Tomorrow is Barcelona...
7-day Med cruise (Spain/Italy), then 2 days staying in Barcelona...I am getting soooo excited!!! I am taking you all with me...so, if you feel you bottoms being pinched, rest assured that there was a slap that followed...ROFLMAO!!! Hugs, Kathi
cea question
Hi everyone, I have heard that cea can go up during chemo, but I haven't heard anything about how how dramatically + when during chemo this can happen. Does anyone have any experience or information about this? Also they say "temporarily", what does this mean? Any help would be appreciated.
Drop in Platlets
Hi! My platlets again dropped last visit for my 6th Avastin tx.. I am at 90,000 from 198,000 in September. The doc told me its possible that the Heperin in my port could be causing the thinning of blood and a multi vitamin might help me not feel so tired. I do have some swellingness in my spline from the chemo that could…
News from the Cancer Front
So last Thursday George has his visit with the oncologist. The news sounds pretty good to me.All is looking good. No progression. Disease stable and still shrinking. CEA hasn't really gone down that much in the last 3 months, bounces between 17 and 20. That concerned me a little but the oncologist said those are good…
Hi everyone
i'm back. i know i just popped in and popped right back out. there were quite a few reasons. last time i was here i was not able to eat, i was sick and dehydrated. well i'm happy to say i've been able to eat for 5 weeks now and i can eat anything it seems. i lived with my brother and his wife for 2 1/2 months, and didn't…
lcarper2, Louann VERY ILL and in hospital * MONDAY UPDATE
UPDATE from Louann's best friend: I have bad news Louann is back in the hospital in Tulsa. She had a stroke on the right side and is dehydrated so they are keeping her at St Johns room 949. She will she the phy therpist today. Her daughter and son in law are on there way to Tulsa and her son will be in today. Please pass…
Two and Half Men Episode
I was watching a Two and Half Men episode the other night when I heard Alan say I need my foot stool - in case the morning coffee doesn’t work. Did anyone see that?
I've graduated.....
I really didn't want a graduation at the infusion office. I just wanted to walk out without anyone knowing I was done except me and the nurses. :) They of course announced to the other 23 patients there that I was done with all my chemo and that of course I finished all 12 rounds of treatment. I'm sure this gives…
I'm New Here and I'm Scared
I previously had breast cancer 19 years ago so when they saw mets to liver and lungs small ones it was thought it was BC and they changed my Armidex to Aromasin-which I have been on for 2 months now I was scheduled for a colonoscopy since my CEA went up to 224-I had a colonscopy in Jan 2008 and it came back clear-well this…
Alternative Medicine Website ?
Just browsing through this, can't really tell if this is a sales pitch...... Where did my ability to concentrate go!! http://cancertutor.com/index.html
integrative doctor-interesting tests
Hi, My husband will most likely be on chemo for a long while unless another option becomes available. In the meantime, I scheduled an appointment to see an integrative doctor to help him manage some of the side effects of chemotherapy. I was surprised by all of the tests the doctor wanted done. Heavy metal testing, adrenal…
Hello Again Everyone, I have finished my 4th round of chemotherapy and I have 8 more to go. I felt pretty good for the first three. After this past treatment I had aching calve muscles, back pain and joint pain. I also experienced some dizziness. That was yesterday. I went home and went to bed and I am feeling better…
i'm scared
i have had colon cancer was fortunate that i only had to have 1/3 of my colon removed and no colostomy bag. it has been 3 years since that and thus far tests have a come back negative .. also back 7 years ago had to have a complete hystorectomy due to cervical cancer and have done well on check ups there.. but for the past…
I would have never known about this
I finely got copies of my first and last CT scans. The hospital is 103 miles away and just never got around to it. Found something interesting in the reports. I have a bilobular, infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The damn thing measures 3.8 cm and has grown by .4 in 1.6 years. Did some research on this and found that 1…
a letter never written to be read....
