Just got my orders
Hello my fellow colonites hope everyone had a nice holiday season. Met my oncologist today Dr.Saltz of Sloan Kett and I was introduced to my new friend, Mr.Port. I will be getting my BFF attached to me next Tues and will start my fight the following Tues(Jan27th) ...I was told I will be getting a cocktail of OXI and…
Interesting article
I Hope you find it as interesting as I did. all the best Pilar BREAKING NEWS High vitamin D levels linked to improved outcomes in metastatic colorectal cancer High concentrations of vitamin D were associated with improved OS and PFS in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who received chemotherapy and biologic…
New to the site - Post op Stage 3a Colorectal Cancer
Hello Everyone. A friend of mine recommended this site and joined after I completed my surgery. I am so glad to find a site like this as the emotional burden with this life changing experience is sometimes overwhelming. I just completed my round 2 cycle out of 12 last Monday. It first seemed better than last time but the…
Anyone else get Atelectasis (lower left lobe lung collapsed)
Sometime it would be nice when having a CT Scan if the doc would mention everything. i now know why I've had breathing problems since my last surgery, part of the lung had been collapsed since at least August last year, I've been on an inhaler for awhile. Now it finds even more collasped lower left lobe, for a while now I…
happy also
had my 3 mth scan all clear, cea was 1.9 have to get mri have cyst on kidney but my onc said not to worry
Acities tapping. Update
They took out 1.5 gallons of fluid Yesterday, I feel so much better; however for about 10 minutes (seemed longer,) I had the worst back ache. They think it's because my liver shifted causing pain in the lesion areas. After trying 4 pain meds through IV, they found one that worked. Pain was so bad, I was calling God to…
Meowycat's mom passed away
My beautiful and courageous mother, Nelly Quiles passed away on January 1, 2015 at 8:55pm at the age of 73. She passed just as she had lived in life, calm and soft. I was fortunate to be with her as she took her last breath. My poor father came running and sobbed so hard it broke my heart. They were married 44 years but…
Good update from Impaction
Dx Stage 4 August 2006 with liver and lung mets. I just had my CT scan and it is clean (NED) and CEA is below 1. This is now just a little over 3 years since my last thoracic surergy (12/2011) with NED. I don't pretend to have any answers or wisdom but do want to thank all who helped me especially early here. Many have…
Request prayers, good wishes and good thoughts
Dear all, My husband is going to have a CT scan on 18th, this is his first scan after the big surgery (pelvic exenteration) on Oct 29,2014. So I request prayers, good thoughts and good wishes. Please pray a NED result for us. We had been through a lot just like many of us on this forum. I am having anxieties, but holding…
Clean scan!!
Clean scan results yesterday! First CT since my liver resection 3 months ago with no adjuvant chemo. Being stage 4, my batting average with scans has not been that great so we're really happy about this one! Off to vegas to celebrate and not think about cancer for a couple of days. Thank you to my CSN family for your…
Update from Laz.
Had my blood work and 1 year CT this week. The CEA is steady at 1.3 and the CT is clear. I'm very relieved, because I have aches and pains everywhere and of course the first thing I think of is metastases. My life pretty much returned to normal, I'm back to work which I enjoy very much. I have to restart everything,…
Scan tomorrow - religious content -UPDATED
EDTomorrow at 12:45pm is the first scan since SBRT in October with results at 3:00... I know I don't have to tell any of you everything that is going through my mind or that that Husband seems very far away today. I'ts miserable wondering what he is thinking and feeling - not bringing it up because I don't know if he wants…
Colonoscopy Done and.........
I am so thrilled to say the colonoscopy went great, tiny scar tissue only (removed a sample to lab test to be sure). My gastro dr was thrilled for me. So on Jan 31 - I will officially be 3 years NED from stage 3b/signet cell colon cancer. I feel like I won the zillion dollar lottery. No even better, you cannot but a $…
Didn't you recently have a scan too? I hope all is well.
I used to Post here......I posted twice in the last week....
