Anyone have experience with Irinotecan / Erbitux
My husband starts Irinotecan / Erbitux tomorrow. Any suggestions, ideas or experiences to share would be appreciated. Thanks
Ports and thoughts about them
When I received chemo,we had discussions on ports, where most were, (our group had mostly right ones) and how long too keep them. I have heard such varying thoughts and haven't had that talk with my onc yet. I am Stage 3 off chemo for 1 year and so far no reoccur., but some onc nurses said people keep them forever for good…
Five things I tried in addition to radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery
Hi, I had a diagnosis of terminal colo-rectal cancer with a prognosis of six months to live after I had received about three months of radiation therapy and chemotherapy and a surgery. My doctors were very sure that I would die based on the normal outcome of someone with cancer as bad and as fast growning as I had. That…
Things Cancer Survivors Want You To Know
There are no other experiences in life that will prepare us for a cancer diagnosis and the changes it will bring. So here are a few things people living with cancer and cancer survivors want you to know - **Living with cancer can feel like being chased by a tiger through the rainforest. I started out running as fast and…
Reading Room: Parade Magazine (wash post) Cancer Articles
The Parade Magazine that is part of the Sunday Wash Post had several cancer related articles that I thought I would pass along. http://www.parade.com/health/
A necessary break
Hi folks, Unfortunately I will not have much time to be on the forum in the coming days.I have been off chemo 1 month and now cancer has hit my family again. Today my 81 yr old Mother was diagnosed with metastatic lung and possibly throat cancer. Her doctor called me and says surgery is probably out of the question due to…
small things..
Hey people...yeah, small things can make me happy...so I'm happy. I've got a front basket on my bike!!!!:) Now, I don't have to carry my Mom in my backpack, but rather have her sit in the basket, and see things while I'm biking! :) So, yesterday I already biked around some, and I will bike around more today, so that she'll…
Seeking info about lung biospy w/VATS
Hello all short story: My PET/CT just this Thursday had inconclusive results. 3 nodules in lungs grew to 5, 6, 9 mm (about 1 to 3 mm growth). The 9 mm one lit up at 2.8 SUV. CEA however continues to drop (0.9 Thursday; 5.5 at dx) and is a good indicator of disease activity for me according to my doc. Doc suggested lung…
1 Year After Chemo
Checking in to say "hello" and update my first anniversary of finishing chemo. May marked one year off drugs. I have been doing well except I still have neuropathy in my toes. I had my 2nd follow up CT and all looked well. I am still running and trying to be as healthy as I can. One more little bump in the road, though. I…
lcarper2, Louann's cancer has spread
Louann's friend forwarded some results from Louann's visit at MD Anderson. She was told the scans show the cancer has spread to her liver and pancreas. The only option right now is to put in a new port and start chemo back in her home town. She'll go back to MD Anderson in 10 weeks. I don't know if she'll be changing…
Checkin in on Sis, Donna.
Has anyone heard from her?, Beth? know she replied to a post, but have not heard much from her. Hope she's ok, thinking of her.
Scan on the 29th of June, and I'm scared.
Firstly hugs to everyone, sorry not been on the board recently, one of my big sisters, this time Lisa42 got me to come out of hiding. I have my next scan on the 29/6/10, and I'm really worried, I know it's scan anxiety but it's just all the emotional trouble I have been through over the last 6 months (husband leaving, then…
Has anyone heard or have an update on JADot?
To All you Dads on Father's Day
I am thinking about all the Dad's on Father's day and I am amazed by all of you. While my family sleeps, I am thinking about **** and what a great Dad he is in the midst of everything he is going through. You men are incredible! I hope you have a joyful Father's Day! Aloha, Kathleen
CPT 11
After my second treatment of CPT11, my hair has started falling out, I'm losing my taste buds, I am dead tired all the time, sick for three days after, my fingernails are really weak and brittle and my finger tips are peeling. Any one else taking a low dose of CPT 11 and having any of these problems? Thanks, Debbie in…
Friday Riddle Answer
1) Which fillie holds the current record for most consecutive wins? - Zenyatta 2) How many wins? - 17 wins 3) Who is the #1 jockey? - Rafael Bejerano 4) Top earnings for jockey? - 7 million 5) Who is the top trainer? - Todd Fletcher 6) Earnings for trainer? - 10 million
Have you women ever had cervical changes while on chemo?
