How are you doing? Luv Ktz
Do I give up my career to be with my mom?
Hi everybody, I'm dealing with a seriously difficult decision. I worked very hard to get where I am in life and I have a rewarding career. My mother helped pay for my college, and supported me the whole way. She expressed to me that she would never want me to give up my career for her. On the other hand, I have this deep…
Are you caring for a VETERAN?
If you're caring for a family member that is a Veteran....you may want to explore a VA's Aid & Attendance Benefit. I quit my job to care for my parents and after exhausting my savings, I learned Dad qualified for Aid & Attendance. If he's approved he could receive up to $1936 month toward home care for he & Mom. Official…
Platlet count droping down to 30
What does it mean if platlets are droping? Have been out of treatment for 5 month? Started going down hill, made the choice of Hospice last friday, In the hospital treating a blood infection and now they are doing alot of testing, The last I overheard was the the platlets are droping and are down to 30, Can any one tell me…
What Do I DO
Hello all, my siter was told in September that she has stage 2b or 3a lung cancer. she has now completed her second round of chemo and goes for another cat scan on the 8th and if things have not change I am afraid that she is going t give up. What can I say or do to help her with her results? Her husband keeps saying that…
Please I need some information on numbers the CA19-9
My brother has been told that the Chemo is not working and that his CA19-9 number have gone from 680 to 9000 in a matter of a month. All treatment has been stopped and hospice has been called in. Does anyone understand what these numbers mean.
update on Doctors told us to decide, Quality or Quanity
Original post on 11/27 More detail information on my blog same subject Wife with Stage 4 NSCLC diag 04/01/2010 now DNR and will be going home on Hospice. Need everyones opions I'm starting to think I may have picked the wroung Cancer Clinic for her care. Her cancer was advanced when detected, required emergency brain…
I can't do this
I had a hard time not crying at work appointments this morning. Mike's in the hospital 2 hours away and I've been driving down to see him after work almost every night. He's been hospitalized 5 different times in the past month and a half. So today I completed my FMLA paperwork. I can't continue burning the candle at both…
My father?!!!
My father had bladder cancer in 1998. He had a bag and treatment and it was only stage 2 so they did not give him any other treatment. Now he has blood showing up in the urine in his bag. His urethras were removed, prostrate removed, bladder removed and with my mom undergoing chemo i'm like What the f*ck now! His…
Off the Sauce
My husband is near the end of treatment for head and neck cancer - it's been a lot worse than we imagined (just about everything that could go wrong, did). About 2 weeks ago, I quit drinking - I have never been a heavy drinker, but the stress was really getting to me. As things got worse, I realized that I couldn't drink…
I am new to this group. Having spent the past two years taking care of my husband as he battles ALL. At age 32, we never thought we would be experiencing this. We have recently been told that he is terminal after two BMTs, the cancer is back again. He is choosing not to go forward with anymore treatment. I have started…
How do I get Caregiver benefits
I live in Indiana and had to move out of my house to take care of my dad. I rented out my house so I still own it. I moved in with my dad when he was diagonosed with colon cancer. I have missed work to take care of him when he is not feeling well. So how do you go about getting caregiver benefits. Thanks Barb
It has started to grow & spread again
Last Monday we received the news that my husbands Lung cancer has started to grow again. (nsclc with metz to bone & lympth, dx in 4/2010.) We were only told 12 weeks ago he was in partial remission and doing so well. But pain was getting worse, and really started to bother his neck. We find the cancer has popped up in…
TSA ports and bags
My mother's doctor advised her to take her medical bracelet and card with her to the airport to avid secueiry hassles.
Any other 20-29 year olds a caregiver for their mom?
I'm 22 and I'm currently my mom's caregiver. She was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2006 and we discovered it metastasized into her bones last fall. Although most of the time my mom is fine, and I'm there for moral support it is draining me. I'm scared about what the future holds and as of right now statistics say…
20 year old caregivers
Im 20 years old and am a caregiver for my grandfather. He has COPD, emphazema, CHF, and dementia. As a caregiver, how do you deal with the stress that comes with taking care of a loved one? What do you do when it feels overwhelming? Im still really young and I dont know how to deal with all of it.
