blood transfusion

Member Posts: 233
Hi well i ended up having a blood transfusion today i was wondering why i have been so darn tired i felt like i was going backwards on my recovery instead of frowrads.doc did not give me good news on thursday when i was in for chemo he said with or with out chemo at this point i have about 6 months to live. Bunnie
Hi Bunny, Dam this cancer business anyway. Six months... I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I feel so sad. I don't know you but I know you have been here for so many of us. Thank God for this support network. I will pray for you every day and for your family. Love and friendship to one courageous and brave sister. Ellison0
Dearest Bunnie, Six is just a number. The truth is no doctor knows for certain. Countless times, patients have confounded their doctors by living and thriving well beyond the point where disease was predicted o take them. It's hard for me to believe your enduring faith and strength of spirit will ever be lost to us. Like Ellison, I'll keep you in my prayers.
terri0 -
Bunnie, I'm so sorry for your news. My hope is that you'll be one of many to defy the odds and prove their estimates wrong. My PRAYER for you is that you'll find peace and the strength to deal with whatever lies ahead. You have been, and continue to be, such an inspiration to all of us--thank you so much for that! Know that you have so many of our thoughts and prayers and well wishes going out to you.
God bless, Di0 -
I am so sorry tho hear this news...not what we were praying for. I see you posted for christine on the . She did respond to your post but needed more info from you. I have attached her story. There are several women on different boards that have beat the odds...I pray you will too. Warm thoughts and prayers
At the age of 41, Christine found her own breast cancer.
ÃÂI had always done breast self-exams,ÃÂ Christine, now 52, states. ÃÂThen I found something different in my left breast.ÃÂ She went to the doctor and ÃÂhe didnÃÂt feel anything,ÃÂ she recalls. Christine went for a mammogram anyway. The lump was visible in the mammogram.
She went to see Dr. Richard Michaelson, an oncologist at St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, New Jersey. ÃÂHe was my momÃÂs oncologist,ÃÂ she states.
ÃÂMy mom was the first in the family to have breast cancer,ÃÂ Christine says. ÃÂHer breast cancer was found in 1978. She had a mastectomy.ÃÂ Her motherÃÂs cancer recurred and she died in 1989, at 67 years of age. Christine found her own breast cancer 10 months later.
ÃÂDr. Michaelson said I should see a surgeon and have a biopsy,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂThe surgeon recommended that I have a lumpectomy, since the tumor was small enough.ÃÂ She had the lumpectomy in 1990.
ÃÂDr. Michaelson said that since my mom had breast cancer, I was at high risk. He recommended that I have chemotherapy and radiation treatments,ÃÂ she says.
Christine had radiation treatments and six months of chemotherapy. ÃÂMy children were four and six at the time,ÃÂ she relates. She and her husband, Joe, have two daughters, Danielle and Debra.
ÃÂAfter the radiation and chemotherapy, I went for check-ups to Dr. Michaelson for five years,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂThen the doctors told me to continue yearly mammograms. I also continued my self breast exams.ÃÂ
ÃÂI knew I needed to be conscientious about following myself throughout the years,ÃÂ she says.
ÃÂNine years later we were selling our house and moving to California,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂMy husbandÃÂs company had downsized, so we took the opportunity to move to California. My brother in San Diego had been after us for years to move to California.ÃÂ
ÃÂI was checking my lymph nodes for lumps,ÃÂ she recalls, ÃÂand found enlarged nodes under my left collar bone in May of 1999. I went to an internist who didnÃÂt feel anything. But I was insistent. I kept telling him, ÃÂI feel it and need to have a biopsy.ÃÂÃÂ
Christine went to a breast cancer surgeon who tested her blood for tumor markers, which were slightly elevated. The surgeon also took a biopsy of the lumps in her neck.
ÃÂIt turned out it was the same cancer,ÃÂ Christine states. ÃÂI had stage IV breast cancer-I had gone from stage I to IV! And this was just a few weeks before selling our house and moving to California.ÃÂ
Christine went for CT and MRI scans.ÃÂThey compared the scans to the ones I had taken nine years ago, and determined that the cancer was not in my liver or bones,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂNo other organs were involved.ÃÂ
Prior to the diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer, she had an attack of vertigo. ÃÂSo I had an MRI and it showed a brain tumor on my right side,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂThe breast cancer had metastasized.ÃÂ
ÃÂWhile still in New Jersey, I went online and looked for breast cancer associations,ÃÂ she states. ÃÂI was also looking for a doctor in San Diego. I met a woman online, Connie, who said that a doctor had put her on the Herceptin trial, and that she had been doing very well for over six years.ÃÂ Herceptin is a monoclonal antibody that attaches to a growth factor receptor on breast cancer cells, preventing growth factor molecules from attaching.
