Update on joemetz
As you may recall, Joe was having trouble with a very bad sore throat. He was admitted to hospital several days ago and it was found he had a very bad throat infection. With their care and IV's and meds he is improving but does not expect to be able to go home for a couple of days yet. Has to graduate to being able to eat…
We all have losses of various kinds. Be it the children leave, or become estranged. A spouse or significant other Dies or leaves via divorce. Whatever the way , loss is indeed hard. My wife Josephine and I were married 56 years last month. Yet I will soon loose her. In a way I have lost her already, since she is no longer…
Kennyt and Beebee!
How is your treatment going, how is the adjustment? Laz
Does any body know about KennyH?
It's been nearly 6 months since we don't know about him ! Just after an apparently not very important surgery in his lug! Anybody knows about?
I'm NED!!!!!
Got the results from my CT scan this afternoon and it was clean. Cancer gone!!! OMG.....words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now. I did have a blood clot in my leg so I'll have to get shots twice a day for a week then be on blood thinners for a month and getting blood work every week. Who cares about that? Not me!…
Why does Chemo cause Hernias?
Hi my friends I have noticed that some of you are posting about hernias that have appeared during Chemotherapy. Could some of you please share your knowlege or experience with this? I have never has Chemotherapy but it may be in my future so I would like to know what to expect. Thank you all for sharing so much of your…
Sacral fractures
In response to BrokenJ, I too have both left and right sacral fractures caused by pelvic radiation in the winter/spring of 2012. The right side fractured in Oct of 2012 and the left side fractured July 2013. In pain, using walker, cannot sit. Quality of life is poor. Only leave home for doc appointments. The right side…
Does folfox get worse over time?
I just finished my fourth treatment and have 8 to go. Do side effects get worse? I have neuropathy especially right after infusion and am tired all the time. I take naps which I never used to do. I may have to go back to work so I'm a little worried. What has your experience been? Thanks in advance
Short remission
We had a 3 week vacation. Now we went to get new blood test results and George CEA going up again. We had 0.7 when we left on trip now back up to 3.6. With George this is always a sign active cancer. He has done all the chemo so we have to see what is next. we were hoping remission of at least a year
Hard time with my daughter.
Hi Everyone, Yesterday something has changed in me. I just finished a long nasty divorce. We lost everything we made with 20 years of hard work, but I'm ok with that, because I started a new life and despite of my cancer I'm very happy. During and after the divorce my ex has alienated my 15 year old daughter from me with…
OMG How do I delete this or change title? I'm so sorry...
Hey Craig, we know you have much going on but please know we are all "with" you. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Laurie
recurring ???
I was stage 3c in January 09 did surgeries and chemo and have been NED. About a year and a half ago(2 1/2 years NED at the time) they found a small spot on my liver during a CT scan. They have been watching it ever since. It seems to be growing slowly, but this last time they wanted an MRI instead of a CT scan. I go back…
Share a happy memory
Hi gang! It's been a sad time for all of us on the forum. A lot of losses, of people who meant a great deal to us, even if we knew them only in the virtual world. I lost a FB cancer friend this week as well...dead of breast cancer at the age of 41. Sometimes I just want to turn back the clock, and think of happier things.…
very curious
Does anyone here know of someone who chose not to continue with chemo/surgery once it became stage 4, and wanted more quality of life even if it would, perhaps, be less amount of time for them? Would like to know. Thank you.
Trying to move
Will be moving 20 Miles south of Sacramento near university of Davis. We have Medicare & humana anyone Know cancer treatment centers in that area???? Clarks
Starting Avastin and have some concerns
HI folks, Well my scan results weren't as good as I hoped even though I am feeling the best I have in a very long time. This is so depressing. Dr has decided I need to switch from Vectibix to Avastin.. Everything she told me and I have read about Avastin seems rather scary.. I am not sure I can survive a cardiac incident…
Almost scary to feel good again!
Hi Everyone, Yesterday I finished my radiation and Xeloda and I feel great. This treatment brought me incredible relief. Even a month ago I had bad pain, fever, night sweats, anxiety, discharge of blood, stool, mucus. Now nothing, but some minor skin irritation between my cheeks and tight muscles in my back. This is the…
Finished Radiation and Xeloda Today!
Dear Friends, Today was my last (I hope) visit to radiation. After I take my last 3 pills of Xeloda tonight I'm done with that too. My experience was a thousand times better than I thought and you guys played a big part in it. You gave me tips and encouragement through the whole treatment. Thank you from the bottom of my…
Scan results
Well...could be worse...saw my onc today for my scan results. I knew something was up when he read the report, read it again, looked at me with squinched eyes and asked me how my tummy was.... good news my liver is good and my peridontal or whatever that is called is good, but,not so good news, I have swollen nodes in my…
Hi Everyone, I started my cancer journey only 2 months ago, have a great PPO insurance and now a secondary insurance costing me $700/ month, but I already accumulated about $4000 just in copays. I still have surgery and chemo and who knows what infront of me. I'm lucky because I can still work and make good money as a…
New Primary Tumor in colon
Oh the joys of colorectal cancer, they just keep a coming. first off, had my liver surgery 8 weeks ago, and before I went back to Oncologist I emailed him and asked for a colonoscopy which I had last Friday. When I awakened the Dr. said that she could only go up a very little ways as a tumor blocked her from going further…
Last treatment!!!
Had my last treatment this week. Got unhooked on Friday and feeling pretty good today. I was really nervous about this last treatment because #11 kicked my butt big time! Now I have to get a CAT scan on Thursday and praying that I come back NED. This has been a great forum for me to connect with other people going thru the…
If you feel up to it is it safe to exercise during chemo? walking, bike riding etc. hoping i will feel up to this. thanks
Can you log in easier lately?
I sent many emails to the administrators of this website and lately my log in is much faster. Did you guys noticed any difference too? Laz
Is There Any More Room for “Some” Good News?
Well, I got through the MRI Wednesday…just barely…but I made it through… This time it was for 30 minutes with no contrast required. I explained everything to them about the problems I might have and we got started. They had the fan turned all the way up, but it still wouldn’t reach my face, just sort of blew up to my…
Still fighting, but starting to take some bruises
Please pardon the copy and paste from an email I sent to family and friends. So here goes! This is the email that I've dreaded writing for three years, ever since I first wrote to tell you I had cancer. I can't say for certain that I I'm dying, but I am getting very, very weak. Warning: The following is pretty graphic, but…
How Long do we have?
Good morning to all, I'm sorry so many of you have to deal with this desease. I've been here once earlier this year. My wife has Stage IV colorectal cancer. It was diagnosed as Stage IIa in September 2009. We had two years to think the monster was behind us. She went through the ileostomy and all the related surgeries. On…
Does any of you know a good colorectal surgeon in the greater Los Angeles area? Thanks, Laz
Good News!!!
I had my laparoscopic surgery yesterday. We got up at 3am...left the house at 3:30am... Got to Baltimore around 5:30am. I had to be there by 6am. We waited and waited...they did not start the surgery until about 11:30am. All went well. The doctor said NED! He did do an ultrasound?? On my liver...it looked good. He did…
One treatment left
Hi everyone! Haven't posted in a while. Had my 11th treatment on the 3rd and it was my worse one yet! Threw up all day Wednesday and basically was in bed until Sunday. But this is starting my good week so things are looking up. Get my last treatment on the 17th and then my PET scan on the 27th. God willing, everything is…