Colon Cancer Alliance Webinar Presentation
Don't know how many of you called in to the Webinar yesterday evening. The oncologist had some very interesting slides he presented. He talked about clinical trials, new breakthroughs in research, and new medications. Here is the link if anyone is interested! http://www.ccalliance.org/webinars/asco_061913.html Deena
OT-just had a fire and a cancer based vent
The gas line caught on fire because the cable company wrapped the cable around the meter Which caused static electricity. Why does drama always happen around my mother's scans when the stress level is already up there? Why can't we have just one freakin calm summer? My father was diagnosed with bladder cancer in the summer…
Chemo's done. What's next?
So, my very best friend (closer than a sister) just had her last chemo treatment on Monday. Chemo's been hellish hard for her (that will likely surprise none of you), but she stuck with it. My question is, what's next? I want to be able to support and help her as much as I can, but I thought it'd be easier to do that if I…
Just want to say Hi.
Its been awile since I lurked or posted on the site. I just want to say Hi to those I m familiar with and all the newer folks. I just had my 2 year scan and I'm happy to say its all clear. I live with permanent neoropathy in my feet and a clostomy bag but I can deal with that if I'm all clear. So Hello to my old pals and…
Checking in
Hello everyone! Haven't been on in a few weeks but just wanted to say I have 3 more treatments left. Had a treatment on Wednesday and the fatigue is really kicking my butt with these being the last ones. At least I'm off work until my sessions are over. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So ready to be…
Has anyone ended up in the hospital with Neutropenic Fever-mom just did :(
Mom ended up in the hospital on Thursday due to neutropenic fever and they are trying to figure out what type of infection they are dealing with. Her oncologist said the chemotherapy may have been too strong and he will adjust the does. She now is having a violent display of vomitting, weakness and diarrhea. So she is…
Tumors and oxygen
Is it a fallacy that if opened up for surgery the oxygen can make cancer thrive? I have lung mets possibLy operational , thing is they say exercise is so good for u. With this causing oxygen to the blood does this too help or hinder tumours? i just get so confused luv and sunshine sue
Words of comfort and care
It seems that we are having a spell of less than good news for our members, cancer related or not. "Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." ~Emily Kimbrough No matter our own burdens we each reach out to hold another and offer a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen or a…
Chemo and no no foods
my onc told me no St. John's warts, grape seed extract and Seville oranges as it interferes with chemo. Is it also true should not have grapefruit parts ruby ones?
Just thinking of you, Pepe. Are you okay? Hugs, Cathleen Mary
Craig and Pepe please check in
You two are really worrying me, and you know when I get worried it's not good. So before I hunt you both down. Hoping you will check in on here.
Sundanceh - can we see your original post for your 9 yr anniversary?
So sorry to hear you may be facing another recurrance. I know how that feels, as my CEA is slowly rising. The red light green light analogy is good. Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on why you went so long without a recurrance. I can barely make it a year, and my 6-year anniversary is next week. Hope whatever it…
Did anyone start out like this?......
Please forgive me if I have already asked this question, I think "I" am the one with "chemo brain" sometimes instead of Jason. Anyway, my question is.....has anyone started out with unresectable liver metastasis (from colon cancer) due to the location of the tumor(s) being too close to the 'inferior vena cava', then after…
Hi there... I need your advice on vitamins. This is what I am taking now. Is there anything I should add? Multi Vitamin Vitamin C 1000 mg Vitamin D3 Turmeric 500 mg Thank you for the advice. Vicki
“The Wait Is Over” - Sundance & Big Billy TO BE Published by Coping Magazine
Does anyone out there still believe in the legend of Big Billy? No? Well, take a long look in your rear-view mirror at the reflection staring back at you – because, today he became very REAL! The Sundance Channel, in close association with Team Sundance, is proud to announce that “The Story of Big Billy” has been chosen…
Surgery today
Today I get my colostomy reversed. I am ready (I am also hungry, thirsty, etc. as I go to the hospital in less than 3 hours). I'll keep you posted... Judy
Hello Everyone. My name is Laz, I am a 48 year old male with stage 3 rectal cancer, just about to start treatment. I'm recently divorced and have weekend custody of my 15 year old daughter. Our relationship got really bad during the divorce since her mom did everything to alienate her from me so she can get more support…
Surgeon is Leaving
Went to my surgeon on Friday for a follow up for hernia surgery in November and found out that he is now leaving and won't be even replaced in my hospital. There will be no one to take over for him and that leaves only two to handle a tri county area, and leaves me wondering why. We talked about the new health care law and…
colon cancer and DCA
my boyfriend has colon cancer stage 4 that spread to his liver lungs and brain.he had brain surgery and removed one tumer but couldnt get to the other .which was 2.5x1cm. also a10mm nodule. this was feb 9th 2013.there were 100 lesions in each lung and hypodense masses in all segments of liver. he started taking dca about…
looking forward to chemo tomorrow
50mg Benadryl, nice 4 hr nap while the rest of the drugs go in.
light at the end of the tunnel
Hi there, I've been looking at posts for a while and decided it was a good time to share my story. I am 36 on dec 2011 I was diagnosed with metastatic (liver) colon cancer. With no symptoms in my normal life, suddenly I had high fever, went to a hospital and looking for answers doctors performed an ultrasound scan and saw…
Happy Father's day....to all the dads, and the 'dads in mom's clothing', and the sons and daughters!
Hugs, Kathi
"Furthermore, poor disease-free survival in colorectal cancer patients was associated with low tumour ascorbate (Vit C) content." http://otago.ourarchive.ac.nz/handle/10523/3929 Thought this might interest some.
Not the Day or the Way I Wanted to Mark 9-Years:(
First, let me apologize in advance for being a downer after barely being able to enjoy the highest of highs for only a brief moment. That's the story of my life... Whenever I can 'get happy', the smile always gets knocked off my face I had a completely different post (just sitting ready to go for today) to mark the 9-year…
With this new topic I will try to put a new perspective on our illness. My name is Laz, I am a 48 year old male with a beautiful wife, a 15 year old amazing daughter, a great carreer, a big Stage 2-3 Rectal cancer and in the best case I will end up with a permanent colestomy. Even though we have every reason to hate cancer…
chemo is wonderful, doing one oxaliplatin 80mg/m2 in preparation for full body hyperthermia
first patient in australia getting full body hyperthermia tomorrow to 39.5 degrees, I figured I might as well get the best effect from the note the immunobenfits of oxy. not of course I will be mitagating the sides using hepamertz, and a range of german infusions. time will tell if this is delusional or effective, but it…
Jason's new chemo & my many questions.....
Jason started on the new course of chemo today, basically taking the Oxaliplatin away & adding Irinotecan. I'm so confused though, his CEA has gone from 75.9 in the beginning down to 8.9, now it's down to 3.52.....great news, huh? But then the dr. says his liver is much worse? The primary tumor on his colon & the…
I have a rectal cancer right on top of the muscular sphyncter and even though I just started as my cancer has been progressing I have a small ammount but comntinuos leakage of blood and or brown liquid. Iput on lotion recommended by the nurse and a little tissue to absorb it. Have any of you had this and how did you deal…
Failure to upload?
Any techies out there know why I can't seem to upload pictures? The last few I've tried have gotten a "failure to upload" message. Not sure what I'm doing wrong! AA
Severe Upset Stomach
I am starting to get worried for my mom as she has been complaining a lot about how severe her upset stomach is. I know the chemo (Avastin, Oxalipatin and 3,300 mg of Xeloda pills) she is under has that side effect but it is affecting how she's nourishing herself. She's afraid to eat as she doesn't want to throw up. There…