Results from MRI .... No Wonder My Back Hurt!!!!
Hey Everybody! My back has been hurting ever since I fell and hit it on the corner of my desk. This was 2 days before xmas. Had an MRI done and just got the results....my spine is fractured at the L7!!! Go figure! If it wasn't for bad luck...I'd have no luck. Now I have to go see a bone specialist and figure out what the…
surgery cancelled- peritoneal mets
Well, my husband was supposed to have a 2 staged liver resection but when they looked around with the laprascope, they found lots of peritoneal seedlings that weren't showing up on his scans but that had grown since his colon resection in July. Merry *^%!@# Christmas to us! Sorry, had to get that out :) He starts back on…
Diane, Phil, Buzz, Craig, et al...
Is there a PM system here? If there was I couldn't find, but oh well... I want to tell you all THANK YOU!! I don't know where I'd be without you all and your knowledge. Just sayin' :o )
Just had lung biopsy
Well, I just had my lung biopsy today. Now the waiting continues for a few days for the results. I pray that these nodules are the same non-caceating granulomas that have been found in some lymph nodes and my spleen when those were biopsied. I have not presented normally in any of my other areas for rectal mets. So far no…
Exercise and Nintendo Wii
So, I have been told that becoming more active after treatment is the way to go. But with the neuropathy in the feet this has become difficult. So, even though our kids are older my hubby and I bought a Wii for ourselves and I have to tell you this thing can give you a wrokout! And I am having a blast! Have been up off the…
I'm armed....
Ready for my appointment with my onc on Monday. I've got (literally) 40 questions for him... well, I guess more than that because I've got more than a couple that are in the same question. I've got my hospital records copied (one for him and one for me). It was suggested that I get a three-ring binder with dividers and put…
I'm home!
Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. It seems my body has just been furious with me ever since I had the colon resection. My IBS has gone into overdrive and doesn't seem to be of a mind to let up at all. My doctor had me go for bloodwork and x-rays. Nothing surgical, like a blockage, showed. So I'm on Vicodin and an…
another cea question
i have seen posts where stage iv with mets have had very different cea levels.some stage iv will have numbers in thousands and some with triple digits while others arein double digits.does this mean the higher the number the worse the cancer activity? it seems strange that two people with the same dx and stage could have…
tumor size
hello again I'm the newbie whose husband got diagnosed 12-14 with stage IV colon caner. After fighting alot of infection we are finally home from the hospital and he is recovering well from the surgery. We met with the onc yesterday and are sch to do his port the 20th and start chemo the 25th. He will be doing a course of…
Stage III Long time NED folk?
Are you a long term NED Stage III cc survivor? Do you lurk? I came across a few old threads recently and saw loads of Stage III people from years ago and wondered if they have remained healthy. I'd like to assume they've gotten on with their lives and are healthy and happy. I think it's uplifting to those who are new and…
Looking for Dr Buzzard.. or anybody else that might be of help
Okay.. I've had a cold for two or three days and today has been kinda strange. When I empty my iliostomy bag it looks really black and very runny. But what is really strange is that I've had two nose bleeds for no reason, it just starts dripping out. Should I call my dr? Advive needed Brooks
3 month check
CEA Level 1.85, it went down -- 3 months after chemo was stopped, YES!!!
I don't know where you live but there may be some help around. There is a device being tested. I can't remember exactly, chemo has me all foggy, I think it's ELAD. It's basically an artificial liver. I'm not sure of the criteria for treatment but you should definitely look into it. I'm pretty sure that if you don't qualify…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the internet for the answer. Good luck ! RIDDLE: Three friends check into a motel for the night and the clerk tells them the bill is $30, payable in advance. So, they each pay the clerk $10 and go to their room. A few minutes later, the clerk realizes he has made an error and overcharged…
It Figures!!!
This REALLY sucks.. I feel like ****. Right when I started to feel half way normal again from the chemo . I GET SICK!!! Oh well. Dayqul should kick in soon. Life is funny sometimes Brooks
My Onco is sending me to Cleveland clinic...anyone treated there???