ÃÂI also called an association called ÃÂYME.ÃÂ It turned out that the lady who answered the phone lived in my new development, just three doors away!ÃÂ
Christine recalls. ÃÂAfter the neck biopsy report was sent to my physician in New Jersey, he said we should see whether Herceptin would work for me,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂThe test came back strongly positive. He sent this information to my new oncologist in California.ÃÂ
ÃÂSo I got on the plane with my youngest daughter and we went to California,ÃÂ Christine says. ÃÂWe stayed with my brother for a while.ÃÂ
Once in California, ÃÂDr. Shiftan said that we needed to treat my brain tumor first,ÃÂ she recalls. Dr. Shiftan is a medical oncologist at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego. ÃÂHe sent me to a neurosurgeon, Dr. Justin Renaudin, and a radiation oncologist. Just before Gamma Knife Radio Surgery, I had an MRI with double contrast. The MRI showed that I had two and maybe three brain tumors!ÃÂ Christine and her doctors had thought there was only one brain tumor.
ÃÂOn August 16th, 1999,ÃÂ she reports, ÃÂI had Gamma Knife radiosurgery on all the brain tumors with Dr. Renaudin at the San Diego Gamma Knife Center in La Jolla. I was only in the hospital from 7 am to 1 pm. It was not as traumatic as I thought it would be.ÃÂ
ÃÂI had follow-ups one month later, then every two months after that,ÃÂ she adds.
ÃÂRight after Gamma Knife I started chemo,ÃÂ Christine states. She was treated with Adriamycin and Cytoxan. ÃÂI couldnÃÂt breathe. My left lung filled with a liter of fluid, and I felt like I had to cough all the time. After the third cycle, I was feeling increasingly worse, and I was still scheduled for a fourth. I drove down to my medical oncologistÃÂs office and told him, this isnÃÂt working. If you donÃÂt switch to the next line of treatment youÃÂre going to lose me.ÃÂ
ÃÂOn September 12th, 1999, I had Herceptin for the first time,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂThere were no side effects like the chemo. I didnÃÂt even feel slightly nauseous. Three days later all the fluid was miraculous ly gone from my lung and the nodes on my neck were gone. It was incredible.ÃÂ
ÃÂI am taking weekly treatments of Herceptin, and will take it until the docs decide to do something else,ÃÂ she says. Christine also had some Taxol treatments.
ÃÂMy brain tumors were shrinking,ÃÂ Christine recalls. ÃÂBut then in March of 2000, my six- month follow-up MRI showed that I had five new tiny mets to the brain in various locations.ÃÂ
However, Christine still maintained a good attitude. She says, ÃÂI thought, ÃÂLetÃÂs get on with the program! I have little tolerance for this anymore!ÃÂ I wanted to focus on getting well.ÃÂ
ÃÂMy radiation oncologist said I should have whole brain radiation,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂSo I was treated with two Gray per day for 20 days, with weekends off. The treatments only took a few minutes, but they were completely exhausting after two weeks. When I could, I continued my regular activities. It took me a few months to recover.ÃÂ
ÃÂIn July of 2000, the other mets were gone, but the original brain tumor that had been shrinking grew to 2 cm,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂMy radiation oncologist called me and told me that the tumor was growing and it looked like there was some malignancy. He said I should go see about removing this tumor and come back in a month.ÃÂ
ÃÂI was aghast at his recommendation!ÃÂ Christine says. ÃÂI thought, ÃÂIÃÂm not going to do this. I should seek another radiation oncologist.ÃÂ I transferred my records to Dr.David Hodgens, a radiation oncologist at the San Diego Gamma Knife Center in La Jolla. He wanted to look at every brain scan IÃÂve ever had.ÃÂ
ÃÂDr. Hodgens and another neurosurgeon, Dr. Alksne, decided that I should not have a craniotomy, but that the tumor should be followed closely with frequent MRIs,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂDr. Hodgens was not totally convinced that the tumor was malignant.ÃÂ The tumor was in the right occipital lobe. ÃÂThe tumor grew a little more - but this time in millimeters, not in centimeters,ÃÂ she says.
