39 years is a long time
39 years is a long time but that's how long I simply drifted threw life never taking the time to appreciate my dad and just had good I had it . Knowing that he was always there to help me or bail me out of trouble or just to listen to me. Become so common in that time that I just assumed he would always be there . And…
mri scan
I had a large colon cancer tumor removed in December. A pet scan showed that I have a metastasis in my liver and another in a lymph node. They sent me for a mri scan and it revealed that I have another 15 small lesions in my liver. They called them colon cancer metastases. Without a biopsy, how would they know that these…
cancer signaling pathways
v16p2323.pdf (ijbs.com) For any who keep up with Interleukins. Pretty straightforward.
It’s taken me a long time, but I’m becoming an official hippie
We just spent 3 rough days in NYC at Sloan Kettering, where the original 2 appointments over 2 days became about 10 appointments over 3 days, as we added MRIs, more CT scans, labs, a myelogram and a radiation oncology “fitting/simulation.” The cancer has metastasized to my spine and definitely in my lungs as well. I’m…
Surviving and looking back
While searching old posts, looking for information that will help us track down Ron, I came across a thread by our dear friend, Craig - The Lion - long gone but not forgotten. https://csn.cancer.org/node/253494 . I read MY reply, and was quite chuffed, as I was a newbie and still qutie shy. I would have just started chemo…
Labs Resources
While doing some research on blood labs I found a couple of resources about I found helpful. I posted them below. Lab Tests: https://training.seer.cancer.gov/diagnostic/lab.html Tumor Markers: https://training.seer.cancer.gov/diagnostic/markers.html Dan
lar syndrome immodium/fiber supplement routine
hello, I had a LAR surgery in July 2021 for rectal cancer st g 3 with lymph nodes. I was given an ileostomy, post ileostomy takedown in October , I have little to no control of my bowels. I take otc immodum as my insurance will not cover it, 3-5 times a day. I am working with a nutritionist who told me to take benefiber 2…
Weakness and pain in limbs post treatment.
Hi, My father was diagnosed with stage-3 Colo Rectal CA. He went through Radiation->Surgery->Chemotherapy and all these treatments completed in March 2021. He physically looks better after gaining muscles and strength but complains about weakness and pain in limbs and shoulder muscles. We dont have a reason for this pain…
Sepsis how much is to much ?
Hello all , Well we had to rush my dad to the hospital and we are still waiting for blood cultures but they are pretty sure he has sepsis his cancer is causing a blockage on his urethra . They put in a nephrostomy tube in his kidney thankfully has his feeling better so that makes three bags now my dad has why is the world…
Acne like rash
Hello, My dad has Folfiri with Avastin now. As with Folfox at one time he developed an acne like rash. In autumn it was on his back, he got a skin desinfectant and a cream. Now it is back on his head, it hurts when he is sleeping on his back cause it presses on the acnr. For now that is only side effect and I wanted to…
Treating rectal tumor with Cipro antibiotic!
Don't know if anyone else has an experience with this. Prior to being diagnosed recently with my rectal tumor via colonoscopy there was a couple of surgeons and a physician who with a couple of CT scans decided I had a rectal abscess. They gave me Cipro for 2 weeks to try to see if it would have an effect, and it did.…
PhillieG has passed
It is sad to note that one of our long time stage 4 survivors has passed. He was a fighter as well as someone who was determined to enjoy every minute he had. He dealt with cancer for 17 years. Phil loved life. Please say a prayer or send good thoughts to his family as they deal with this sad time. Marie who loves kitties
Happy Birthday Kim - Annalbelle
Have a wonderful Birthday on Monday 14th, with all the great things in life - family, food, friends, fun and allot more. We will all be thinking of you.
Sandiabuddy -car?
Did you get a new car?! Youve mentioned wanting but then holding off. If you did, it’s a beauty!
Happy Father's Day to the board dads
For those of us in the US it's Father's Day. Son woke me up at 7AM to take him to his soccer game, which I guess is a father's day after all. There are some sons and daughters on the board, you guys are great showing your support for us dads (and moms) we appreciate it. Sorry for those who might be having it a little tough…
Hair? Where?
