the short of it is, I have a bad thrush infection mouth, espophagus, and…
KRAS mutant? Get rechecked!
I found out today that as much as 35% of KRAS mutant tests could be wrong, I am no longer KRAS mutant. Read my other post "you're gonna love this, help is on the way"
Chemo pills???
Can anyone tell me about the chemo pills you can take instead of the chemo by I.V. My Dr. says there is a 5% difference in how effective they are compared to the I.V. treatment. But he was not very forth coming regarding the side effects. Any advise would be great.
Class of spring 2010 roll call - who is just starting chemo now?
It seems there are a lot of us who have just started, or are starting up within a week. Please post your Dx and your chemo plan here. Stage IIIc (sigmoid with resection done) Started FOLFOX 22OCT, and will have 12 rounds bi-weekly.
new member
I am a new member here. diagnosed with rectal cancer about 2 months ago. I've been through the range of emotions, went through a lovely state of denial (which didn't prevent me of taking care of business, though), and am currently feeling low again. I am currently sick with the flu (or something like it), and am due to…
Does anyone else bleed like a stuck pig if they just hit their hand on something? I hit my finger on the end table getting out of bed and didn't think anything of it. I got to the kitchen and blood was running off my finger, I had been dripping blood all down the hallway. My doctor tells me this is from the Avastin, but…
Oh Goody, time for testing
That was said very sarcastic by the way. Well, it's time for my colonoscopy, and CEA, and MRI of liver lesion, and now, a lump in breast (new), so another mamogram this next Friday. But the foot doctor yesterday said as he cut on the painful growth on the bottom of my foot, at least this doesn't look like cancer (for some…
Port Removal Today
I had my port removed today. They didn't sedate me like I thought they would, but that never worked anyway, but just numbed the area. The doctor wondered why I didn't go back to original hospital and told her about my terrible experience and she said if you feel pain I feel pain (oh she is my type of doctor). I felt some…
First Chemo txt today
I had my first chemo treatment today. They gave me antinausea IV meds, decadron, and mag/calcium. Then came Folfox plus the pump of more 5FU for 46 hours. I am tired and achy but doing great. I know I could get smacked as the days progress, but for now I am just thankful to have made it through the first one. I want to…
My husband started chemo today,please put us in your prayers
Hi dear all,today is my hubby's first day for adjuvant chemo Folfox.This happened a little bit earlier than what we expected.But the earlier it starts,the sooner it ends.Please put us in your prayers.Hopefully my husband will get through the whole treatment smoothly with no side effects or very little and finish all the 12…
Stage 4 appendix ca tired of chemo looking for alternatives
Has anyone had any success with alternative medicine/nutrition/juicing/ etc?
Has anyone chosen NOT to have surgery for rectal and vaginal cancers?
I have completed radiation and chemo pill Xeloda for rectal and vaginal cancers. Surgery is pending. I understand it is my choice as to whether I want to have surgery or not. I'm 75 years old, live alone, have osteoarthritis and other aged-related issues. Truthfully, I'm scared of having surgery. I know I will have…
PET/CT Scan Results - Devastating
I've hesitated to write this bad news, but I am hoping that someone may be able to help with a possible clinical trial. (Not to mention, who else would better understand what I'm going through.) I got my PET and CT scan results yesterday after doing 10 rounds of Folfiri and Avastin for lung mets and mediastinal lymph node…
Friday Riddle
NO RIDDLE, JUST THREE JOKES. I am a Redskin fan and I do not mind these jokes, but if you do, I do apologize. 1) How do you keep the Redskins out of your yard? 2) What does a dollar bill have that the Redskins do not? 3) What does pee wee football have that the Redskins do not?
Working the cancer, So the cancer can't work you.
Day one of radiation and a new drug xeloda, I had approached this day with great reserve, afraid of what was to come, what side effects will i be lucky to have and which ones will i avoid, will i be tired will i feel good, will i want to do anything or will i just be dazed out, I was worried and the cancer was working me,.…
I'm a little worried. Anyone have an update on Craig? Erik have you talked to him lately?
