Lymph vascular

Hello all an Merry Christmas i hope all had happy days with there families like I did. Unfortunately I had some bad news given to me yesterday. I wanted to ask anyone out there that has herd of this or know someone that has had there cancer go this route about this. I'm once again in virgin territory and as much as I read it's hard to comprehend what's goin on. I've been very lucky as to people on the site giving me feed back an input As it has translated some of my concerns to English . If that makes sense to ya. Please let me know of anything you can share.. Thanks.. Lilpepe


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Could you give us more info?

    I'm assuming "lymph" refers to lymph nodes, and vascular would refer to the circulatory system that moves blood around the body, but I'm not sure what the question is.  Did they find cancer in the lymph nodes?  This is quite common, unfortunately, and will change the staging of your cancer.  

    I had five nodes that were cancerous, and was able to have them removed, so this is an issue can be addressed, if that's what it is.

  • lilpep1972
    lilpep1972 Member Posts: 80

    Could you give us more info?

    I'm assuming "lymph" refers to lymph nodes, and vascular would refer to the circulatory system that moves blood around the body, but I'm not sure what the question is.  Did they find cancer in the lymph nodes?  This is quite common, unfortunately, and will change the staging of your cancer.  

    I had five nodes that were cancerous, and was able to have them removed, so this is an issue can be addressed, if that's what it is.


    Sorry I maybe didnt ask the right way. All nods they took out were negative but they said it went lymph vascular which I understand means in my blood. I guess what I'm asking is this means it can travel anywhere on my body?  I was told it was T4. My mind is goin a mile a minute have a appt for next Fri to see Dr I guess I was trying to fig things out before goto Dr. thank you for your input I really appreciate it :)

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    You should probably wait for an explanation from the doctor.  There might be other factors involved and no cancer in nodes is a good sign, but could also mean other issues but wait to see what the doctor can conclude from the diagnosis.  My mind raced at every thought when first diagnosed and that is so common.  Wishing you the best outcome and know that we are here for you anytime.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member


    Sorry I maybe didnt ask the right way. All nods they took out were negative but they said it went lymph vascular which I understand means in my blood. I guess what I'm asking is this means it can travel anywhere on my body?  I was told it was T4. My mind is goin a mile a minute have a appt for next Fri to see Dr I guess I was trying to fig things out before goto Dr. thank you for your input I really appreciate it :)

    It's just too much info to process at first,

    in my experience.  Hopefully you can talk to your doctor soon, and get this clarified.  But in general, the "T" refers to the tumor and its size and/or how much it has spread into nearby tissue.  It's encouraging that it's not in your lymph nodes, though!  That is one of the primary ways the cancer can travel in the body, so no node involvement is a good thing.

    Let us know what the doc has to say when you find out.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    All I can offer

    is to suggest you take a good notebook with you and write everything down that he tells you. Or, you could tape the conversation - with your Doctor's permission - and then take notes at leisure. 

    I know that Lymph fluid (interstitial fluid) travels through-out the lymphatic system where it eventually empites into the blood. I am very interested to hear what your Doctor has to say, as this is new information for me.  

    These first few weeks after diagnosis are the hardest. I promise, once you know exactly what you are up against, the battle does get easier. Not knowing is the worst. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • esk2poo
    esk2poo Member Posts: 25
    Trubrit said:

    All I can offer

    is to suggest you take a good notebook with you and write everything down that he tells you. Or, you could tape the conversation - with your Doctor's permission - and then take notes at leisure. 

    I know that Lymph fluid (interstitial fluid) travels through-out the lymphatic system where it eventually empites into the blood. I am very interested to hear what your Doctor has to say, as this is new information for me.  

    These first few weeks after diagnosis are the hardest. I promise, once you know exactly what you are up against, the battle does get easier. Not knowing is the worst. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Good news on the nodes

    Butt, the lympho vascular invasion sounds like you will need chemo anyway. I had node involvement and LV invasion so it didn't matter. You will need the chemo to try and kill off those cells and stop the, from metastasizing. Speak with your onc though about the options as maybe you can get by without the oxi since it really doesn't improve your chances tht much and has some nasty long term side effects.

    Good luck,


  • lilpep1972
    lilpep1972 Member Posts: 80
    esk2poo said:

    Good news on the nodes

    Butt, the lympho vascular invasion sounds like you will need chemo anyway. I had node involvement and LV invasion so it didn't matter. You will need the chemo to try and kill off those cells and stop the, from metastasizing. Speak with your onc though about the options as maybe you can get by without the oxi since it really doesn't improve your chances tht much and has some nasty long term side effects.

    Good luck,



    What is this OXI? Sorry haven't even been to see Dr for follow up. Only 10 days out of surgery.. This OXI is that part of my treatment?  I can say I do not want this if I want to? Thanks 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member


    What is this OXI? Sorry haven't even been to see Dr for follow up. Only 10 days out of surgery.. This OXI is that part of my treatment?  I can say I do not want this if I want to? Thanks 

    Oxi and more

    We are so used to using abbreviations that we forget others are still learning, and learn you will. 

    Oxi is short for Oxaliplatin, which is just one of the Chemotherapy drugs that are used for CRC (Colorectal Cancer).  It is usually used in combination with other drugs and may or may not be part of the chemo cocktail you may go on if you choose, and yes, you can choose. 

    It is a big decision to make wether to go on chemo or not, and I wish you all the best.  I wish you luck at your Doctor's appointment. After that you will be better set to make decisions for your future. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member


    What is this OXI? Sorry haven't even been to see Dr for follow up. Only 10 days out of surgery.. This OXI is that part of my treatment?  I can say I do not want this if I want to? Thanks 


    Can be used as a drug for part of treatment.  Ask your doctor what you will be on and all side affects with all.  They might not always give you the true answers all the time because they have never taken it.  My doctor, even after warning her of symptoms, still thought neuropathy (numbness in hands and feet) is only in 1% of patients, but she has significantly more patients with it.  Oxy is one of those drugs that can have long lasting effects of this side affect.  Be sure that you ask questions and if you have further questions, please ask away.  Good luck on your upcoming appointments.