ÃÂDr. Hodgens sent me for an MRI/MRS four or five times,ÃÂ she recalls. ÃÂHe was looking at the choline ratio.ÃÂ Performed together, MRI and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) produce an image of the brain that shows both morphology and tissue metabolism. Certain metabolites are present in greater or lesser quantities in tumors, compared to normal brain tissue. Choline is a cell-member marker that is found in increased quantities in malignant tumors.
ÃÂDr. Hodgens decided that the tumor was growing because of necrosis,ÃÂ Christine reports.
ÃÂI also developed edema from the radiation in the brain,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂIn October of 2000, Dr. Hodgens put me on a very low dose of Decadron [a steroid] to treat my brain edema. I had been wobbling and had a loss of left peripheral vision due to the edema in my brain. But the very low dose of steroid was enough to make me gain 20 pounds.ÃÂ
ÃÂRight now I have some minor longterm side effects from the whole brain radiation,ÃÂ Christine reports. ÃÂI had some minor short-term memory lapses, which have since improved.ÃÂ
She also has retinopathy in both eyes.ÃÂIÃÂm not blind, though; I can still drive,ÃÂ she says. Retinopathy is usually found about 14 months after the last month of whole brain radiation, Christine reports. ÃÂIt happened in my case right on schedule. Others may not even develop this type of retinopathy,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂI donÃÂt see black spots, but I need more light to read. I had some small laser treatment on my left retina, which seems to have improved my vision. Since then, the right eye has been also treated. I look forward to getting over this milestone as well.ÃÂ
In addition, ÃÂMy toes are becoming less numb and my extremities feel warmer,ÃÂ she reports. ÃÂTaxol was responsible for my numb toes.ÃÂ
Christine, a health educator and nutritionist, wants ÃÂto get the word out about theimportance of breast exams and not waiting for your doctor to tell you when you have a problem, but know yourself,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂItÃÂs a disease that can be controlled if caught early on. An informed patient is the best survivor.ÃÂ
ÃÂPart of my weekly routine is checking for any lymph node recurrence,ÃÂ Christine says. Her lymph nodes are currently clear, and ÃÂall my tumor markers are normal,ÃÂ she reports.
ÃÂI read a lot of medical literature about breast cancer,ÃÂ she says, ÃÂand I keep in touch with the breast cancer sites online. I like to cook, and shop for healthy food. I like to develop new recipes.ÃÂ Christine also likes to go for long walks, listen to motivational music, and travel.
Her daughters, Danielle and Debra, are now 15 and 17 years old, respectively. ÃÂDanielle is an actress, and she likes to sing,ÃÂ Christine says proudly. ÃÂDebra will start college at UC Irvine this year. She wants to be an electrical engineer.ÃÂ
Christine has recently begun taking the herbal supplement Ginko Biloba. ÃÂThis is in an effort to enhance the blood circulation and keep out the so-called ÃÂcobwebsÃÂ - the neurological effects of whole brain radiation,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂAfter only a week I felt more energized with no side effects.ÃÂ
Christine had an MRI/MRS in late August, and she reports that ÃÂit went well after an hour and forty-five minutes of bongos, jackhammers, and tapping noises gracefully vibrating about my head. ItÃÂs the one trip you could even learn to miss; after all, this ride is not at Disney.ÃÂ
ÃÂThe preliminary report was good,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂI understand that I will have the next follow-up in six months! So that means IÃÂm doing great.ÃÂ
Dr. George Wesbey, ChristineÃÂs radiologist, ÃÂsays IÃÂm doing so phenomenally well that he considers me a very special case and I will not need to continue taking spectroscopies,ÃÂ she reports. ÃÂDr. Wesbey says everything in my brain is almost completely metabolically normal. He said heÃÂs never seen anything like it.ÃÂ She also reports that ÃÂthe initial tumor, with the help of spectroscopy, has been determined to be a diminishing dead tissue.ÃÂ
ÃÂI think the Herceptin helped clear up the blood going to my brain,ÃÂ she states. ÃÂDr. Wesbey is also wondering if the Herceptin seeped through into the brain after radiation.ÃÂ
ÃÂItÃÂs been two years and three months since the diagnosis (and eleven years since the original breast cancer) and IÃÂm completely well,ÃÂ Christine says. ÃÂEvery day of my life is a celebration. DonÃÂt ever take life for granted because itÃÂs such a precious gift.ÃÂ
ÃÂMom had me promise that IÃÂd live to be 75 and beyond,ÃÂ she recalls. It looks like Christine is well on her way to keeping that promise.
