Anna Alexandria ok?
Has anyone heard from Anna Alexandria? Just concerned. Miss her posts. Cathleen Mary
Doc Hawk's Obituary
I see you replying to other people's posts, but we haven't heard about how you are doing lately. We all hope that things are going as well as they can be. Laz
new photo
I lost my photo and cannot seem to add a new one. Can someone help me to add a photo?
Don't know what's going on with me...
I really don't know what has been going on with me lately. Up until my colostomy reversal surgery June 17th, I was doing great, had a positive attitude, and was looking forward to the reversal. Tomorrow it will be five weeks since the surgery, and I still haven't recovered. Right from the week of surgery, my abdominal area…
Glossary of Treatments and Terms
HI, all. I thought it would be a good resource for this board to have a section where users could explain the different treatments we can have, what they are and where to obtain them, and when in the course of treatment they are used. For instance, what is TACE? What is HIPEC? What are all of the different chemo drugs out…
another avastin concern
I was reading on the avastin website and they said you should not start it until 28 days after a surgery. I had a vats procedure and at the time i start avstin I would be 20 days post surgery onc doesn't seem to concerned anyone have a similar situation?
Strange personal email - Beware
I just wanted to alert the community to a very strange email I got on my personal email account. It said it was from Doc Hawk. He did have my personal email address. It appears that however this message was created, it took his address book and sent to all on it. In the body of the email is only a link. I DID NOT CLICK ON…
starting chemo thurs.
I'm really nervous about what to expect. It's oxy plus avastin infusion once every three weeks with 3000 mg xeloda pills for fourteen days with one week off and it starts again. any words of wisdom?
PET Scan
Hello Im very happy to say that my husbands PET scan came back negative!!! He is getting 3 more chemo treatments then another PET scan to see if he even needs surgery. We are truly blessed!!
How Doctors Die
I saw this on another forum and it comforted me! We need to be informed and inform our families on what we want and don't want. http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2012/08/06/how-doctors-die/ It’s not a frequent topic of discussion, but doctors die, too. And they don’t die like the rest of us. What’s unusual about them is…
new discussion board
A new discussion board is available to report and discuss technical problems. Please give it a try. It is the last discussion board listed on the page with all the boards, please bookmark it for future use. The URL is http://csn.cancer.org/forum/200. Best, Greta aka Your CSN staff
Just got pathology results-used Sloan Kettering prognosis calculator-need help
PT3, PN1a. Low grade well differentiated to moderately differentiated. Perineural invasion. 1 of 8 lymph nodes. 2.6 cm. Lymph vascular invastion indeterminate. So the surgeon said this is IIIA. I see the oncologist in a few weeks. After doing some reading this looks to me like it is IIIB? Anyway I plugged all the info into…
Kenny, it has been a while. I hope you and your family doing well and you made some progress in tests and treatment. Let us know what's up. We are all rooting, paying for you. Laz
Message for Craig - Sundanceh
Like your new avatar! Hope you're doing well now that the shock of the recurrance is past.
Are you already with the bears? Just want to say hallo to you! Big hug!
After my last scan, which was totally clear, they even checked my lungs and bones, the Onc informed me that I had a incissional Hernia, the size of a Cantaloupe, which to him is very large. I never read on the board about this, does any of you had this happen, or heard about this, it starts 4 cm (almost 2 inches) above the…
Question on cutting out sugar / red meat?
Hi everyone, I was wondering: when a few/quite a few of you cut out carbs, processed food, sugar - what do you do about the meat? Do you cut out red meat altogether? How much protein do you allow? As much as you want or do you follow the "Atkins" types where a lot of calories come from fat? What about vitamins and…
What a rollercoaster ride
Last week I posted my scan was clean. I told my surgeon that I did a scan and he read the scan that day with his radiologist and emailed me the good news. Well today I went to see my oncologist and he has the actual report which states there is a small nodule on or near my liver which they can not rule out cancer at this…
Bad news...
What a difference 4 months can make in the life of a cancer survivor. Last April I wasn't feeling good so I went and visisted my GP, she seemed to do every test known to man to figure out what was ailing me. At the time she determined that I had influenza b and that I'd be okay in a few weeks. A few weeks later, I was…
PET scan results
Well, the news was as expected, which is that pretty much every tumor they saw on the CT scan lit up on the PET scan. The SUV values were from 3.6 to around 10.5 which the oncologist said was moderate for uptake. He said he has seen values up to 80 or more so my tumors aren't hyperactive. Unfortunately, this is more…
Stopping treatments early
I have had 8 treatments and see my oncologist in the a.m.. I am going to ask if I can stop the rest of the treatments. My feet are numb and my fingers tingle all the time. My intestines hurt in different places at different times and my rectum throbs most of the time. Had a sigmoidoscopy last week and it shows, fissures…
Hi Everyone, Reading these posts it saddens me that a few of our veteran members are going through some rough times. So I ask everbody to pray for those that are hurting. At the same time I'm happy to report that I reached the half way point of my radiation and Xeloda treatment. Thanks God I'm doing really well. Despite of…
Next steps?
Having an anxious day. Husband stopped chemo the end of March - had surgery to remove rectal tumor the end of April. Also had a temp ileostomy at that time. He is stage 4 due to para-aortic lymph nodes which were removed/biopsied back in the fall right after diagnosis. Surgeon said ileostomy would be reversed in 6 to 8…
Hi Everyone, I just had a visit with my oncologist and everything is looking good. He presented a plan to me that is different than what I was told at the beginning and what I heard from other patients here which was that you get all your Folfox treatment after surgery. He suggests that since I tolerated Xeloda a radiation…
Well Folks, It's Time Again
For me to feel a year older. Please join me as I wish my firstborn, Johnnybegood, a great big Happy Birthday tomorrow. Pretty soon, she'll catch up to me & I'll have to raise my age again. DRAT!! Luv, Wolfen
Abackhou at rest
Abackhou, Andrew Backhouse from Western Australia, has left the board. Andrew was notable for his acceptance and thankfulness of the time dealt him. Thanks for your many thoughts, Andrew. Requiescat in pace.
Hi Everyone...been away...went on small vacation...been busy
I have been AWOL from the board for a few weeks. I lost my password, then i couldnt get my posts to actually post. I did get to take the kids on a mini vacation to the beach. We went for 4 days and 3 nights with my MIL. It was a nice time...she had to rent a little scooter to get around...but other than that a nice time.…
Off topic....My beau is bonding well with his new heart.....
Other than trying to do too much, he is doing great!!!! Hugs to all! Kathi
Neuropathy - The Sequel
Steves oncologist called me at work today. I was in the middle of something and had a hard time hearing her. Steve starts Folfox on Thurs. His onc is not seeing him first. Wants to start chemo without further delay. She explained that they cannot give Folfirinox in Ontario. Only for pancreatic cancer. So she will contact…