Pulling for lots of prayers and hugs for Rita in her loss!
To all, I post in request of prayers and hugs for Rita (ritawaite13) as her loving husband Greg, has passed. She will need our prayers and support to help her through and to lift her up. Hugs to you Rita and my heart is with you. Much love to you! -Michelle
Unusual 4th Stage Stomach Cancer Patient- Amazing actually
I am not really sure if this is the correct forum to post this inquiry. I have a rather unusual, perhaps it is not unusual. I have a dear friend whose Grandmother has 4th Stage Stomach Cancer, which has metastasized to the following regions: 2 mets on both lungs, liver, bile duct, and several clusters of tumors in her…
What a day today!!!! My poor Mark!
Hello all, So this morning started out really rough. Mark was screaming in pain at 4 am. He took his morphine but still felt like he was "on fire". I called hospice and they said to give him another dose of 1 ml which I did, that settled him down a bit. He asked me to rub hard on his back/spine between his shoulder blades…
I'm losing my battle to be strong for my husband
I am so lonely and lost these days. We don't have much hope and I am trying to be strong for him but when he tears up at the least little thing it breaks my heart. We made a purchase of a large item and I was going to put it in the car and a man came by and asked if he could put it in the car for us. When he finished he…
What am I so upset over....
Hi All, Had to post this as a couple of earlier posts really got my goat. I find myself trying to understand my position as a caregiver, and why I don't seem to be having the same frustrations that I see posted here very often as a common thread. Earlier I read a post that was out-dated and it really charged my inner…
Introductions are in order...
Hi all, I decided that I should formally introduce myself after seeing all of the posts that my "Check Posting Date" post started. It's nice to see that the people on this board have such introspective and thought provoking discussions. Not to mention that everyone seems quite respectful of each others point of view - very…
Just wanted to introduce myself
Hi I'm the primary caregiver to my partner. She was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Stage 4a with a 6 inch tumor that invaded her bladder which has left her incontenant in March 2011. She finished chemo, radiation and braky by the middle of July. The cancer specialist think they got it all and should be ok but we wont know…
I need Tamoxifen and Prozac
Last year my wife had mastectomies followed with radiation therapy. She was prescribed with Tamoxiphen and Prozac, these medecines are very expensive especially for people don't have insurance like us. I know for fact that the medecine are less price in Mexico, I wonder that it has same quality as in US ? If anyone know…
Every moment with Mark is a blessing
Mark said outloud (and to me) when I gave him his 11 am meds, "I am ready Lord, even though I don't want to go, I am ready." At that time I said "I don't want you to go either but you have my permission to go." We embraced and I cried. He said that he has the best wife in the world and he hates leaving her but it is…
Rollercoaster rides
Along this journey, I have become sick of the rollercoaster ride. When I was younger I loved the thrill of the ride. The ups and downs---the suprises that overtake one as they mount each hill. Since my husband has had this second bout of cancer, I am beginning to hate the rides. The waiting and anticipation of each new…
I posted this, originally, in the lymphona discussion board - I guess I should have posted it here: Hello all. I'm new here. Just wanted to give you a brief introduction and am hoping to receive some support and information from those of you (patients and caregivers) who have also been battling with lymphoma. My b13 year…
From bad to worse
Hi, My partner is totally shutting me out now. No matter what I say to him, he says that he can't count on me to be there for him. That he is sick of hearing me say I'm sorry because of something stupid or inconsiderate that I've done. Yes, I haven't been the best all the time, but I am trying to be there for him, and now…
dealing with a loved one with cancer
I am thinking about going to support group. My boyfriend has stage 4 nsclc and he doesn't do anything we used to anymore. He changed many ways. One is he doesn't want to take walks no more. Other is he used to hang in his room a lot and doesn't do that. Sometimes I want to do my own things and he doesn't want me too. He…
Had to share
I read this today and it moved me from feeling stuck to moving for a kiss! I just had to share it so that any of you having a less than pleasing day may feel what I feel! The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. The he…
hello. Im new here. My Husband has cancer.
Hi. My name is Stephanie, my husband is Joe, he is 39 and has just been diagnosed Again with Oral cancer. He had his first one when he was 32, I wasnt with him then so it is all new to me. We are just on the roller coaster of emotions right now. I am trying to stay positive but he is either gloom and doom or pretending its…
Prayers needed from all!
