HI, It has been a while.
HI everybody, I haven't posted in a while but have been lurking. There seems to be alot of new people on here, but I do remember some of you. I think about you all frequently and pray for Strength and positive thinking. I had my 1 yr post surgery colonoscopy and scans 1 mth ago and all is clear, but the fear still remains…
semi's i am getting tired
good evening semi's, i must say i am getting tired, i have had an infection since my last surgery 1/14/10. it comes and i take meds and it goes away. that after a few days it comes back. i am going for a catscan on thursady to find out where it is coming from. i guess i am getting a little tired, other than this and the…
rising CEA, clear CT, scared
Hi there - I'm a stage IV colon cancer patient. First surgery June-07 removed 1 in tumor in colon, ovaries (both had tumors) and omentum which had tumors (1 positive lymph node out of 20+). Had a hysterectomy along with it--no tumors there. Went 12 rounds with FOLFOX and Avastin, minimal side effects. All clear…
post-chemo joint pain
I was reading the thread about post chemo joint pain. Boy do I have it. I thik I read in one place that it might cause CEA to rise. Did that happen to anyone? I may be grasping at straws here, but trying to find a reason for rising CEA with clear scans. Thanks, Traci
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!
Hi, I want to wish any + all Canadians on this board a Happy Canada Day! I hope you are all enjoying Canada's birthday! Our community has many activities planned for today - fireworks, parade etc.
Friday Riddle
At a sports banquet there are one hundred athletes. Each one is either a football or basketball player. At least one is a football player. Given any two of the athletes, at least one is a basketball player. How many of the athletes are football players?
Road kill, and the game warden
Yesterday my husband and I and my 18 year old son were driving down the road, I commented on the amount of road kill there was and we ( my husband and i talked) about the road kill we had seen, there has been alot of deer lately I said and he pointed out an armadillo in the middle of the road, trying not to hit it agian, I…
Happy B-Day to all July Babies as well as: Lisa42 - 11 July Amyboston - 14 July If you would like to be part of my B-Day List, please provide me with the following info: DOB (including month, day and year) Date of Diagnosis (including month, day and year) NED (if you are cancer free, month, day and year)
Colonoscopy clear
I had my first colonoscopy since dx in Jan. 2009 today and the gastro doc said my surgeon did such a great job that he had a hard time finding where it was resected. He found a tiny area where he could tell it had been stitched together. No polyps and no lesions. This gastro, a wonderful Christian doctor in our town who…
Reflections On A Life - My Husband
It's been nearly a month since CB passed away and I can say that I think I am coping. Some days are better than others. I friend sent me a book on grief, and in it someone describe the feeling as standing in the ocean and feeling the waves wash up on you, nearly knocking you down, and then moving away and coming back. That…
YOU are making a difference!
I joined this discussion board over a month ago, and although I’ve only posted once, I log on almost every day to read the threads. It’s been so therapeutic to me. I want to tell you all that you are all making such a difference in people's lives by being a part of this site. It’s so comforting to see the support, advice,…
IP-6 & Inositol
Has anyone used this as a part of their supplemental regimen or during chemo? I am currently in remission and want to stay that way and have started taking this. I was just wanting to know if anyone else has used it and what you think of it. Thanks, Susan.
Is there a certain amount of time the same port can stay in? Does it have to be removed after so long? Any help I would be thankful. Hugs.
