3 years???!!!
I just posted a question about RFA to live mets...it said prolong life 3 years....thats depressing to me...im sick of these statistics.
Interesting article
Interesting article: "Another Cancer Battle: Costs" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304506904575179852737474096.html?mod=WSJ_comments_MoreIn_Health For those in need, there is a sidebar with information about financial resources available.
Hi! Everybody! Hope everybody's okay. I had a colon resection in July 09 and since have on and off pain in my left hip and where my leg bends at the hip which is the same side as the resection - it happens especially when I walk. Anybody else have or had this. Thanks again. Hugs.
DONE with the chemo and back at work!
I wish I really could have tossed that pump in the trash. Damn OXI! At home I could walk around barefoot. Now, I have to wear socks and shoes at work, my feet sweat, and my feet say numb all day(fingertips, too.) Been off it over a month now. -DJ
Failed Chemo-Sister's Update
I wanted to give you the latest update and also hope some of you familiar with clinical trials and the process of getting into them can respond. Yesterday, after what has been a downward spiral after the open/close liver resection 2/10, my sister was told she "failed" all chemo options. I guess this means at this point in…
CTC Lab Test
Has anyone had the CTC (circulating tumor cells) lab test? My physician started using this as a tumor marker. Had my first on 3/1 and it was 16. Had a second one on 4/5 and it was 21. I am trying not to panic but according to data on CTC tests it is a predictor of life expectancy, like they can really predict!! Anyone had…
here for my brother, update
he had colon cancer 7years ago had it removed everything seemed ok, came back year 7 in sacrum stage 4, hes been goin thur chemo and radiation since october, it is now in his blood stream not sure wat that means, cuz they didnt find it anywhere else in his body, but hes taking 1 day at a time, and goin on about his…
Got Injections in my Back
Yesterday I went in to The Pain Management place to receive injections into my fractured T7/T8 Vertebre. I am on Oxycondone every 4 hours around the clock for the pain and I want OFF them. Addiction scares the heck out of me. If there is a way to get rid of the problem so I don't have to take the pills... I wanna try it. I…
I had surgery for colon cancer Sept. 09. I have taken 9 chemo treatments with Eloxatin+. I had to return to work before my treatments were through(12). I would like to hear from people who have taken this treatment and how they have dealt with the after effects. My doctors assure me that the nerve damage is only…
Scared to death ... New to board
I have been reading post for a while and just signed up.. Here is the story... My dad was dx w/Stage 4CC last June.. Well they gave him the horrible stats which were hard to ignore, but his surgeon that did the partial colon removal said to ignore those as have all of yall on this board. Well he started chemo (has mets to…
Colander ( colon cancer calendar)
Many of you have probably seen this, but my oncologist showed it to me today. First time I'd seen it. If you haven't....this is FANTASTIC!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDs5FZsTtvk Happy Friday everyone!!!
Posted photo in expressions gallery,
I was up late last night, decided to mess with the web cam, goofy stuff to do when you can't sleep. check me out. Winnie
Dr. Axel Grothey from Mayo Clinic, February 3rd, 8 PM EST
Talk with Dr. Laura about Colorectal Cancer chat schedule is · February 3, 2010- Dr. Axel Grothey-Professor of Oncology; Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic · Topic-“Update from American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) GI Meeting January 2010 -----------and Your Questions to Challenge the Professor” · In order to smoothly…
Stiff Neck on Folfiri
I was wondering if anyone on Folfiri has experienced any abnormal neck pain? I have had this from the first round. I can manage it with self-massage and what not but it is there every day and I can't really turn my neck quickly - like when you need to sometimes driving. I did go for a massage but one never is enough and I…
One Year Survivor!!!
