Scan results were not what I wanted to hear.

pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member
I went to Oncologist yesterday for my results of MRI from Wednesday. Not great news. One of the lesions in my liver has increased from 0.5 cm x 0.6 cm to 3.6 cm x 3.0 cm and then another one of the smaller lesions mm size has increased as well. For the most part, there are still 15 lesions scattered across both lobes with most remaining stable but he wants to resume Folfox w/Avastin again. I will start next Friday and then have treatments every 2 weeks. He's holding off on the Neulasta shots for now until he sees how my white blood cell count goes. The reality of "chemo for life" is ringing so true to me now. I am scared, depressed, anxious, etc. etc. I hate this stupid cancer! Thanks to all of you who posted back to me last week. I really am dreading starting treatment up again. I'm hoping that I won't be as sick as the first round. Please everyone hold me up in prayer that I can stay strong and get this under control. My tumor marker is also climbing again. I am at 13.8. Thanks for your support!




  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sorry that the results weren't better. If he wants to resume a prior treatment maybe it will help again. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member

    Sorry that the results weren't better. If he wants to resume a prior treatment maybe it will help again. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


    Pam, it is quite

    Pam, it is quite understandable that you are reeling from this news. It will be hard but you can do it again. Believe in the strength within you. Know that you are in my heart and prayer. For many of us, this board is a 'safe place' .....there is so much support here....based on real life experience.

    Cathleen Mary
  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Sorry to hear this, Pam
    Have you talked to anybody about liver target therapy? Is it anyplace else besides the liver? My daughter has liver tumors and has now had her first treatment of Theraspheres. I had previously contacted a liver surgeon there where you are being treated and he talked about doing hepatic artery infusion for her liver tumors. Maybe you could be a candidate for that. It would sure be worth getting an opinion. Hope you get some better news soon.

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    sorry about the update
    This cancer stuff isn't for the faint hearted that for sure. I to am on chemo for life and it sure does get tiring but it is keeping me around longer than anticipated. It just doesn't seem fair that we have to endure so much. Maybe God wanted us to appreciate our victories of life more. I'm praying the best for you. Jeff
  • tabbyfatgirl1
    tabbyfatgirl1 Member Posts: 17
    sorry about scan results.
    sorry about scan results. You wouldn't be human if you weren't feeing like you do. I agree I HATE CANCER! The oncologist keeps saying to my husband, you know there is no cure, but with chemo we're getting good results putting patients into remission. My husband's last PET, liver was clear. Praise God! But now it's been 12 weeks since he's been able to have chemo - so who knows what the next PET will be? You always live in dread of those scan results.

    My husband & I will be praying for you.
  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member

    Sorry that the results weren't better. If he wants to resume a prior treatment maybe it will help again. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


    Thanks Kim...
    I'll take any prayers I can get!

  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member
    Varmint5 said:

    Sorry to hear this, Pam
    Have you talked to anybody about liver target therapy? Is it anyplace else besides the liver? My daughter has liver tumors and has now had her first treatment of Theraspheres. I had previously contacted a liver surgeon there where you are being treated and he talked about doing hepatic artery infusion for her liver tumors. Maybe you could be a candidate for that. It would sure be worth getting an opinion. Hope you get some better news soon.


    Thanks for replying. Are you in St. Louis? Does your daughter get treatment at Siteman? I have mentioned other options to my Onc and he says lets try this first. How many liver tumors does she have? I just hate the thought of Folfox again. I guess all of us hate the thought of treatment over and over again though. I will ask about targeting just the liver when I see him on the 22nd. Thanks for your input and good luck with your daughter.

  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member

    sorry about the update
    This cancer stuff isn't for the faint hearted that for sure. I to am on chemo for life and it sure does get tiring but it is keeping me around longer than anticipated. It just doesn't seem fair that we have to endure so much. Maybe God wanted us to appreciate our victories of life more. I'm praying the best for you. Jeff

    Hi Jeff,
    Sorry you have the "chemo for life" diagnosis as well. I never thought of it the way you put it...maybe you're right. Maybe I didn't have much of an appreciation for the good things in life that I have and this is a way to bring me to that realization. Thanks for your prayers Jeff; I will keep you in my prayers as well.

