Waited... for nothing
Well, after my onc told me he was taking me off of irronotecan and avastin he set me up to go to UCSF as he felt there they might have something to help me. I am stage 4 colon cancer, with mets to the lungs. The spots have not done much in the 2 years since dx. They shrink a bit and come back, but just don't go away! I saw…
Hello I'm Jim Nana2 is my wife. This is my first time on the board.
She has kept me posted on this board. I,m sure there are many things I could ask, but I,ll try not to get too crazy. I take many trips to washroom which sounds normal. I seem to wake up every 2 hrs with the urge to go,so my sleep pattern is all messed up. Any ideas how to stop this? A good nights sleep would sound good.…
Possible Blockage?
My mom is 1 week post op as of yesterday (tumor removed from rectum and temp ileo to let it heal) and was doing great until this morning. She got up, had a bowl of cereal and some OJ, then went back to bed for a bit. Got up again around 8:30 and got sick. She noticed she also wasnt getting much out of her ileo so she…
Just venting
I want to come from a place of love in terms of how I feel about or treat other people but sometimes I get irritated over the petty complaints of others. People get so focused on themselves sometimes they forget that there are a lot more things to worry about than the small stuff. I guess it is just me. Even before cancer…
Hey everyone, Thanks for all the support. THEY COULD NOT FIND ONE THING WRONG WITH MY HEART!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!! They said there were no clots or blockages of any kind all was working fine ! I was awake enough thru the procedure to know what was going on, but too stoned to care.During the procedure when I heard the one…
started new chemo today
Well I had my first round of Iriontecan and Vectbix today. Everything went well and I'm feeling pretty good. Took a little longer than I would have liked but the cancer centers computers crashed and delayed everything. Such is modern tecnology. Just wanted to let everyone know i'm doing good and hoping for the best.…
Survived PVE
Well, we're back home. PVE was Tuesday, lasted 3 hours. The time was pushed back so we stayed overnight. He had some pain about 2 am, nurse thought it may have been muscle spasm or blood clot? He seems to be better today. The Dr. said eat healthy, no alcohol for the next four weeks to help the liver. They blocked about 60%…
question about vectibix
I will be starting new chemo April 21 that consists of Irinotecan and Vectibix (also called Panitumumab). I've talked to people who have had iriontecan but haven't heard of anyone recieving vectibix. I've read about all the possible side affects but just wanted to hear from someone who has acctually recieved it. Just…
New weapons coming. This battle WILL be won someday
Article on new technology in the works. http://www.technewsworld.com/story/Nanobots-Flip-Off-Cancer-Switch-in-Cells-69597.html?wlc=1271949837 It is proven to work but now the testing will drag it out for years. Someone has to lobby the government to QUIT trying to "protect" us from technology. There are numerous methods of…
Follow-up CT
Had my post-chemo CT scan this morning. Hope everthing comes back clear. Would hate to have to do this all over again. I was NED before treatment, but guess you never know for certain. The beast lurks even though it's not around! -DJ
Just got this on Patti
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Posted 24 minutes ago Unfortunately, Patti's condition has continued to decline. She was moved to Embracing Hospice yesterday and spent the day with Chuck, Ally, Austin and family. Please pray for Patti and her family. Each of us is thankful for the support and love we have been shown.
Problems with drain catheters after liver resection
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone on the board has experience with biliary drain catheters after liver resection? My husband David, stage 4, had a liver resection March 24 of this year and has had trouble with the drains leaking internally and not draining properly. He has had the catheter replaced twice now and is on…
Kanzius machine now in 5th place with Pepsi contest- please vote!!
