Shortened Life

survivor51 Member Posts: 276
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I guess I am just feeling blue but in my bones I feel I don't have much time. Yes, I have received blood results that don't look good but that is not it. I guess I am just on the down swing of the roller coaster and toooo tired to chug up the hill. I have received so much support from the chats and the message boards. It has been healing for me. I have gone on to the caregiver and emotional support board as well and tried to help others. I have a fantastic husband and boys but right now feel so alone. I am in so much emotional pain right now. I know there are so many more in much worse shape than myself and they don't have support. I feel the pain of others and wish I could take it all away. I don't fear death and to be honest sometimes welcome it. I am so familar the pain the family goes through having been there for both parents dieing of cancer. I don't want my husband to go through the pain and yet there is nothing I can do. I take my meds, go to my appointments...although I am taking a break from all the needles, doctors, etc. and yet when does it end. My innocence is gone and I miss those times of just looking at the sun dreaming. I get so tired and it is more than my white cell count being so low. I'm just bone tired. I hope I didn't bring anyone down but had to just write. How can I feel so alone when I have such a wonderful husband. The pain is unbearable. Hopefully tomorrow will be another day.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I am sorry you are having such a bum day. Believe you me I understand, I think we all have them. I too was the caregive for my Mom when she was passing of cancer and I lost my sister to cancer this past Dec. I also assisted in her care. I am normally quite positive, but I find myself telling my husband he needs to retire so we can start traveling before I die. He hates to hear it, but it is how I feel sometimes. I was just telling him today how I can be having a wonderful day and see or hear something that reminds me that I have the cancer monkey on my back and boom I am crying. Seems silly since I have survived for ten years since the first day I was diagnosed. I know you mentioned that there are others in worse places, but that doesn't mean that your feelings are any less real or meaningful. For me those tough moments are just that, moments. We have a right to feel threatened and scared, cancer is scary! Once it passes I try to remind myself that cancer has already taken parts of my body and I have to ward it off so it does not steal my joy. We also have a right to have joy! I truly hope you feel better soon. Hugs to you!!!! Rena
  • Dang. I wish I could write something so profound, so uplifting, that it would help. But having been down myself I haven't really found that words will change how I feel. When I start to get low my husband starts sweetly suggesting I take an Ativan anti anxiety drug. For some reason I don't want too. Part of my feeling low is saying to myself "I hate this crappy room I am in, but if I don't find a way out I will be trapped in here for ever. So leave me alone. I am searching all the cracks in the floor, all the chinks in the walls to see if just maybe there is a reasonable way to escape what appears to be a prison." If I do eventually take an Ativan I do feel lighter. But still don't have the key to escape the room next time.
    I have found, for me, one reason why I get depressed. It is because when I am happy I am vulnerable to the pain of having it go away when a nasty thought comes back. But when I am down, I can only go up. It is safer to be down. Not a good idea, but safer.
    Another room image that is strong for me is the idea that my "self" is an entire house. I wander the rooms. I can only be in one room at a time. I can not live in the entire house at once. There may be ugly rooms in the house, just as there are pretty rooms. I will travel from one room to another and never believe that any one room is the entire building. The pretty rooms are just as real as the ugly ones. Maybe I can even chose where to spend my time.
    I know none of the above was real "cheer up" stuff. I just wanted to share my thoughts - maybe you can use something I have thought as a crow bar to loosen up one of those floor boards and escape.
    Lastly, I am sure you know it, but physical pain has a bad habit of holding hands with emotional well being. We sure can't make physical pain go away, but I do like to think of telling him (how interesting - male) to get his slimy paws off my emotional self (female).
    All my love. I would do any dance on these keys that I can to help you. Wish I knew more steps.
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    I am so sorry that you are feeling so sad. I have had a bad couple of weeks along the same lines, but a couple of days ago it lifted. I was in a lot of pain and they put my drains back in (my surgery was in April 07 but I kept having complications). I hadn't realized how much and how long I've been in physical pain from the seromas. While the drains are uncomfortable, I haven't felt this good in weeks. If you're having physical pain it is soooo important to get it under control. I now know that it was a big part of what was causing me to ruminate and worry and just feel bad about dying. Getting that fluid out has changed all of that. Also my surgeon is so easy to talk to so we talked about my fear that it was back and my need to feel some control. I have appts with my med onc and rad onc this coming Friday and we talked a lot about what the next steps are - no one will tell me I'm in remission - more like everyone's holding their breath.

