Both parents fighting cancer ?
Hey, I am seeking other young people in the same situation as I am in now: both parents fighting cancer at the same time. For my dad this is the second relapse and he is going through a stem cell transplantation in a few weeks. He is suffering from a rare form of Non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma. My mom has had four relapses(cancer…
dad has cancer
I'm 19 years old and my dad was diagnosed with lymphoma last july. he went into remission for about two months but now its back and very aggressive. I just feel really alone right now. None of my friends understand and I just don't feel like I have anyone to talk to. I'm just looking for some support from people who know…
caregiver obsessed with cancer....anyone else?
greetings. I lost my mom to breast cancer that developed into secondary(liver, lungs, and brain) in august of 2004. I"m 30 years old and feel that i have been dealing with it pretty well, but I've noticed that I tend to obsess on cancer now. Anytime I get even a measley cold I start to have looming thoughts that I too have…
facing cancer alone
I have a web friend who is facing cancer alone. I've encouraged her to get her friends to start a support circle. I seem to remember a book or article about a group of women who took care of a family where the wife had breast cancer. They met to plan meals, assign transportation/carpooling, arranged playdates for the kids…
husband at 46 has kidney cancer
my husband has kidney cancer. Starting in July we found out, they took out his kidney in August. He never really recovered when he was home and they were treating him for phneumonia which never got better. After finally doing more test they said the cancer spread to his liver and lungs where originally they said it did not…
Mom 61 Lung Cancer Depressed
My Mom was diagonosed with Stage 3 Lung cancer in July. They did chemo and Radiation. They had hoped to maybe do surgery but yesterday we went for our second surgical opinion and were told they would not consider it because of the risk. I have been taking care of my Mom since this started. She has been depressed and is on…
Has anyone or anyone you know taken Xeloda for pancreatic cancer?
Around Christmastime of 2004 my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Needless to say, we were devastated. Luckily we caught it early enough when it was only 1.5cm. He had turned yellow with jaundice because the tumor had blocked his bile duct. He had Whipple surgery and came through with flying colors. He even left…
Ovarian cysts
Hi i was recently diagnosed with an ovarian cyst i looked on some websites and found that i have got most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, is anyone in a similar situation
Survivor Party
My mom recently had her second case of breast cancer in twelve years. She has had a double masectomy and currently waiting to have the results of the gene test. Her doctor told her she does not have to go through the chemo or radiation or tomoxiphin that she went through the first time. We are all very thankful. We are…
Mother has cancer
Hello. My name is Lori. My mother has Lymphoma and has just started her chemo. It's been a tough road and I know there are others out there that know how it is. Would love to talk and share stories. Take care. Lori
SCLC and my husband
Hello I am new here I am a caregiver to my husband of 17 years,he was dx in June of this year with SCLC limited stage. To date he has had 39 radiation treatments,9 chemo treatments (cisplatin & VP-16) Last friday he had an MRI done fo his brain,the test results were horrifiying he has several mets to the brain ( 6 tumors)…
Husband cancer at 35. Anyone out there our age?
My husband was recently diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to the liver. He is only 35 years old. He has been through 2 surgerys and is now doing chemo. He is making strides, but the chemo really makes him sick. I feel helpless, but mostly alone. Everyone that I have ever known of that had cancer is older, much…
Dad is Grumpy & Hates the World
Hi, My dad is 71 and dying of mesotheloma cancer. He is in such pain, and doctors haven't given any hope for him. They just tell me how bad it is. Dad lives alone, my brother can't deal with it, so I am taking this on alone. I have a 6 yr old daughter, a very busy business to run, and dad lives 17 miles away. It is so hard…
Relationship changes with my daughter.
My daughter is 31 years old. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 27. It has now spread to her bones. Over the last several months, she has begun to shut me out of her life. She does not want me to visit or go to treatments with her. Does not talk about what's going with her and has no interest in what's going on with…
My mother has been fighting cancer for about 13 years now. She just recently started haveing trouble with swelling in her arms and legs. The swelling has gotten so severe that her legs have been put into casts and her left arm into a soft cast. I am concerned that maybe I should prepare myself for the worst. Any…
Husband is newly diagnosed - need advice...
