alone, lonely, and feeling very guilty about it
The holidays usually end up making me feel lonely as family is far away, but this year it's a bit worse. There is so much going on on top of Pat having cancer and having complications. Then I see how others can do all sorts of research, be these awesome advocates, have the cojones to tell the primary doctor that they…
Family sabbatical
If my mother wasn't sick, I would take a 3 month sabbatical from my family. My brother is a deadbeat son and my mother is defending his deadbeat actions. He doesn't do anything and I do everything for her and I get no acknowledgement. I took a 4 month sabbatical one time and that felt good. I am really sick of them the…
You doing okay in the snow?
UPDATE: Can't Go To Sister's Memorial Service
As it turns out, it was God guiding me on this one. I had decided not to go to my sister's memorial because I didn't want to leave my husband alone. He wanted me to go but I just had a bad feeling about it. Well my husband wound up in the hospital and now we are talking with hospice. We'll know tomorrow about whether he is…
My husband and I have declared this a day without cancer. Just for today let's forget about all the bad stuff and enjoy the moment. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas. Skipper
April and Penny
Praying extra had for Pat, Mike and the two of you. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through .... the loss of my mother was enough to set me over the top, so to be dealing with your soul mate, your love your husbands and their valiant fights is above all AI can imagine. Again, please let me know if there is…
apricot seeds?
is anyone feeding apricot seeds to their loved one with cancer? is this a myth about the vitamin b-17?
Merry Christmas....
~all i want for christmas is for there to be a cure for cancer....or a nice padded room~
10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Cancer
1. Become the point person. Serve as the central figure to coordinate volunteer efforts. The point person not only can assign tasks and create schedules for meal delivery, errands and childcare, but also can update others about the patient’s status. This prevents the patient from being inundated with phone calls.…
Merry Christmas From Heaven
Merry Christmas From Heaven I still hear the songs I still see the lights I still feel your love On cold wintery nights. I still share your hopes And all of your cares I’ll even remind you To say all your prayers I just want to tell you You still make me proud You stand head and shoulders Above all the crowds Keep trying…
Merry Christmas to all
Hope everyone has a blessed, peaceful Christmas. Hugs.
I'm dreaming of a . . . .
. . . . Christmas at home. Be spending the holiday in the hospital with hubby. I finally found out what he would look like as a smurf. It's not a pretty picture. Doing an MRI and an MRA to figure out the cause of his blackouts. There are a few possibilities, the least of which still isnt the greatest, but better (SO MUCH…
These ups and downs.
Two days ago Mike rode the stationary bike in PT. He was bragging and goofing off with the nurses about it. Yesterday was no so good, lots of nausea and pain. Today I came in to his room and he didn't know where he was. Encephelopathy strikes again. They have been giving him the medicine to treat the ammonia that causes…
My Christmas Wish
In addition to limiting my typos on my blackberry I wish I could Take away the suffering of your loved ones and provide healing Renew your spirits and make you laugh again Secure your finances Give you help where you need it Give you the time for yourself that you really deserve Restore your lives to the old normal Luv you…
We were air ambulanced today
Ambulance to the local airport, small jet with two nurses for a nail biting hour and a half, another ambulance ride to the VA in Richmond, and here we are. Thank God for the VA benefits. I can't imagine what kind of bills we'd be facing. The referral for my hostel stay didn't come through. I'm staying on the leftover cot…
How was your day today?
Mom finished chemo today
Although cancer lurks like a bad stalking lover, mom finished with her 6 months of chemo. We are trying to get her to go on a travel somewhere and just enjoy life, but there is some relief right now. We got her a pink feather boa and a crown to wear and there were lots of tears. Oddly enough she wanted to come home and…
Feeling unsure unprepared and uncomfortable
So PET scan showed his tumors are barely visible. Still have treatments till March. So many questions in my head that I am afraid to ask the doctors. His CEA numbers spiked to a 66 after we started rads and now down to a 49. This all sounds like good news. Dr keeps telling us we will get there and have a few years of…
I Lost My Sister Today
After a courageous 17 year battle with bc my baby sister passed away today. She was a true warrior. I'll always remember her warm beautiful smile. I'm sure she was greeted by all the angels and has already made friends with most of them. I grieve for her husband and children who were her wonderful caregivers these last few…
Do I give up my career to be with my mom?
Hi everybody, I'm dealing with a seriously difficult decision. I worked very hard to get where I am in life and I have a rewarding career. My mother helped pay for my college, and supported me the whole way. She expressed to me that she would never want me to give up my career for her. On the other hand, I have this deep…
messy thoughts
My boyfriend was one of those people who never even gets a cold. Now, in the space of 4 months, he has been hospitalized, undergone treatment for metastasized cancer, and on top of it somehow ended up with a detached retina, and has had 2 surgical procedures to repair it. He was doing really well with the cancer treatment,…
I need some contact info, please, PM me, I wanna help and have a plan!!!
So Sad
I'm so devastated...my mom was only in remission for 6 months from Mantle Cell Lymphoma and now it is back again! So now the treatment is going to start all over again and if it goes as planned a bone marrow transplant. I don't know how to be strong for her again because I feel so empty inside. I just was hoping there…
I have been dating my bf for over 5 yrs. He was just dx'd w bladder ca, which is his 2nd cancer dx (our first together). He is understandably depressed but does not want to go for psych support. He also understandably wants to pursue surgery ASAP. I am scared and concerned and sad and angry. I want to "be there" for him.…
Staying Positive Isn't Easy...
How do you stay positive, as a 'distant'-caregiver...? I live two hours from my stepfather who has cancer (NHL)...during his 12 chemo treatments I was at the hospital 2-3 out of the five days a week. I gave up a semester of college to be with him (wouldnt have changed that for anything) and as my luck would have it, my…
careful when responding to unknown people-SCAMS going around
Hackers going around in other rooms asking you to go to websites. The suspension is once you go to the website, someone hacks your system. For personal information.
Hes gone
A few days ago my Grandpa passed away. I was holding his hand when it happened. I held his hand for 8 hours before he passed. I miss him so much. I took care of him for a little more than a year. Christmas is ruined this year, I dont think I can do this without him here. Its funny, I always thought I was taking care of him…
How are you doing?
PET and CAT results came today
I posted this in the Head & Neck boards, so if you have seen this before, you aren't seeing things Hubby Pat had his surgery Oct 1 - radical neck dissection and a complete laryngectomy. Right after his surgery, his doctor told me that if the surgery had been postponed by a week or two, he would have died. The tumor was…
Vegan diet?
What kind of diet are you giving your loved one? I have been a vegan for a little over 2 yrs and am now feeding my mom vegan, just because that is what I cook. Mom has always been a meat/dairy eater and never looked at labels and used Raid and other aerosols and poisons and cleaners without thought about it. Her dr didnt…