Friday Riddle
Remember, NO googling or searching the Internet ALLOWED!!! GOOD LUCK :) RIDDLE: You are in a room that is an 8x8x8 perfect cube. There are no windows, or doors (don't ask me how you got in there). In the center of the floor there is a 12 inch pipe that is sticking 6 inches out of the floor. In the bottom of the pipe is a…
follow up quetion
Chris will have the last of his 12 treatments the first week in March. If his scans are clear how often will he have to do blood work and scans to make sure its not returning? Mel
treatment strategy
I haven't deviated from conventional therapy yet. I'm still awaiting the results from another genetic test. It is the BRCA1 and BRCA2 test. I'm hoping I have one or the other overexpressed. If this is the case then I should be in real good shape. I haven't started the abraxane yet. My Dr and I both feel that I should…
Oh, what fun!!!!!
I spent the evening in the ER....much to my relief, nothing is broken, but I have an immobilization cast to help with the pain...lol..wear it for a week....nice people there...spoke both dutch and english! But Im down to one hand for typing...lol! Hugs, Kathi
anyone heard from Rob in vancouver?
Anyone heard from Rob lately, I have not seen any posts in a while. Just checking on him. Patti
Liver Met Treatment
Anyone heard of these? Sounds a little experimental to me. Interstitial Laser Photocoagulation - Involves insertion of a thin optical fiber into the center of liver tumor and a laser light is emitted from the tip. The exposed cells will then undergo thermal necrosis. Cryosurgery - Destruction of abnormal tissue using…
Dr's saying colonoscopy not needed!!!
Hello, It's been a while since my last post. Diagnosed 4/08 stage III colon cancer, 1 out of 18 nodes positive. Surgery, then 8 months treatment. My last colonoscopy was 1/27/09. according to me I'm due for one. I have a family history of HNPCC (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer). I've tested positive. My doctors told…
To: The Semi;Colon Nation - I Received Disturbing News Tonight - A New 2010 Sundance Update
Well, I had a long ride home tonight after work – just alone again with my thoughts trying to digest the news I was not expecting to hear from my oncologist. I experienced a very Good High followed by a Low Low – and it all happened in 20 minutes with one phone call from the onc as I was leaving work. Let me back up just a…
bad news today
I found out today that the reason why I had blood in my urine is the cancer has spread to my bladder. I am really scared right now, its only been 7 months since I had my surgery and already its back. What a horrible day I am having right now, how do I tell my girls this news? Feeling really depressed right now. Pat
It's been a while
Hi All, It's been a while since I visited here. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. First, I got my 3-year all-clear! That was wonderful. Now I only do blood work every 6 months instead of every 3, and the odds of recurrence within the next 10 years have gone down. No guarantees, I know, but encouraging,…
Its been a long week
Well its been a really long week. I got the results from my lung biopsy Wed. Not good, cancer. The mets are small, all smaller than 1 cm, but there are quite a few in both lungs. Met with the onc today. I'm glad I was able to get in right away. He had a few options for me. I think I am going to try 5Fu, leuco and avastin.…
Great News Today
I went in for what I thought was just going to be blood draws for my appointment next week. As it turned out I got to see the Dr today as well. Last time I was in things were a little different as I had to see my Dr's associate, and I must admit I was not that impressed with her. She didn't examine me at all, and never did…
my bad day ain't so bad after all
Man I thought I was having a bad day husbands car broke down had to pay to get it towed home figuring out how in the budget can we get it fixed. So for the time being I am stuck home cause he has my car. Than I read some of the other posts here and man I am having a good day compared to some of you guys. I am sorry I cried…
1 year ago
Hi All, Before I go to bed tonight (it's 10:00pm in Hawaii) I just wanted to share with you that it was 1 year ago today that after a routine colonoscopy we found out **** had a 10cm tumor in his colon. Our world fell apart. You were there to help us put it back together. You were there answering all our questions. You…
Why skating should be left to the kids...lol!
