hair,help please

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi,My hair is growing back thank goodness.But it is only like a half inch now.It sticks straight up.The thing is it hurts when i lay down to sleep.It feels like a porky pine.I tryed putting a conditioner on it thinking that would soften it up.but that didn,t help.Does anyone have suggestions.I know it might sound silly to some,but it really hurts.I also got marked and having first radiation treatment today.Thanks everyone.Love and prayers(Pat).


  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    Just a suggestion
    But when you lay down to sleep, how about some gel to lay it down flat? I'm on the opposite end of the stick and have left a short bob on top (thinking about having it all shaved real soon), but at times, if my hair is sticking straight up, it hurts, but if I lay it down flat, it feels better. Not sure if that's an option for you, but thought I would share. As long as it's growing, this should be VERY short lived for you! Can't wait to be at your stage! Congrats!! :)

    Hugs ~ Mar
  • calvertcrafts
    calvertcrafts Member Posts: 93 Member
    hair hurt
    My husband was in the Air Force a long time ago and when they shaved his head, to prevent the hair from sticking up, at night they put gel on and then a piece of pantyhose to hold it down. It might help.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Good luck, Pat, on your
    Good luck, Pat, on your radiation today. It's much quicker than chemo, takes about 5-10 minutes once they get you set up. I'll be doing my 5th treatment today so we'll share notes. Can't offer any suggestions on your hair though. I know when I wear a headwrap (scarf) during the day, my hair is plastered to my head at night when I take it off. I bet the pantyhose idea would work great. You might look a little silly but it will be dark so no one will see you. LOL.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    FastFood conditioner
    Did you try a leave in conditioner? I like the product called FastFood by AG. It has aloe in it and really seems to soothe and soften my hair. Hope this helps!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    FastFood conditioner
    Did you try a leave in conditioner? I like the product called FastFood by AG. It has aloe in it and really seems to soothe and soften my hair. Hope this helps!

    Thanks .. Sisters in Pink ...
    I'm having the same problem, however what really werids me out is when I go to sleep and lay on my one of my sides, it seems like my scalp is a wiggle worm. As soon as I settle on my side it takes a minute or 2 for the my scalp and it various folds to settle into my pillow.

    I guess I'am werid, or perhaps it my memory form pillow.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Thanks .. Sisters in Pink ...
    I'm having the same problem, however what really werids me out is when I go to sleep and lay on my one of my sides, it seems like my scalp is a wiggle worm. As soon as I settle on my side it takes a minute or 2 for the my scalp and it various folds to settle into my pillow.

    I guess I'am werid, or perhaps it my memory form pillow.


    Pat I know it is sounds awful
    But I shaved mine again when they were about 1 inch and write. I had similar problem with my new hair they came out different in texture, so I did it again. It was easy for the second time,
    Good luck with radiation
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    You have half an inch? I'm
    You have half an inch? I'm so jealous. I finished chemo in Sept. and I only have maybe an eighth of an inch if that.....where's my hair? I want it!
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    thanks for your replys.
    I appriatte your replys.i will try the hair gel.And I might add that i have shaved mine twice.My hair usually does grow fast,so I was hoping it would this time.I will be glad when it gets out of this stage.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
  • e_hope
    e_hope Member Posts: 370
    My hair is also growing back
    My hair is also growing back but I am not having that issue.. have you tried a sleeping cap? might make it feel more comfortable till it gets a little longer

    and dyaneb... mine is only about an 1/8 to maybe... being generous here a 1/4 inch long.. i finished chemo Aug 25. I have shaved once since it started growing back trying to make it more even...
  • rac
    rac Member Posts: 2
    hurting hair...
    I buzzed my hair on the 14th day after my first treatment. It hurts, it's sensitive. I purchased a light knit cap from H & M and also have a light nylon cap by Nike to wear around the house or to bed. It doesn't hurt with the cap.
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    rac said:

    hurting hair...
    I buzzed my hair on the 14th day after my first treatment. It hurts, it's sensitive. I purchased a light knit cap from H & M and also have a light nylon cap by Nike to wear around the house or to bed. It doesn't hurt with the cap.

    So Glad
    So glad you posted this. I cut my hair short 3 weeks ago. I week before 1st chemo. It is now 14 days after 1st chemo. My hair hurts. It is falling out like crazy. The kids are going to buzz me tomorrow repayment for all the bad hair cuts when they were little kids. But I am wondering- what do I do once it is gone. My head is driving me nuts now. Suggestions on lotions?

  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    always said:

    So Glad
    So glad you posted this. I cut my hair short 3 weeks ago. I week before 1st chemo. It is now 14 days after 1st chemo. My hair hurts. It is falling out like crazy. The kids are going to buzz me tomorrow repayment for all the bad hair cuts when they were little kids. But I am wondering- what do I do once it is gone. My head is driving me nuts now. Suggestions on lotions?


    Yep that's the sign that it needs to be shaved. Your scalp gets sore. You will feel better once it's done. Well,your scalp will anyway. I didn't shave mine completely bald,just enough stubble to feel like a bristly floor mat,and irritatingly enough to have to sleep with a turban on or I stick to the pillow. I had the same question before my buzz. I just use Baby shampoo and don't have any problems at all. If you want to search it I think it was called "Baldness". There were some good tips. A little itching here & there and when it gets sore again I know it's time to bust out the lint roller. My kids had a good time cutting my hair & shaving it.(never thought of why!)It's good that you are including them in the process.
    That's a tough step to take but you can do this!
  • always
    always Member Posts: 256
    Cat64 said:

    Yep that's the sign that it needs to be shaved. Your scalp gets sore. You will feel better once it's done. Well,your scalp will anyway. I didn't shave mine completely bald,just enough stubble to feel like a bristly floor mat,and irritatingly enough to have to sleep with a turban on or I stick to the pillow. I had the same question before my buzz. I just use Baby shampoo and don't have any problems at all. If you want to search it I think it was called "Baldness". There were some good tips. A little itching here & there and when it gets sore again I know it's time to bust out the lint roller. My kids had a good time cutting my hair & shaving it.(never thought of why!)It's good that you are including them in the process.
    That's a tough step to take but you can do this!

    Thanks Cathy I will look for Baldness. Pat I saw another post where you are trying to decide to shave it for another round. I didn't mean to jump in the middle of your discussion. Hope you got the answers you need to make a decision.