    I've done a few other things in the last few days that have brought back my more optimistic self. I spoke with a therapist on Thursday and she got right to the bottom of it. I have a mentally ill brother who is very emotionally dependent on me more than any other siblings. I discovered that I was (and still am) so worried about what will happen to him and who will take care of him when I die. I've been avoiding making arrangements for him and my therapist is now helping me to do that - every time I feel bad and frightened of death, she suggested that I just write down one of the things I need to do for him. We will then work together to make it a real plan for him. I also had a massage at a place that was founded by a nun and the massage is healing. This time it was incredible because my massage therapist got nauseated and had to leave the room. I didn't believe in anything like healing touch and bad energy, but I think I do now. After she came back in the room she explained to me that it happens sometimes when she is close to a client and they are going through something bad like cancer. I told her I was thinking about something sad started talking about what was bothering me and a lot of the pain and fear lifted. It was pretty stunning. I guess for me I need to talk about it out loud with a person I trust and it somehow "detoxifies" me. One thing I know for sure, when I do go, there will be nothing left unsaid and anyone who is important to me will know how I feel (as will those who have made me mad in the last year). Our struggles are the same and yet we are all so different. I don't know if the same things work for you, but I now it helps me to know I'm not the only one who feels badly and that I have seen others work through and come out of it - then I know I can too.
  • toninasky
    toninasky Member Posts: 102
    I too am so sorry you are feeling so low. I know your pain also. I buried my son who was 29 of cancer in 2000, and my father also died of Cancer. I sometimes get very low, and frightened. It seems every little pain I have I relate to the breast cancer. All I can offer is my prayer for you and your family. What God allows, He also can bring us thru. You will be in my prayers each day. Smile you are loved.
  • jackiemanz
    jackiemanz Member Posts: 85
    I am so sorry that you are feeling so blue. I have also been there. You feel like you are the only one going through this but know that you are not. You mentioned that you feel so alone but please know that your husband and children are going through this also. When I was going through this last year my husband sat down with me one day and cried because I shut him out and he wanted to help me anyway he could. The reason I shut him out was cause I went into a depression turns out so once I got on Lexapro for it I started feeling better about myself physically, mentally and started expressing my feelings to my husband. He has become my rock through all of this mess.

    Just try to keep postive thoughts. This will get better for you.

    Big HUG for ya.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh dear, sweet soul. I am putting my arms around you.

    We all (me, too) have times of feeling's only natural in defense of all the terrorist tactics that cancer you post, so have we all at one time or another...

    As far as the end of life. I, too, have no fear of dying now...but, owing to my faith, there is no way that I will decided the time. That is not up to me. My father took his life, God rest his soul, my daughter died recently by someone else's hand (we are pretty sure). I am here till I am done, whenever that is.

    Believe me, any pain hubby and your family may be going thru for you, it would not hold a candle to the pain after losing you. I know.

    'Weary' is the word I used when I was facing the 2nd set of chemo/rads in 6 months (breast followed rectal). It may sound shallow, but there IS a brighter time coming!!!! Find distractions, and something every day to laugh about. And look around you, there are moments to experience that may be missed by the general unexpected bird in a tree, flowers poking up out of the ground. The smell of apple pie baking...mmmmm....and, of course, the lucious taste of chocolate!!!!

    This will pass, dearheart. If it lasts longer than a few days, consider talking to someone. I did, after the loss of a close friend to brain cancer....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    RE said:

    I am sorry you are having such a bum day. Believe you me I understand, I think we all have them. I too was the caregive for my Mom when she was passing of cancer and I lost my sister to cancer this past Dec. I also assisted in her care. I am normally quite positive, but I find myself telling my husband he needs to retire so we can start traveling before I die. He hates to hear it, but it is how I feel sometimes. I was just telling him today how I can be having a wonderful day and see or hear something that reminds me that I have the cancer monkey on my back and boom I am crying. Seems silly since I have survived for ten years since the first day I was diagnosed. I know you mentioned that there are others in worse places, but that doesn't mean that your feelings are any less real or meaningful. For me those tough moments are just that, moments. We have a right to feel threatened and scared, cancer is scary! Once it passes I try to remind myself that cancer has already taken parts of my body and I have to ward it off so it does not steal my joy. We also have a right to have joy! I truly hope you feel better soon. Hugs to you!!!! Rena

    Thanks so very much and you did help. I have not thought of the work joy and in a very long time. It does have a nice ring to it. I think I'm just on my pity pot and hopefully will either get off or be knocked off. Take care.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    unknown said:

    Dang. I wish I could write something so profound, so uplifting, that it would help. But having been down myself I haven't really found that words will change how I feel. When I start to get low my husband starts sweetly suggesting I take an Ativan anti anxiety drug. For some reason I don't want too. Part of my feeling low is saying to myself "I hate this crappy room I am in, but if I don't find a way out I will be trapped in here for ever. So leave me alone. I am searching all the cracks in the floor, all the chinks in the walls to see if just maybe there is a reasonable way to escape what appears to be a prison." If I do eventually take an Ativan I do feel lighter. But still don't have the key to escape the room next time.
    I have found, for me, one reason why I get depressed. It is because when I am happy I am vulnerable to the pain of having it go away when a nasty thought comes back. But when I am down, I can only go up. It is safer to be down. Not a good idea, but safer.
    Another room image that is strong for me is the idea that my "self" is an entire house. I wander the rooms. I can only be in one room at a time. I can not live in the entire house at once. There may be ugly rooms in the house, just as there are pretty rooms. I will travel from one room to another and never believe that any one room is the entire building. The pretty rooms are just as real as the ugly ones. Maybe I can even chose where to spend my time.
    I know none of the above was real "cheer up" stuff. I just wanted to share my thoughts - maybe you can use something I have thought as a crow bar to loosen up one of those floor boards and escape.
    Lastly, I am sure you know it, but physical pain has a bad habit of holding hands with emotional well being. We sure can't make physical pain go away, but I do like to think of telling him (how interesting - male) to get his slimy paws off my emotional self (female).
    All my love. I would do any dance on these keys that I can to help you. Wish I knew more steps.

    You hit the hammer right on the nail. It is how I feel right now in this moment. I like the idea of the imagine of the house with both great rooms and not so great rooms. Maybe in time I can redecorate them with my friends and family help. They are an awful site. I think the key right now is held by my family and friends. Maybe one day, I'll have it in my pocket. I know my innocence is totally gone. thanks for your help.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    3cbrca said:

    I am so sorry that you are feeling so sad. I have had a bad couple of weeks along the same lines, but a couple of days ago it lifted. I was in a lot of pain and they put my drains back in (my surgery was in April 07 but I kept having complications). I hadn't realized how much and how long I've been in physical pain from the seromas. While the drains are uncomfortable, I haven't felt this good in weeks. If you're having physical pain it is soooo important to get it under control. I now know that it was a big part of what was causing me to ruminate and worry and just feel bad about dying. Getting that fluid out has changed all of that. Also my surgeon is so easy to talk to so we talked about my fear that it was back and my need to feel some control. I have appts with my med onc and rad onc this coming Friday and we talked a lot about what the next steps are - no one will tell me I'm in remission - more like everyone's holding their breath.

    I've done a few other things in the last few days that have brought back my more optimistic self. I spoke with a therapist on Thursday and she got right to the bottom of it. I have a mentally ill brother who is very emotionally dependent on me more than any other siblings. I discovered that I was (and still am) so worried about what will happen to him and who will take care of him when I die. I've been avoiding making arrangements for him and my therapist is now helping me to do that - every time I feel bad and frightened of death, she suggested that I just write down one of the things I need to do for him. We will then work together to make it a real plan for him. I also had a massage at a place that was founded by a nun and the massage is healing. This time it was incredible because my massage therapist got nauseated and had to leave the room. I didn't believe in anything like healing touch and bad energy, but I think I do now. After she came back in the room she explained to me that it happens sometimes when she is close to a client and they are going through something bad like cancer. I told her I was thinking about something sad started talking about what was bothering me and a lot of the pain and fear lifted. It was pretty stunning. I guess for me I need to talk about it out loud with a person I trust and it somehow "detoxifies" me. One thing I know for sure, when I do go, there will be nothing left unsaid and anyone who is important to me will know how I feel (as will those who have made me mad in the last year). Our struggles are the same and yet we are all so different. I don't know if the same things work for you, but I now it helps me to know I'm not the only one who feels badly and that I have seen others work through and come out of it - then I know I can too.

    Thanks so much for your kind words and for sharing your story. I pray for you and your brother. Take care and let us know about your appointments.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    toninasky said:

    I too am so sorry you are feeling so low. I know your pain also. I buried my son who was 29 of cancer in 2000, and my father also died of Cancer. I sometimes get very low, and frightened. It seems every little pain I have I relate to the breast cancer. All I can offer is my prayer for you and your family. What God allows, He also can bring us thru. You will be in my prayers each day. Smile you are loved.

