Melanie, any update on Chris?
It's been over 2 weeks since the last update unless I've overlooked something. I'm quite concerned.
Patrick Kapper update
Patrick is on hospice. The cancer is progressing too quickly and he has other concerns. The update is here: Care Page PatrickHe doesn't want anyone to think he's a quitter. This is what he said: The chemo is not going to cure anything, it's only going to prolong things and not for a long period of time, my cancer is too…
Just got back from Onc. Appointment,,,
Hi all, Well, Rick and I just got back from Mass. Gen.. The onc. didn't give us bad news per se,no new news actually... It's just that I got rather upset when she said that because the original colon tumor was in its advanced stage, and had broken through the abdominal wall, it meant that Rick is at a high risk for…
A new weapon, maybe?
Sorry if someone already mentioned this but I just saw it today. Here's an article some of you ladies may find interesting or helpfull. It shows a promising link between Hormone Replacement Therapy and preventing Colon Cancer. You might want to consider talking to someone about it. My thinking is if it can help prevent it…
need advice
Hi All, I accidentally posted this on another thread. Some day I may become computer literate. lol I started a drug trial a couple of weeks ago and lasted only 5 days on the drug due to some nasty side effects. The oncologist wants me to go back on the drug at a reduced dosage. My concerns are that if I go back on the drug…
Shake that thang
How are my fellow adinocarcinomacs and butt pain emanators? I think we should sign a petition to one day out of the year Declared a national butt day holiday. A day when we can do what we we want with our butts. Shake our butts, bust our already damaged butts, or sit around all day on our lazy, abused butts. It should…
Crow71 surgery
Hi folks. Roger had surgery yesterday. It took 12 hours, went well. No surprises. Dr. Shen was able to remove all visible disease from liver, colon, and peritoneum- everything except one suspicious small 1-2mm spot in liver too close to vein. He said we will keep an eye on it and radiation and / or chemo might be an…
I'm HOME!!! Without a bag!!
Hey.. I made it home okay.. Now I'm just waiting to poop. I'm eating a reg diet sense lunch and liquid diet yesterday and this moring. I'm trying to drink and walk to help get things moving. You you have any ides to how I can get things to pass more quickly please let me know. Lov ya Brooks
popping back in to say hi, catch up, and to ask a question
hey i miss you guys, it's been a while. reading through the postings, ive been gone awhile, but thanx to Donna, I've kept up with farming at least! just really busy, all 3 kids back with me, alot of personal BS. long hours at work, flooding, etc. i'm so tired! mostly dont feel like talking. Brooks...same questions here too…
where is phil
haven't heard from him hope he is doing ok phil let us know ...miss you.
Horrible day
Oh, my. Y'all know I take care of my grandchildren every day. Yesterday Caroline, the 11 month old, was sitting on the kitchen floor playing. She leaned forward and lost her balance, hitting her forehead on the floor. I picked her up, expecting crying and a booboo. What I got was something so much worse. Her eyes rolled…
Moms Surgery - Update
Mom had her surgery yesterday. They removed the tumor from her rectum and it was about the size of a tennis ball. They also removed some lymph nodes and biopsied the spots on her liver. She did end up getting an ileostomy because they removed 90% of her rectum and the surgeon wanted it to heal after he hooked it up but…
Uplifting cancer story
I thought this was just wonderful. Prom with a Purpose But in what Whitefield Academy seniors hope will be the beginning of a long tradition, class members this year have decided to forgo all the extravagance and instead help others. And so Friday night, Tillman Hamilton, 17, donned an old dress and shoes from her closet…
Kimby havent seen any posts for awhile
Kimby if your there hope you post soon havent seen you on lately that doesnt mean you havent been on I try to keep up on here when I get a chance you know how that goes just wanted to make sure all is going good for you Sheri22
Blood clot
Anyone every have a blood clot in the upper thigh? Monday was chemo, Tuesday was bad, Wednesday was good until around 7:00 p.m. My upper back thigh started hurting so bad I couldn't sit anymore. Everytime I would move that leg would be like one long painful muscle soreness. I didn't do anything on Wednesday, didn't even…
Reoccuring liver mets just after 2months of NED
So Devistating. My husband had a colon resection, partial liver resection, the rest was ablated in Oct. Then he finished up his 12th round of FOLFOX 6 on Jan 22. His recent CT scan showed new growth in his liver. We meet with the oncologist tomorrow. Does anyone know of other options? Thanks. Erin
anyone have info on XELODA?
