Chemo question

lovonna Member Posts: 78
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed with stage IIA, grade 3 breast cancer in Dec 05. Jan 06 had mastectomy with tram reconstruction. Negative in lymphnodes.

In March I started chemo, my oncologist recommended a six treatment program. My first two treatments went fairly well. The third treatment was very tough on my body. When I returned for my fourth treatment my white & red blood cell counts were good but my blood pressure was dangerously low. My oncologist gave me glucose & steroids and sent me home for a week. When I returned my blood pressure was still extremely low and I had a low grade temp. The decision to stop my chemo was made as he said my body was not tolerating the chemo well.

Is there anyone out there who has had this happen or knows of anyone who has? Would certainly give me encouragement to talk to someone.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I was stage IIB, sentinel nodes involved.
    If your first round of chemo was Adriamycin and Cytoxin, I stopped after 3 cycles...I was sooooo nauseated, weak, and MY white cell and red cell count were in the basement.
    I told my onc, "THAT'S IT...NO MORE". She DID have node involvement...I'll let you pass on the last AC, but you need to at least try the Taxol. So, I did, and I got thru all 4...only side effect was the 'tingles' in my hands a feet. Now, 8 weeks later, I don't have any tingles, my hair is growing back, and I have only 13 more radiation treatments to go...then I AM DONE...June 27! July 4 is going to be quite a celebration this year....I had rectal cancer right before the breast cancer...and by the 4th I will be ALL DONE!!!!!
    Hugs, Kathi
    P.S. My blood pressure was low, but it always is...I keep MAJOR hydrated to keep it up...even now after chemo is over. I made sure to start drinking water the day BEFORE my taxol infusion, and on the day of, and the day after...REALLY WORKED for me!