Cancer Management App
Has anyone tried any of the symptom management apps? We checked out several and decided to go with ChemoWave. There were a few stories on YouTube about its developer, a cancer patient caretaker who created the app to manage his friends symptoms and care. We just set it up and are trying to figure out how to use it. Most of…
Here's an odd news story
Cancer patient saw disease all but vanish after catching Covid (yahoo.com)
New Diagnosis, Good Prognosis-Managing Fear
I am 53 years old, was tardy on the colonoscopy, and I was diagnosed with Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure. This is really just a scary way to name a big ole tumor in my colon that invaded the colon wall and 2 of 50 lymph nodes. Since my surgery, I feel fantastic (if a little sore from the incisions and the port…
Stage 4 Colon with Mets to liver—worse 50th bday gift ever!
Hey y'all. New here and truthfully, scared shitless (no pun intended lol). Went to the Kaiser Permanente Urgent Care a week after I turned 50 with constipation and bloating that just felt "different". Three hours and one CT scan later the poor ER doc came in and with no preamble says "they found a large mass in your colon…
Vague CT results
I have not been on the board much lately. I’ve been lurking, keeping up with everyone but not commenting. But now I need some help. So its been 5 years since my first diagnosis, stage 3 In 2016. Radiation, APR surgery, and chemo. Recurrence in left lung 2018. VATS to remove lower left lobe, chemo. Las t week I had my 9…
Colostomy and diet
Any suggestion? salads? The only fried food mom eats is fish
No "BINGO" called yet
Hey guys..I am still here. It has been over a month since I had have the stroke like symtoms and Hawaii came to a halt.From everthing I have read, two months is average to survived this without treatment. They started me on steriods which I'll call the drug from hell. I didn't even recognize my own face .I have stopped all…
So, I'm looking for advice and/or opinions based on your experience. I had significant thinning of my hair throughout chemo and radiation. Finished that all up in mid-February and am now waiting for surgery to take place in mid-May. My question is --- how long until I can return to getting my hair colored? The gray is…
I have a puppy. Can I make this work?
Hi. we just got a new puppy back in June. She's 8 months old and a very good dog, but as you can imagine, at times she's super energetic. am I going to be able to take care of her when I start treatment? I'm ejgher Having surgery or more than likely starting chemo in January. we love her very much. being able to care for…
The great run has hit a road block
I can't believe I haven't been here in so long, well I have checking in....but just not posting. I found a great support group for caretakers and am very active there. It's been 37 months now...so hard to believe that he has been fighting like a trooper. As of my last update, his meds did not change he was doing very well…
So I started the chemo for the lung cancer, and lucky me, I've experienced almost every side effect possible. The worst of which is that I am losing my hair. It's started to come out in clumps, so tomorrow is "Shave Anne's head day". I've been pretty upbeat through the whole rectal cancer treatments and surgery. I kept my…
Any more info out there ?
Last pet scan showed my dad's neurofibrama in his throat had increased FDG Uptake and thickening at the base of the tongue . He's had the neurofibrama for 20 years but now I saw something in a different section about weed causing HPV related throat cancer . My dad has also smoked weed for basically his whole life so this…
The port
I got the port out and it feels so good!
Has anyone had rigors?
I got rigors today, plus a few bad reactions. I was like, it is just cold in here. All the staff freaked out. They put 4 warm blankets, a blanket that has something in it to get ot hotter than blankets. And was still rigors. So they gave me a demerol. The blankets did not help. I am hoping it is from my cold. They took…
"I'm back"
Hello to all, I havn't been posting for years but so happy to have a place to come back to. It is so nice to see some of the "old timers" . I mostly lurked but will try to be more supportive this time. Diagosed with Stage IIIc in 2007 ,partial colectomy surgery, chemo etc. Rough ride but beat all the odds. 2021 March Pet…
March Madness
Hope everyone is doing well. If you know American sports and/or colleges and recognize my forum screen name might guess that I am fully invested in college basketball right now, which brings me to the first topic, drinking alcohol. The only time I drink is when there is some kind of big time sporting event in the evening…
Wondering if anyone has been treated for adhesions from surgery? My husband had about 1/3 of his colon removed 13 months ago. Did well after the successful resection, finished 12 rounds of chemo in July. In October started feeling lots of cramping and even shooting pains in his left lower and central abdomen. He had a ct…
CEA Increase worried
I posted last week about my husbands back pain. He has been seeing a dr for and is currently going to a chiripractor once so far and has some medical massages on the books. In the meantime his worry that the back pain could be cancer we communicated the concern with his oncologist. She reassuringly said it is hightly…
FDG Uptake
So after my dad's last pet scan he has been confidently telling people that he thinks his cancer is gone . Based of the fact that his last pet scan showed uptake going down . Yet his oncologist still insists he has cancer but since his oncologist has been wrong before we just don't know . So my question is has anyone had…
For me this has been a rollercoaster ride. After feeling like my oncologist of four years was giving up on me, I sought a second and third opinion. I am now being treated at City of Hope, and have met with thoracic surgeons. I am currently on my 8th round of Folfiri and it has reduced the size of all three of my nodules on…
Happy Birthday MaryCarol5
I know you haven't been on the forum for a whle, but I still would like to wish you a great Birthday and let you know we are thinking of you. Have a super day. TRU
Long term chemo brain ?
When my dad was on chemo the worse side effect was chemo brain like it was bad he didn't know even how to get home sometimes . Now he's a few years away from chemo and I am noticing that he still struggles to find the right word sometime . Also he forgets names and he struggles to remember sometimes and really has to think…
Liquid Biopsy Question?
Hi Everyone, Just as a recap, my wife had colon cancer diagnosed in Aug 2019. Had tumour removed, then did 4 chemo treatments with FOLFOX, then they discovered 2 small liver mets in October 2019. They removed those and then she did another 8 chemo treatments with FOLFOX. Her last chemo was May 2020. She has had 2 NED scans…
My CEA jumped and I am panicking a little
My CEA jumped from 3.3 to 5.9 in 2 months, and I am so horribly panicked.
Getting nervous
Hello, it's been awhile since I have been on here. I guess after going through everything with my husband it was hard to keep seeing stuff about cancer but it's always there like now. My husband started having some back pain, he has always had some back pain due to a fusion he had on his lower back in 2006 but it was after…
My husband is experiencing increasing hoarseness since he has started his chemo - FU5, Oxy, Avastin every two weeks and then has the home pump for 46 hours.. He is gargling 3-4 times a day with a salt/baking soda mixture even on the days between treatment He has no mets to the esophagus area. I am also making sure he has…
How do they compare scans?
So, this whole time, I have been thinking that they measure the tumors on the new scan, then compare it to the typed out notes from last radiologist. But this scan makes me wonder, are they looking at this one AND the last scan, measuring both, and making their own findings for both scans?
Good Afternoon! I am brand new to this system. I have colorectal cancer and finished with chemo. What is a good CA 19 reading?
Covid Vaccine and false Cancer tests
Interesting! https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/swelling-covid-19-shots-cancer-false-alarms-76280958?cid=clicksource_4380645_3_heads_hero_live_headlines_hed
About to ditch my ostomy supply company!
For those of you with ostomies who order supplies online- what company do you use (U.S. only) and are you happy with that company? Thanks- Kelley