My Johnny
Yesterday my Johnny succumbed to his battle with the beast. I would like to say he went in peace but that was not his story. He was the most courageous person I will ever know. Although I know he is finally out of pain I feel like I can not breathe. I just needed a place to write and let whoever reads this of the wonderful…
Spouse acting withdrawn
My husband had Lymphoma last year, but has been cancer free for 10 months. His physical being is fine, but his mental being has really taken a downslide. He is acting withdrawn and acts like he has no enjoyment for life. I asked him about it, and he said that he is just not the same person that he used to be. I am trying…
Help- I think I am losing my mind! My husband has mastasic melinoma- DR- says stage 4- I know nothing about this- Has a long history of cancer in family - father died @ 46-I need to talk- I am 43- he is his 47- Can anyone talk to me about this? Doing - Interferon- for a year HELP!!!
hello there, My hubby had prostate cancer at age 45. Then PSA increased and he had radiation. He is now suffering from radiation damage and has a very low quality of life and lives in pain 24/7. I don't know what to say to anyone, as it's never good news. Living, loving, hoping, one day at a time. It's been 5 1/2 years…
hi debbie/ re lonely
Oh, it was SO good to hear from you. I don't know your full e-mail, but you can reach me at Heathersmail@shaw.ca I hope you & your boyfriend are having a very good day. Hope to keep in touch, thanks for your reply, Heather
Just lost my mum...
Hi all I have never really written on these discussion boards before - I always felt like they were more for the people out there actually in pain and suffering... I just want to tell my story and my mum's to people who get it - I don't mind if nobody replies or anything. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996.…
Got thru the liver resection..now??
Brief history. Hubby dx with stage IV colorectal cancer with liver mets. Colon resection in January and finally a liver resection 3 weeks ago for the mets, after being told inoperable for 8 mos. I'm elated that the surgery went so well and my husband is recovering very fast and the surgeon was also very pleased with…
klatskin tumor / radioembolization / rexin g
healthy 73 yr old mom diagnosed with klatskins tumor - also cancer in fluids - 10 days ago - she's now depleted energy wise - losing weight - went to ny this week - sinai doctor said cant operate - suggested we see howard bruckner at cabrini - having good success with chemo regimen - then we went to sloan w/ mom - sloan…
Sigh, I pick up the caregiver hat again....
Hi, my sister was diagnosed with stage III anal cancer 4 weeks ago. She calls me most days, and she is having treatment, but her body doesn't like it much... I started life with cancer by supporting my mom. She is a double cancer survivor, endometrial and breast. I then became the patient in 2004, stage III rectal cancer…
how to deal with grief of husband
My husband died 4wks ago from only 8months of fight with stomach cancer!! I'm just not sure what to do with my self now!! I quit my bussiness to help him and we thought we would have more time--but we didn't!! I don't know where to go to talk!! please help!!
Hello all. My husband was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer a little over a year ago. He has been through all of the treatments and is doing very well will no sign of the beast. I don't know if it is the holidays and all of the stress or what.....I feel so uneasy and worried that cancer is lurking around in his body.…
How do you keep your sanity?
How do you keep from going insane during the treatment of a loved-one when every doctor expresses every theory and worry along the way. In the last two months of my fathers treatment we have heard a surgeon express her worry that the cancer had spread to the lungs (turned out to be allergies that caused my father to cough…
New and needed to type :)
Hi all, my husband is a testicular cancer survivor! He was diagnosed on Dec. 28, 2005. Every December I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. I know that I should be celebrating the fact that he is a survivor...but I often tend to dwell on the fact that it can happen to anyone at anytime. I am terrified that lightening will…
3rd opinion and Clinical Trials
Hello, My husband is currently in his thrid year of fighting testicular cancer. It is a sarcoma tumor, and not easily treated. We have gone to two different well respected places and on our way to a local univeristy for their opinion. They are a research facility and have several trials he might qualify for. What do you…
Caregiver X2
Hello everyone. I've been on the ovarian cancer board for and about my wife for several months. She's in recurrence. We got her through some tough stuff early on and Sunday night we set up this organized group called Share the Care that some people in our area (Illinois) established. If anyone's interested I could forward…
Caregiver's bill of rights...
I shared my life with 2 special needs daughters, one of which has since passed. But, as part of a program designed to support we caregivers, I was given this "Caregivers Bill of Rights". I have this posted on my fridge....it helps me, especially during my cancer caregiving with my mom and sister. Maybe it can help you,…
New to the group
Hi everyone, I am here for support after losing my father to Pancriatic Cancer. He lost his battle in January 07 and I feel so lost without him. He was like my best friend. He lived for 3 months after he found out and he stayed strong right up to the end. He tumor was inoperable and chemo would have only given him a couple…
Any Wife's Opinion Appreciated
The past year has been a journey of ups and downs unlike any other in life. My husband is battling stomach cancer stage IV. At this point in about 4 weeks he is going to have a surgery that is the turning point of therapy. Chemo has knocked it down enough that he can have the surgery but whether it will be palative or much…
The end of the life
I'm new to this group .I have been posting in the NHL section but there does not seem to be much interaction on that side. I am an only child and am caring for my mum who has terminal non hodgekins lymphomas. The doc thinks that she only has a couple of months left and I just can't cope or believe this is it for her. I am…
hi everyone. i'm new here.
hey there! i'm new to this discussion group, but not new to CSN (I've been posting in the lung cancer group). Right now my family is going through a really tough time and when I saw the "caregiver" discussion group, i knew I needed to connect with you because you're the ones who really know what we're going through. my mom…
Better Days (A song I wrote for my wife)
I wrote a song for my wife last year while she was recovering from a cancer surgery. Now that she is in remission, I would like to share this song with you. Listen to the song by going to: www.soundclick.com/timjuillet and choosing "Music". Then choose the song, "Better days". Lyrics are below. Better Days (Lyric & Music…
What do I Do? Please Help
Ok my daughter has had issues with dislocating her knee and they did an MRI and discovered a Cyst or something that is concerning them and now they are saying they need to biopsy it and Im getting a little scared. My son died when I was pregnant with her and nobody seems to want to be strait with me and let me know what…
Esophogeal Cancer - Looking For Hope
My Dad was diagnosed with Esophogeal Cancer approximately one year ago. He is 91 years old and because of his age did not have the option of surgery. He underwent five weeks of radiation treatment, and although frail seemed to regain his strength and ability to swallow. Now, a year later the cancerous tumor in his…
deleted due to privacy issues and wife passing on...
moms stomach cancer
I have posted a question under stomach cancer forum on May 24th 07 and have not gotten any replies yet. can someone please read my post and see if they can help. desparate for some advise. thank you for your help.
Dealing with grief
Hi, In November of 06 my oldest sister, 53, called me and told me they found lung cancer. She told me she was optimistic and was going to fight and beat it. The chemo and radiation pulled her down hard and she asked me if I would come and help her. I left my job on a FMLA and home and went to her (mid west) the 1st part of…
A Cancer Journal
Greetings from Vancouver... I'm a member of the colorectal discussion group and haven't posted here before. I've recently started a weblog where I'm sharing reflections, resources, and insights from my 3 year journey with metastatic colon cancer and recurrences. Todays post is on "Spontaneous Remission". Previous posts…
I would like to know why there is not a chat room where we as caregivers can gather. I would love to have one and often feel out of place in the chat filled with cancer survivors. What do you all think and how can we start this.