Sad and Scared Over Changes in Dad
Hi everyone, Well my dad's home from a 7 day stay in the hospital with sepsis. He seems to me that he no longer is the person I knew. Understandably, he sleep or dozes, eats little and seems to have little interest in talking or acknowledging most things around him. It takes so much effort for him to concentrate on a task,…
Did I ever mention that "roller coasters" are not my favorite rides?
As if being told that my hubby's cancer has recurred wasn't bad enough, now his liver is not functioning well. He has extensive sclc with mets to his liver and some bones. He has had 2 sessions of second-line chemo (carbo/taxel and Zomeda to help his bones). He had done so well after first-line chemo, got quite fatigued…
Doctors told us to decide, Quality or Quanity
We have been put into shock by my wifes doctors, told make a choice between quality and quantity of life. Short history, My wife age 51 diagnosed wiht nsclc. Main tumor behind broncia and two secondary tumors in brain, Had brain surgery left front as pressure on brain stem was at critical point. 38 radiation treatments,…
I watched her die
I was with my mom when she took her last breath and it is a vision I cannot let go of.I can't look at her pictures without seeing her struggling to breath.The look in her eyes haunts me.The unspoken words that may have prepared her better fill my mind.I have no zest for life,no desire to do anything, since she passed on…
i'm going to lose my mind....
this is a long story..... in November 2008 my hubby and i both lost our jobs in the same week! in oct 09 we lost our house and had to move in with my dad. we have a 9 yr old son...he was uprooted from everything he had ever known! in april of this year, dad was dx with NSCLC w/ mets to the brain and given a year to live.…
Feeling Somewhat Helpless
First of all, for anyone who's new to the caretaker experience I just want to preface my post by saying it gets better. My wife is about half a year in to her treatment and we've come a long way and gotten through some pretty low lows to get where we are now. For a while things were relatively "normal" and at times "good".…
giving thanks
I am thankful for 4 days of no work, no doctor's appointments, no treatments, nothing but rest and relaxation. I am also thankful for this support community--I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, however you spend it. Karen
now what
Now what my husband has SCLC and since Aug we have had surgery, radiation, and chemo. The doc said he wanted him to have 6 treatments no less than 4 we are going for our 4th treatment and doc says that is it because he is too sick to handle anymore, so i said now what he said well we will watch him? And i said and then…
my wife hates the pep scan
my wife has mmmt and she gets a pep scan every 3 months and she does not like small areas any suggestions
bad news today
We met the oncologist this am for my mom & gave her 3-6 months to live. Lung cancer is now spread to her liver and bones. Mom is taking the news better than I am. She will be 80 years old next week. She has gone through so much in the last 4 years. Never had any chemo. They mentioned that palliative care is best for her…
Passing On The Goodwill
Thanksgiving is almost here and like every year I am trying very hard to have a grateful heart. OK... I am trying VERY HARD to fill my heart with GRATEFULNESS. MY list really is long with the things I "should" be grateful for, healthy grandchildren, healthy children, healthy pets, a job, a home, food on the table. BUT my…
More tests (again)
Mike is in the hospital again. Wednesday night was another late night 2 hour drive to the VA emergency room. (Made for an interesting work day on Thursday, since my boss had scheduled my yearly eval that day and I was functioning on 3 hours of sleep) 4 hospital stays since the beginning of October, sigh. Pure exhaustion.…
raising our granddaughter who has ostresarcoma(NBED HELP ASAP)
We really need some advise, ASAP We Picked up our granddaughter Sept 2008 before cps got involved. Kayla was 2 at the time. We had lots of emotional times with our daughter at the time. In April 2009 Kayla was diagnosed with Ostresarcoma in her left leg. She went through 34 weeks of chemo, and lost her left leg above the…
Surgery May Be Cancelled - Need Your Prayers
My husband's onc and surgeon had told him he was going to have surgery tomorrow. He had a CAT scan today and the surgeon called to say there is now a suspicious area in his left lung (he has definite cancer in the right lung which they thought was stage I or II and so he was supposed to get a lobectomy tomorrow). From the…