HIPEC Surgery
HI All! Our adventure started with us having a BBQ with a lot of friends in Vetura County. The BBQ was a lot of fun! Then we went to San Diego, Ca. The Van broke down about 4 miles short of our destination. It overheated in the Hot weather. Our friend in SD knows a mechanic whom fixed the broken hose for a reasonable rate.…
Now a lymph node lights up
I had some hope despite the ugly nature of this disease. Now, it appears chemo isn't working. Dx'd Stage 4 about 16 months ago. Felt like we were chipping away at the liver mets. Had liver pump implanted last August, but didn't use much until recently. -- Liver surgery in January -- 3 new tumors in liver in May - ablated…
How the Letter “S” Has Redefined HOPE for Me – and Maybe You?
While I wait now to go to the appointments that have been set up, I’ve also been looking to give myself some strength to wake up and face this down once again. The sudden uncertainty of the fight plan and having to get to a point to bunker down and fight once more has left me looking for encouragement within myself – while…
Numbnesss in feet ONLY when he burps...?
As crazy as that sounds, that's what Jason has been experiencing. He says that when he burps the bottoms of his feet feel numb for just a second, then its gone.....? Anyone else had this happen?
Fucoidan anybody?
Does anyone have any experience with Fucoidan? It's a dietary supplement from okinawan brown seaweed that supposedly has very strong anti cancer properties. It can be very expensive but seems to have a lot of support on the Internet. Anyone have direct experience with it? Or any thoughts regarding it? Thanks
Update on Jason....
Hey all, sorry I haven't been on here in a while, just been busy & having some shoulder issues. Anyway, Jason got his 8th chemo treatment this past Wednesday, the 2nd one that included the Irinotecan (instead of Oxaliplatin) & he has been tolerating it well so far. He is still on the 5-FU, Leucovorin, Avastin, & all the…
I forgot to add this to my other post.....has anyone had any experience or know of anyone who has used bloodroot for liver mets? (or cancer in general) A friend recommended it to me. Thanks in advance! Kris
Well, tx #15 today. I asked the doctor if I had to have benedryl. He said, "No, you don't." How much better I feel not having had that. I also restarted the Avastin...yahoo. I had a good scan in April; he wants to wait to scan me after I've had Avastin for a while. He could not feel my liver (yahoooooooooooooo :) ). Judy
update on kayekay
I know it's been a while since I was on last but as of July 8th, I hit remission again. Hell yeah!
did you see any tumours in the mri or the cat ?
Worlds leading tace pioneer Thomas t vogel "NO" I was his first patient 9am and his last 7pm, after tace to the liver, i did IPT b17 dca xeloda insulin liver tonic, fish oil. You will never read about TACE done with IPT, its takes combining the best of two different clinic, and persauding the doctors after the event how…
Are these symptoms normal (I'm 6 mos. post-resection + FOLFOX)
Okay so here's my issue and I'm confused on whether or not this is normal for my situation or something that should be looked into. My oncologist keeps saying it's pretty normal, but I just don't feel right, or really feel like she's listening, and contemplating a second opinion. I'm a 26 year old female, healthy weight. I…
From the European Society of Medical Oncology--"Colorectal Cancer:A Guide for Patients"
if anyone is interested www.esmo.org/content/download/15729/270768/file/ESMO-RCT-Colorectal-Cancer-Guide-for-Patients-2013.pdf I guess US counterpart would be found at www.nccn.com/files/cancer-guidelines/colon/index.html
Scan results
I am really struggling with writing this post. I have been off line for the past several days due to an upcoming scan and I needed to clear my head before the scan. It is very hard for me to say this especially with so many struggling hear. Craig (Sundanceh) is a very good friend and it is heartbreaking for me to see what…
thxmiker!!! How are you doing?
Dear Mike, It has been a few days since we heard from you. I hope you got home ok and doing well. Let us know, Laz
I too have good news. The nodule in my lung is non-cancerous. Apparently it was caused by my having coccidioidomycosis, better known as valley fever. Have been taking medications for that for the last six months. Apparently I'm still NED.