My GYN called to tell me I had a high grade dysplasia (Precancerous to cancerous changes) about a month ago and to pretty much prepare for a hysterectomy. When I asked him what that meant, he said it was worse than a mild grade dysplasia that I had before I was diagnosed. DUH!! I could have told him that. So he wanted to…
I have victory over the cancer mass and the chemotherapy. Two weeks ago I finished the treatment, went on vacation, walked 3 miles while there. I have to get mediport out and incisional hernia repaired but other than that, the only side effect I'm waiting for to leave is the neuropothy and in time, it will. I am thankful…
Thank you! In loving Memory..
A couple of months ago I posted to this board twice to ask a few questions. I wanted to thank you all for your kind advice, words of encouragement and support. In fact, several of you went so far to contact me outside of this board via email that live in/around the Houston area, and it is so very much appreciated!! My…
Questions About Lung Mets and Xeloda
Haven't posted here in quite some time because life has been very hectic. I do try to read the posts a couple of times a week to keep up. Long story short: Dx'd 10/07 with Stage IV cc with mets to ovaries. Three surgeries & 6 months of FOLFOX which ended in June 2008. I was NED from Feb. 2008 until Sept. 2009, when…
Apricot Seeds....
Has anyone heard about apricot seeds fighting cancer???? I have a neighbor that swears it helped with her lymphoma and she read it has helped attack the colon cancer cells??? But the Oncol.. said it is a rumor..Just some input!
after liver resection
For those fellow liver resectionee's, did you have a bulge on your side for some time? my side is still has a little bulge, not painful, but I have the full feeling all the time. My resection was in the beginging of April.
Hi! I was recently diagnosed with recurrent colon cancer Stage 4. I have already have an ileostomy from my previous cancer diagnosis and chemo. Now it returned in my ovaries and I had a complete hysterectomy. The are talking of treating me with Avistan. Has anyone heard of it and/or had it for treatment. Just looking for…
What does moderately diffentiated mean?
I was reviewing my surgical pathology report and for the first time I noted that it says "Adenocarcinoma of the colon, moderately diffentiated. What does moderately diffentiated mean? I wish they explained some of these medical terms on the reports.
Hi, For those of you who know/remember Krista (kristasplace), she's had a tough time lately. She was in the hospital for exploratory surgery recently and just got home. They discovered the ovaries and uterus were lighting up on a PET and today she posted on FB that it is, indeed, cancerous. They're not sure what type yet,…
May 2010 "Learn Well" Contest Winners Announced! - Patient Resource Publishing
Today, we announce the first winners of our monthly "Who Helps You Learn Well?" contest, selected from the thousands of entries submitted in recent weeks. Let us introduce you to our May, 2010 winners.... Hi Lou Ann(Lizzy), I just want to share this great news with you. You had nominated ACS Cancer Survivor’s Network –…
Going for surgery in 3 weeks
Went to cleveland clinic yesterday am scheduled for surgery the 6 of july after colonoscopy on the 30 of this month Dr wants to check everything out first he said the tumor is size of grapefruit but he thinks he can get it all out then in a few months biopsy my lung and go from there I dont understand why different DRS…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO Googling or searching the Internet allowed, and good luck!!!! This week, I thought I would try something different. 1) Which fillie holds the current record for most consecutive wins? 2) How many wins? 3) Who is the #1 jockey? 4) Top earnings for jockey? 5) Who is the top trainer? 6) Earnings for trainer?
Thought of the Day
“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” ~ Albert Einstein
Need some advice!!!
I got the results of my liver scan test that I had to retake. Well, the spot that was originally seen in Mar., was 1.5mm; checked by pet scan, there was no spot; checked again last week, the spot was there again only it was 1.6mm; had it rechecked Mon. - the results: I was told the spot never had changed from 1.5 to 1.6,…