Is this a Chemo s/e?

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
The tips of my fingers on one hand have become numb & on one of my fingers and also the ball of one of my feet are red, swollen, & feel like they are blistered. Is this a s/e and what can I do? Strangest things....
Thanks for your help!


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    I know that taxol and
    I know that taxol and taxotere can cause neuropathy ... tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. I don't know about the redness and blisters are your feet. I would definitely call your onocologist.

    Take care,
  • elizarose
    elizarose Member Posts: 124
    The numbness can be a side
    The numbness can be a side effect of the chemo but I haven't heard about the red swollen feet. You definitely need to talk to your oncologist.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Cathy - Are you on taxotere ? I am
    and yes, these are chemo induced side efforts .. for me. My left ankle is swollen and red right around the ankle bone, aching feels like bruise or pulled muscle.

    Call onc and confirm.

    Please let us know.

  • lovelylola
    lovelylola Member Posts: 279
    As the others have said - the numbness definitely is a s/e of taxotere and taxol called neuropathy. Not sure on the swelling but it you had a Neulasta shot it does affect joints, bones, etc and this could be related to it.
    Definitely check with your doctor
    I have started a little notebook, you know those 5x7 kind you can find at Walmart, Kmart or Target. The front of it is my journaling and the back 5 pages I've saved for s/e. Confirmed or questions to ask the doctor. I figured that I didn't want to be on chemo brain and not remember that the doc had confirmed it a s/e. I'm leaving space with each s/e to put notes on what can be done medically or approved homeopathically to help. I have a feeling that it will be a lifesaver, especially if I can't remember which thread I found a suggestions from my wonderful cheer leading team on these boards. I actually noted the name of the thread and date to reference because some are long.
    Hope this helps. The neuropathy was one of the reasons it was really hard to decide on which cocktail I wanted to take but it seemed better for me than the heart risk on the other.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Thank you ladies for all the info. Yes, I am on Taxotere/Carboplatin. I called the Oncologists office & first received a lecture because I waited to call. I had only noticed this a few days ago. It's not really bothering me too much so I didn't think it was a big deal until the swelling on my foot got larger. My Onc. had just left for a week so we ended up making an appointment for Monday morning with another doc. The concern seems to be with my foot & finger. All this is located on my right side only.(?)They said if it got worse to go to the ER, otherwise they don't know what to tell me to do in the meantime. Except to stay off of it. Will update Monday after I get more info.
    Lola-Great idea!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Cat64 said:

    Thank you ladies for all the info. Yes, I am on Taxotere/Carboplatin. I called the Oncologists office & first received a lecture because I waited to call. I had only noticed this a few days ago. It's not really bothering me too much so I didn't think it was a big deal until the swelling on my foot got larger. My Onc. had just left for a week so we ended up making an appointment for Monday morning with another doc. The concern seems to be with my foot & finger. All this is located on my right side only.(?)They said if it got worse to go to the ER, otherwise they don't know what to tell me to do in the meantime. Except to stay off of it. Will update Monday after I get more info.
    Lola-Great idea!

    Cat sending prayers and
    Cat sending prayers and positive vibes your way. Please let us know what the doc has to say on Monday. Take it easy this weekend.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Cat64 said:

    Thank you ladies for all the info. Yes, I am on Taxotere/Carboplatin. I called the Oncologists office & first received a lecture because I waited to call. I had only noticed this a few days ago. It's not really bothering me too much so I didn't think it was a big deal until the swelling on my foot got larger. My Onc. had just left for a week so we ended up making an appointment for Monday morning with another doc. The concern seems to be with my foot & finger. All this is located on my right side only.(?)They said if it got worse to go to the ER, otherwise they don't know what to tell me to do in the meantime. Except to stay off of it. Will update Monday after I get more info.
    Lola-Great idea!

    Hands and feet
    I'm on, or was till last week, on Taxol. That's the culpret. The bottoms of my feet very red and swollen. My fingers didn't have as much tingling. The were also red and puffy. I've devoloped " splits", esp on my thumbs.
    I, or my husband would rub lotion and I would elevate my feet. That seem to help sooo much. Who dosen't love their feet rubbed? My fingers are getting better since I've stopped the Taxol. Good luck and take care.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Katz77 said:

    Hands and feet
    I'm on, or was till last week, on Taxol. That's the culpret. The bottoms of my feet very red and swollen. My fingers didn't have as much tingling. The were also red and puffy. I've devoloped " splits", esp on my thumbs.
    I, or my husband would rub lotion and I would elevate my feet. That seem to help sooo much. Who dosen't love their feet rubbed? My fingers are getting better since I've stopped the Taxol. Good luck and take care.

