OT-My daughter is graduating today, against the odds
Well, maybe it's not entirely off topic! My middle child started high school the same week I had my first surgery. I had been sick, really, scary-sick, for months. I went to the hospital via a 911 call, in agonizing pain, and completely missed her first day of school. Two weeks later we learned I had cancer. Because my…
new problem from all the great cures from cancer
Well after suffering through all thr pain of what I thought were hemrrhoids for nearly a year and seeing expert doctors i was in Texas for the birth of my grandson when the pan got so bad i went to see one more doctor. This doc actually spends more than five minutes with me. The doc says i'll bet you had radiation and…
“We Didn’t See This One Coming, Did We?”
How am I supposed to feel now about Recurrence #4? How would anyone feel if it were them? I believe the operative word when I broke the news to the community was ‘stunned.’ That’s certainly how I felt... <p class="MsoNormal" style="m
Duplicate Post...
Here’s The Deal….Test Results Now In…
Before we begin, I just wanted to once again thank all of my friends here for their caring and compassion. The outpouring of emotional support was incredible and I felt kind of guilty rattling everybody’s cage, before I had the answers in, but don’t think I could have bit my tongue for that long anyway with those type of…
Steve should be starting Folfirinox this week. It will be the first time he has had Oxilaplatin. I realize there has been a ton of discussion regarding the neuropathy that is caused by the oxy. Unfortunately, I haven't payed much attention as it has never been an issue. I am wondering if there is anything he can do to…
Anyone heard from Doc_Hawk?
It has been a couple of weeks since Ray (Doc Hawk) has been on this site and I have not had any response to email to him. Has anyone else heard from him? Prayers that he is without pain. Marie who loves kitties
As effective as Irinotecan but with less side effects:ATT-11T
www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000857611 and aspirin use with BRAF mutation www.cancernetwork.com/colorectal-cancer/content/article/10165/2148727 and a bit on protein km23-1 and CRC http://medicalxpress.com/print291569230.html
Pelvic lymph node dissection
The recent pet scan lit up a node along right internal illiac vessels in pelvis with suv-19.5 and interval followup had shown mild increase in size. The CEA has rose from 4.65(in Mar'13) to 8.69(now) so the doc says its mostly malignant. The onc says since its only single node, surgical removal will be beneficial. We will…
Well Husband starting Chemo again
So, the onc took my husband off of Stivarga and has put him on Zaltrap with the pump. His left vocal chord is still paralyzed and the scans show that there are no tumors in his upper left lung, so that is good. but the tumors he has have grown a bit (that is the bad news). But overall, we are pleased with the results. This…
trouble connecting (not cancer)
gosh I am really unable to connect with the forum....sometimes I can see it but I cannot sign in or respond to anyone.... sorry....has anyone else had a problem....mags
Interesting discovery made by Canadian researchers
"Over and over again,surgeons the world over were noticing that cancer recurred sooner if patients developed infectious complicatiions such as pneumonia after surgery...." www.edmontonjournal.com/health/Cancer+discovery+Montreal+Calgary+researchers+find+novel/8601851/story.html another article on this with link to original…
Resumed Chemo
I had my colostomy reversed June 17th. Needless to say I had no tx that weekend. The two weekends before I had my tx with no avastan. I had tx yesterday (and thru the weekend) with no avastan. My next tx (in two weeks) I will resume with Avastan. Blood levels yesterday were good, except for an big increase in one of my…
Probably just wishful thinking, BUT.....
Has anyone ever heard of someone having Stage 4 colon cancer w/ tumors in the liver that are BENIGN?.....Yeah, I know, probably just wishful thinking, but thought I'd ask anyway. Jason went today for a biopsy of one of the tumors in his liver since the chemo that shrunk the primary colon tumor 50% hasn't done diddly for…
Goal 1 met!
