new to this

shortscake Member Posts: 228
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am new to this i was told on nov5,09 that i have breast cancer and everything has been going so fast, went to day and had my port put in nov9,09 and start chymo on nov16,09 two days before i turn 44. my family has been there for me so much we are not close but they have been calling me everyday just to check up on me i keep telling them i am fine but i am not i have never cryed so much in my life.just trying to be stong for everyone.I guess getting the port in to day just made me say to my self i do have cancer. I was like wow,what do i do now?Sorry for the long vent.Thank you


  • sherria49
    sherria49 Member Posts: 126
    Hi Shortcake!
    You have come to the right place for support!! I know it's hard, but you will come through this. Your feelings are perfectly normal. This is the perfect place to vent, cry, yell, and rejoice when you are having good days.

    Keep posting and let us know how you are doing!!

    Warm fuzzy hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coming your way!

  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    we.lcome to the boards
    Hi,I am so sorry you have breast Cancer.I was diganosed in July.I have had two surgerys ,chemo and getting ready for Radiation.I am just getting used to losing my hair a month ago.I know just starting it seams like you will never get through all this,but you will.And if you have family their for you that sure will help.These boards will be a God scent if you let them.they have helped me so much.Any hour day or night you can come on here and ask advice or talk about what you are going through.And everyone is so nice.They either been their or are their.I will say a Prayer for you.I know how hard it was for me when I first heard.Please keep us posted on how you are doing.You can send a private message if you want.God bless you.(Pat)
  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    This is the best place to come to vent, be angry, be sad - it's a huge shock to be told "it's cancer" It's OK to feel everything you are feeling - You don't need to be strong for your family right now - it's OK not to be right now! Try to take care of you - you didn't mention if you have anyone close,(spouse, partner, close friends) to be there with you. If so, let them help you as much as you need! It sounds like everything is moving fast and you know what's coming so that's a good thing - usually the waiting is the worst part. Do you know what your diagnosis is? Stage, grade, etc?
    You will find alot of love and support here - everyone here has been touched by the beast and we are in this together! We are here to encourage you, share what we know and just accept whatever you feel like sharing with us. You have a whole bunch of sisters who love you already!
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    I am by far not an old-timer here...
    but I feel safe to tell you to never apologize for venting. As others have said to me and I will say to you, so sorry you have to be here, but you're in the best place there is if you've been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am one of the first of many, I'm very sure, that will post a reply. Without a doubt, getting the diagnosis of cancer is very scary, but it is very important to stay focused on beating it! I remember when I got my diagnosis in June of this year... I was sitting alone in my living room when I received a phone call... yes a phone call, from my doctor to tell me that my biopsy was malignant and I indeed had cancer. I stood up and started pacing thrusting my arm as if to shake it out of me. My dog sensed my emotions and started crying in a pitch I'd never heard before. She ran down to my boys as if to tell them something was wrong with mom. I had denied it up until that point, thinking, hoping & praying that it wasn't cancer. I went through another scare afterwards when a doctor told me he thought it was attached to my muscle and that "50% of women die from this" (being a more positive person, I would've much preferred to hear that 50% of women survived this). Needless to say, I went elsewhere. It turns out he was wrong. I had a mastectomy on August 27th and have had my first chemo treatment and will have my 2nd this week. My hair has fallen out, but I must say, I have come a very long way since that day I first heard the almost numbing news. Stick around on these boards and you will read some very inspiring words and meet some very amazing survivors. It's not like it used to be. There may not be a 'cure' for cancer, but we can beat it and go on to live a very long and fulfilling life. Put your boxing gloves on... it's time to battle the beast and know, without a doubt, that you can win!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    Welcome to the site although sorry for your reason to be here. Everything does go pretty fast at first and you just want to stop & breathe! I completely understand your family situation, mine is similiar, however, you need to be strong for "YOU"! You have to put YOU first now. They will deal with this in their own way. Yes, having a port installed does tend to smack you with reality into the cancer world! Been there...What do you do now? Take it one day at a time! That's all we can do. You are going to be on a roller coaster of emotions throughout all this, but just know you have come to the right place! We are here for you. We understand! Vent away!
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    I was told that i have
    I was told that i have invasive ductal carcinoma stage 3. I was to get married on Feb14,10 on the beach but right now i have put that off. we are going to get married just not a wedding.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192

    I was told that i have
    I was told that i have invasive ductal carcinoma stage 3. I was to get married on Feb14,10 on the beach but right now i have put that off. we are going to get married just not a wedding.