Sundance Article Being Published in Trade Magazine – FINALIZING COUNTS NEED TO PLACE ORDER NOW (UPDA
Mornin’ Everybody:) It seems like there is no rest for the wicked, LOL:) I’ve gotten a call from the President of the St. Paul’s Medical Foundation and also from the Media Manager of UTSW Hospital. They are going to run me and Dr. D’s story on our 1st DaVinci experience together for their trade magazine and the article…
Had PET/CT Friday.... Please send good Vibes/Prayers for Clear Results
July 1st is a big day for me. First thing that morning I get my PET/CT results. I am so praying I am still in remission. My results from that will decide if I am keeping my second appoinment that day.... which is with a plastic surgeon. I have lost a few pounds... 84 to be exact... and I am working on the last 20 or so.…
I'm getting excited to see old friends and meet new ones. Don and I have been working behind the scenes as hosts. We will have such a great time! If you can make it in October, come and meet people you hear from on the board. We are all semi-colons and therefore only semi-normal. I haven't met anyone from here that I…
Charlie Horse??? Rib Pain......Night Sweats...... Back injection Thursday.. :)
Hey Everybody! This past week I have started getting "Charlie Horses" in my left leg. The first one I got woke me up from a sound sleep and I sat up gasping for breath and screaming. It was horrible!!! The pain was in the lower left leg.... in the front. It was actually making my toes bend toward my shin...with constant…
Reading Room - Patient Resource Guide - Free Publications
Read blogs from oncology professionals at MyCancerAdvisor.com: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anatomy of the Colon and Colorectal Cancer Colon Cancer Myths Revealed Colonoscopy is a Life Saving Procedure DNA Screening for Colon Cancer: An Important Advance Farrah Fawcett’s…
does anyone have an update on Roger? Haven't seen him post in a while. I was wondering how his recovery is going? Amy
Tomorrow is Barcelona...
7-day Med cruise (Spain/Italy), then 2 days staying in Barcelona...I am getting soooo excited!!! I am taking you all with me...so, if you feel you bottoms being pinched, rest assured that there was a slap that followed...ROFLMAO!!! Hugs, Kathi
cea question
Hi everyone, I have heard that cea can go up during chemo, but I haven't heard anything about how how dramatically + when during chemo this can happen. Does anyone have any experience or information about this? Also they say "temporarily", what does this mean? Any help would be appreciated.
Drop in Platlets
Hi! My platlets again dropped last visit for my 6th Avastin tx.. I am at 90,000 from 198,000 in September. The doc told me its possible that the Heperin in my port could be causing the thinning of blood and a multi vitamin might help me not feel so tired. I do have some swellingness in my spline from the chemo that could…
News from the Cancer Front
So last Thursday George has his visit with the oncologist. The news sounds pretty good to me.All is looking good. No progression. Disease stable and still shrinking. CEA hasn't really gone down that much in the last 3 months, bounces between 17 and 20. That concerned me a little but the oncologist said those are good…
Hi everyone
i'm back. i know i just popped in and popped right back out. there were quite a few reasons. last time i was here i was not able to eat, i was sick and dehydrated. well i'm happy to say i've been able to eat for 5 weeks now and i can eat anything it seems. i lived with my brother and his wife for 2 1/2 months, and didn't…
lcarper2, Louann VERY ILL and in hospital * MONDAY UPDATE
UPDATE from Louann's best friend: I have bad news Louann is back in the hospital in Tulsa. She had a stroke on the right side and is dehydrated so they are keeping her at St Johns room 949. She will she the phy therpist today. Her daughter and son in law are on there way to Tulsa and her son will be in today. Please pass…
Two and Half Men Episode
I was watching a Two and Half Men episode the other night when I heard Alan say I need my foot stool - in case the morning coffee doesn’t work. Did anyone see that?
I've graduated.....
I really didn't want a graduation at the infusion office. I just wanted to walk out without anyone knowing I was done except me and the nurses. :) They of course announced to the other 23 patients there that I was done with all my chemo and that of course I finished all 12 rounds of treatment. I'm sure this gives…
I'm New Here and I'm Scared
I previously had breast cancer 19 years ago so when they saw mets to liver and lungs small ones it was thought it was BC and they changed my Armidex to Aromasin-which I have been on for 2 months now I was scheduled for a colonoscopy since my CEA went up to 224-I had a colonscopy in Jan 2008 and it came back clear-well this…
Alternative Medicine Website ?
Just browsing through this, can't really tell if this is a sales pitch...... Where did my ability to concentrate go!! http://cancertutor.com/index.html
integrative doctor-interesting tests
Hi, My husband will most likely be on chemo for a long while unless another option becomes available. In the meantime, I scheduled an appointment to see an integrative doctor to help him manage some of the side effects of chemotherapy. I was surprised by all of the tests the doctor wanted done. Heavy metal testing, adrenal…