    Thank You
    Natly! I do plan to take it "mostly" easy this weekend.
    Katz-That explains it perfectly. Where the area is red & swollen on my finger and heel there is like a "split" in the skin. I'm hoping to be done with Chemo but won't know for sure until Thursday's visit with the surgeon to see if I'm ready for surgery or not. After this last treatment I am surely hoping so!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Side Effects

    Keep an eye on the swelling and tingling. It is serious in the fact that it can lead to other problems like circulation problems, or sy you hurt your feet and hands and do not realize it because they are numb, swollen and tingling. The injury can lead to infection. It is kind of like what a Diabetic has to check for and watch out for. I have been pretty fortunate. My fingertips are sore, tender, and tingling only the first two weeks after an infusion. After that, everything goes back to normal. My finger nails and toe nails are dark and have white streaks like I have been poisoned or something. Oh, I guess I have with the chemo drugs.

    Anyway. Stay on top of it.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    aztec45 said:

    Side Effects

    Keep an eye on the swelling and tingling. It is serious in the fact that it can lead to other problems like circulation problems, or sy you hurt your feet and hands and do not realize it because they are numb, swollen and tingling. The injury can lead to infection. It is kind of like what a Diabetic has to check for and watch out for. I have been pretty fortunate. My fingertips are sore, tender, and tingling only the first two weeks after an infusion. After that, everything goes back to normal. My finger nails and toe nails are dark and have white streaks like I have been poisoned or something. Oh, I guess I have with the chemo drugs.

    Anyway. Stay on top of it.


    Visit w/Oncologist
    Went in this morning to see the Onc. and of course these s/e are from the Chemo.(I knew that!)
    He recommended using Vitamin E cream on the blisters. Said to keep it covered & do not puncture the blisters! It is an over-the-counter med but I had a hard time finding someone that had it. Now that I have that out of the way, I'm looking forward to seeing the surgeon on Thursday & hoping he tells me I am done with the Chemo & can move on to surgery and get this beast out of me! Wish me luck!
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Visit w/Oncologist
    Went in this morning to see the Onc. and of course these s/e are from the Chemo.(I knew that!)
    He recommended using Vitamin E cream on the blisters. Said to keep it covered & do not puncture the blisters! It is an over-the-counter med but I had a hard time finding someone that had it. Now that I have that out of the way, I'm looking forward to seeing the surgeon on Thursday & hoping he tells me I am done with the Chemo & can move on to surgery and get this beast out of me! Wish me luck!

    Glad to hear
    that you got some answers and some relief for your discomfort today. Hope you're feet and hands are feeling better real soon.

    I'll be sending my prayers your way on Thursday that you get good new from your surgeon!

    Take care,
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member

    Glad to hear
    that you got some answers and some relief for your discomfort today. Hope you're feet and hands are feeling better real soon.

    I'll be sending my prayers your way on Thursday that you get good new from your surgeon!

    Take care,

    Good news!
    The Vitamin E cream has just about cleared up the blisters in one day! My feet aren't as sore either. They started to get really dry on the heels & it's clearing that up as well. That's amazing! Guess now I'll try it on my peeling hands. Great stuff!
    Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Good news!
    The Vitamin E cream has just about cleared up the blisters in one day! My feet aren't as sore either. They started to get really dry on the heels & it's clearing that up as well. That's amazing! Guess now I'll try it on my peeling hands. Great stuff!
    Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers!

    Cathy .. You are my sister from another Mother ...
    You and I have had such similiar side efforts, and so early in the game .. My face, arm and leg's and hand ... are peeling .. I just slather on the creams all day long ...

    Prayers to you my friend.

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Cathy .. You are my sister from another Mother ...
    You and I have had such similiar side efforts, and so early in the game .. My face, arm and leg's and hand ... are peeling .. I just slather on the creams all day long ...

    Prayers to you my friend.


    Sister Vicki
    I was the oldest & only girl with 4 brothers & I always wanted a sister! Never thought I'd have so many and it would take bc to get them. We truly have been side by side w/the s/e. Know what ya mean about the creams, I've never lubed myself up so much in so many different places before! Can't help but wonder what's next?
    Prayers & Hugz