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer a year ago today (4/9). It's been quite a journey and I thank God for giving me the strenght to fight this battle. I want to thank everyone on this board for the positive words and prayers. You are all an inspiration! I have made it thru 12 rounds of Folfox, a TACE procedure and am…
Chemo starts Monday: 5Fu and leucovorin
Ten weeks after his surgery my husband will finally get his chemo.The infection that was delaying things has cleared so he's ready to go. He feels he's buying an extra insurance policy against this coming back. He'll be getting 5Fu and leucovorin. Doctors told him there wouldn't be many side effects. I'm skeptical, he did…
Friday Riddle Answer
robinvan had the correct ansswer. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Subtract 5 from me to get a perfect square. Rearrange the square of me to get a perfect square. Divide me by 3 to get a prime number. Divide me by 7 to get a prime number. What number am I? ANSWER: 21 - 5 = 16 (perfect square 4) 21 x 21 = 441-> 144…
Enlarged Spleen
Hi! Received my after Chemo PET results. I have no evidence of cancer around my colon incision which was good news. There is some haze in my liver that the surgeon wants to watch by another scan in three months instead of 6 mos. So only time will tell taking it day by day. However, my real concern right now is the report…
To: Patti (ittapp) - An Open Letter
Dear Semis; Our hearts are heavy tonight after we learned the news about Patti. I'm grateful for her brother, Jeff, to update us on her progress. Patti has been on my mind all day - I've been searching my heart for something that I can do to help ease my pain, and the pain that each of us are undoubtedly feeling tonight. I…
Has Cancer Been ALL Bad For You?
We all either face the effects of cancer or are caregivers to those who do. I think it's safe to say that cancer is not one the the best things that has happened to us. Have you found something positive that has come out of your cancer diagnosis that you may not have realized if you were not diagnosed with cancer? If so,…
Husband is Stage IV NED!!
My husband David just completed a major liver resection at M D Anderson and has been declared CANCER FREE! He was diagnosed April 2008 stage 3C and eight months later a liver tumor was found moving him to 4. He had surgery March 24 and spent ten days in the hospital, was admitted again for an abscess and discharged today.…
Mom's treatment and I will be asking zillions of questions.
I can't find the thread I started about the frustration after her colon surgery and the surgeon being a yo-yo and telling us that there wasn't any hope, so I decided to start a new one. I wanted to let all you nice people know how she is making out. My mother had gone to her regular doctor at the beginning of March for…
gracie 2010
Hi Gracie, I am wondering how you are; I think you have surgery. I hope you are feeling well + are up to visiting here soon. Take good care!
CT SCAN update..Need Advise
Dear Ones, Just heard from my doctor with the results of the scan I had on Monday. She said everything looks good except they found a new .9 m spot on my liver. Now, I have 3 cysts that have not changed in years. This one has not shown up on the past 6 CT scans but she had the radiologist go back further and he found a cut…
Sundance Getting His Gift CT Scan Done Today
G'day Everybody! With all of this stuff going on in our world this week, I was hesitant to post an update, but I thought about my Angel - and I figured I owed it to her and to all of you who are out there following my story. So, today is CT today - through Angel's generous gift, I will be leaving for the hospital in less…
Relay for Life
Hey people! It's been a while that I came here to visit you all, but that doesn't mean I don't think of you guys on a daily basis. I really hope all of you are doing okay- besides the circumstances. I am actually quiet happy at the moment! Because I heard they have a relay for life walk here at Davis, where I live. I…
too much procrit led to blood clots? (and a grim blood clot question as well)
An uncle of mine (stage 4, diagnosed 2 years ago) who had a low RBC was given procrit...this isnt a problem since he was given it in the past (40K IU once a week for 4 weeks) and it worked well (RBC went above 11). Now he had a low RBC level again in the beginning of the year, and his new onco gave him; 40K on jan 4, 40K…
Neurontin (Gabapentin)
When I went to the Pain and Palliative appointment yesterday, I told him I was now on Folfox, with the Oxyplatin in it, and was afraid I was going to get neuropathy from it, and he actually gave me this drug, which signals the brain to where it should relax some of the tingling and all that. Has anyone ever used this? My…
Clinical Trials 101
In my effort to build my husband's "Plan B" for treatment should his current regimen (which we are told is his last chance with currently-approved colon cancer drugs) fall short, I need to educate myself about clinical trials. How does a clinical trial work? I have a gazillion questions: 1. How do you research what…
Moms surgery scheduled for Wednesday
We met with the oncologist yesterday to get the results of my moms PET CT scan and nothing too unexpected showed up! The spots they saw on the liver from the CT scan did light up and also 2 lymph nodes but nothing else, thank God. The oncologist seemed hopeful and told us the liver surgeon is planning on going after the…