Today is the big day when my Mom left a year ago...I survived a year, but I will never ever forget the last couple of days...my reflection...as it was... It was Sunday morning when I looked at her and realized that she has changed. She no longer spoke to me. She no longer reacted to my presence...she no longer knew what…
"hibi" needs to be kicked off the Network
I hope this "hibi" gets kicked off soon!!!!
Papa Jedi, very bad news
Papa Jedi (Robert) has been in the hospital for a week after having a blood clot to his lung. He's on oxygen around the clock. His bone scan showed many new bones mets. They'll restart FOLFOX on Monday but he said the doctor told him this is very bad news. Robert was dx'd just last July/August and was thought to be Stage…
Talked to KIMBY.... She's Not Good.... Needs Prayers, Good Vibes....whatever
Hey All I finally got a hold of Kimby today. She is very ill. She is SO weak she cannot get out of bed without help and is in fact bedridden most of the time. She said the problem is she has NO strength. She eats but still continues to lose weight. They have stopped all chemo ... all meds.. as her body cannot handle…
How are you doing Craig (Sundance)
I know the time is coming for your lung surgery, and I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing emotionally with this. I hope you are getting your mind and body into that special place that will help you to fight, fight fight! mary
Ok need a good kick up the backside so to speak, scan is tomorrow...
and I'm feeling a range of emotions. Part of me does not want to go, but that's keeping my head buried in the sand. Other part is if I go and all the big if's start to go around in my head. Already started taking the prep for it, and today on bowel watch (that should be as tv show)noticed my stools have started to narrow…
Dad has been DX with Lymphoma, now what
I have been pretty overwhelmed the past month, my dad been dx with lymphomia( second time for him, 10 years or so ago he had lymphomia, the same time i did). and history repeats it self, Not sure how to react, I was just coming to grips with the fact that i will die from this cancer one day, and reading some recent post, i…
Reading Room: 10 reasons to eat probiotics
Probiotics: A Billion Good Bugs Friendly Bacteria for Your Digestive System -- By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian Did you know that your digestive tract contains more than 400 types of “friendly” bacteria? These little guys, commonly referred to as probiotics (which means "pro-life"), help reduce the growth of…
Newly Diagnosed Stage 3A & Very Scared
Hi everyone, I am 47 and underwent a colon resection last Monday. I am recovering very well from surgery and have met with my oncologist and have a plan. From what I can gather the chemo mix he plans to use is standard but I've heard different doc's dose quite differently. My doc plans on weekly low doses for 26 weeks. A…
Atlanta or GA anyone
Is anyone in or near Atlanta, GA
Does anyone know about TM4?
My husband is stage IV and has blown through pretty much all of the standard chemo treatments except for Vectibix, which he is now taking without additional chemo agents. After his most recent recurrence he decided he wanted to find other alternatives and is now seeing some integrative practitioners who have been highly…
Anyone used a port for the quemo?
I just came from my first appoitment with the oncologist, and every thing went fine until he told me that he wanted me to have what is call a PORT to get my treatment because the first to treatments I need to get like a pump home for 48 hours I said is fine, but now here at home reading the pamphlets about the device I got…
julie 44??
Has anyone heard from Julie? Her last post was before the holidays and she hasn't picked up the pm I sent her :(
Honesty...........off the beaten path......
Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my…
Chemo Side Effects
So I'm new to this cancer. Diagnosed on 02/06/2010. Offered Hospice immediately. I'd like to know a couple of things. First off, my first chemo, I came home and went to bed for two days, second chemo, same thing, this is now my 6th chemo and I come home and feel fine, if it wasn't for the cold symptoms of not being able to…
Peter is in hospice
Three week ago I was in Hopkins to do a routine testing and CT scan for the upcoming clinical trial. They found my liver function close to failure, my billirubins is 10 times higher and I was running fever. I was hospitalized for three days. They cannot find any infections; the bile duct is not clogged. Their conclusion is…