My dear friends on the Esophageal board are in need of many prayers this evening. Our dear friend Lee (LeeinLondon) has had a scare this evening that has me in a position to request prayers for him and his wife. He has Stage IV Metastatic Esophageal Cancer and there is concern that he may have developed mets to the bones.…
Happy Anniversary to the most incredible CAREGIVER in the world...
October 14, 2011 - 9:23am Forgive me for HAVING to post this here this morning. It means THAT much to me, and she deserves the recognition, at the very least! I would just like to say a VERY special Happy 16th Anniversary to the love of my life, MICHELLE; the most incredible caretaker a man could have ever asked for, and a…
Wig for Chemo Patient
Hi, I just posted to the breast cancer board, but realize that I probably should have posted here first. I am researching wigs for a friend who will start chemo soon and we both don't have a clue where to start. Where and how do I find some good options for a wig? Thanks.
Two Hurts
Heartache and heartbreak. Started hospice this week. Helped her take a shower yesterday (she sits on a seat made for the shower/tub). Sorry, can't write anymore, can't see. Later
what's wrong with me??
Every time I look at my mom, I wonder how much time I have left with her. I wonder how many peaceful evenings watching TV are lined up for us. I wonder if God has a bigger plan for her than I could ever have. I wonder if breast cancer has match point. Will my mom be well enough to celebrate my 21st birthday with me in two…
The Trauma of a Diagnosis of Cancer
This is a great read that I found this evening. Thought I would share: This article can be found at the following website: http://www.neillneill.com/the-trauma-of-a-diagnosis-of-cancer and is written by Psychologist Dr. Neill Neill. The Trauma of a Diagnosis of Cancer Dr. Neill Neill Dr. Neill Neill Most of us personally…
Hello - So glad I found this group...
Hi, I'm new to this group and wanted to introduce myself. My partner Jeff was diagnosed with Stage II Hodgkins lymphoma in May 2011. He will have chemo treatment #10 (out of 12- so almost done with chemo the on to radiation) tomorrow and we are both getting tired of the chemo routine. Before the diagnosis, he was always…
I'm so lost. I drift between being numb or in incredible pain
Warning: I know I jump from topic to topic, but I figured I would rather type this out organically vs. manipulate it. My mother has been battling cancer for the past 3 years. It started with breast cancer, spread to bonen (hip & back), stomach & now possibly brain. Her health in the last few months have rapidly declined.…
Everyday is a blessing with my husband Mark still....
Last time I wrote this was on September 20th and just to let you all know...things are the same. No worse....No better...Okay I have to admit maybe he is experiencing a bit more pain. Eating a bit more less (I know that statement is an oxymoron). And a little bit harder to wake up sometimes. Having a little bit of a hard…
Ok and why am I up at this hour??
Okay so I have an issue. Not one for anyone to solve, just an issue that I need to vent about...Last night I went to bed at a reasonable time..10:40 pm est. Now it is almost 4 am the next morning..I actually got up at 3:40 am. The reason for me getting up was that one of my puppies was licking my husband and he was talking…
With a Heavy Heart
This is the first time I've been able to come back to the site. But On September 20th at 3:37pm they pronounced My Hero, My Dad. He gave it his all fighting this beast for 19 months. Many times we thought he wouldn't make it through the night. The ending was so brutally hard until the last twelve hours. The stomach cancer…
What a relief, finally good news!!!!!!
Today I felt that I had to shout out how I feel, but probably I would get arrested for scandal, lol, so I am posting here. About a month and a half ago, at his usual appointment for CT Scan, we were told that my husband has metastasis in his brain, that evil tumor had not only reoccured in his paranasal sinus but also…
A caregivers journey is tough at best!
Hello to all! For those of you that see my 'new' arrival to the board, I am Eric's (chemosmoker on the EC thread) wife. I have lurked the halls here ever since my husband joined several months ago now. I am typically a "people watcher" and only speak up when I have something of value to add to the thread, and please know…
My Angel has passed
Good Morning my Friends I refer to each and every one as my friends, who have helped me along the journey, however yesterday morning my Michael, my Angel was called back to heaven.. as I am writing this, I feel he making his way to where he needs to be, it was time his heart stopped he had enough and was tired, although we…
Don't know what to do for her anymore
My sister had breast cancer last year and I was there for here through it all. I never thought twice about helping her in any way. I did it because I love her. Now that she is better she is just a different person. I know she is going to be different, but I thought she was going to be a happy person that her life was…