2 Broken Wrists - Upcoming FOLFOX
Yep - I fell on July 4th and fractured both wrists. My father always told me if I did something - I should do it right the first time...Dad died at 53...:-)...but he was one heck of a guy!!! Due to chemo I wasn't even drinking - maybe if I had been this may have turned out better! This is a year of firsts for me: 1st…
Do you Blog to share your story with others??? It's helps a lot.
If you have a blog... Would you please share the link so we can all follow you? When I began my cancer battle, someone told me that its easier to share the news and updates with people, with a Blog. I began writing things right away, and it has become "therapy" for me and I really enjoy sharing this journey with those who…
Sandy...how was your trip?
I was just thinking about you today Sandy and wondering about your vacation.. .and if the teen that didn't want to go made everyone miserable or had a great time?!
The future, Dr Nesslehut and vaccination and my recent experience
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHP65mYLPQo He is my doctor, I am up to vaccine 7. I had a massive cea ca199 spike after last vaccine, which i hope is tumour cells dieing. My cea was 12 when i arrived germany 4 weeks ago, i did 12 days immunotherapy and my cea spiked to 44, 4 days later it was at 6. since then I have done…
The last few days I've been feeling a little bad, lots of diarrhea, tired all the time, don't want to go to work, and so on. I was starting to think I'm entitled to a bad day or two sometimes. Since I finally complained to my doc about it, he says, "You think maybe it's because you've been on chemo for 4 1/2 years"? Like…
Folfiri and muscle spasms ??
I have been experiencing awful spasms along my spine, lower back, shoulders, neck and face. It began with treatment one and has continued throughout. Has anyone experienced this before and if so any suggestions on relief? Often this pain is so intense it keeps me in bed with a severe headache from the spasms. Usually this…
Twilight of treatments
Today I started a new treatment with Mitomycin every four weeks. Debated wheather to add xeloda but the side effects were to too strong with Mitomycin that I decided that would do a stand alone first. Had two second options andwall the great oncs came very close to similar recommendations. Since I was dx with stage four…
Happy 4th of July, dear friends.
I know this is not perhaps the happiest of days for many of our members (and I think "family" when I say that, just so you know). But I hope that everyone is going to enjoy the day to the best of their abilities (and for those of you in other countries, have a wonderful day just because!). We are heading to my sister's…
I will have folfox tx #15 this Friday. Since tx #6, I have been given Benedryl. I hate this, because it makes me all jittery, then they have to give me something to knock me out. This makes me feel groggy all weekend. Does anyone know if you have to have Benedryl? I know it is to prevent an allergic reaction, but it has…
low dose xeloda
the onc just prescribed low dose xeloda ( 500 mg/day) to my dad as maintenance chemo. does anyone have experience with low does xeloda? it will be helpful to know what to look out for and any know abt good results as well rgds A update ( 8th July ) just as i was thinking and discussing maintenance chemo with the onc my dad…
work during treatment
Is it possible to work during the chemo and radiation treatments? I'm a working general contractor and my work is physical but I feel if possible it would be therapeutic and better for my financial sit. if I could continue to work through much of this.
【➽】 Immunotherapies Trial Finder (USA, Canada, worldwide)
Hello, I read this forum since long time ago and I've learnt a lot from you all... I follow your struggles, rejoyce with the good news and I have cried many times with the departures of dearly loved members of this board. I've posted this in other board, where I used to post -I thought someone else would post it here but,…
First post-Hallwang CT results
I know some of you have been following my experience at hallwang with interest, so I wanted to post the results of my first post-treatment CT scans. Pete and Ren W are also taking treatment in Germany (not all at Hallwang), and have been including treatments, diets, supplements, etc... that Hallwang does not offer. I went…
Avastin confusion ...
Has anyone here heard of using Avastin if currently NED? Is this not a drug to cut off blood supply to tumors and starve them to shrink? If one is NED what is the point of this drug being used? Would it be just for prevent tumor growth? If that is the case wouldn't we all be on this drug? I am very confused on this one.
Hellish hemorrhoids, ravaging radition and numb, numb hands.
Advice on hemorrhoids (who came up with the spelling I wonder?) please. I swear that the pain I go through during and after my BM's is due to the two large and getting larger hemorrhouids I have. Sometimes its all I can do to walk. I've tried several creams, even mixed in a little lidocain myself. Polysporin has been the…