New Year = New Deductible - co pay programs for Avastin, xeloda
Just sharing the link once again as I'm desperately trying to get the hospital to figure out how to do this. I'm not sure why they have such a hard time billing this properly so Genentech will pick up a portion of our co-pay, but I'm trying once again. Maybe this will help someone else's costs - it's a simple process to…
Scan tomorrow
Hello all, may you find 2015 To be a healthy one! I'm having my first scan tomorrow after my liver resection surgery 3 months ago. I've had no adjuvant chemo and have been on my own to fight any remaining cancer. I'm asking for your prayers, positive energy, and good vibes to help me through this and for a clean scan. I'll…
Can anyone tell me about PhillieG? Has anyone talked to him lately? I don't come here very often now, and I sincerely hope I haven't missed anything crucial about him. *Hugs* Gail
Stuart Scott quote
You may know that Stuart Scott was a sports TV announcer who recently died from cancer. He was 49 years young. I just read a quote from him and I wanted to share it with you all. "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer," Scott told the audience. "You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the…
Sick, needed three emails, got those so card list to go out tonight
Merry Christmas=}
2nd chemo - not sure what to expect if its 'normal' or not
Hi again, My husband had his 2nd chemo on 01/31 and it went for 48 hrs so the pump came off yesterday. Today is the 4th day and it seems he feels worse as the days go by. Does it usually take a while to start feeling better? The first one i really didn't pay close attention but i do remember he was in bed 24/7 for a few…
The Art of Dying
Hello Everyone, It has been a few months since I last wrote. I hope everyone is as best as they can be. Today the hospice nurse came to the house and informed us (in the nicest way possible) that my beloved mother has about a week to live. They took all the unnecessary medications and left the morphine and xanax. The…
Hi all it's been sometime and I surely pray for all of you, it's been 5 years however they have been bumpy years - I'm still abating mets from my liver and get really tired of trying to live cancer free it's challenging - I've decided that working full time has really taken away from my way of living - cancer has shown me…
Confused about colonscopy diagnosis
Due to bright bleeding, I went in for 2nd colonscopy. The first colonscopy found hemorrhoids, as did the second one I had today. The last colonscopy was in Aptil 2013. Todays colonscopy 12/22/14 stated this in discharge paper: Diagnosis: hemorrhoid, scattered mild colitis in rectum (biosed), most likey due to infection.…
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all and a year filled with more happiness and health. May the sun shine a little brighter in the new year. Thank you to my family here who has helped me throughout the years. You all are a wonderful group of people with a lot of knowledge, experience and hearts that are bigger than the Grand Canyon, and…
Scanciety, scanxiety, how everreaching are thy tentacles
Colonoscopy this month. I was fine until last night. Woke up in a sweat several times and had the weirdest dreams. This year will mark two years NED. Just have to get through a colonoscopy this month and a scan in July. I'm beginning my chanting and deep breathing. It relieves some of the anxiety. NED NED NED No use in…
Our friends who have passed - 2014
Laz has requeted the list of our friends who have lost their lives this past year, so that we can remember them at this special time of the year. It breaks my heart as I read through the list of friends who I have grown to love. I will join Laz in being grateful for the time we were able to share with them, and for their…
Looking for answers
Yes, I'm one of those people who have been lurking but never posting for about two years now. I come to the web site for information and more often than not I find what I'm looking for. I've been with all of you through the happy dance days and also the loss of loved ones. Now I'm turning to you for help, informatiom,…
Appendix cancer
Hello, I have a family member recently diagnosed with appendix cancer. Doctors have indicated they think it's stage one, but more test are needed. Im looking for any information or suggestions. We are in the Midwest. It seems this is a fairly rare cancer as best as I can tell. Looking for advice. Thank you.
newbie..Husband dx with stage 4 colon cancer 10/14
Hi, we are still in the beginning stages of it all and needed to see what others are experiencing just to try to get a grasp on what to expect. My husband of 34 yrs (age 52) was diagnosed with colon cancer in october that mets to liver, lung and stomach lining. He had his first round of chemo almost 2 wks ago and will be…
Managing Costs of Cancer Treatment
Another thread began to discuss this issue ... perhaps it deserves a dedicated thread so it could be easily accessed by a search? The costs are excessively high -- that is obvious. Maybe this could be a thread devoted to positive and helpful success stories from those with experience? I know that everyone's financial…
Can't get a handle on diet...
Hi, I'm new and really could use some help. My husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer December 6, 2011. Scans showed the 1 tumor and 1 lymph node involved. After immediate radiation and chemo, he had a bowel resection of 16 inches and it was then discovered that the cancer had continued to spread even during his…
Potential Cures Kept from Us
Hey all you awesome Semi-Colons! This is the latest article from a medical writer/researcher who raises an important issue of how drugs get patented and what is kept from US-- the ones who need them. At the end he talks about melatonin which is something that I still take every night that was prescribed to me for shrinking…
Joy in our lives
Today I fly across the country to meet my newborn grandson (first grandchild.) 7 1/2 years ago, a dr told me that I "had" a maximum of 5 years due to my "Garden Variety Stage 4 Colon Cancer" (his exact words.) I celebrate, and wish all of us here some joy, peace, health, and happiness. Sharing the joy, and letting new…
The last Christmas
Tonight I will be celebrating Christmas eve with my family, a boisterous bunch of 30 or so cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces, and of course my husband, my brother and my parents. I believe that this is probably the last Christmas that I will have with my mother. Everyone will be here again next year but her. All I can…
Lymph vascular
Hello all an Merry Christmas i hope all had happy days with there families like I did. Unfortunately I had some bad news given to me yesterday. I wanted to ask anyone out there that has herd of this or know someone that has had there cancer go this route about this. I'm once again in virgin territory and as much as I read…
Kras Test
Our family needs some help understanding the Kras test. We believe my Dad had it done at the time of his colo-rectal surgery about a year ago. The report as we read it says the test was done on his tumor site tissue and the Kras gene was not detected. Does anyone know what this means in regards to his new chemo regimen?…
Momofbbcc Posts: 8 Joined: Sep 2014 Dec 27, 2014 - 12:51 am Uft New Where and how can you get UFT treatment delivered to your home? My dad started IV chemo last week for his colorectal cancer that has now spread to his para aortic lymph nodes and liver, and I am very worried about it for him, as he is 77 years old. Any…
IV for 3
Three years out...we just got a second reading on her latest CT scan. Everything stable, with some shrinkage or disappearance. Blood biomarkers mostly back in the low end, slight rise in liver values. However she's gained a lot of weight this past year, too much eating out and comfort food combined with less exercise after…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Merry Christmas and thanks
wishing you all a holiday filled with peace, love and good memories. You are all special people and I am so thankful for the support and guidance I've found here. Has made the last couple years easier, just to be able to share my worries, fears, questions and celebrations..with those who understand. I will be saying a…
Merry Christmas to all
Glad to be here to share it with everyone.
Happy Holidays!
May the Holiday spirit fill your heart and put countless of smiles on your face. I send my best wishes to those who still struggle the most so the new year brings resution to your problems. Laz
Happy Birthday Trubrit (Sue)
I hope you have an awesome birthday and do something special that you love for yourself. Sorry Sue, I don't know how to add the balloons like you have for others but I did give you a smilely face.
Cancer virgin here.. Lol
Hello all hope everyone is feeling well today my best wishes for a happy an healthy holiday an new year go out to all. my name is Chris and I was diagnosed this past Wed with colon cancer. I'm 42yrs young and guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around how and why I'm here now. I live in NY and will be going into surgery…