So, figuring it is the last time we will be skating for awhile, since today starts a thaw, my dear beau and I hit the ice... Well, I hit it a bit harder than he did...while getting onto the ice from the bank of the canal, the board I was sitting on slid...and my skates naturally slid...and I ended up on my bottom, severly…
New Golden Puppy Pic Posted to my Expressions - UPDATED NEW PIC - Take Another Look :)
Mornin' Semis; Meet Blue Boy - he's named that right now, because the couple ties different color string on the pups to keep track of them. So, here he is at just 5 weeks old :) We're trying to decide on names now. Have you fell in love with that beautiful face? Look at his beautiful head - and those arms and paws - oh my,…
Teddy Pendergrass
PHILADELPHIA -- Teddy Pendergrass, who became R&B's reigning sex symbol in the 1970s and '80s with his forceful, masculine voice and passionate love ballads and later became an inspirational figure after suffering a devastating car accident that left him paralyzed, died Wednesday at age 59. The singer's son, Teddy…
Responding well to Folfori + Avastin
Hi Friends, **** got the results of his PET from Wednesday and it says that the one lymph node shows significant reduction in activity and appears to be responding well to treatment. No new activity!!! We are very pleased with this report. We hope he is heading toward NED or maybe even there. It mentioned that the little…
Lung exray.........
after 35 years of smoking I decided after talking with my Onc that I needed to check my lungs and he informed me that since last Thursday was very snowy that the exray lab wouldn't be very crowded. It wasn't so I walked in had my non invasive scan done and was gone, all in less than 10 minutes. I didn't call for the…
Bad news
I'm so sad....we got the results of the CT scan and the cancer in Michael's liver has gotten worse and it has spread to the lungs. They are going to put a catheter in his belly tomorrow the keep the fluid drained but that is all they can do. He'll be coming home tomorrow and the doctors want us to contact hospice. How did…
Daughter chosen to go to Africa for Clinical Nursing!!!!!
First of all.... thank you all for the well wishes after my recent hospital stay. I am feeling much better. OK Diane... Now I'm gonna brag!! NEXT good news is about my 21 year old daughter Brittani. She has been attending Nursing College in St. Louis, MO and is just about ready to graduate. 2 more semesters. She has been…
sick, scared, and need of some hope
I just completed my firnst chemo of folfox with 5fu pump. The nausea, exhaustion, and pain has been overwhelming. The posts have enlightened me to what to expect, but I hoped that when they disconnected me, that I would feel better. This is the first of 12 and I worry about making it through. Any help or encouragement…
Husband is NED
After reading Craig's post tonight I really didn't want to post this note, but I am finally able to breath and sleep tonight. My husband had his first colonoscopy today since diagnosed last april with stage 3C, he also had an endoscopy because his ct scan showed swelling in the esophogus. All was clear today and with his…
Good news
I had my CEA checked yesterday and got good news today. Still very low! So another 3 months ticked off until I can reach my 5 year mark. I wish I could share the good fortune with those of y'all with so much going on with your cancer right now. *hugs* Gail
30 days
It was about six months ago when my Onc said i had about a month or two to live. Well it's been six months and I've been visiting him every 2 weeks since then. I've been on Xeloda, avastin every three weeks and oxaliplatin every 6 week. My CEA is 125. It was 55 in July. Of course it was off the charts when I was first…
In Hospital Still.... Just Got MRI Results
Well.... primary care doc came in with results. There is a spot on the MRI. Om my right buttock area. They are not sure yet what it is. It is either a fracture in my pelvic bone... could be a mestatic area.... or could be swelling. Test did not confirm any of the above. Doc said since I was just DX remission Dec. 1st she…
cancer free
after pet scans and cat scans to hear those words today, words cannot express!!!!! we will beat this and we will do it sooner than later!!!! love you guys!!!
Great News!!!! It's a good thing I have God on my side! Final results.... T7 Vertebre Fracture. Self healing...no surgery or back braces! YEAH! Pelvic Bone??? NO METASTIC LEGIONS!!!..... NO FRACTURES!!!! Just extreme swelling caused by the fall and in turn putting pressure on sciatic nerve making walking...... very…
Low Platelet Count
Onc got my blood work and I had low platelet count so they are delaying chemo for a week. I've been so focused on this only lasting 6 months, "It's a hockey season", and now a delay. Any experience with this? Could this be a one time delay or should I expect more? Tomorrow was going to be flofox treatment 6, the half way…
my update
good evening semi's well i finally am going in for my resection surgery 1/13. my catscan came back negative no mets anywhere or lesions. all things considered it looks like the dr got it all when doing the scope but the resection is just a precaution. just wanted to let my fsmily now what is going on . thank you never,ever…