DR said The ca in pelvic area did grow again but the spot in lung was same, Good news is that is only 2 places I have it I was really scared this week waiting on results of this Pet CT SCAN Surgery will have to wait my onc wants me to have it done but when he called surgeon from Cleveland they want it to shrink first? So…
Great news- insurance is covering the Gemzar!
Hi again everyone, As soon as I finished posting my other thread on having had my 3rd Gemzar treatment, I got a phone call from Health Net. As a reminder, they had denied paying for Gemzar for me because it's "not FDA approved for colorectal cancer". I appealed and they denied my appeal. From there, I waited a couple of…
HELP! Mom had a benign colon mass removed, yet Oncologist wants her to get aggressive chemo...
My 76-yr old mother had a COMPLETELY benign colon mass removed and is currently healing nicely from surgery. The surgeon wanted her to talk to an oncologist, because even though the path lab came back with a completely negative series of tests on everything that was removed and there was no evidence that anything spread…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOGLING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Can you find a seven letter word such that: The first two letters are a man. The first three letters are a woman. The first four letters are a great man. The whole word is a great woman.
Oxi is not my friend....
About 10 minutes into infusion today, Had a TERRIBLE reaction to the oxi. I've called it "Satan in a bag" for a while. Well, today it showed me it's powers. I got from infusion, got myself a few tissues for a runny nose and when I sat back down, it hit. I thought maybe I'd gotten up too fast, but noooooooooooo.... My face…
Dyeing hair
I am on chemotherapy and need to get my hair dyed. Is a bleach that lightens my hair. Has anyone had bad effects from dyeing their hair?
Thought of the Day
“The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has.” ~ Confucius
how's my family doing ?
good evening semi's just checking in, hope all is well. i haven't been on for a while, back to work and it has been busy, inventory etc. but i think about everyone here everyday!!! keep up the good fight,keep the faith. everyday we get up is a good day because we have beaten cancer another day. be well semi's never,ever…
Changing from FOLFOX 4 to FOLFOX 6
I am a newby here and am so pleased to have been guided to this site. I am encouraged, thankful, curious,scared and hopeful by what you all have shared with each other. Some of you guys have a real "Ministry". Due to an annual relocation to SW Ontario for the summer, I have changed Onc, in Mich, and He has put me on FOLFOX…
Hallucinogens Tested to Help Treat Cancer Patients: Clinical Study Open
Hallucinogens Tested to Help Treat Cancer Patients Updated: Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010, 11:50 AM EDT Published : Tuesday, 13 Apr 2010, 11:50 AM EDT (CANVAS STAFF REPORTS) - Would you go on an hallucinogenic trip for research? Widely known as the drug type of choice for many hippies in the '60s, LSD-type drugs, including…
Louann home
I got home today and the mass on my liver bile duct is cancer will go to ONC next week and see how we are going to treat it...sorry this is so short but am very weak thank you for your prayers and comments..
lcarper2, Louann's cancer has spread or returned to her liver
I just got a note from her dear friend that the cancer is in her liver. A second biopsy got a better piece of the mass. It evidently grew during chemo. I believe she said chemo ended 3 weeks ago. She is going to be discharged so should check in when she feels better. They've asked for continued prayer! Diane
daughter having colonoscopy
Hi Everyone, My 29 year old daughter is having a colonoscopy this morning. She was admitted to the hospital Tuesday evening with severe anemia and has been receiving blood transfusions. I'd appreciate any good vibes that could be sent our way. Thank You, Jamie
Avastin and Congestive heart failure
Hi, If you don't rem me.. I am a seven year in July Stage IV colon cancer survivor. My husband got dx in 2008, he had a liver resection last April and was NED until he had a PET/CT in Nov. it showed some very small spots on his lungs, they didn't light on the PET .. so our onc watched them for a month and they got slightly…