Prayers for Penny and Mike
Send up prayers for them. Use the prayer for the dying I wrote. From her FB posts they have very little time left.
calling mswijiknyc
Question regarding sepsis on the head and neck board: asking you to field. Hugs!
Time to change the photo
I thought it was time to update my picture to reflect reality - Doug's picture of us just after he won the championship is still the one he uses to post (on the H&N board). There's a good bit of weight change - he lost 35 lbs and I gained about 5. He is winning the race - he was trying to get from 140 to 155 before I could…
Separation Anxiety
I put this off for a few days, as I felt so many others had much more important issues: Doug went back to work full-time last week and I went back a bit before that. That went OK, but then he needed to travel for the job. The doctor OK'd it as long as the flights were not long (he had blood clots from the chemo and is…
A Prayer for the Dying
Father God, Give me the strength to help my husband face death with serenity and grace. Give us the peace we need to make the most of our time together. And give us Your love in abundance. Remind him I am with him to the end. Amen.
Good news, bad news, good news, bad news AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
So we have decided to up our wedding. Cancer has taught us that we will have limited time together. It is not a question of if it is a question of when per his doctors. They feel they will get him into remission in time but that with his conditions he will get it again and again until the treatments stop working. My reply…
ICU (update 1/9)
WBC--up Unknown source of infection Deactivated from the transpant list Vomited blood 3 times today, pooping old blood now, too. 3 different kinds of antibiotics, 3 seperate blood draws for cultures; two attemps at an NG tube; less than stellar nursing and MD staff on the weekends Back in ICU. I'm numb and quiet on the…
Getting our life back
We found out a little over a month ago that my husband (32 y/o) has brain cancer. They found a brain tumor in late October, did surgery early November and discovered the cancer early December. This is all new to us. And considering the time line have not had much time to cope or deal with what is actually going on. Not…
Brain Surgery, Really?
One brain tumor located behind the left cheekbone, back along side the ear about the size of a golf ball? Starting to affect speech and thinking skills. It's a good thing my husband is left handed. Primary melanoma was never located but first metastasized to the leg/groin area. Tumor was surgically removed end of July just…
pain management visit
Heading back to the pain management specialist this afternoon. Prayers for resolution of the pain because it is really wearing on Jim. As we've said before, it is hard to watch them hurt.
The #$^&@*# waiting
First we waited for test results. Then we waited for referrals. Then we waited for more test results. Then for all infections to clear. Now we wait for transplant. Met with the transplant coordinator today. They don't think my husbands health will hold out for more than a few weeks while waiting for a donor.I'm staring at…
The doc said mom has less then one friggin year!!!!
I hate cancer!
Hi there, fellow caregivers, new here
Hi there. I have been riding this cancer caregiver roller coaster since 9-09 when my then 48 year old hubby was dx'd with Hodgkins stage IVB. To make a long story short, he underwent a rescue stem cell transplant with a ten-fifteen percent survival rate last Sept. Before that his disease became refractory for the second…
Cross roads
I know many of you have been where I am today. Mike lost a lot of weight last week with the diaphragm spasms/hiccups and extreme nausea he was having. My two brothers and I finally talked him into going to see his Oncologist yesterday afternoon (he wanted to wait until today since he was supposed to start round 3 of the…
It is official
My father is still in remission from his bladder cancer, but the doctors still do not know why he has blood in his urine bag. They checked his organs and they are clear. By the way, I skipped worked today. After my moms last chemo I have been sleeping a lot and just really tired. Anyone else feel like this. I feel like my…
Once again getting ready for MRI and then the wait. Feel at wits end. Hate how this is making me feel. Put on the "happy/strong" face for friends, family and church. Inside guts are being consumed by the "unknowing". Hate how this has made been become scared, nervous, anxious. Doc prescribed anti depressents in August.…
just going through the motions...
