My 19 year old daughter informs me last night that I have become an angry person with three specific examples. So I am asking for your opinion regarding yesterday's incident and you tell me if it was justified anger or I am slowly becoming a psychopath. Give me your real opinion, I won't get angry (maybe). When I got to…
Maglets& kathiM need to know about you!LOL.
Hugs my friends!
An interesting chart
Blake, I'm going to post this. Can you make it clickable? This is very heartening I think: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2720081/figure/F2/
Scans or no scans??
I need some feedback. My husband had surgery on 3-25-11 he is currently on his post chemo. He has not been scanned since right before his surgery. Do they normally scan during chemo? His cancer was rectal with one lymph node involved. The worrisome part is that on his first PET scan before surgery and chemo there was two…
Follow-up to Ending Radiations
First thanks to all of you for your posts and kind words. I cried when I read them. Here's the outcome to my radiation dilemma. I ended up in the hospital for the 4 last days. I spiked a fever so went to the ER and was admitted. I ended up on IV antibiotics for sepsis, bowel enteritis and a UTI. I also received two units…
How To Delete Duplicate Threads
This only works if YOU start the Thread. It's different if you reply to a post, then you can edit but only for a certain amount of time. Click on your post link Select EDIT Look at the bottom of the text box and you will see a button. That will delete the double post.
Just returned from Tokyo---1st big trip since diagnosis
Hi all, Simply sharing: I just returned from Tokyo and everything went better than I could have hoped. I had my ilestomy reversed in October, went through the Depends stage, and for the last few months have had very few accidents (and can usually trace why, like drinking red wine). Anyway, I purchased some Depends before…
From England:"....Avastin,Erbitux and Vectibix will not be routinely available on the NHS
for people with metastastic bowel cancers, those that have spread to the rest of the body......." Economics$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ so reports The Daily Mail
Stereotactic Radiotheraphy
Who has had this done? Anyone here have it done for lymph node mets only? Can you tell me what it was like for you? I have good news. My CEA stalled out at 3.6. It stopped rising! But still I am challenging the long-term plan for my treatment. I pushed my oncologist for SRT or cryoablation. He was against cryoablation…
Hi everyone it's been awhile just dropping by to say hi To let everyone know you are all in my thoughts and prayers So far I'm getting clear scans back I go back in oct to see the Onc again - Still have the port and still get tired I want to think it's Allergies making me tired I need to see an Allergist to find out for…
Ending Radiation
I have just completed my chemo portion of the neo-adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. If the machine had not been down for a couple of days, I would have also finished the radiation. I'm supposed to go back for two treatments, on Tuesday and Wednesday. I honestly think my body can't take any more radiation and I…
PET/CT Today
Scanxiety hit during ZUMBA class on Saturday. It was so wierd, I was dancing and stomping around saying "FU Cancer" in my head to the beat of the songs and the next minute I'm tearing up and can't breathe and I'm thinking.."What if it's back, what if I didn't dodge the bullet, what if I only got a year clear???" Will get…
Just returned from Tokyo---1st big trip since diagnosis
Hi all, Simply sharing: I just returned from Tokyo and everything went better than I could have hoped. I had my ilestomy reversed in October, went through the Depends stage, and for the last few months have had very few accidents (and can usually trace why, like drinking red wine). Anyway, I purchased some Depends before…
Any ideas on foods to eat....
My husband just had his 3nd treatment of FOLFOX. He can not eat or drink anything cold for about 10-12 days after his treatment. It is getting really hard to find foods that he can eat and things to drink that taste okay luke warm. He is getting tired of soup and warm water. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as he has…
CP9 - COLON PALOOZA #9 - anyone that hasn't purchased airfare or reserved a room yet?
I am copying and pasting some of Suzann's info from an earlier post below my post here. I know many have planned well in advance, but there are many of us with ongoing treatments that do not have that luxury. If anyone is still interested in going, American Airlines has a nice sale right now for flights into Chicago from a…
Fatigue greater from 2nd round after liver surgery? Experiences?
I had 6 rounds of chemo and the fatigue and other side effects weren't too bad. This was then followed by liver surgery to remove one met. I have resumed chemo and after the first infusion the fatigue was hit sooner, harder, and lasted longer. I started the chemo ~6 weeks after the liver surgery. Granted I'm not as strong…
Short breathing and chest pain can it be anxiety ?
my scans were fine two weeks ago so... .I'm going to Mexico next week and this is my first long trip since DX!,did it ever happened to you before a trip or new plan?
Colon Cancer
I'm having chemo treatment for colon cancer and I would just like to understand more about the side effects that others have after going through treatment. I'm 39 years old and at times this can get so overwhelming because I wear a colostomy bag as well. Is there anyone who is willing to help me to understand more about…
colon resection surgery
I would like to know how common are anastomosis leaks after colon resection surgery. Has anyone else had this happen? Please elaborate. My husband's first surgery for removal of a malignant colon tumor went well. However after the first few days, he got very sick with nausea and vomiting and ended up back in the hospital.…
does anybody know about okthen and Betina61?
Not posting since long long time!
Would appreciate your input
When my husband started this journey in Nov. 2010 his CEA level was at 1145, then in March after 8 treatments of 5fu, Oxaliplatin it went down to 465 then in April it was down to 211, they dropped the oxy after his 10th treatment and since then he had been feeling really good. In June he started having issues with his…
Mum's passing.
Mum's just passed away yesterday afternoon after fighting cancer bravely. It's been a pleasure being in the cancer survivors network and sharing knowledge of colorectal cancer with one another and the advice that I got from you guys. Don't worry about deaths, that should be the thing that's at the back of your heads. Go…
Jorge has his ct scan
Today jorge has a ct scan I'm so stress and scare and I didn't want to get out of bed today would love some good wishes today thanks all hugs Tina
Hi people it is FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Just resting!
help!!!! falling through the crack and its my life
HI! I'm having an issue here. I have been going to a hospital in Boston, MA for my colon cancer (recurrent Stage IV), my local oncologist has says there is nothing they can do for me down here and sent me to the "specialists". Now I have been going since May and I feel like I'm falling through the cracks. I barely see my…
Why this "old timer" rarely posts
Hi all - I have followed the recent "flames" with interest. It's a common thing on message boards - I know there are folks with Ph.D's who actually study this stuff. In part I rarely post because I am 6+ years surviving Stage 4 and need some space (even though I know a recurrence is possible at any moment). The drama does…
I was just diagnosed with ascites after a CT scan for a bloated / distended abdomen, any experience with this out there ? what can I expect as far as treatment.... at this time it has me more or less off my feet as I am only comfortable on my side laying down. I realize this is probably an indicator of the condition of my…
green stool
For three days now I have had a green stool. I didn't know for sure until today as I usually throw in the paper and flush without checking the toilet first. I see my oncologist Friday, as I had a PET scan last week due to a suspicious spot on my liver. I cannot think of any green food I ate. Do I need to be concerned? The…
CEA and CT
I am having a difficult time keeping up with my husband's onc and his decisions concerning scans. My husband gets his CEA once a month and had a CT scan after two months of chemo. I mentioned the possibility of getting a PET scan at some point since my husband had Hodgkin's disease when he was in his 20's and I was hoping…
Xelox nausea ..from Xeloda or Oxaliplatin?
First oxaliplatin infusion on Friday, then started Xeloda the same night at home. This is my Xelox regimen since I could not get the Folfox as scheduled due to drug shortages. The nausea is pretty bad, despite the anti-nausea medicines. Which drug is most likely to be causing it, the Xeloda or the oxaliplatin? Just…