Lost a friend to the Monster!!
None of you here knew Rex M. He never came to this site but we met Rex 3 years ago when Frank started his chemo treatments. Rex was an inspiration and an encouragement because he had been fighting the monster already for 4 years. Colorectal cancer stage 4 with mets to liver and lungs. He and his wife Pearl became friends…
A TOAST to all of you
I'm going to the Oceanside pier today with my wife and her family. OMG it will be nice to get out of the house and NOT go to a doctor appointment!! When I'm having my fish and chips I'm going to have a cold beer. I'm going to say a few words and send a toast to all of you. You guys are all wonderful people and I'm so lucky…
Mom's follow up tests on Friday *UPDATE*
I haven't been on here for a while but thought I would update. Well- it is hard to believe that it has been almost 1 year since my Mom was diagnosed with CC and this jouney began. She has had a breast lump scare with lots of testing along the way ---which turned out ok. She will have her first follow up colonoscopy this…
Still losing posts........
I made two kinda long posts to thready and to cyndi and neither one went up. Im gonna contact Greta to see whats up...So, copy and paste if you must...Im sure it will all be good very soon...
clear scans!!!!!
Hi all, I just got a call from my surgeon's nurse at 9pm. My bloodwork was good, and both CT and MRI's were clear, She said, "we will do surgery and then go from there!!!!!" thank you all who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. blessings, Amy
Is my chemotherapy still effective with all the interruptions?
I’m currently receiving Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Leucovorin, in four treatment cycles. In each cycle I will receive the chemo once a week for six weeks and then I will have two weeks off. Then the cycle is repeated three more times. After nearly three months I’m still on the first cycle. After three treatments the doctor…
Who's done Folfuri w/ Erbitux?
I'm Stage IV Colon CA, mets to liver. Did surgery, radiospheres & 6 months Folfox. New tumors appeared in liver, so now going to do another radiosphere tx & then 6 months Folfuri. Has anyone done Folfuri (w/ or w/o Erbitux)? If so, did you have different side effects? :)
Port Removal Thursday
I am so thankful that my oncologist has agreed to take my port out. Initially she said a year, but I said it protrudes so much and hurts when I hug or lay a certain way and she said she agreed and wanted to see how the scan came back. Well the scan was clear, as I posted before, and I called her office two weeks ago and…
Recovering from anal cancer treatments - things are looking up!
Hi all...have not been on here since the end of August. Just an update...I finished chemo and radiation on 9/17. It was hell, but for any newbies, it does eventually get better! I was diagnosed on 7/7/2009. My tumor was over 5cm and at stage II/III. I had 30 radiation treatments and chemo once a week for 7 weeks. I had an…
1st scan since surgery thursday
Well tomorrow I will have my first scan since my surgery and I have to admit I am scared to death. I was told by my onc that if the cancer has not spread that she would give me a break from chemo. I have decided that even if she says I can take a break I'm not going to. The way I see it is like this. Its kinda like when…
My little homage to the Semis - I hope it's not too hokey
Some of you know that I'm an artist. Each year San Francisco General Hospital asks a few artists from the city to decorate a large 3-dimensional heart to be auctioned off to raise funds for the hospital. To make a long story short, I got asked this year and part way through I figured out that I could take advantage of my…
Surgery tomorrow
They day has come. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow. For background I was Dx IIa and did 5 weeks radiation and chemo (Xeloda). As soon as I can I will post back here to let you all know the outcome. I have gotten and will continue getting alot of helpful information from all of you. I do not post very often but I read…
Frustrated, Awaiting CT and MRI results
Well, I called my surgeon's office once yesterday and twice today...still no word on my CT and MRI results. I am sooo frustrated!!!! I just want to know the results. I felt the same way on the biopsy after my colonoscopy, I had to wait a week for that. I can't seem to do anything that requires any amount of concentration,…