Last year about this time, my husband and I went to Petit Jean Mountain (Arkansas) and attempted to take the 2 mile strenuous hike to Cedar Falls. Well, I made it thru two switchbacks and had to turn around...just couldn't do it! So, a year later, we give it another try! It took us 4 hours but I made it down to the falls…
Hi Pepe, Are you ok? I haven't seen any posts from you in a while. Miss ya. Please let us know if you're ok. Hugs, Cyn
Dear Friends, Yesterday was the fisrt day that I did not take pain killers in 2 months. The Xeloda and the radiation seems to be working really well. Sofar I have no side effects after 11 days, besides a couple of borderline diarrheas. I have been on a almost vegan diet for 2 months, juicing, occaisinally I eat eggs, fish…
test results
Hi all, I recieved my ct scan results and they show three small lung nodules. they will need to be biopsied they are alling for a vats procedure is that a common way to biopsy these things?
Update from Craig which was at the end of his recent post
I just wanted to make sure that all who are concerned for our Texan see this. I am sure he will start a new post when he is able and has more info. Here is what he wrote: ************************************** Early Report.... SUV levels were up all over i glazed over but remember seeing.....9.2 in liver.... Indications of…
Hello Everyone, So mom keeps loosing weight (she is now 93 pounds from originally being 105) since she has been on Folfiri and Zaltrap over the past 6 weeks. She is 71 years old and feeling extremely week and tired.I just bought a blender and would appreciate any suggestions for smoothies, foods i can blend, etc. Anything…
ketogenic diet and leucine
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/06/30/dagostino-cancer-research.aspx?e_cid=20130630_SNL_Art_1&utm_source=snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130630 It is coincidence that I am going hardcore into this stricter form of the ketogenic diet, i suspect the leucine restriction is where i…
lung biopsies
At Stanford they say I need a vats procedure to biopsie 3 lung nodules A local surgeon in my are says that they usually do a fine needle biopsie. do any of you have any experiance with this? it is a five hour dr. to stanford for me and my family as we have don't have anyone to watch the kids this time hotel rooms are a…
When you're down, what TV show or movie lifts you up?
As a librarian, I'm obviously a big fan of books and reading, but I love a good movie or TV show too. One show that I just finished on Netflix that I really liked is Arrested Development...super wacky humor (and sometimes to convoluted for my poor brain to follow)...it's fun! A favorite movie is Shaun of the Dead, the only…
From NED to terminal in one evening
Have had some ongoing symptoms of back pain that weren't settling in their usually way so went back in last Thursday for an mri to have a look and my cancer has returned with a vengeance. There is a mass in front of the sacrum invading into theneural tube where the spinal cord passes and pressing onnerves there. Also…
Has anyone been on the Folfirinox regimin for colon cancer? I went in for chemo tx #3 yesterday (FOLFOX) and my onc decided to hold the oxaliplatin this time due to severe neuropathy. She said that she would continue the oxy in two weeks in a lower dose. I picked up my itinerary for the next visit and on the way home…
Is constipation a common problem?
I am so tired of my husband not telling me things so I don't worry which just makes me worry more because I figure it out. For the past month he has been horribly constipated, we are currently on vacation and he has not gone in 4 days. He is always in there trying to go but never does, and of course it's the one thing I…
concussion.....not cancer......good grief!!!
sorry to trouble you dear friends....out for a walk on Sunday night and went over on my ankle.....fell to the asphalt road backwards and hubby says my head gave a big cracking sound. fine......you get up and think...well nothing is broken oh good grief i feel like I am back in post surgery chemo land.....pain, neck…
CT scan today
I had my CT scan this morning. They called me at 4:30 with the results - all clear! I always get the radiologist to fax to Md so I can get results same day. Who can stand to wait - not me! Now I can go on our trip to Amaterdam, Netherlands - then on 7 day northern fjords cruise and a few days in Paris after, with a relief…
Yoga anyone?
There haven't been any recent postingd about exercise but I am wondering if anyone attends yoga classes? I find them very relaxing and am lucky enough to attend for free since ad have a wonderful cancer wellness center. Sometimes my foot nueropathy worsens and is ok after a few days. Chair yoga is really a great intro if…
Sore - Raw throat. wow this is bad -- Any help or Advice??
Recieved treatment #2 of FolFuri + Avastin this past Wednesday + the 5FU pump for Thursday and Friday. Friday, was the most miserable "side effect day" I've ever had. (after over 55 chemo and 10 radiation treatments) in all of my days of dealing with Cancer battle... that day was the worst. Mouth sores are there, but the…