.......I guess I was wishing for some kind of responce.....Good Bye
Some good news in hard times... husband had his latest sono today and all is clear... 3 years + 2 months after his stage IV diagnosis. We will learn about his CEA next week but if there are no surprises the next steps will be... ... 4 weeks travel to India in March/April (will be our 4th trip to this wonderful country) ...…
Please send special thoughts to Craig and Nanab
Please send special thoughts, prayers, well wishes, good vibes for our long time friends Craig and Nanab who are both going through some really rough times right now. They both need all the help, love and support that we can give. My love and prayers to them both. Marie who loves kitties
Masitinib......hopefully you'll hear more about this
For now,if you go to globenewswire.com and type "Masitinib" into " search" you'll be looking for "AB Science Reports Positive Clinical Study Data" from a phase II trial and now gearing up for phaseIII as a second-line TX for mCRC......
8 vs 12 rounds of chemo after stage 3 surgery.
I was just wondering what everyone is receiving for treatment. My oncologist told me that 8 rounds of chemo has proven to be just as effective as 12 rounds in research for stage 3 after the cancer was removed in surgery. I am a stage 3 rectal cancer patient. Thanks for your responses..Petrina
Anyone heard from LOUSWIFT?
Just wondering how he is doing. I felt so bad to read his posts in December. Linda
Time to Introduce Myself
Based on a couple of suggestions in the Semi-Colon Roll Call thread, I'm posting this to introduce myself. Here's what I posted there: I found out I had colon cancer just about one year ago (1/14/14) from my first-ever colonoscopy at age 62. That led to an immediate CEA test and a CT Scan and a recommendation that I find a…
Had what was hopefully my last PET scan this week
Just wanted to let you all know. Had the scan yesterday, and my oncologist emailed me a few hours later to tell me that everything still looks fine. I am now 3 years (plus a little) out from my last episode of cancer, and I'll be cutting back to blood tests only after this. The type of tumor I had is not a slow growing or…
An Oncologist's Perspective - Augmenting Cancer Therapy with Diet
Dr Champ is an Oncologist and Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Here is a link to a recent talk in which he discusses his views on diet for cancer patients and how he came to these views. He also discusses the mechanisms by which diet can fuel the growth of tumors or slow growth. I urge…
Anxiety about Scans
Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is all ready for the Holidays, finished up my last bit of shopping yesterday. I also had my scans yesterday, waiting on the results as i type this. I called my ONC and told them i want the results good or bad. I am not expecting bad as I have been NED for over 5 years, but this Anxiety never…
Question about chills and joint pain
I'm still recovering from a 12/5 liver resection. I had 40% of my liver removed and gallbladder removed. I received 2 pints of blood as well. I did have a flu virus over Christmas and that came with chills, fatigue, fevor, night sweats, deep cough, muscle aches and pain. Luckily no nausea or appetite or digestion issues.…
Good scan results!
Met with my husbands oncologist today to get the results from his pet/ct scans from Friday. very nervous and anxious...burst into tears at my physical yesterday when my doc asked how I was. last year at this time, he was relearning how to walk with rods in both legs. In August he had a clean scan and we couldn't really…
My sister
my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 3 years ago. She had been battling this monster for 3 years. The Drs told us yesterday that there is nothing else they can do for her. They told us she might have 1 month to live. I am so angry with this disease. She has done everything the Drs have told her to do. She is so…
Colonoscopy NED Year 3 - Coming Up - It is Tomorrow
Well gang, my year 3 NED colonoscopy is scheduled for Jan 9th. My Onc mentioned that if there is a good result at that point the rate of recurrance drops alot at that point. Nice to hear but lets just plow on more anxiety. Yikes. Well tick....tick...tick.... the wait is on. Trying VERY hard not to have anxiety-monster…
How to beat the beast
Hello, I am new to this board though I have looked at it a few times over this last year. My wife (45 at the time) was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer back in Aug 2013. She had surgery to remove the tumor in her sigmoid portion of her colon. There were 20+ lymph nodes removed with 7 being active with cancer. She also…
Husband lost his fight to stage 4 colon cancer
On Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 9am, my husband lost the fight, he went peacefully in my arms. I was with him holding his face looking him in his eyes giving him praises for being such a wonderful man and making us so happy. He did his job! He was surrounded by all of his family members the night before, we prayed and…