Appendix cancer

Sally.L Member Posts: 40 Member

Hello, I have a family member recently diagnosed with appendix cancer.  Doctors have indicated they think it's stage one, but more test are needed.  Im looking for any information or suggestions.  We are in the Midwest.  It seems this is a fairly rare cancer as best as I can tell.  Looking for advice.   Thank you.



  • Daisy13
    Daisy13 Member Posts: 43 Member
    Possibly a helpful link ...

    I saw that your request for advice had no replies.  This forum is generally extraordinarily helpful but likely because the type of cancer is rare there may be few who have experience or guidance.  It seems from what I have read, finding care providers who have treatment protocols in place is very important.  The woman who wrote the article has had appendix cancer for four years and also refers to another individual who is in their seventh year of treatment.

    Best to you and your family. ~ Daisy




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    The forum is also very quiet at the moment. People off doing their own thing for the holidays and trying to forget about Cancer. 

    I have no advice to offer. I did have a scan that showed an abnormal appendix, so when I had my liver surgery, they just removed the appendix at the same time. The pathology on it came back clean, but I don't miss it  image

    I do believe there are a few people here that have expereince in this area, and hopefully they will be along soon. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Appendix cancer - specialist needed!

    Hi.  Sorry, I don't get on the forum as much lately.  I am a 7+ year survivor of appendix cancer, and only here because I travelled to see one of the few appendix cancer specialists in the country.  I went to Dr. Paty at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC, but there are other experts scattered around the country.

    Appendix cancer is not treated as a version of colon cancer.  Standard treatment for appendix cancer includes very careful debulking (surgical removal of all visible cancer) usually followed by intraperitoneal chemotherapy (heated or otherwise, depending on where you are treated.)

    Private message me for more information, but please don't let anyone do any surgery on you who is not a specialist.


  • Akroger
    Akroger Member Posts: 88
    "Rare and other cancers"

    If you look at the Cancer Specific page of CSN, there is a catgegory "rare and other cancers," and if you do a search on "appendix" there you will see several results, perhaps those could be helpful for you. I wish you the best of luck.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    One person comes to mind

    There is one member who comes to mind...  screen name abrub first name (Alice) who celebrated 7 years from diagnosis in April of 2014.

    She does not post much lately as she is out living life.

    You can do a search on "Alice" and probably find what she has posted in the past about her journey.

    I beleive she received the "standard" colorectal treatments since there were no special protocals for appendix. *****correction - Alice gives correct treatment options below.  Sorry for the misinformation

    Wishing your family member best success.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member

    One person comes to mind

    There is one member who comes to mind...  screen name abrub first name (Alice) who celebrated 7 years from diagnosis in April of 2014.

    She does not post much lately as she is out living life.

    You can do a search on "Alice" and probably find what she has posted in the past about her journey.

    I beleive she received the "standard" colorectal treatments since there were no special protocals for appendix. *****correction - Alice gives correct treatment options below.  Sorry for the misinformation

    Wishing your family member best success.

    Marie who loves kitties

    More of a lurker now...

    But I still check the forums out occasionally.  Marie and others - feel free to direct appendix cancer people to PM me, as CSN sends reminders that there are messages waiting.  Otherwise, I may go several weeks without checkening out the forums.

    Latest news - I recently (as in 3 weeks ago) became a grandma.  My son and DIL are the proud parents of a lovely little boy!

    All my best to everyone here.
