Well many of you know from an earlier post that in november i had a met removed from my main bile duct and a stent placed to keep duct from becoming blocked through a procedure called an ERCP. just had a new pet/scan and met is back and bigger than before. met with surgeon today he wants to do a procedure called a modified…
Update-half way point of adjuvant chemo
Hi dear all.I would like to give my semi-colon family an update about us. Today is my husband's 6 round of adjuvant chemo,he is at the half way point,so we can start countdown now.Since the oxi created the neuropathy on my husband's fingers,the oncologist decided to skip it at round 5 and round 6 in order to let his…
Tomorrow (tonight) is a bit tough....
It was 5 after midnight, I was here in Holland, 3 years ago, when the phone rang with the news my daughter had died. I still miss her, but keep her firmly in my heart. She had her moments, but also had times of joy, and the biggest smile. I feel like turning the phones off tonight, not a single call do I want to have...my…
Where is Phil
Hey, I haven't been on the board much the last few weeks. I haven't seen anything from Phil. Hope you are okay Phil. You always bring a smile to my face. Hope you are okay and will post soon. Paula
not good-bye just see ya later
hello to my cyber family.i have made a hard decision today on the advice of my radiologist.as i am seeing him for the scar tissue this cancer has left me.as many of you know i stay depressed most of the time because of the nasty side effects i have been left with.its been almost 6 months since chemo ended and i still have…
Weather for those in close proximity to Paducah,Nashville,Knoxville,Sheffield,Muscle Shoals Florence
A strong cold front with limited moisture will move across the service territory on Wednesday night and Thursday. An area of light snow will spread across all of our region in association with the front. Total liquid accumulation from this front will average between 0.1” and 0.2”. A typical snow ratio is 10” per one inch…
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It!!! - Craig and DaVinci Article JUST Published in Local Newspaper -
Happy New Year Semis; I just wanted to share this with you as we start 2010! The Fort Worth Star Telegram has just released their health article on the DaVinci surgical system. I've been looking for it all week and it just posted today. And guess what? She mentioned the SEMI COLONS in "print" in the article, so WE ALL made…
Well Rounded Treatment Center (neat!)
From a post in the pancreatic cancer section of the forums, check out the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Care: http://www.blockmd.com/ They use both traditional and alternative forms of therapy (does that lower the Quack rating? lol) and have had some decent success. There are stories of people who have survived Stage…
Woild like imput
July 2007 I had a colon tumor removed. It had not perforated the colon. I had a resection followed by chemo. A PET scan in May of 2009 showed a "spot on the outside of my colon where it had been re sectioned. It was to small to place a marker and all biopsy came back negative. A follow up PET scan in Nov of 2009 showed…
8 rounds of folfox - and 25 fractions of radiation - DONE!!!
I am not great at posting or coming here very much.....my New Years resolution is to be here more frequently..... I completed 8 rounds of folfox and TODAY was #25 of radiation - I still have 4 more rounds of chemo (folfox)....but get a HOLIDAY of no treatment for a month!!! WAHOO!!! Diagnosed June 4, 2009...I am a stage…
not sure what cea's are
Today I went in for round 8 of god only knows how many, I am very disapointed with myself right now . My Dr.told me that my labs all came back very very good she started naming all different kinds of crap off and when she got to my cea's she said it was outstanding 2.5. This is the second time around for me with cancer and…
can't decide on what juicer to get- update: I finally decided!
I know this topic has been discussed before & I did a search and read all the past posts on juicers, but thought maybe some of the newer people on the board might have some input. I'm pretty sure I want a juicer that masticates (as opposed to the centrifugal kind). Emily (2bhealed) and Scouty both have Champions and had…
Any info would be appreciated *UPDATE
Hello All, Happy New Year to everyone! I dont want to really bother anyone but I am at the end of my rope here. I have what I think is a pinched nerve and boy let me tell you its kicking my backside with pain. I am on heavy pain meds but they are only masking the problem I think. Had a MRI last Thursday, waiting for…
TONIGHT - Options for Treating Liver Metastases" - featuring Dr. Michael Choti of Johns Hopkins Univ
Talk with Dr. Laura about Colorectal Cancer "Options for Treating Liver Metastases" featuring Dr. Michael Choti of Johns Hopkins University Hospital TONIGHT 8 p.m. EST Michael Choti, M.D., M.B.A. The Jacob C. Handelsman Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Handelsman Division of Surgical Oncology, Dr. Michael Choti is a…
How many CatScans do we have??