My husband of 40 years has been dx with small cell cancer 3weeks ago. It's in brain, lungs bone. He is taking radiation and is due to start cemo this week. The radiation is making him very tired and sleepy, and also has made him sick. Dr. are radiating the back and head. They told me he had 6mo. to year max. Are there any…
heartbroken but getting there
I am writing this from Ireland, and I am thrilled to have found this website because I have read lots of messages on the discussion board and its great to see I am not alone in the way I am feeling. To all the ladies out there who are fighting ovarian cancer I send a big huge hug as you all have great courage to be facing…
Overwhelmed and then some
My husband was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer on his 52nd birthday in August 2005. It has metastasized to his bones and liver but not brain. I am an RN - geriatric. But this is too close to home. He is currently between the 3rd and 4th chemo treatment and this third one has really been hard on him. His weight has…
A New Perspective
So it's been awhile a long while since I've been here. I could sit here and make excuses but I'm not going to. Truth is I just haven't been visiting the site. I've been avoiding the subject of cancer completely. But it's that time of year that we start thinking about all the Relay for Life activities we're going to have.…
I really wish I had someone in my corner, to tell me when to back off
I am a close friend of an abdominal cancer afflicted friend, for 3 yrs now. I have been loyal and responsive. At times, feel abused, by the dysfunctionality surrounding her, and she has created it. I visited her on Sunday, and things don't look good to me. She is quite lucid but weak. WHen I asked for information at the…
Thank God for Mom
It's Mother's Day and in just a month my mom will be 5 years without cancer. There were a lot of times I took my mom for granted, and there were plenty of times through her treatment I completely denied that she had cancer. It finally hit me when my best friends mom died of the most treatable kind of leukemia. And he gave…
Mom gets very angry and doesn't know why.
My mother has stage IV kidney cancer and is on pain medication. Clinical trial teatments to start soon. She has had several episodes of intense anger towards my father. She never apologizes, but has said she doesn't know what comes over her. Can it be a reaction from the pain medication? Anyone experience something similar?
Overwhelmed Caregiver/Full Time Working Mother
My husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer last August, had surgery and has been going through chemotherapy and radiation therapy since. I work full time and have two young teenage children. I am overwhelmed with all of these responsibilities and the worry about the side effects of the treatments and the outcome of…
role reversal, senility?
Hi, My Mom has had lung cancer for over 2 years and although they say she is in remission I have my concerns. She takes too many Xanax abd Vicadin and I don't know what else? She smokes too, she said she quit after siezures last week, but I think she is sneaking them. Anyway, I moved in to take care of her, and she is very…
mom with stage iv metastasis liver cancer
I mom was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer which spread from her colon. She considering undergoing 5-fu,leucovorin,campostar treatment? does anyone have any information regarding the above treament? is there any survivour out there with the same diagnosis? ~a concerned son
Hi, My name is Julie and my dad just got diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma and if anyone out there has any info I would LOVE to hear from you. Surgery is now pending as we are seeking our second opinion from another specialist.
Just wanted to share this with you
Mesothelioma Support or Advice
My father age 73 has been diagnosed with Meso. Anyone else dealing with this? I'm suprised that so few people use these message boards. They could be a great place but are used so seldom it seems. Any support or advice would help. Tammy
How do I go on without Mum???
My Mum was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in July 2004. They tried resecting the affected lung, and couldnt, then she went thru massive doses of radiotherephy and chemo before Christmas. She seemed to be doing Ok, tho she had lost an awful lot of weight and was having trouble with eating. Mum had a bad bought of pnemonia and…
parent of young adult cancer survivor
I am new to CSN and wondering if there are any other caregivers who are parents of a young adult survivor currently in treatment who want to share day to day experiences.