i realized this week that i don't think i'm really "feeling" any of this. i tell people my dad has been given an open ended death sentence and that i'm keeping it all together but i don't really think i am. i keep the bills paid and food on the table but man, i need a break. it scares me to think how i'm going to be…
End of the fight
My brother Jeff lost his fight with Pancreatic Cancer on December 22. He was so brave for all of us and his dignity was in tact to the end. We had a memorial for him on December 28th and it was absolutely beautiful. Jeff was a kind and warm person and there were over 250 people there that he had somehow put a stamp on…
Getting Worse (UPDATE)
Today is Mikes 56th birthday and he is spending it in I.C.U. His kidneys failed yesterday, when I went in to see him in the morning he did not know me and couldn't speak; almost in a catatonic state. They took hime to IR and put in a shunt for dialysis, MRI'd his brain, then transferred him to intensive care for "gentle"…
Hubby now in peace
My hubby finally is now in peace. He passed Sunday at 2:30. all his family was with him. I would like to thank the members for great support during this very short bout with cancer. God bless all of you for the great job that you are doing taking care of your loved ones. Stay strong.
Really Good New Year's Eve
I feel guilty about posting this, as I know that others are going through dark times. However, I remember reading similar posts when we were smack dab in the middle of the valley of the shadow of death, and (while I was envious) it helped me believe I would see good days again: New Year's Eve! All three children had…
Advise for caregivers if patient is not wanting meds.....
I've been reading posts about patients not taking meds for one reason or another. I struggle with this an extreme amount with my mom and have come to learn a few things. Maybe this can help to know these things. 1. if pills are a problem, GO LIQUID. they have lots of meds that are in liquid form. 2. Pain patches are a big…
Hello everyone, I came across these discussion boards earlier and I thought I'd sign up becuase I need to vent a little. My fiance was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and not long after, he asked me to move in with his parents, with their permission, because it was a couple hours closer to the hospital that he goes…
New Years Eve
Have spent this New Years eve feeding pieces of fruit to my wife (53) in bed, I was advised on Dec 23 her cancer (Cervical) is stage 4B and has 1-3 months left, when first diagnosed in September she was 4A. This time last year we were cruising the Mexican Riviera, how quickly things can change she was diagnosed end of…
Really scared - Is this the beginning of the end?
I'm very worried and scared. Had to make a doctor appointment for my husband today. He's very very weak (because he isn't eating) and he says he has trouble eating because his stomach gets full right away. He's extremely thin (now around 100 lbs - maybe less). He's having a lot of face pain from the shingles he had which…
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The Good: MRI and MRA came back clean. Same with all the heart tests and the EEG. Everything is within normal ranges. The Bad: He's still in the hospital. He is being treated for bacterial sepsis (blood infection) and getting IV antibiotics. He's going nuts from being in the hospital as usual. The Ugly: for 1) where the…
great news!!
i called hospice about 3 weeks ago for Dad. i second guessed myself for a few days, but now, i am SO glad i called them. now that the chemo is leaving his body, he's eating and drinking more, and he actually laughs out loud now! but the best of all....he's going out for a little while this afternoon with his friends!!!!!…
Mental Torture
Each morning begins the same for me, wake up from a restless sleep with butterflies in my stomach. Hard to describe exactly, but the nervousness you get going to the dentist or being pulled over by the police, if that makes any sense. Every day begins the same, mentally drained before the day gets started good. Guess…
Lost in the Sea
I feel lost in a sea , not knowing what to say or do. Each way I go seams sad . I feel alone , I know I am not but still deep inside me is a place no one would want to go. I see people chatting but it is like air blowing in my head around and around. I don't like the saddness I feel but somehow can not control it. I worry…
alone, lonely, and feeling very guilty about it
The holidays usually end up making me feel lonely as family is far away, but this year it's a bit worse. There is so much going on on top of Pat having cancer and having complications. Then I see how others can do all sorts of research, be these awesome advocates, have the cojones to tell the primary doctor that they…