prophylactic mastectomy/2nd breast

ohilly Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am still in the throes of being treated for bc of my left breast (next week I will undergo a mastectomy), but true to my nature (I'm a worrier) I am already worried about the other breast. I just wondered: did anyone in the group undergo a second, prophylactic mastectomy at a later point after having treatment in the other breast which was cancerous? How long after did you have it? Was the surgery covered by insurance and did you have genetic testing first? On my mother's side there are people who had uterine cancer (but I had a complete hysterectomy) and my father's brother's daughter and my father's sister both had breast cancer. I talked to someone who told me a male can be a carrier of breast cancer. Thanks in advance for the information. If you didn't have a prophylactic mastectomy on the second breast, how often did you have the second breast mammogramed for follow-up? Ohilly


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hello Ohilly,

    Let me start my wishing you a fast recovery! I first had bc on the left side. I had a lumpectomy, underwent 6 rounds of chemo and 6 wks of rads. It had gotten into my lymph nodes. 8 months after treatment it showed up in the muscle above the left breast, back to chemo and rads. I then had 12 rounds of chemo and 10 more weeks of rads. I was then cancer free for 8 years. Last Feb 07 it returned in the right breast so I had it totally removed and underwent 4 sessions of chemo. I am now doing just fine no real worse for wear. I personally have met two gentleman who have had breast cancer. Oh, I also had a hysterectomy to ward off ovarian cancer which my mom also had. I tell my son and daughter to be watchful. Cancer is in my family, my mom survived for 26 years with it and I plan to go even longer. It is very normal to be worried and upset. I know I have certain been that way. Know that I will be lifting you in prayers as you are in treatment. Hugs to you! Rena
  • Hi Ohilly,
    Here's my scenario....
    BC on right side in 1986....radical mast and 10 months of chemo. Dr suggested removing the left breast as precaution. I elected not to do so.
    BINGO! BC on left side in 1988. Second radical mast, 10 months of chemo, 25 rads trtmts, and 7 yrs of tamoxifin.
    Not saying what you should do, but it seems to me that a bilateral mast would have saved me a lot of grief.
    And by the way, I found those months when I had only one breast much more troublesome (bras, prosthesis that didn't match, etc, etc) than after I had NO breasts at all.
    Just my slant on things.
    Good luck and God bless.
    Zahalene (aka Barbara)
  • OregonSeaStar
    OregonSeaStar Member Posts: 41
    Hi Ohilly,

    I had a mastectomy on the right side only in September '06, followed by chemo. Although I did fine with the initial surgery, I developed a seroma afterwards that required additional surgery 10 days after the first. About a month after that mastectomy, I had a port put in for the chemo.

    During chemo I also underwent testing for BRCA1 & BRCA2 because of the huge risk factors in my family. My mother and daughter have died from ovarian cancer; my grandmother had breast cancer; my father died from colon cancer (colon cancer is closely related to ovarian and breast cancer). My tests all came back negative and the oncologist was STUNNED. He said that he'd never had a patient with so many risk factors and negative testing results!

    So, based on his recommendations (he's decided to treat me as if I AM BRCA1 and BRCA2 positive), I had the second, prophylactic mastectomy on the left side done in March '07 (6 months after the first one). Recovery was much easier with this one. And, after discussions with my oncologist, my insurance company paid for it in full!

    Its been almost a year since my last mastectomy. I've healed well, my strength is slowly returning. And, although I must be vigilent for the rest of my life, there is huge relief in knowing that with the removal of the second breast, I also removed a lot of the risk of recurrance. Of course, there are no guarantees, but I needed to do what I and my oncologist thought might possibly reduce risk.

    And, incidentally, yes I miss my breasts. But I've chosen not to have reconstruction or implants, mostly because the thought of more surgery makes me cringe. A flat chest takes some getting used to especially when I previously had a chest I was quite proud of (and way too smug about, if I do say so myself!). But with the help of one of my daughters I'm learning how to dress to slightly camoflague and fool the eye, which makes me a little more comfortable going out in public.

    Good luck to you!
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I decided to have a prophylactic mastectomy on the left side at the same time as the mastectomy Drs. told me I had to have on the right. Even though they told me it was not "medically necessary" because I was not at a higher risk than any other woman for recurrence on the other side, I wanted it because I did not want to be worried. My sister had a unilateral mastectomy and it came back on the other side, then spread to other organs. I know each survivor is unique and there are no guarantees, but I just feel better knowing that, if it is going to come back it has one less place to come back to.

    That's my take on it. Talk to your Drs. and find out as much info as you can, then make your decision and live your life.

    Best wishes, seof
  • ladybluepgh
    ladybluepgh Member Posts: 76
    HI...I had a mastectomy in sept and tomorrow I meet with my surgeon to set up having the other one removed..I already checked with my insurance who said they will cover prophylactic since I have had bc 2 before menopause...I'm just too uncomfortable with the prothesis and I'm tired of wondering when I will be hit a 3rd time with cancer...I will keep you informed and good luck with your surgery..I know you will do fine..take care
  • ladybluepgh
    ladybluepgh Member Posts: 76
    hi..I went to see the surgeon today for the prophylactic mast and he was feeling around my incision from the last one...seems he found 2 more lumps that he wants to biopsy...geez..where does this end? has this happened to anyone else?