    I have lost my father but the thought of a son(child) is unbearable. You are the one that needs my prayers. My feeling reach out to you and remember we are here.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276

    I am so sorry that you are feeling so blue. I have also been there. You feel like you are the only one going through this but know that you are not. You mentioned that you feel so alone but please know that your husband and children are going through this also. When I was going through this last year my husband sat down with me one day and cried because I shut him out and he wanted to help me anyway he could. The reason I shut him out was cause I went into a depression turns out so once I got on Lexapro for it I started feeling better about myself physically, mentally and started expressing my feelings to my husband. He has become my rock through all of this mess.

    Just try to keep postive thoughts. This will get better for you.

    Big HUG for ya.

    Thanks so much and right now I feel I can't talk with my husband. He does so much for me and is absolutely wonderful. I don't want to burden him any more. I'm afraid I will add more pain to him. Thanks
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    toninasky said:

    I too am so sorry you are feeling so low. I know your pain also. I buried my son who was 29 of cancer in 2000, and my father also died of Cancer. I sometimes get very low, and frightened. It seems every little pain I have I relate to the breast cancer. All I can offer is my prayer for you and your family. What God allows, He also can bring us thru. You will be in my prayers each day. Smile you are loved.

    I have lost my father but the thought of a son(child) is unbearable. You are the one that needs my prayers. My feeling reach out to you and remember we are here.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    KathiM said:

    Oh dear, sweet soul. I am putting my arms around you.

    We all (me, too) have times of feeling's only natural in defense of all the terrorist tactics that cancer you post, so have we all at one time or another...

    As far as the end of life. I, too, have no fear of dying now...but, owing to my faith, there is no way that I will decided the time. That is not up to me. My father took his life, God rest his soul, my daughter died recently by someone else's hand (we are pretty sure). I am here till I am done, whenever that is.

    Believe me, any pain hubby and your family may be going thru for you, it would not hold a candle to the pain after losing you. I know.

    'Weary' is the word I used when I was facing the 2nd set of chemo/rads in 6 months (breast followed rectal). It may sound shallow, but there IS a brighter time coming!!!! Find distractions, and something every day to laugh about. And look around you, there are moments to experience that may be missed by the general unexpected bird in a tree, flowers poking up out of the ground. The smell of apple pie baking...mmmmm....and, of course, the lucious taste of chocolate!!!!

    This will pass, dearheart. If it lasts longer than a few days, consider talking to someone. I did, after the loss of a close friend to brain cancer....

    Hugs, Kathi

    Oh Kathi,
    I will take time to look around and see if I see any messages in nature. I could not imagine dealing with a sucide or a daugher dying. You having to go through are a very strong woman. I appreciate the hug and will return the generosity. Angela
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Dear Angela, what a sad day you are having. My heart goes out to you with the others. You are tired and perhaps need to rest. To rest from worry, from agonizing about our predicament, from all the pain that goes with this journey.
    Sometimes the continued thinking about it seems to keep it alive. If you could perhaps lie down for 10-20 min and just clear your head and let it all go. A sort of "hand it over to the Gods and let them sort it out" attitude because I'm not convinced we have any say in it anyway. I think this releases the pressure from you resisting the pain, fighting to feel good.

    I don't know if this makes any sense but years ago my cat taught me a good lesson in her death. Snobbish and cranky I loved her dearly and when she passed I cried like a baby. But in the midst of it, it came to me to not resist the pain but let it wash over me. And I viewed it like a third party.
    It came and went, but when it was done, it was truly done. I try to remember that experience during tough times. You honored your feelings today, raw, open and honest. Don't feel bad about it or guilty, I think it's healing.

    I often remember a quote from a movie that I think has relevance here. It is: Follow the raven into the dark and he will lead you to the light.

    On the other side of this dark and depression is joy, peace and contentment, we just need to let it blow through us without sticking.

    Angela, I don't know if I've made any sense, but do know that my heart and prayers go out to you and that you get through this.

    lots of hugs and tears
  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    I don't have much to say..just sending hugs and soothing thoughts your way and everyone who needs them.
  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Oh Angela. You have been so helpful to me over these past few weeks. I only wish I had some magic pill to make the pain go away and make it all better for you. Unfortunately, I don't. But I can understand what you are saying about the loss of your innocence. That's how I felt when my 24 year old daughter was dx with Hodgkins. I thought I would never see a another day free from fear, anger and greif. Guess what!? That was almost 17 years ago. She's still here, smiling, happy and well. And her two wonderful boys, my grandsons are here, too. I'm in the throws of breast cancer right now and chemo starts this Thursday. Once again, I'm thinking that I will worry constantly about the state of my health forever; never face a day without worrying about my cancer and how it will affect my family. But then I remember how it was with my daughter and I know that "this too shall pass." No, we won't be innocent ever again, but we will have the wisdom that allows us to be able to enjoy the sunrise and the beauty of that flower. I know you have that wisdom. It's just hiding inside of you somewhere and needs a little time to resurface. Give it that time to refresh. Hang in there, kiddo, and bless you. Hugs, Marilynn
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276