Could use any info about the clinic .... where to stay... all that stuff!!! they will be doing my surgery...meeting with them next thursday, havent started my combo of chemo and rads before surgery yet.
In light of some of the worries a lot of y'all have, this is definitely not in the same category, but I've been suffering all week. I've had varying degrees of my abdominal pain all week. Today it kicked in really hard. I finally called the doctor's office. My doctor was off today, so I made an appointment for tomorrow…
This was on CNN national,WOAI San Antonio,KENS San Antonio, KSAT San Antonio with contact information if interested. It was aslo on the NIC site as an open trial protocal ID 2009-698 MK2202-010 NCT0121748 THE PHONE 3 ON THIS SITE DOSEN'T WORK I TALKED TO NCI THEY PUT ME IN TOUCH WITH SOON AT ASTRA ZANECA THEY haden't hered…
Erbitux in Stage III trial failed
Addition of Cetuximab to Standard Chemotherapy in Early-Stage Colon Cancer Shows No Benefit in Phase 3 Clinical Trial A Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) determined that in a phase 3 clinical trial for early-stage colon cancer, no group of patients benefited from the addition of the monoclonal antibody cetuximab (Erbitux ™)…
Hey Everybody! I was in Arlington, Texas from Jan. 1st - 5th. I went to see my FAVORITE team..the Dallas Cowboy's.. on Sunday and watched them beat the pants off the Eagles. What a terrific game!!!....and what a terrific stadium!!! My oldest daughter, Niki, went with me. We had a blast! On Tuesday evening we met up with…
Need "somebody whos been there" opinions
My mother was diagnosed with rectal cancer Stage III in August of 2006 at 74 years old, 3 lymphs positive, chemo and radiation then surgery in Jan 07,temp illeostomy, no treatment after surgery due to her back breaking in 5 places from radiation,anastomic leak, 2 hernias, fell and broke hip. Illeostomy reversal in January…
Decisions to make
Hi Everyone, I had a Catscan on Tuesday and today my oncologist said minimal growth again but it is growing, so he said that I can still wait to start the Chemo or start the choice would be mine. I'm wondering if I wait I'm maybe putting myself at risk to develop cancer some where else and the growth could be faster. His…
Cantrell's Program....hello Lisa....
Hi Lisa How are you doing on the Cantrell regimen? Serrana
Christy iluvmms
Hey Christy, wondering how you are doing since the Theraspheres? when you get the strngth to post I have questions for you as I will be undergoing this procedure as well. Feel better. Patti
Thank you for your support and some suggestions for you
I haven't been on here since my husband, Brant, passed away on December 17th. It has been an incredibly tough few weeks. First, I wanted to share an article that was written about him in the Stanford Daily with everyone. http://www.stanforddaily.com/cgi-bin/?p=1036620 Secondly, although nobody wants to think about this…
blue shield insurance games
Just heard today that University of Calif NCI Cancer Center is not accepting Blue Shield per Jan 1.........anyone know anything about this????????? Is this what is going to happen with the health (care) reform? Serrana
Update phase 1 trial Arry-438162
My phase 1 trial Arry-438162, 2nd and 3rd week. The 23rd of Nov. I had another long day at the research center lots of labs ecg. at different times through out the day after taking a dose of drug. So far my labs are good. I started getting a rash on the lower half of my face by the end of that day. I was still having some…
Last night
Last night on the way to my mother in laws for dinner with my husband, he suddenly started talking about his illness (stage 4 colon cancer with mets to his liver and lungs), he went into remission and then had a minor set back with 1 met showing up in his liver and nothing in his lungs. But he also had pulmonary embolisum…
New! Diagnosis of Adenacarcinoma--in Rectum
I was diagnosed with Adenacarcinoma the day before Thanksgiving. I took 3 Advil for a pain on my side and started to bleed. Went to the emergency room and lost lots of blood in bowell movments. Advil is a blood thinner and essentially saved my life by causing me to bleed. Had a colonoscopy and they discovered a 2 cm tumor…