So the anticipated alopecia has begun. That's nearly 20 yrs as a dread down the (shower) drain. I actually made it to the end of FOLFOX before they started falling out, but I still had hair on my head. While I'm rapidly losing the skull cap, the hair elsewhere remains. I mean, I could really stand to lose some ear hair,…
Hospice care
My husband allowed the hospice nurse to come. I didn't think he would, and I didn't think he understood it means no more treatment at all. In all honesty he cant have any so there is no point. So he has an infection from his drain, it has caused small undrainable abscesses to form. Basically they gave him antibiotics to…
Just Found Out Lonsurf Stopped Working and Cancer Growing
And to think I was bummed about the Knicks getting knocked out early or the Yankees playing horribly. Time to move on to a trial. I know the next move if the trial does not work, but want to get ready for the next move when/if the move after the trial move. Yup. I plan ahead. My doctors still have no idea how I can be…
Hey PhillieG Let's Talk Guitar
Something that I want to ask you. Saw how you are going through things. And keep on kicking it man. On your profile caught a couple of things. Photography (one of my big things, and shooting for a baseball team this year kept me going through chemo) and guitar. Have neuropathy in hands and feet. Finally tried playing again…
where to test CA724 and AFP in the U.S>
Dear all, I have been having GI symptoms for over a year, with elevating CEA. The breast cancer diagnosis was about 4.5 years ago. With newly discovered H.Pylori and SIBO I have, I know I have issues. After researching here in the network and the web. I found that there are tests like buncling CEA, AFP and CA724 (among…
Interesting article Microbiome
Frontiers | New Insights Into the Cancer–Microbiome–Immune Axis: Decrypting a Decade of Discoveries | Immunology (frontiersin.org) I found some parts of this article interesting and some I need to educate myself on more.
Blood in urine
We couldnt even get just a days break from the b.s. Dad did his last round of FOLFOX, was struggling through the subsequent fatigue, cold sensitivity, and nausea. Just as he felt like he was turning the corner, just as he planned to dip his feet in the pool the next day and try a beyond burger and maybe even a bit of his…
Dental work while taking Avastin?
My poor husband really needs at least a few teeth pulled for starters. His Onc. asks if he can hold out, says he will need to stop taking Avastin for 4 weeks and really does not want him to. Has anyone else had to have dental work done while on this drug? Is there any special treatment the Dentist could do so he could stay…
Dad's Update: PVE and second opinion
Hello All, Hope all are doing well and healthy. It's been a while since my last post so wanted to keep everyone posted and especially share an experience. I've updated AboutMe page with history for detailed information but briefly, dad have colon cancer metastasized to liver (July 2019) . So far two surgeries were…
Necrotic tumor and radiation advice
Hello all , " Mostly Necrotic Tumor consistant with recurrent adenocarcinoma " that was the biopsy results which stopping at the first three words I thought was a good thing . Until I read the rest and my dad's oncologist explained dead cells in a tumor often are around cancer . I always assumed dead cells in a tumor was a…
Chemo nausea
Hi All- Just wanted to say I have had great success in quelling chemo nausea by drinking tart cherry juice the morning of chemo. I drink about 1/2 cup. The brand I use is Smart Juice Tart Cherry. Next I am going to try drinking it every morning of chemo to see if I can feel even better on the second and third days. I hope…
Newly Diagnosed, Colon, Liver Lungs
We are new to the forum. Here is a little history. My wife is 61 and pretty healthy. She is a type 2 diabetic but has her diabetes mostly controlled with metformin and diet. Her A1C was 6.0 during her last blood work. She is physically very active. She began having some pain in her right side which grew in intensity over a…
Happy Birthday Danker!
June is the Birthday month, of our friend, and oldest forum member, Danker. Everybody join with me in celebration of this very special forum member. Whose wisdom of years is combined with excellent advice of a long-term survivor.
Just a daughters fear
Hello guys, I guess I just hve one of these days. You start to worry and then I do research on pubmed and worry more. Btw I found an interesting table with characteristics of different KRAS mutations. So yeah I overgoogled things especially the KRAS mutation my dad has. I just wanted to find something positive on this,…
Am I the only one? Looking for someone with a similar experience.
In July of 2019 I went to the ER with an appendicitis. The appendix was removed. Two days later I was told I had cancer in my appendix. I was just 50 at the time so they decided to do a colonoscopy before going back in to remove more tissue to make sure they had clean margins. A very large tumor was found in my colon right…