    Dear Angela, what a sad day you are having. My heart goes out to you with the others. You are tired and perhaps need to rest. To rest from worry, from agonizing about our predicament, from all the pain that goes with this journey.
    Sometimes the continued thinking about it seems to keep it alive. If you could perhaps lie down for 10-20 min and just clear your head and let it all go. A sort of "hand it over to the Gods and let them sort it out" attitude because I'm not convinced we have any say in it anyway. I think this releases the pressure from you resisting the pain, fighting to feel good.

    I don't know if this makes any sense but years ago my cat taught me a good lesson in her death. Snobbish and cranky I loved her dearly and when she passed I cried like a baby. But in the midst of it, it came to me to not resist the pain but let it wash over me. And I viewed it like a third party.
    It came and went, but when it was done, it was truly done. I try to remember that experience during tough times. You honored your feelings today, raw, open and honest. Don't feel bad about it or guilty, I think it's healing.

    I often remember a quote from a movie that I think has relevance here. It is: Follow the raven into the dark and he will lead you to the light.

    On the other side of this dark and depression is joy, peace and contentment, we just need to let it blow through us without sticking.

    Angela, I don't know if I've made any sense, but do know that my heart and prayers go out to you and that you get through this.

    lots of hugs and tears

    Thank you Jan for being there for me. I am just in a low place right now and I know it will get better if I give it time. I feel the warmth from my chat sisters and it does help. Thanks so very much. Angela
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    babs49242 said:

    I don't have much to say..just sending hugs and soothing thoughts your way and everyone who needs them.

    Hugs are great...thanks so much. Angela
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    mgm42 said:

    Oh Angela. You have been so helpful to me over these past few weeks. I only wish I had some magic pill to make the pain go away and make it all better for you. Unfortunately, I don't. But I can understand what you are saying about the loss of your innocence. That's how I felt when my 24 year old daughter was dx with Hodgkins. I thought I would never see a another day free from fear, anger and greif. Guess what!? That was almost 17 years ago. She's still here, smiling, happy and well. And her two wonderful boys, my grandsons are here, too. I'm in the throws of breast cancer right now and chemo starts this Thursday. Once again, I'm thinking that I will worry constantly about the state of my health forever; never face a day without worrying about my cancer and how it will affect my family. But then I remember how it was with my daughter and I know that "this too shall pass." No, we won't be innocent ever again, but we will have the wisdom that allows us to be able to enjoy the sunrise and the beauty of that flower. I know you have that wisdom. It's just hiding inside of you somewhere and needs a little time to resurface. Give it that time to refresh. Hang in there, kiddo, and bless you. Hugs, Marilynn

    How wonderful that you have your lovely daughter and yet another miracle with grandchildren. I wonder if I will and if I will be able to be there for them. I guess I can't look too far into the one can with or w/o cancer. I guess it is just that dream that I assumed I would and now I'm not so sure. I do have faith but unfortunately the human side of me is coming out. I wish my sisters would rally and be there. I do miss them so much. I guess I'll just trust in my sisters here that are always there. I am thankful for you and for them. Angela
  • Skybuf
    Skybuf Member Posts: 143
    Dear Angela....we are here for you. We all have 'those' days and thoughts. I remember all too well having 3 sleepless nights in a row...I didn't have anything to help me sleep then. It seemed to me the 'devil' (enemy) whatever you want to call it, was having a field day with my was like a mouse maze going on in my brain all the darkest hours when hubby went to sleep, I paced the floor, couldn't sleep or think straight. I remember going into the bathroom and closing the door, I burried my face in a large towel and just screamed, cried and wept for about an hour and a half.....then as they say, Joy comes in the morning, when I realised that 'devil' was playing with my mind I stopped...kicked it out and told it to leave me and my brain alone! I prayed for Gods peace to fill me so full there wasn't room for anything else. I don't get those thoughts anymore. I had myself a doozy of a 'pity party' and we are allowed for sure. I went to the family dr and got something to help me sleep, as he said, "If you aren't sleeping well you can't heal well" so I took the meds....zzzzz sleep well now
    This too shall pass....and I do pray God touches you where you are and His perfect peace fills your and Hugs