ÃÂI am grateful to all the professionals whose knowledge and care guided me through this illness,ÃÂ she says. ÃÂI really felt help was on the way. Well, it has arrived. Eventually I will be going for scans annually, as long as I do well, which I plan on. Overconfident, you say? No, just feeling too good to be anything but well.ÃÂ
Those wishing to contact Christine Druther may write to her at 6973 Mimosa Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 or call her at +760-602-9178.0 -
(((((((Bunnie)))))))) My heart is heavy. I send you all my love and best wishes. I do not know what to say, except that they are often wrong and I am praying for you and your family. God bless you Bunnie..
Jan0 -
Really sorry to hear your news Bunnie. My partner has been fighting stage 4 breast cancer for the last three years, but we've never dared or wanted to ask how long her life expectancy is, we just take each day as it comes. If I could give you one thing which may make you feel more positive, my partner's father has leukemia, and although he doesn't know it, he was given five years to live by doctors twenty years ago, and is still going strong.0
((Bunnie)) This is a terrible thing for a doctor to say. You are Bunnie. You aren't a milk carton with an expiration date!
I know how hard you have fought and how much you have endured and to me that makes me think that you are a true fighter and can beat the "time limit" that doctor put on you. And I am NOT just saying that!
I am saying that based on the fact that I have been around BC girls for three years now. And I have personally known women who were told such things and went on to prove their docs wrong.
I will give you a couple of REAL PEOPLE examples.
Susan was diagnosed at stage 3B and became stage 4 before her chemo was done when they discovered they "missed" how far it had spread. She had mets to the brain and bones. They did the Gamma knife on her and the lesion on her brain went away. The bone mets were controlled by Zometa. They were giving her a lot of chemo and it was making her really sick. She would wind up in the hospital from it. That is when they discovered another Brain lesion. So this time they did whole brain rads. She had terrible fevers and nausea. She was in the hospital all the time. Finally she said she couldn't take it any longer. The doctor told her if she stopped she would not last for four months. She went home. All she took was one oral drug - I think it was the Zometa. Her Tumor markers started to GO DOWN. She started to eat. She played with her children. She even went on vacation last month. The doctor gave her four months last January. She is strong and holding her own.
Another girl, Tara, was told because of the node involvement, the lung involvment and the brain tumors, with chemo she would last 6 months without she would last 2. She did all the rads she had to do. She did once cycle of chemo and has been getting follow-ups. They aren't sure what to do with her because that was last year- 13 months ago.
Please have faith. That doctor is just throwing numbers around. You are a beautiful person with a giving and caring spirit. Cancer didn't touch that part of you and it will get you through this.
My prayers are with you. May you feel God's healing touch and trust in Him and not be afraid. He isn't giving out expiration dates. You live your life the best way you can. If you don't want anymore chemo then the hell with it. Get back to yourself a bit. Feel GOOD again. The constant non stop barrage of the "treatment" is what is making you need transfusions, etc. So set yourself free. I bet you that you will feel so good that next year at this time you will post and be amazed that a doctor could be so narrow minded and pessimistic.
May God be with you and help you.
Angela0 -
Hi Bunnie, I am so sorry to hear your news. I have followed your posts since I became aware of this message board and you have been so inspiring to all of us. I agree with Terri, it is just a number and I know you will keep fighting. I wish you peace, Ellen0
Dearest Bunny,
Don't give up. Don't let a number get in the way of living your life to the fullest. I have a friend who had advanced BC and was given 25% chance of making it two years and zero chance of making it 5 years ... that was 12 years ago. Miricles do happen, we'll all be praying for you!
Marge0 -
Hi bunnie:
The news you were given had to have been a blow and it breaks my heart that you had to hear such a thing. But keep in mind that numbers and projections are just that! As all the other ladies have pointed out, no one can tell us something like that with any certainty. Each of us is different, unique and special and as you can see from the wonderful examples some of the ladies have shared with you, doctor's can be so wrong it's ridiculous!
Keep the faith! Take the best care of yourself that you can with proper diet, as much physical activity as you can comfortably do and maybe go for a consult with a good Naturopathic Doctor and/or Nutritionist, to see what he/she would recommend. They can determine whether your body is too acidic, etc., address any deficiencies and help you to make sure that your diet is as healthy as possible. All these things can help to improve how you feel as well as assist your body in recovering from the ravages of treatment.
Keep all these uplifting stories in mind bunnie as you make your plans for how you will continue to fight and know that all of us here are in your corner.
Love, light and laughter,
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