Chicago Blackhawks won!!!!
Being a bandwagon fan has really been fun..... This sports town helped this girl forget about cancer for awhile and capture some awesome sports history! Barb
OT for Ann: The Library of the Future
Saw this article and my mind went immediately to you.... What caught me was how you described how connected you were with the physical holding of a book, instead of the faceless e-reader. This article touches on some of that lost art....and how books will not be totally going away. Somehow, the loss of books would equate…
Having resection July 12-what should I eat when I get home?
I'm sure I'll get information before I leave hospital but was wondering what worked best for all of you.
Dear Friends, I had 10 days of chemo and radiation treatment sofar and not just that I don't have any side effects sofar, but I see great improvement. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it feels like my rectal tumor is shrinking. I have less pain, no bleeding, I have more sensation and more natural bowel movement. I still…
lung biopsy
After seemingly beat colon cancer, I apparently now have a tumor/with limph node involement in my lungs. July 8 I go for a biopsy. Will be on pins and needles until then.
Colostomy Reversal
My Colostomy reversal went well. I had it dones Monday and got home from the hospital this p.m. All went well; gas is going thru which is weird after seven months. Judy
just diagnosed
Hello eveyone, My name is Kenny Thompson I am married to a wonderful person and we have to children together 6and 9. last week I recieved the awful news that I had rectal cancer by way of a colonoscopy and biopsie. I had been having some off and on bleeding but had experienced some of that 20 years ago and wrote it off as…
Memorial Day Remberances
Dear Friends, As we approach Memorial Day here in the USA, many will be remembering all those who have served in our armed forces. It has been a custom here to also remember those of our comrades-in-arms on this forum who have passed on since the last Memorial Day. They all fought bravely against this disease. Here is a…
Am i hoping for something impossible?
Hi all, Finally remembered my password to get on here and comment, have been keeping up to date with you by looking but have been quiet for a while now.... Mum has been off chemo after a clear scan ( second time around) for 5 months. She informed me today she has booked in for a scan after having some pain in her abdomen.…
need links to research
Hi all, I'm looking for links to research on complementary/alternative/non-standard ideas that could be helpful in treating my non-resectable liver metastases and/or my elevated AST, ALP, bilirubin, and reduced platelets. I will feel more comfortable discussing them with my oncologist if I have the research studies, or at…
It's been 6 years now
Here I am at my 6th anniversary after being diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer with mets to the peritoneum. I’m alive and well with most of my body parts intact. I’ve lost bits and pieces along the way, but nothing vital. I’ve had three surgeries, one was HIPEC, and 56 rounds of chemo. I spend a small fortune each month…
Dear Friends, We have a new member and he needs our support. Look him up (kennyt) and send some reassuring words his way. Thank You, Laz
its always been the immune system, your onc need to be educated, asco 2013 is a watershed.
i love being controversial. dont read any further if you dislike alternative therapies and only want to do convnetional therapies. so here goes a scud missle into conventional oncology. the latest tests allow us to know your prognosis by measuring the degree of til inflitration into your tumours. til = tumour inflitraing…
Big decision and not sure what to do
Well my husband just had another round of scans after completing radiation to the 2 largest tumors in his liver. The results were favorable but now the other 2 tumors in the liver have doubled in size and he now has peritoneal mets. We are so disappointed. They said he needs to start back on chemo but not sure which chemo…
I overheard the conversation of a coworker as she was describing her pregnancy to a younger coworker. Her said the following to her: "It feels like something is growing in your belly. You are nauseous all the time, certain foods you crave like crazy, but can't have, but you can't eat the ones you really want. Sometimes you…
as arnie said I'M BACK, another postcard from duderstadt
the meter is running, stepped out of first class onto frankfurt tarmac with 10k worth avastin as my secret weapin, its time to start swinging. starting gamma delta today. gym and ketogenic and saunas, back into old simple effective healing routine. atarting albendazike today, i this is the last post, see you in first class…
cimetadine and immunity
found this rather technical but good study of effects of cimetadin on immunity and dendritic cells http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/sj.bjc.6600233?locale=en
I live in a very affluent city in Southern California. This city is so rich, attractive and expensive that supposedly it attracts the best professionals from the best schools paying great salaries. I am a dentist myself and I know first hand if you are not providing first class service here you will have hard time making…
One of the most frequent questions we ask ourselves is : Why me? And What did I may have done to increase my chances of getting cancer? In my case I'm doing a genetic test so we will see. In Eastern Europe each winter we consumed a whole pig in the form of bacon, sausage, and ham that was heavily smoked, which is the worst…
Hi Everyone, My name is Laz I am a 48 year old man with a pretty bad rectal cancer. I just started my treatment with Xeloda and Radiation, will have surgery in September ending with a permanent colostomy. Mentally my days are like a roller coaster: sometimes I feel strong and optimistic, because I still have so much to…
Liver Flutters
Has anyone experienced liver flutters....it's not pain but a flutter as if there is movement within the liver? I just started feeling this today. I have been a lurker for a while now and just want to express how much comfort, care and good information I have recieved on this board. I plan to participate more in the…
Thank you
Hello everyone. I want to thank you for your prayers and kind words of encouragement. I went to the doctor today and by GOD’s grace, I am totally cancer free. Liver and blood levels are normal. The surgeon will be removing the port from my neck shortly. I truly could not have made it without my prayer partners and this…
Just Wishing For A Break(Not Cancer Related)
This is not cancer related, but has been another day of extreme sadness for my family and me. We were preparing to go to the cabin to list it with a realtor. My son's dog was all happy & excited as she likes to travel. As she's done a hundred times before, she leaped for the Jeep seat. She lost her grip and fell flat on…
Running out of options
Well I knew this day would be here some day but never thought reality would be so blunt. I have scan results today and to my suspect ions my onc said Styrvaga, chemo pill I've been taking since January were nno longer being effective. I've'twas orinally dx with stage four colon rectal with meta size to liver and later…
Dietary Methionine restriction and cancer.
"Numerous in vitro and animal studies demonstrate the effectiveness of dietary methionine restriction in inhibiting growth and eventually causing death of cancer cells." "Another potential strategy for optimizing the clinical effectiveness of methionine restriction will be to combine it with chemotherapy. Several…
anyone hear from vickilg?
Ive been thinking about Vicki. Does anyone know how shes doing?
Europe Bon Voyage
I am going on my dream vacation, Spain, Italy, France. I will be gone one month, with a 12 day cruise in the middle of it. I am taking antibiotics with me, juse in case.... I will be on a 14 hour flight from SF to Madrid, I know how the germs spread fast on those flights, so I want to be prepared. You all take care! Chat…
I miss Cynthia/Devotion.
I can understand why she might not feel like rejoining our community, but I sure wish she was still around. Especially with everything going on lately. That's all. AA
Moms results
All clear. thank you so much for being there forbus
Tomorrow I'm starting chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. I'm gonna try to work through the treatment so pray for me hard. But laugh even harder if I should $hit my pants at the office. Thanks, Laz