Hey Everybody! Just reminder from the other post about voting on the Pepsi Refresh contest website for the Kanzius machine. Since it was first posted, it went from being in 18th place to as of today (Mon, 4/19, 10:30 a.m. PST) being in 5th place! Keep voting everyday between now and April 30th- the top two placing causes…
My husband has been able to receive only one chemo treatment this time, which was four weeks ago. Since then, his kidney count has been too high and was continuing to rise until he was hospitalized two days ago. They've also found a bacterial infection in his blood and urine. First priority is to find an antibiotic for…
Theraspheres Last Thursday
I had Therasphere treatment on my liver at the Mayo Clinic last Thursday. It is an outpatient procedure and the side effects were similar to chemo, a day of nausea and a couple days of extreme fatigue. I won't know any results for a few months with a new CT scan. Scott
Hi everyone !! haven't posted for a while but I have been "lurking" now and then. I had a pet/ct scan last week,and while the mets are stable, they saw a spot in a chamber of my heart (NOT CANCER,didn't light up ) they think may be blood clot.Had an echocardiogram today but results were inconclusive. So now I have to go in…
Jennie Darlin
Jennie, Darlin, I was just rereading your posts on sex. I had a good “mind picture” for you. If it does kill him at least he will also have a BIG smile on his face.
Liver Resection Surgery
OK..so my dads CT came back with everything stable. His Onco is gonna have Radiologist review CT again and try to look at 1 other lobe and will inform my dad tomarrow if he will be sending him to a Surgical Oncologist for the resection.. How is the recovery, the process, etc. My dad said the only way he would do it would…
To chemo, I go
Just wanted to say, I wish us all a goodday, those of us who are on are way to Chemo, surgery, scans and test or just to work, fun, or whatever I hope we all have a good day this is my first day back on chemo, So here I go Live, Laugh, Play Winnie
Good news, no Awesome news
I got the results of my latest CT scan today. NO evidence of disease anywhere.The full details are incredible. The mets to the ribs are now to small to measure and "insignificant", The ones to spine are disappearing and the residual blood clots in my lungs are no longer visible. That makes three in a row :)
New treatment plan
Well, Novalis is off the table for a while. I had a pet/ct in march. It showed two liver tumors and two rt lung tumors. They started prepping me for Novalis by doing a biphasic liver study and high def ct. The ct showed that I still had several small scattered tumors throughout both lungs. The Radiologist said he wanted to…
Any update from Johnsfo
John, I know awhile back you posted how you almost never left your house, you were in so much pain and it was easier to control if you were at home. I have not seen you post in awhile and hope the pain is getting better. Marie
What is up with crow71?????
How is that young man doing????
ONC said it in anto carsonima and can be removed with surgery to remove the part of the bile duct and the head of pancreous (sp) part of my small intestens we are doing a pet scan tuesday to make sure it has not spread any where else if it has no surgery only chemo but it has not spread in fact they may see God has already…
PET Scan
I'm having my second PET tomorrow. I have to go on a low carb diet (only meat, eggs, cheese, and green vegetables). Is this for every one or just because I am diabetic? I have friends coming in to town to go out with us to supper. I guess I'll just have to have a plain salad or chef's salad with no dressing. Thanks, Debbie…
So much pain
Hello everyone,I have not been on here in a while but still reading daily. As most of you know I have had Sir Spheres to both lobes now and while I know it takes a while to work, in the meantime I have been in so much pain. I started having pain in belly along with bloating before the Sir Spheres. I mentioned this to my…
Since we are talking about sex....
I received an info packet pertaining to chemo when I first started going to the cancer center.In the printout on Sexuality it states... "Chemotherapy is excreted by the body mainly through urine.It CAN be excreted through any body fluid which includes urine, saliva,vaginal secretions, semen, stool and blood. It can take up…
Update Patti from late last night
Monday night 10:20 p.m. Patti is not doing well, she is very jaundiced, liver slowly losing function, more pain, labored breathing etc..... Austin was in the room when it was mentioned but I don't think he has figured it all out yet so I'd leave the hospice part out. I don't know that Ally knows anything about it- probably…
Son's CT results in
Scott got his results of his ct scan and it was good news, the results are quite promising. The mets in the liver are down 35%, the ca counts have reduced from 7800 when he started to 4100 now, and some other counts I did not quite understand what they were are down also. The tumor in the colon is reduced and the…
Lets do a Cookbook
I was thinking (no jokes). We should do a cookbook by people with cancer, NED, Caregivers, or whatever. If you have a old family recipe or one you made up yourself or maybe comfort food. It can be anything like cake, fish or anything you what to share. I have my Great grandmothers worlds fair winning cake recipe that would…