Happy Valentine's Day
To all of the sweethearts I've met in this forum. I wish the best for everyone and keep you all in my prayers! Yolanda
blood clots
Anybody get superficial blood clots in legs from chemo? I have two they said apply heat and rest. Not a deep vein clot
Five years and still here!
Originally diagnosed on Feb 3rd, 2010 during a colonoscopy. Stage IIIC rectal cancer diagnosis after surgery with follow up chemo and radiation. I am now stage IV following a successful surgery on one lung met nodule in 2012. I did not think I would make it this long (and my surgeon was very pessimistic after the initial…
Care giver to husband w/stage IV
Good morning, I am new here as of this morning. I am simply looking for others who will understand what a care giver is going through. My husband (73 yrs old) had issues starting mid summer 2014. He was initially mis-diagnosed w/bowel obstruction. They sent him home with dulcolax suppositories. When that didn't work and he…
found new polyps
it has been 5 years since the diagnosis and treatment. I was good for the first 3 follow up colonoscopies. Then my husband passed away in Nov. 2012and to be honest, i just didn't care. Finally decided to get checked. They found 2 polyps and I'm just wondering, any body else have new polyps after . If so , what were the…
Exercise with Neuropathy
Like many people who have been treated with Oxaliplatin, I have a pretty sturdy case of neuropathy affecting my feet. They're mostly numb and sore most of the time. It's not so bad that I can't get out of the house to do errands, but walking more than a short bit is pretty uncomfortable. I know I should get more exercise,…
it's back in two months after TACE and MWA to liver mets
About two months ago I had TACE followed by microwave ablation to three mets' Post treatment scan in few days of tace and next day of ablation showed good response and they got it all as per the docs at that time. However, rising markers after the first month or so led to a pet-ct in 6 weeks of previous treatment and the…
new life
I feel kind of sheepish about announcing this....sometimes I think grandparents can be a great bore but I have to say I never dreamed in 2005 after colon cancer diagnosis and then 2006 death diagnosis that I would experience this......our only daughter gave birth to a baby boy.... the emotions that i feel for this child…
Zaltrap, Xeloda
George's Doctor is thinking of trying George on Xeloda Pill with Zaltrap instead of Avastin? He is also on Irinotecan. Anyone had this combination? We are trying to avoid George having to wear the pump Again he just hates it.
fentanyl patch withdrawal
Has anyone had experience with getting off the fentanyl patch? My husband was put on a high dose back in nov because of bone mets resulting in a femur break in the right leg, a femur hairline fracture in the left. Rods were put in both legs. He had a tremendous amount of pain from the cancer, break and surgery. His dose…
Terms - Abbriviations
I have noticed a new member has mentioned about getting to know what terms and abbreviations are here on the forum, so maybe a thread to help. Please add any that you can think of, that will help our newest members. The biggest and best to start the list. NED - No Evidence of Disease Oxi - Oxaliplatin platinum based chemo…
Happy, Happy Birthday NanaB
Nana celebrates her birthday today (Feb 6th) at the Gerson Institute in Mexico. She will be home soon, and I know she will enjoy returning and feeling the love, here at the forum. Hugs to you, dear Nana. I hope we get to meet again this year. Sue - Trurbrit
Hi everybody: I haven't been on in a while and only for a hot second. Just over 2 yrs NED from Stage 3A colon cancer. I do lurk almost daily though to keep tabs on how ya'll are doing. I LOVE how positive, supportive and loving ya'll are to everyone. I have a question about vaccinations. Someone, just a regular joe, said I…
cannibus oil
I live in Pennsylvania where marijuana is not legal. Does anyone live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and has tried it to treat this cancer beast ?
CEA rising, but CT and PET clear
Hi dear all, My husband's CEA was 4.6 on 11/17/2014 after the big surgery on 10/29/2014; Then CEA became 13.1 on 1/21/2015 with a clear CT scan; we were concerned about the CEA, so oncologist ordered a PET scan, today we got the PET scan result, nothing showed up. And today's CEA is 15.4. Oncologist basically says if CEA…
Taking a Break from Board
Dear Friends: It's usually this time of year that I'm taking a break from the board and feel this is the time. So much going on with my brother and his recent diagnosis with lung cancer (he is my baby brother) and I'm heartbroken that he has been in and out of the hospital about 5 times since Thanksgiving. Just can't…
another tumor removed question
had groin tumor remove four months ago now have a 10mm above the other one that was removed doc says wait 3 months and then will think about chemo again had follow up with surgin for the first one and told him to take out the new one wich he did and was cancer again (groin lymp node) going to see cancer doc on monday the…
ACS Road to Recovery
I love this board and found great comfort and advice from it when I was first diagnosed. However, I no longer feel comfortable discussing my own experiences with newly-diagnosed patients since treatment has changed so much in the past five years - and that's a good thing. As a survivor I wanted to give back in some way but…
Pictures to share
At my last appointment I thought I would get my picture taken with myDr's. The smile on my face says it all. NED. Dr. Singh is my Oncologist and Dr. Kos is my Radiation Oncologist. Highly recommended by me. A friend told me that it was odd to ask for a picture with your Doctor. I guess I'm odd . No real surprise there.…
Question about Mistletoe
I was just reading about Mistletoe to fight cancer. Doesn't sound like it's available in the US. Does anyone know anything about it?
Colonoscopy tomorrow
Not really worried about my colon as my cancer was rectal and I think that total removal took care of things locally. I'm very relaxed. My next scan is going to be when the anxiety hits. It'll be the two year mark which will put me in the clear and in a great position. That means I have until July to just be. It feels nice…
New Member with Colon Cancer
I was recently diagnosed with stage IIIB colorectal cancer. My surgery went well. My folfox6 treatments are to begin in a couple of weeks: 12 two day infusions over six months. Right now, I am trying to find some supplemental insurance as I only have Medicare at the time being, but I'm 49 so it looks like I'm out of luck.
3 Years NED Today
I am thrilled to be able to say that I am 3 years NED today, 1/31/15. As a stage 3b/signet cell survivor - I am super-especially thrilled. My best to you all - always.
blood pressure
Has anyone experienced high blood pressure through these chemo treatments? I have been on blood pressure meds for years and its always been controlled but now its over the roof. My oncologist doesn't seem concerened but its not his body . I'm worried. This morning 161/101 I think for being on 75 mg of atenolol for pressure…
I am starting my first chemo session on dec 17 for stage 3 colon cancer. Does anyone who has gone through this treatment have any advice on what to expect? It would really help to settle my nerves. Thank you.
The logic and brains of a toddler
My husband is feeling really bad for not being the same dad for the three year old that he was for the two teens, he was talking to him today and saying how he's sorry that he won't be able to run and play ball with him like the other dads do. little guy hugs him and says, it's okay dad..you just throw the ball and I will…
Let's have a "card party" for Craig
I thought it might give Craig a boost if he were to get lots of feel better cards. If you don't have his address, email me here at CSN. Sharing it via email will keep it from being searchable. I have his wife's permission to share it with those I know. She asked that they be sent to their home, so they don't have to worry…
Cea rising
Damn. its not a surprise, but isn't it funny how we trick our minds to think, hey maybe everything will be okay. Two days after getting the good news of a clean pet scan earlier this month, we find out cea went up to 2.5. but he had a stomach bug so hey maybe it's just that. Three weeks later it's 8. It appears to be an…
Traveling to New Orleans
leaving tomorrow and the home next Wednesday. Any one in the area up for coffee?
How are you doing? I feel like I haven't seen anything from you for a while, and was just wondering how things were going...