Hi All, Well today I had another CatScan and I'm thinking how many can my body really take? I just had one in october and one in July boy I think I'm hitting my limit? Had a mammogram last week and had to follow up today with another, I think I must be glowing from all this radiation! I just thought i'd ask how many…
Clinical trial update
Hi All, A few months ago I participated in a clinical trial of Amgen 655 and Amgen 479 for treatment of advanced solid tumor. The CT scan before Thanksgiving indicated tumor progression. So the trial was not working for me. My onc gave me two options. One is to go back to traditional chemo, which she thinks will eventually…
Hi Guys
I read this board a lot but usually post on the "Colon Club" website. I'm currently NED, have / had :) stage 4 with mets to the bone. My resent scan was incredibly clean and my onc took me off chemo(10 rounds Folfox) and I'm great. I wanted to share my story of how God intervened for me and what happened to bring me to…
Swollen esophogas
Hi, everyone, I haven't posted a discussion topic in a while, but I have tried to keep checking in on this site and offering my Prayers. My husband had colon cancer stage 3C, full colonectomy last april. finished chemo in Nove. CT Scan on December 28, Dec. 30 dr.'s office called and said no signs of metasizing. We…
i got my way
went to see the dr today and he said i had 3 choices, 1 another study. 2 no more treatment. 3 FOLFOX AND AVASTIN..just what i wanted i had such good results from it a couple of years ago i wanted to try again and they are going to let me.. i am going to have to stay over night the first 3 treatments because i did have a…
odd question
Now that you have been diagnosed with colon cancer, do you have to not be a donor anymore on your driver's license? I know I had to remove myself from the Marrow Donor website, which was a sad day for me.
when will this nightmare end
sorry everyone but I need to vent I am doing well with chemo get great reports from my onc every three weeks and life was good until today and my husband was told he has bladder cancer he will have surgery on Feb 1st. I don't know how much more I can handle we are supposed to avoid stress well I'd like for some one to give…
Great news!
Looks like bills can get paid! I think my work is finally caving in on the whole tele-work thing. Gotta love corporations! Amazing what a hint of EEOC action will do to get some people of their cans and do something. I don't think they willing to categorize me as disabled though, so still probably have to file the…
prayer request
the domino effect has begun! Budget cuts mean I more than likely will lose my job- how's that for over 10 years of seniority? Little language issue in the teaching contract that will be used against a few of us. Once the job goes, so does my health insurance, which is never good for someone who is recovering from…
liver ressection
I wrote a couple questions last night but thought this might get someones eye...is anyone on here that has had 2 liver ressections...my mom is probably looking at her 2nd coming up and im really scared....any encouragement would be appreciated.
sitting this dance out
semi's, i have been contaplating posting about my bump in the road. on 12/14 i had a colonscope and the dr found a cancerous polyp. he snipped as best as possible, but he wants me to have a resection just to make sure. i am in good spirits, i did make the 5 year mark. i don't want anyone to be discouraged by this in any…
Spontaneous Healing- Confronting and Beating Terminal Illness By Sacha Tarkovsky
Spontaneous Healing – Confronting and Beating Terminal Illness By Sacha Tarkovsky Spontaneous healing has been seen by many medical doctors who have seen or heard about at least one patient with a supposed terminal condition such as cancer, and who miraculously recovered. Spontaneous healing cannot be explained by…
Scaniety with scan results tomorrow
Had my PET last week, see oncologist tomorrow. Nervous again. Last PET(3 months ago) was great. Still on same chemo..So hopefully I am NED or stable.. But the fear does us in... Please keep me in your thoughts. Thanks for listening... Mary
January (new year) Birthdays
Would like to take this time to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ALL the NEW YEAR babies (semi-colons) that take place in January. My current list I hold only shows one: Lesvanb (leslie) - Born on 23 Jan. If you would like to be added to the Semi-Colon Birthday List, please provide the following information when posting to this…
I wrote Kimby's son via Facebook to ask if she is okay and would sending cards be okay. Here's his reply. :o ) She is fine. she has been busy pretty lately and probably just hasn't been checking her things online. thank you for the concern and she will absolutely love the silly cards. she is a very silly person and it will…
Helpful Advice on Eating
To the newly diagnosed.... I wish that someone had given me and my family this book before cancer surgery, or even before chemo It has been very, very helpful. I highly recommend it no matter what stage of cancer or what part of treatment you are in. It is not a recipe book but a serious publication on the various types of…