Scope today Good!
Had my colonoscopy done today. Good news. No polyps to clip or biopsy this time. 5 years out now, very good news for stage 4! Doc said I could go to every 3 years now, fine with me. Going to take a nap here in a few, it was a long night with the prep and the usual anxiety. Best to all. Pam
Sundanceh, thanks for the DVD
Hi, thanks for the CD and the mix of Christmas songs. They're good and were pleasant to listen to, even today, while Christmas has passed for the year. Did you copy these one CD at a time, or do you have a duplicator? You took on a pretty big job, and it was appreciated by all who received them, judging by the cmments on…
Surgery in 5.5 hours...
As the hours crawl ever so slowly, I experience OVERWHELMING FEAR AND SADNESS. My stomach growls loudly to be fed but...that will come from an i.v. hookup. So many ?'s! So many fears! And so...I turn to my art and create some kind of beauty from this LIFE THREATENING WORLD that I find myself in today. My loved ones are…
Hallo uit Nederlands!!!! (Hello from Holland!)
Nu is de dag voor het Nieuw Jaar. Tweede dag geleden, dar was zo veel sneeuw gevallend! Nu, alles is wit! (Translation: "Now it is the day before New Years. 2 days ago, there was alot of snow falling. Now, everything is white!"...my dutch is not perfect, but I try..lol!) Picture a Southern Californian outside, all bundled…
It's just after midnight on the east coast of Australia
Wishing you all a very happy and perhaps more important, a very healthy new year,Ron.
Ode To January
'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste At the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I'd remember the…
kick butt in 2010
A happy new year to all. I cant help but feel that we are going to kick some cancer butt in the new year. Feeling real positive for the new year and I am very glad to have found you all. Take Care
Happy New Year
This has been a year I am glad to see go what lies ahead I already know I beat the beast of cancer I am glad for you to know and The man upstairs said onward you shall go Love yourself and be proud of who you are Never loose sight of where we came from to get to where we are. Recovery is hard but the results are like a…
First posting
I am so glad to have found this discussion board. My husband was diagnosed in Sept., with Stage IV cancer, mets to liver and lung. We were devastated, and thought it was all over. Fortunately the oncologist on call at the hospital was wonderful and gave us much hope. Jerry started chemo and has tolerated it very well. His…
12/14 was my first infusion with Folfox. Then I started having noticeable skippy heartbeats and the EKG showed some irregularity. This lasted for about a week and is gradually tapering off. I know that it was caused by the chemo but onc wants me to see a cardiologist to rule out heart problems. I see one tomorrow. If it…
Question about RFA to the lung/ pain
Hello everyone, I know that I have seen several post concerning RFA to the lung for metastatic colorectal cancer but I can not find the post now. To much chemo the last five years I guess. Anyway, I had a tumor in my right lung hilar region that was hit with RFA yesterday and I am surprised at the amount of pain today. I…
Anyone hear from Krista?
I'm just wondering if anyone has heard from Krista lately? I haven't read all the posts lately, but am wondering about how she's doing. Krista, if you're out there- let us know how you are! Lisa
Friday Riddles
Remember, NO GOOGLING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed. Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1) Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side then their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has…
Options for Treating Liver Metastases
Talk with Dr. Laura about Colorectal Cancer "Options for Treating Liver Metastases" featuring Dr. Michael Choti of Johns Hopkins University Hospital Next Wednesday, January 6, 2009 8 p.m. EST Michael Choti, M.D., M.B.A. The Jacob C. Handelsman Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Handelsman Division of Surgical Oncology,…
I am wondering if anyone here has heard from Kimby? Several of us who have corresponded with her here on CSN have been concerned about how she is. The last I heard she had just been released from the hospital. Please let me know if there is any news in regards to Kimby. Kimby if you are reading this we care deeply about…
CT Scan results, experienced semi's please help
My hubby just had a CT Scan after eight treatments of FOLFOX6 / Avastin / Oxy. Results from scans --- no change, everything is stable. Will have 4 more treatments and scan in 8 weeks. What do you think of this? Thinking now...leisons in liver might not go away. Any options available? Is it possible the leisons have been…
Compromising my positive attitude
Hi everyone, Haven't posted in a few days. Decided to seek treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, for my liver met. Days of getting records, scans, biopsies, you get it. Anyway, the reason I am posting tonight is I need some feedback. My half-sister was diagnosed five years ago with rectal cancer. She had surgery,…
Hi Eric, haven't seen your tukis on the board lately. I am watching and wondering. Please let us know how you are. I am checking in boss!!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!! Huge hugs and warm wishes! Goofyladie (Cass)
Question about liver tumors
My husband was diagnosed in Aug with stage IV colorectal cancer with a dozen or so mets to the liver. His tumor markers were at 4400. He started chemo right away (Folfox, 5FU and Avastin). His tumor markers are now down to 260 and the tumors have been shrinking. Just a few days ago his bilirubin levels started going up…
Went to Sloan
Just wanted to update you all..I went to the liver specailist at Sloan yesterday..At least he gave me hope....Had a MRI done and when he gets those results back then we will discuss treatment...So they said in 2 days or so...Now its just the waiting game again as usual.....JULIE
just got a letter 12/24 telling me my insurance coverage terminates on 12/31/09
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I did, but I did get a frustrating letter in the mail, which I didn't see or read until Christmas Eve around 6 p.m. The letter was from my insurance company, Aetna, telling me that effective 12/31/09, my insurance coverage will be terminated based on the fact that my group coverage from…
OMG this juicer
My daughter just juiced every imaginable fruit and WOW!!! Apple, carrots ans blue berries are my favorite. The apple is just awesome! Still juicing, we will see what the after affects are on the grand kids.
Have a great and healthy 2010
My Mom's 80th birthday is tomorrow, so I will be busy for the next several days with a family reunion, have a safe, happy new year and wish you the best of health in 2010. My 99 year old Nana will be at the reunion/party....WOW!
Hello Everyone
It was a good holiday, full of grandkids and family. I was still sick with bronchites but managed to host Christmas Eve. I have to go out of town on business the week of the 11th, so if you don't hear from me that is where I will be Madison, WI. Then end of January, I have a doctor appointment to go over my CEA level…
New to The Site
Hi. I am new to this site. I was dx with stage 2 cc in october 09. I am married - 10 years and have two small children (5 yrs. and 10 months) and it has been a shock to my family as I am on the young side - 35. I started at a teaching hospital in pa for surgery- the oncologists in PA. did not believe chemo was necessary. I…
1st post chemo checkup
Hi everyone. Today is my first checkup. Life without chemo has been fantastic. Not sure what will happen at this "check-up". Maybe someone has had this experience?
New year
I am posting a challange to all of you for 2010. I want to try and see how many good things we can be grateful for, big or small for the upcoming new year. we have all been through or are still going through so much. At times, it seems like there is nothing good about this disease, except for how we handle it! I am…
You guys are gonna love this, help is on the way!
About four months ago I had several chunks of my tumor sent off to a new lab for a detailed genetic and protein expressive oncotyping. This is new technology and the lab doing this technically isn't open yet. A buddy I went to grad school with sold them some of the diagnostic equipment they use. He got my samples and they…
colon cancer possible having severe bleeding and very loose stools
i am so very scared. i dont have insurance right now, I feel like i am so screwed
My husband has been doing chemo for colon cancer since sept. he has been complaining the last month of his lungs hurting so 2 wks ago on his half way mark they did a chest xray and found a 2+cm mass in his left lung. He is set to have a CT on tuesday. The last 2 days he is in alot of pain in his lungs and cant even take a…