If it's Tues, it must be ChatRoom 2!

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am planning on being in chat on Tuesday at 6 PST....if even for just a few minutes to say hello to my awesome BC sisters! This is just a reminder~ and hopefully those of us who want/can do a Saturday-Sunday chat instead, will soon make that a reality!


  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Claudia, I'll be there. I believe that will be 8:00 PM CST. I've had a few gals tell me about Tuesday night chats. I'm newly diagnosed. Haven't even had a confirming biopsy yet. Scared stiff, but love to laugh. Talk with you Tuesday. Marilynn1942
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    mgm42 said:

    Claudia, I'll be there. I believe that will be 8:00 PM CST. I've had a few gals tell me about Tuesday night chats. I'm newly diagnosed. Haven't even had a confirming biopsy yet. Scared stiff, but love to laugh. Talk with you Tuesday. Marilynn1942

    Welcome to the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Mammograms"~you have come to the right place! As I often say, glad you found us, sorry you needed to.
    That having been said, you will come to find out we are an amazing group of women ( and a few men, now and again) who are on this BC journey together. We know the emotional rollercoaster of cancer, and make instant connections. Why? Because we aren't just sympathetic, or empathetic, but we really DO understand all of it!
    You will find insightful, incredibly articulate Kindred Spirits here on the Boards, and an equally amazing chat family in the chatrooms.
    See you Tuesday for Breast Cancer Chat( yes, 8PM your time) and...for the record, of course you are welcome to pop into chat at any time! There are a wealth of warriors in there and caregivers too. Not just breast Ca, but any and all cancers, ages and both genders. You will find that for the most part, it really doesn't matter what caner we have~ we feel and react pretty much the same.
    Hugs and welcome aboard,
  • roxanne53
    roxanne53 Member Posts: 154
    what time are the weekend chat times for the BC?