    I also have IDC, there are several of us. Do you know what your Estrogen/Progesterone/Her2 status is? Why put off the marriage? That's wonderful! Conratulations! How awesome on a beach too! It will give you something to reach towards. When I'm finally at the finish line, I plan to go on a trip somewhere to celebrate, somewhere tropical...maybe Hawaii. :-)
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    right now they are starting
    right now they are starting me on abraxane and carboplatin. I change my mind about the wedding didnt want to be looking sick on my big whe are just going to do the courthouse and then go to the beach for a couple of days.I am going this weekend to have my hair cut low so when it start to come out i will be ok with it.i hope, has anyone been on this treatment with these two drugs? if so how was it?
  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    Sorry for what you are going
    Sorry for what you are going through. Everyone here definitely understands and we are all here for you.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Welcome, shortscake. Just
    Welcome, shortscake. Just wanted to let you know we are all here for you and we'll get through this together. It is overwhelming at first but just take a breath and know you're in good company. There are many women on this board and we are all in different stages of treatment. Some are through treatment and just here to help the rest of us on our way. It's an amazing site and I'm glad you found us!! Keep posting.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570

    right now they are starting
    right now they are starting me on abraxane and carboplatin. I change my mind about the wedding didnt want to be looking sick on my big whe are just going to do the courthouse and then go to the beach for a couple of days.I am going this weekend to have my hair cut low so when it start to come out i will be ok with it.i hope, has anyone been on this treatment with these two drugs? if so how was it?

    Welcome, Shortscake. So you
    Welcome, Shortscake. So you are having chemo first, then surgery? I am stage 3 as well. I am a year and a half out from surgery (bilateral mastectomy). Hang on tight and we will all hang on with you!

    I was not on the drugs that you will be on, but someone will chime in.

    xoxoxo Lynn
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    elm3544 said:

    Sorry for what you are going
    Sorry for what you are going through. Everyone here definitely understands and we are all here for you.

    Hi and welcome shortcake. I
    Hi and welcome shortcake. I am so sorry that you are having to go thru all of this. We are here to help and support you always.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192

    right now they are starting
    right now they are starting me on abraxane and carboplatin. I change my mind about the wedding didnt want to be looking sick on my big whe are just going to do the courthouse and then go to the beach for a couple of days.I am going this weekend to have my hair cut low so when it start to come out i will be ok with it.i hope, has anyone been on this treatment with these two drugs? if so how was it?