  • pscott1
    pscott1 Member Posts: 207 Member

    sorry about scan results.
    sorry about scan results. You wouldn't be human if you weren't feeing like you do. I agree I HATE CANCER! The oncologist keeps saying to my husband, you know there is no cure, but with chemo we're getting good results putting patients into remission. My husband's last PET, liver was clear. Praise God! But now it's been 12 weeks since he's been able to have chemo - so who knows what the next PET will be? You always live in dread of those scan results.

    My husband & I will be praying for you.

    I have a co-worker
    who just lost her Dad unexpectedly last Monday and found out she has breast cancer the Wednesday prior. We were talking today about the thing that scares us the most....the unknown. I guess no one can say they are guaranteed to live the next day but when it's been told to you that there's a possibility I think it's still easier to go blindly thru life not knowing. Does having cancer build character; make us better? Probably...but if I could choose; I'd rather do it a different way. I will be praying for you both as well. Thanks for your thoughts!

  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    pscott1 said:

    Thanks for replying. Are you in St. Louis? Does your daughter get treatment at Siteman? I have mentioned other options to my Onc and he says lets try this first. How many liver tumors does she have? I just hate the thought of Folfox again. I guess all of us hate the thought of treatment over and over again though. I will ask about targeting just the liver when I see him on the 22nd. Thanks for your input and good luck with your daughter.


    Liver targeted treatment

    I sent you a private message with more details. I think it would be a good idea for you to push for liver targeted therapy in addition to the chemo. That's what I did for my daughter. I don't know where you live or which cancer center is closest to you.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    So sorry to hear about the growth. Cancer with the the ups and downs is so hard.
    I'm saying a prayer for you.

  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    Our War

    I'll add you to my prayers for strength in your battle. We are all soldiers on the field in this war against cancer and the medical professionals are the generals in the rear with the gear. Our foxholes are the infusion rooms, ORs and radiation centers. Fear is a part of our lives and a constant (and unwelcome)companion, rather like a very chatty and annoying person who we have to learn how to ignore. Think of him as a nerdy little twerp with coke bottle glasses who always says the wrong thing at the wrong time, that makes him easier to shutout.

    Occasionally, when our numbers are looking really good, we get to go on leave and forget the war. If we're really lucky, when we get into remission, we get to "go home" and leave the war zone all together. In my prayers for you and others, I will ask that you get not only the strength that you need, but that you get to "go home" from the war.

    God Bless,

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am so sorry for the bad
    I am so sorry for the bad news. I will pray for you.
  • jjaj133
    jjaj133 Member Posts: 867 Member
    Jam so sorry the results
    Jam so sorry the results weren't. Better. Will keep. You in my prayers.
    Hugs Judy
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey, Pam.

    Just want to tell you that I'm praying for you!

  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    So sorry to hear of your results
    I totally get your dread of starting back up; it's downright awful; and scary. And then there are always the gems of grace that appear as well, as folks have mentioned. I wish that many many gems litter your path! Holding you close to my heart.

    all the best, Leslie
  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69
    in my prayers
    Pam, I can only imagine knowing u have to get chemo again. You hang in there with a bulldog mentality. As you know, lots of support here. I bet the chemo will kill those lesions.....yours truly, Jamie
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    golf_gal said:

    in my prayers
    Pam, I can only imagine knowing u have to get chemo again. You hang in there with a bulldog mentality. As you know, lots of support here. I bet the chemo will kill those lesions.....yours truly, Jamie

    Cancer sucks
    Cancer sucks, we al agree on that. Sorry to hear about your scan Pam.
    I am stil preaching ONE DAY AT A TIME.. Yes indeed it is the unknown we all fear.
    But you will be surprised by the strength you have to continue taking it al
    one day at a time, that is all we can do.
    Ofcourse you are on my prayer list, everyday and with all of us prayer for each other
    there must be a cure in the future.
    Hugs to you, Marjan