    I apologize! I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was thinking not this year coming up(being right around the corner)but the following. I'm blaming Chemo brain. :-) So that is understandable. At least you still get the beach! Why not hire a JoftheP and just you two exchange your vows on the beach? Just an idea.. That's very brave of you to get a headstart on the hair loss. Just be's still a tough thing to go through. I am on Carboplatin and really couldn't tell you if my side effects are related to that or the Taxotere or even both. I lean more towards the Taxotere. I have found the best thing to do is to go to and research the drugs you will be on & you will know what to expect. We are all so different. What we may suffer from may not be the same case for you. The best advice is to drink ALOT of water & eat in small portions. (Just incase, stock some baking soda or Biotene mouthwash,Immodium & Senokot). I keep a notebook starting from the day of Chemo to the next one of all my side effects daily to share with my Oncologist. Hope this helps.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi, shortscake
    I was diagnosed in Sept, getting chemo first then lumpectomy. My third round is Nov. 16. Do you know what kind they're giving you? Best wishes to you.
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Shortscake
    Welcome to this awsome sight with these awsome women who will help you through this. I remember the first time I said to myself - "I have cancer". It was something I never thought would happen to me, but it did and now, a year out of surgery, 8 months out of chemo and 5 months out of rads, it still seems surreal to me. I tried to treat it like it was just a bump in the road, and was oh so strong around everyone, but inside I cried. I still don't want my family to know how much I was hurting inside, I think it would freak them out. I was on taxotere and carboplatin, and had virtually no side effects due to the anti nausea medicine she put in the iv before the chemo, then took anti nausea pills for three days after. I was a little nauseous, but never threw up until the very end after the last chemo. My hair fell out so I bought a red play wig and a big green fuzzy hat and called myself the Christmas tree! If you live in a cold winter climate, I strongly suggest wigs and hats and heavy scarves. Its amazing how cold your head can get. But now, hair's grown back and according to everyone around me, life resumes and goes on as before. If they only knew!!!!
    Hugs and prayers - Pat
  • Kim59
    Kim59 Member Posts: 43
    I am new to this too. I was
    I am new to this too. I was told on Sept 23 that I have breast cancer. I elected to have a bilateral mastectomy (on Oct 30th) with immediate reconstruction. I am now postop day 11. I have expanders in so I am feeling a lot of discomfort. Will be seeing an Oncologist soon. I am stage 2A with negative nodes. I am feeling some of the same things you are. I have a lot of family support and deep faith in God. I have done a lot of reseach regarding my type of cancer and I pray a lot.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Kim59 said:

    I am new to this too. I was
    I am new to this too. I was told on Sept 23 that I have breast cancer. I elected to have a bilateral mastectomy (on Oct 30th) with immediate reconstruction. I am now postop day 11. I have expanders in so I am feeling a lot of discomfort. Will be seeing an Oncologist soon. I am stage 2A with negative nodes. I am feeling some of the same things you are. I have a lot of family support and deep faith in God. I have done a lot of reseach regarding my type of cancer and I pray a lot.

    Welcome shortscake and
    Welcome shortscake and Kim59. This is an awesome website. Help is always available, and either someone has or is going thru some or all of the emotions and physical pain you gals will or are experiencing. This isnt the easiest walk, but their is such great support here.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    natly15 said:

    Welcome shortscake and
    Welcome shortscake and Kim59. This is an awesome website. Help is always available, and either someone has or is going thru some or all of the emotions and physical pain you gals will or are experiencing. This isnt the easiest walk, but their is such great support here.

    Glad you found the boards
    Shortscake and Kim59 wish neither of you had to be here but glad you found the boards. You will be blessed with help and insight from the amazing women that answered above and many more along the way. Never apologize for venting and feel confident that any question is okay to ask. My prayers will be with you both.

  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Kim59 said:

    I am new to this too. I was
    I am new to this too. I was told on Sept 23 that I have breast cancer. I elected to have a bilateral mastectomy (on Oct 30th) with immediate reconstruction. I am now postop day 11. I have expanders in so I am feeling a lot of discomfort. Will be seeing an Oncologist soon. I am stage 2A with negative nodes. I am feeling some of the same things you are. I have a lot of family support and deep faith in God. I have done a lot of reseach regarding my type of cancer and I pray a lot.

    I am also new..
    My cancer was found during my breast reduction on Sept 25. I had just had a breast mri in January and another in late July that showed nothing. When I met with my cancer surgeon he said that the cancer should have showed and due to my strong family history of breast cancer (mother and two sisters all deceased) recommended a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction asap. To be honest I have been somewhat freaked out like some of the others on this site... trying to recover from the breast reduction has been difficult (I am 6 weeks out and still sore) and now will have to do it all over again on Dec 5. I have been trying to stay strong for my family but it is hard to show a brave face everyday when you really don't feel brave inside. I have so many questions and didn't know where to look for answers until today.. Thank you for sharing your stories and please keep your fingers xx for me and will keep you all in prayer.
  • myturn
    myturn Member Posts: 11
    HI, New to this also
    I am starting my first Chemo treatment tomorrow. Any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated.